The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

[X] Buy a Necklace
-[X] It's custom made and more of a bandana tied around the neck with a metal plate with the symbol of the leaf on it.

[X]Explore the city
[X] Buy a Necklace
-[X] It's custom made and more of a bandana tied around the neck with a metal plate with the symbol of the leaf on it.

[X]Explore the city
[X] Buy a Necklace
-[X] It's custom made and more of a bandana tied around the neck with a metal plate with the symbol of the leaf on it.

[X]Explore the city
If it's for Korra, rather than the Leaf symbol, why not the symbols of the four nations?

I mean, it's neat to think of giving her the headband, but I'm not sure the leaf symbol really fits.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 90 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6
[X] Explore the city
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Buy a Choker
-[X] Really Fancy
No. of Votes: 10
[X] Spend time with the kids
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Buy a Collar
-[X] For Naga
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Buy a Pendant
-[x] Water design
No. of Votes: 4
[X] Buy a Choker
-[X]Black with a bejeweled Crescent moon and water droplet pendant with two small stars one green the other blue
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Buy a Necklace
-[X] It's custom made and more of a bandana tied around the neck with a metal plate with the symbol of the leaf on it.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Buy a Choker
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Buy a Pendant
-[x] Simple durable necklace attached to a bright blue-green gem.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 28
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 90 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6
[X] Explore the city
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Buy a Choker
-[X] Really Fancy
No. of Votes: 10
[X] Spend time with the kids
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Buy a Collar
-[X] For Naga
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Buy a Pendant
-[x] Water design
No. of Votes: 4
[X] Buy a Choker
-[X]Black with a bejeweled Crescent moon and water droplet pendant with two small stars one green the other blue
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Buy a Necklace
-[X] It's custom made and more of a bandana tied around the neck with a metal plate with the symbol of the leaf on it.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Buy a Choker
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Buy a Pendant
-[x] Simple durable necklace attached to a bright blue-green gem.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 28
Those two blank ones go with the bejeweled crescent one

Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 90 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[20] Explore the city
[15] Buy a Choker
[7] Spend time with the kids
[5] Buy a Pendant
[5] Buy a Collar
[3] Buy a Necklace

Total No. of Voters: 28
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@Astaroh-M I got a question about the wider world of Avatar. WAAAAY back when, during the time of Wan, Airbenders could straight up fly on clouds. Didn't need gliders or anything. What happened to that ability?

And relatedly, could we come to emulate it with dustbending?
@Astaroh-M I got a question about the wider world of Avatar. WAAAAY back when, during the time of Wan, Airbenders could straight up fly on clouds. Didn't need gliders or anything. What happened to that ability?

And relatedly, could we come to emulate it with dustbending?

Not sure that would work since airbendending as shown with Zaheer seems to make flight easier. You don't see waterbenders or firebenders doing the same do you?
Not sure that would work since airbendending as shown with Zaheer seems to make flight easier. You don't see waterbenders or firebenders doing the same do you?
Firebenders, at least when boosted by the comet, are capable of flight via jet propulsion. And just cause they don't do it doesn't mean it can't be done, like metalbending till Toph came along.
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Firebenders, at least when boosted by the comet, are capable of flight via jet propulsion. And just cause they don't do it doesn't mean it can't be done, like metalbending till Toph came along.

I was pointing out that the airbender way of flight doesn't really work for other since they may have something else going on like with Zaheer. For all we know airbenders have a way to make themselves significantly lighter so that they could walk on clouds. Not seeing any logical way it could be done with dustbending.
@Astaroh-M I got a question about the wider world of Avatar. WAAAAY back when, during the time of Wan, Airbenders could straight up fly on clouds. Didn't need gliders or anything. What happened to that ability?

And relatedly, could we come to emulate it with dustbending?

No idea, maybe the knowleged was lost with time, maybe it needs a specific way of thinking that many monks in the present simply can't do, like Zaheer leaving his earthly tether behind.

