The Leila Hann Let's Watch Spoiler Thread: Seriously, Stop Spoiling Stuff

Please just stop lying.
I could say the same to you.

You're presenting the show as if it knew what it was doing the whole time and never made any mistakes or changed its direction ever. We're not demonizing it, you're lionizing it.
I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge that the show has flaws. The writing of the Faunu Plotline is the most prominent example.

What I'm not willing to do is pretend that it didn't get anything right. There's plenty of stuff that the show got right. And frankly, Ironwood's fall was incredibly well done.

When we see him at the beginning of the show, the framing leads us to believe that he's going to be one of those stock "authority figures that is in conflict with the heroes" figures, but then that expectation is subverted the first time he interacts with RWBY.

But even as he shows himself to be a deeper character than the first assumption, we see his flaws. The show depicts them while preventing us from registering him as a villain by pointing them at people besides the protagonists. We see how the antagonists are able to use his flaws to play him like a fiddle. This goes on, his flaws continually worsening as he faces more stress, until the Antaognists manipulations cause him to be pointed at the protagonists.
More like "until Ruby suddenly has a bitchfit about declaring martial law WHILE UNDER ATTACK".
"Oh no, there's more army forces coming into the city TO BEAT BACK THE GRIMM HORDES, this is truly the death of democracy!"
This is the most dishonest BS I've ever seen. You've already been told that what Ruby objected to was Ironwood abandoning Mantle. I know you've been told this, because I'm the one who told that, on the last page. We both know damn well that Ironwood was going to pull his military forces out and abandon mantle to rot. That's what Team RWBY's objection was.

And here is the episode where that actually happens, so everyone can see that you're blatantly lying:
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This is the most dishonest BS I've ever seen. You've already been told that what Ruby objected to was Ironwood abandoning Mantle. I know you've been told this, because I'm the one who told that, on the last page. We both know damn well that Ironwood was going to pull his military forces out and abandon mantle to rot. That's what Team RWBY's objection was.

And here is the episode where that actually happens, so everyone can see that you're blatantly lying:

It surely isn't that hard to link to the legitimate content when it's freely available on the web, instead of some random channel's pirated mirror, is it?
Well, this review is not gonna lead anywhere productive, knowing Leila. Also, guys, I get the controversy but if you're going to talk about this, could you at least not keep rehashing the same arguments we've been going over in the RWBY thread for the past six or so months?
This is the most dishonest BS I've ever seen. You've already been told that what Ruby objected to was Ironwood abandoning Mantle. I know you've been told this, because I'm the one who told that, on the last page. We both know damn well that Ironwood was going to pull his military forces out and abandon mantle to rot. That's what Team RWBY's objection was.
Remind me what Ruby was doing while FNKI held the line? Drinking tea, wasn't it, in an opulent mansion, while other people fought to protect civilians from Grimm?

Ruby can't have actually objected to abandoning the people of Mantle, because she did so herself.

But that doesn't fit your narrative, so you either push it out of your mind, or you lie by omission.
Rule 3: Be Civil
Might be because Jcogg speaks Spanish.

It seemed to me that the part that Ruby was objecting to was the martial law, since that's what she squeaked about on the phone at the end of the episode. If the objectionable part is instead "abandoning Mantle", then Ruby becomes even more to blame, because she would rather betray Ironwood than try and compromise with him - namely, asking to complete the evacuation, or asking what Ironwood will do after he steers Atlas away from Mantle. And if the answer to that is "Ironwood's gonna fly off into space with the whole city", then that is just stupid, stupid writing going full force into dictating an IRON MAN BAD narrative, and what was even the point of painting him as sympathetic if you're going to make him a total dumdum at the one moment that matters?
1. Her exact words were "Ironwood's declaring martial law and abandoning mantle. Salem is coming and he's going to use the staff to move Atlas. If we don't stop him Mantle's going to be de-" so it seems pretty damn clear that abandoning mantle is what she has a problem with
2. Shut the fuck up with this "She would rather betray Ironwood than Compromise with him". She tried to get him to see reason and stop. She tried the peaceful route. Ironwood refused to budge, Ironwood made it clear that there could be not compromise only obedience to him, and Ironwood was the first one to try and instigate violence.

Remind me what Ruby was doing while FNKI held the line? Drinking tea, wasn't it, in an opulent mansion, while other people fought to protect civilians from Grimm?

Ruby can't have actually objected to abandoning the people of Mantle, because she did so herself.

But that doesn't fit your narrative, so you either push it out of your mind, or you lie by omission.
Shove the dishonest horseshit back up your ass.

Ruby never abandoned Mantle. What she did was prioritize calling other people for help, because she believed that was the best way to save Mantle. And because Ruby actually trusts her team unlike Ironwood, when some of her team objected to that plan, she didn't declare them enemies, she had the teams split up in order to try and accomplish both things at once.

Once she succeeded in her part of the plan, she had injured team mate on her hands and she had to find a place where she could recover. And there was no clear path ahead of her to take. She couldn't go to the frontlines, because she has every reason to expect Ironwood to order his men to attack her and her team.
Shove the dishonest horseshit back up your ass.

Ruby never abandoned Mantle. What she did was prioritize calling other people for help, because she believed that was the best way to save Mantle. And because Ruby actually trusts her team unlike Ironwood, when some of her team objected to that plan, she didn't declare them enemies, she had the teams split up in order to try and accomplish both things at once.

