The Leila Hann Let's Watch Spoiler Thread: Seriously, Stop Spoiling Stuff

Yeah, when remembering Monogatari people generally block out the unfortunate fanservice and only remember the deep philosophical shit.
I think this is just a thing a lot of fans do with a series they enjoy, tbh. I mean, when Leila was reviewing Stardust Crusaders? I absolutely, 100% had forgotten about how the fight with Forever/Strength has the bits with "yo let's watch a pre-pubesent child shower then get attacked by a rapey Orangutan"; Leila even commented outright that if you took out that entire scene you had a pretty fun peak Jojo Is Bizarre fight going on with Jotaro facing down a monkey in a ship captain's suit and all that. That's not even mentioning the entirety of the Alessi/Mariah fights she didn't review since she stopped watching before that, which are just. Well, one is "let's have naked child Polnareff lusting after an adult woman" and basically the entire Mariah fight is one long "lmao no homo" joke; it's probably good that she stopped reviewing before the latter especially, I could see that setting off a shitload of triggers for her.
I still don't think I got an answer for whether Monogatari was legit in its insights, or just intellectually dishonest for the sake of boobies.
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Monogatari has, interesting ideas to it, some nice gags and visuals.
I watched it years ago and was entertained by most of what i saw.

But it also has many, many, so many, shitty things in it.
Snail is i think the worst, or atleast bad in the most obvious way, but snake is, also, pretty terrible.
I still don't think I got an answer for whether Monogatari was legit in its insights, or just intellectually dishonest for the sake of boobies.
I don't know what your original question was and I'm not going to dig through the thread for it, but from everything I've seen it's legit. It's just that all of it is through the lens of an explicitly biased narrator who is also a very horny teenager and they definitely revel in that aspect of the story like a pig rolling around in mud. Everything I've heard about the Kaiki-centric segments from later on, where (apparently) events are seen through the lens of his optimistic cynicism and the world is a hell of a lot less horny, says that it's a deliberate thing. For better or worse.
First thing, the light novels that are the source material for the monogatari series are each written from the perspective of a particular character. That starts with Araragi, but a substantial part of the series is written from the perspective of other characters. Hanekawa, Nadeko, Kaiki and Kanbaru each have an arc written from their perspective and with Araragi barely in the story. Also, my understanding is there are a number of post "final season" stories that also have alternative POV characters. At least one of those stories has Araragi never appear, though he is mentioned.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I'm a bit interested in how Leila might handle a commission of parts of the Berserk manga. It's just because of the recent boost in people making videos about it, but what I see makes me wonder if it would be something that Leila would have fun analysing in the way she does.
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First thing, the light novels that are the source material for the monogatari series are each written from the perspective of a particular character. That starts with Araragi, but a substantial part of the series is written from the perspective of other characters. Hanekawa, Nadeko, Kaiki and Kanbaru each have an arc written from their perspective and with Araragi barely in the story. Also, my understanding is there are a number of post "final season" stories that also have alternative POV characters. At least one of those stories has Araragi never appear, though he is mentioned.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I'm a bit interested in how Leila might handle a commission of parts of the Berserk manga. It's just because of the recent boost in people making videos about it, but what I see makes me wonder if it would be something that Leila would have fun analysing in the way she does.
Maybe the motion comic project?

Sure, there's only two episodes out, but they're pretty gud.
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Well her only options would be the two episode motion comic, the 97 anime, or the animated movie trilogy that covers the same events as the 97 anime.

Or we subject her to CG that makes early RWBY look high budget.
Look, I love Berserk for what it is but practically every arc in it has some form of sexual assault played for drama or horror, even the ones that don't feature child nudity in some way. No one is safe, not even Guts. I find it hard to imagine Leila would want to review that. Like, even if she did agree it'd probably be a neverending stream of salt and complaints, and that's not... particularly something that'd be fun to watch, I think.

I mean, this is the same reason I'm questioning why she's reviewing RWBY when she could just refuse and go 'nah'. She's made it clear she doesn't like it or that she's continuing out of spite. It kinda demeans her own frustration with it in the process, before even approaching her assumptions and preconceptions of it.
Look, I love Berserk for what it is but practically every arc in it has some form of sexual assault played for drama or horror, even the ones that don't feature child nudity in some way. No one is safe, not even Guts. I find it hard to imagine Leila would want to review that. Like, even if she did agree it'd probably be a neverending stream of salt and complaints, and that's not... particularly something that'd be fun to watch, I think.

I mean, this is the same reason I'm questioning why she's reviewing RWBY when she could just refuse and go 'nah'. She's made it clear she doesn't like it or that she's continuing out of spite. It kinda demeans her own frustration with it in the process, before even approaching her assumptions and preconceptions of it.

True. The idea of Berserk occured to me because I heard someone talk about its characterisation and themes and it's the first time in a while that I've seen something where I saw that material and thought "this might be deep enough/solid enough to give Leila something to work with". I was also thinking "the bad elements I've heard of at least aren't something that would make Leila wonder if her audience has pedophiles in it like monogatari". Yes, my bar for even vague ideas that I'd mention here is very low at this point for anime media. To be clear, I don't have faith that any bit of media I know of that wouldn't have some major issue at this point. Trying to think of anything I'd like Leila to look at is hard.