And, you are already are capable of a kind of fly if Li just focus in creating and destroying the tables in mid-air, that without count when you will able to learn to double jump, I'm not going to give you another way to move in the air. :rolleyes:
I was pointing out that the airbender way of flight doesn't really work for other since they may have something else going on like with Zaheer. For all we know airbenders have a way to make themselves significantly lighter so that they could walk on clouds. Not seeing any logical way it could be done with dustbending.
I can, when you consider the fact that bending naturally says "Screw you" to physics. Eactly how, I'll say to Astaroh-M below
No idea, maybe the knowleged was lost with time, maybe it needs a specific way of thinking that many monks in the present simply can't do, like Zaheer leaving his earthly tether behind.
I don't think it's the latter. They often talk about mental stuff being needed for some form of bending, yet in every case so far that's been proven wrong as the art progressed. Like Lightning. It supposedly takes a clear calm mind. Yet I'm rather certain Azula wasn't that clear or calm when she used it in that final agni-kai, nor Lightning Bolt Zolt in the more modern era.
And, you are already are capable of a kind of fly if Li just focus in creating and destroying the tables in mid-air, that without count when you will able to learn to double jump, I'm not going to give you another way to move in the air. :rolleyes:
Ah come on, let us improve the earth table technique to the point where we can just ride on a cloud of dust in the air. Heck, maybe not just a dust cloud, it'll be a giant dragon while we ride it! Think of the awesomeness! Sure, it might take A rank in dustbending, but I don't see why it needs to be impossible.
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Ah come on, let us improve the earth table technique to the point where we can just ride on a cloud of dust in the air. Heck, maybe not just a dust cloud, it'll be a giant dragon while we ride it! Think of the awesomeness! Sure, it might take A rank in dustbending, but I don't see why it needs to be impossible.

Dude why are you so obssesed with power? Seriously, I know that questers love power but you are outright starting to kind of get annoying with you constantly badgering the QM with more and more bullshit, no offense. We are bullshit enough to the point that we have two ways of moving through the air including one that no one else on the planet is capable of, any more and our character just turns into a gary stu.
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Actually, why does he need to create and destroy tables to move in the air? Can't he just stand on one and move it with dustbending?
We have to create them because we are kicking off of them, using them as stepping stones. The destroying them would be turning them back into dust we can then use to create the new stepping stone. The stepping stone is not supporting our weight for any more than a fraction of a second.
Dude why are you so obssesed with power? Seriously, I know that questers love power but you are outright starting to kind of get annoying with you constantly badgering the QM with more and more bullshit, no offense. We are bullshit enough to the point that we have two ways of moving through the air including one that no one else on the planet is capable of, any more and our character just turns into a gary stu.
Because everything I mention are things that we should logically be capable of, and the only reason given so far for why this is a physical impossibility is because we already got shit, and thus can't be allowed better shit.
It's not just obsession with power. If it was that, I'd be plotting on how to become the Avatar 2.0, of which I do have ideas, the most likely one involving tracking down a lion turtle and learning energy bending and combining that with Science Genius to learn the shit out of the physical mechanics of Bending.
Nah, what I'm mostly into is the Greatest Earthbender Ever, discovering new facets of our craft in a way similar to Toph discovering Metal Bending, but more than just that one thing. Like Earth Healing.

Also, part of the issue is probably hard limits vs soft limits. I find the prior very boring. Something that can not be done even if you spend the next 10,000 years practicing your craft. It just can not be done. The latter though, means that it CAN be done, but it very well might take those 10,000 years, thus only effectively impossible, not actually.
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Nah, what I'm mostly into is the Greatest Earthbender Ever, discovering new facets of our craft in a way similar to Toph discovering Metal Bending, but more than just that one thing. Like Earth Healing.

Honestly don't see the appeal of going for the greatest earthbender title considering that we are literally the only person in the avatar world who is flat out able to go beyond human limits right into S class with physical traits including strong fist. There is always going to be some great earthbender since those are common. Meanwhile there may never anyone else who could do what we do without bending. If we got most of our physical stats to S including strong fist then that would most likely get us the spot for the greatest martial artist of all time, think it's a shame that we ended up with bending since it kind of takes away the impressiveness we can do.
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To Pro, or not to Pro.
[x] Explore the city

[x] Buy a Choker

-[x] Really Fancy

In the end after considering many, many kinds of neckwear I choose a fancy choker that has a blue gem in the middle, I hope Korra likes it.
While exploring the city, I end up in an area that seems to focus on sports. There were different gyms and some arenas, both for normal sports, and some with people simply sparring.

But what caught my attention was a building's sign, with the words: 'Pro-Bending Classes' and one little board in the front that said: 'Inauguration Week's Special Promotion: First class is free'.

Hmmm, I had heard of Pro-Bending, it was some kind of sport that focuses on the use of bending skills, like its name suggested, I wonder…
There were 4 arenas, each one with a line of people, from kids to teenagers, and an instructor giving some advice. It seems like 3 of them were for individual teaching, the earth and fire bending lines were the more shorter ones, obviously, and the last arena was for teams.

The teams look random, so I suppose they just took 3 benders and began to teach them.

[] Enter the line for Earthbenders.
[] Enter the line for teams.
[] Just watch for now.

AN: …what? I knew that you would choose to enter anyway.
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