Once she succeeded in her part of the plan, she had injured team mate on her hands and she had to find a place where she could recover. And there was no clear path ahead of her to take. She couldn't go to the frontlines, because she has every reason to expect Ironwood to order his men to attack her and her team.
Ironwood trusted Ruby's team enough to inform them of his plans pretty much the instant they arrived, but because someone later said that he doesn't trust his allies, you believe what is said rather than what is shown.

This is a reoccurring pattern in RWBY. Something will happen on the screen, where we will see it, and then later someone will say something that contradicts what we saw. It's been pointed out in detail in Leila's reviews how this works.

Why are you still falling for it?
"But Ironwood, we should be using the staff on Amity to let everyone know about Salem!"
That's not offering the peaceful route. That's putting the original plan in priority over their immediate survival against Salem's imminent attack, which ALSO jeopardizes Mantle. Plus RWBY has all the tools to make compromise, since not only do they have Penny on their side, but Winter also has her last-ditch faith leaning in their favor rather than Ironwood's. And Ruby responds with betrayal when the Aesop's conclusion is "we exhausted ourselves enough just fighting the Grimm last episode" rather than offering to continue fighting even without the Aesops until evacuation is completed like she and Penny would surely keep doing.
Dude, stop trying to lie to my face like I didn't watch the vucking episode I've linked to twice already.

Ironwood trusted Ruby's team enough to inform them of his plans pretty much the instant they arrived, but because someone later said that he doesn't trust his allies, you believe what is said rather than what is shown.

This is a reoccurring pattern in RWBY. Something will happen on the screen, where we will see it, and then later someone will say something that contradicts what we saw. It's been pointed out in detail in Leila's reviews how this works.

Why are you still falling for it?
Trust is more than just sharing information with people.

Trust is accepting that other people's input is as valid as your own thoughts. Trust is understanding that "Disagrees with me" is not a betrayal

The fact that Ironwood slipped in a killswitch that let's him shut down his "allies" ability to communicate shows pretty clearly that he never actually trusted them.
Oh my god.

This is not the "bitch at RWBY thread".

This is the thread for discussion spoilery stuff related to Leila's reviews.

Which you are not doing.

Please stop.
(looks at what happened) This is the worst part of any RWBY reviews by Leila in my opinion. I don't think anything else by her makes either of the two threads for her content become so heated and it can feel a bit uncomfortable to see. At least we're guaranteed to not have any more of that for a long time once she gets through the other 2 episodes, even if the next commissioned reviews after that is more Bakemonogatari.
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Remind me, how close are we to Snake?

She's got the first couple updates of that done on the Patreon and uh... She might not be continuing? Because JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH-

"Hmm, leila liked FMA, maybe she'll like this supernatural harem anime centred around a pedophile whose harem also helps him groom younger girls"

Leila: "I think this might be illegal to watch and own in my country"

thank u, very cool
Say is there anymore Chainsaw Man on the list? Might commision myself some chapters if not.
There's volume 2 of that on the list.

Edit: In regards to Nadeko Snake, I focus on the later monogatari stuff and haven't touched the earlier parts in years. Still, what I'm reminded of what those parts are mentioned does make it unsurprising that Nadeko Snake would cause a reaction like that.
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Yeah, that's why I asked, Snake is IIRC the absolute nadir of the series.
I suppose I'll add Bakemonogatari to Jojo and RWBY for "shows Leila reviews where people insist that THIS part is the worst part of the show for EVERY part of the show". Mayoi Snail still feels like it should qualify as the worst of the five arcs Leila is reviewing based on the age of the titular character alone.
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I suppose I'll add Bakemonogatari to Jojo and RWBY for "shows Leila reviews where people insist that THIS part is the worst part of the show for EVERY part of the show".
Still waiting for the commissions of the entire rest of Jojo so that in 2025, we can finally say "Don't worry Leila, the worst is over you can FINALLY watch Part 7 where Jojo actually gets good for real this time".
I suppose I'll add Bakemonogatari to Jojo and RWBY for "shows Leila reviews where people insist that THIS part is the worst part of the show for EVERY part of the show". Mayoi still feels like it should qualify as the worst of the five arcs Leila is reviewing based on the age of the titular character alone.

As someone who likes parts of the show, I think all of them are forgetting about a certain scene involving the vampire in the next season.

I would also sadly have to say that this is a series that definitely never gets rid of the bad parts, one just tries to forget about them to focus on the good parts and then very carefully warn people what they're in for if they ever dare to recommend it. Which they won't to 90% of the people they know because they understand they'll be rightly judged for the bad parts.
Right. While Nadeko Snake has stuff in it that would turn Leila off, especially after how Mayoi greatly impacted her view of the show, I wouldn't consider it to be the low point of the series. I would look at Nisemonogatari for that, with the vampire scene being the highlight.
As someone who likes parts of the show, I think all of them are forgetting about a certain scene involving the vampire in the next season.

I would also sadly have to say that this is a series that definitely never gets rid of the bad parts, one just tries to forget about them to focus on the good parts and then very carefully warn people what they're in for if they ever dare to recommend it. Which they won't to 90% of the people they know because they understand they'll be rightly judged for the bad parts.
Yeah, when remembering Monogatari people generally block out the unfortunate fanservice and only remember the deep philosophical shit. The whole series is really just a question of whether the good parts are enough of a draw to keep you invested despite the bad parts doing their best to push you away and whether your bullshit tolerance can withstand the hyper creeper stuff in the first place. I genuinely wish they'd toned that shit down, because I myself wound up bailing on it after the second season. What I've seen and heard of the later seasons seems really fucking good, special mention goes to everything involving Kaiki, but I also know that the skeevy stuff inevitably gets ramped up too.