I'm a little confused why we're developing an APC. We haven't really unlocked new technologies from alien research (specifically armor) so it seems less useful than signal tracing or alien detection to me.
Throwing another plan in the ring, should finish this level for each base. We've got a large surplus of supplies so stripping dice back there to save on resources. Ditto political support, with a roll of 50 we'd complete all of them. Dumped the resources into research. Autopsy so we know our enemy better seems good with the detector research and this gives autopsy a 54% chance of finishing this turn. Laser/Railgun was a tossup but I went with ammoless speed of light weapon. Banked 10 to hopefully stack and let us squeak another dice for expensive projects next turn. Ideally we'd throw a bunch of resources at echo or the cheaper next stages on enigma to boost our research bonus.
[X]Plan: Infra & Development
Infrastructure - 3D - 50R
-[X] Enigma Site (Stage 2) 2D 20RPD = 40R (153/200)
-[X] Delta Base (Stage 2) 1D 10RPD = 10R (134/150)
Industry - 2D - 10R
-[X] Stockpile Medical Supplies (Phase 1) 1D 5RPD = 5R (40/100)
-[X] Stockpile Basic Supplies (Phase 1) 1D 5RPD = 5R (77/100)
Services - 2D - 20R
-[X] PR Campaigns
--[X] Asia 2D 10RPD = 20R (139/150)
Research - 5D - 200R
-[X] Functional Laser Weaponry 1D 40RPD = 40R (11/900)
-[X] Alien Autopsy 3D+1F 40RPD = 160R (18/280)
Military 90R
-[X] Alien Detector Development 3D 30RPD 90R
-[X] Security Review (Industry) 3D
Uses 370 resources.
Throwing another plan in the ring, should finish this level for each base. We've got a large surplus of supplies so stripping dice back there to save on resources. Ditto political support, with a roll of 50 we'd complete all of them. Dumped the resources into research. Autopsy so we know our enemy better seems good with the detector research and this gives autopsy a 54% chance of finishing this turn. Laser/Railgun was a tossup but I went with ammoless speed of light weapon. Banked 10 to hopefully stack and let us squeak another dice for expensive projects next turn. Ideally we'd throw a bunch of resources at echo or the cheaper next stages on enigma to boost our research bonus.
[X]Plan: Infra & Development
Infrastructure - 3D - 50R
-[X] Enigma Site (Stage 2) 2D 20RPD = 40R (153/200)
-[X] Delta Base (Stage 2) 1D 10RPD = 10R (134/150)
Industry - 2D - 10R
-[X] Stockpile Medical Supplies (Phase 1) 1D 5RPD = 5R (40/100)
-[X] Stockpile Basic Supplies (Phase 1) 1D 5RPD = 5R (77/100)
Services - 2D - 20R
-[X] PR Campaigns
--[X] Asia 2D 10RPD = 20R (139/150)
Research - 5D - 200R
-[X] Functional Laser Weaponry 1D 40RPD = 40R (11/900)
-[X] Alien Autopsy 3D+1F 40RPD = 160R (18/280)
Military 90R
-[X] Alien Detector Development 3D 30RPD 90R
-[X] Security Review (Industry) 3D
Uses 370 resources.
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