In regards to the RWBY reviews, I'd assume it's at least partially because this reviewing is a job to her. If someone commissions something and it's not something incredibly awful, like "I can't watch this" awful, she'll take the money and do her job as well as she can.
I don't know what your original question was and I'm not going to dig through the thread for it, but from everything I've seen it's legit. It's just that all of it is through the lens of an explicitly biased narrator who is also a very horny teenager and they definitely revel in that aspect of the story like a pig rolling around in mud. Everything I've heard about the Kaiki-centric segments from later on, where (apparently) events are seen through the lens of his optimistic cynicism and the world is a hell of a lot less horny, says that it's a deliberate thing. For better or worse.
He's not just a normal "very horny teenager" he is explicitly a paedophile and two out of four arcs so far have had him openly lusting after and sexually assaulting underage girls. Whats worse is that the show is directed in such a way as to try and make the second instance *tittilating*. It wants you to be horny while looking as a pre-teen girl. This shit needs trigger warnings and it frankly makes me think less of anyone who was okay with it.

Look, I love Berserk for what it is but practically every arc in it has some form of sexual assault played for drama or horror, even the ones that don't feature child nudity in some way. No one is safe, not even Guts. I find it hard to imagine Leila would want to review that. Like, even if she did agree it'd probably be a neverending stream of salt and complaints, and that's not... particularly something that'd be fun to watch, I think.

I mean, this is the same reason I'm questioning why she's reviewing RWBY when she could just refuse and go 'nah'. She's made it clear she doesn't like it or that she's continuing out of spite. It kinda demeans her own frustration with it in the process, before even approaching her assumptions and preconceptions of it.
I wouldn't put Berserk on the same level as Jojo or Monogatari's paedophilia. Yes its written with 20th century sensibilities rather then 21st but its never done to tittilate the audiance or try and make them empathise with the character doing the sexual assault. Its always played for drama or horror like you say and is used as a short hand for evil and suffering. I'd agree that it is overused and not as well executed as it could be but its nothing like the paedophilia content Leia has objected to so far.
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Well her only options would be the two episode motion comic, the 97 anime, or the animated movie trilogy that covers the same events as the 97 anime.

Or we subject her to CG that makes early RWBY look high budget.
Why not just commission the manga? She doesn't seem to have problems with different formats. Didn't she do the Chainsaw-Man manga actually?
Leila has cancelled the remainder of Bakemonogatari. If you want to commission her to do something in future, please screen the material first.

She will also not accept any of its sequels. And considers it softcore child pornography.
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Leila has cancelled the remainder of Bakemonogatari. If you want to commission her to do something in future, please screen the material first.

She will also not accept any of its sequels. And considers it softcore child pornography.
Wtf happens in that series after the point when I dropped it? Do I even want to know?
To be honest, my memories of the monogatari series are vague and I liked to jump ahead to the good stuff. But, from what I know from clips of it in videos concerning later material, this arc is focused on a "cute anxious underclassman" type of character. It also has that character put into a swim suit for some reason. I don't think there's anything as bad as the Mayoi stuff (an incredibly low bar, I know), but I'd imagine that it would be a straw on the camel's back at this point and fairly so.

On a related note, it looks in retrospect like the better way for a person to watch the series is to be vaguely aware of the first two seasons/ get the clip notes and then jump to the part where monogatari switches how it works.
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I am kinda caught off guard by this development. The next arc is one I have zero memories on. I remembered that it exists because I am aware that the underclassman does not just pop out of nothing when the story starts doing cool stuff with her in a later season, but, like, nothing else.
I expected the review to reveal that the arc is just that boring and forgettable, but apparently my brain is actually trying to protect me from something...
I am kinda caught off guard by this development. The next arc is one I have zero memories on. I remembered that it exists because I am aware that the underclassman does not just pop out of nothing when the story starts doing cool stuff with her in a later season, but, like, nothing else.
I expected the review to reveal that the arc is just that boring and forgettable, but apparently my brain is actually trying to protect me from something...

If you don't remember then you're going to be happier not looking into it. Just know you were wrong and leave it at that
I can't say I'm particularly surprised, and it means six episodes have vanished from the queue ahead of my own submission, so I'm not particularly annoyed, either.

I do wonder how she would have reacted to Black Tsubasa, but ah well.
I'm honestly almost tempted to just... finally watch Bakemonogatari myself after all these years, to see what exactly managed to just straight up break Leila into going "this is actually just child porn go fuck yourself". Not saying she's wrong, just that in all that I've ever heard about the series via internet osmosis, I don't think I've heard even a hint of anything like that, compared to idunno Mushoku Tensei or Wataten being well known for having pedophilic overtones (because you really can't call that undertones, with what goes on in those series).
I am now somewhat curious what reactions Shield Hero or Mushoku Tensei would bring.
Let's not find out.
Rapid contempt most likely, especially considering I'm pretty sure I've seen Leila weigh in on Shield Hero discussions elsewhere on SV and thus she would likely be going in not-so-blind and already informed that it's "Misogynistic Incel Slave Fantasy Isekai" more than anything. Oddly enough, I don't think I've seen any serious discussion of Mushoku Tensei on SV though despite the recent anime adaptation and the fact that I've seen it touted by more than one person as the "grandfather of the Isekai genre" which. Well, certainly does say a lot about most Isekai if you decide to take that as true.
Rapid contempt most likely, especially considering I'm pretty sure I've seen Leila weigh in on Shield Hero discussions elsewhere on SV and thus she would likely be going in not-so-blind and already informed that it's "Misogynistic Incel Slave Fantasy Isekai" more than anything. Oddly enough, I don't think I've seen any serious discussion of Mushoku Tensei on SV though despite the recent anime adaptation and the fact that I've seen it touted by more than one person as the "grandfather of the Isekai genre" which. Well, certainly does say a lot about most Isekai if you decide to take that as true.
I have to assume the people in question had no awareness of the genre pre 2015. :facepalm: