The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

I wonder what would dust bending witg air bending mindset be like would it be like a dust storm scraping things like sandpaper or it would produce static?
I wonder what would dust bending with airbending mindset be like would it be like a dust storm scraping things like sandpaper or it would produce static?
With magnetised iron dust we might be able to generate electrical discharges via the charged particle effect, but it'd be extremely difficult to aim and would have a ridiculous charge time, but if we pull it off it'd be the second firebending effect that we would have managed to pull off with our dustbending.
With magnetised iron dust we might be able to generate electrical discharges via the charged particle effect, but it'd be extremely difficult to aim and would have a ridiculous charge time, but if we pull it off it'd be the second firebending effect that we would have managed to pull off with our dustbending.
what if he made it into a ball like Aang's air ball bike thing but rather than ride it he would throw it?
what if he made it into a ball like Aang's air ball bike thing but rather than ride it he would throw it?
That wouldn't work very well. To create the charged particle effect what you'd have to do is make a cylinder tube of negatively charged iron dust with positively charged Iron dust moving rapidly back and forth through the cylinder's center this would drag the electrons back and forth thus creating an electrical charge which would build and build until it could no longer be contained and then be released at both of the cylinder's ends (part of the reason it would be hard to aim). To use it to maximum effect the cylinder would have to be vertically aligned so that one end pointed at the ground and the other was pointed skyward. a sphere would just result in an electrical charge that was evenly discharged along it's surface to anything nearby (which if we were riding it would be us) and move so slowly as to be easily avoided (This is because the sphere would actual be two spheres of different charges {one positive/ one negative} moving in opposite directions.)
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Tangential musings: Personally, I think Li will be nearing Sue-ish levels by the time canon begins--which makes some sense given his reincarnated soul, but risks making the actual gameplay of the quest less fun for me. I'm glad that at least his earthbending progress will slow down a lot once he reaches Master Bao's level.

My two cents on this:

1. The more powerful and prepared Li is for bending combat, the fewer interesting combat challenges he'll meet after leaving the compound. Li already upsets the combat gameplay balance as much as someone like Amon or Ghazan.

2. The development of never-seen-before bending techniques tends to mess with the setting. Because then you get into asking, "What makes Li so special at earthbending such that no other earthbender succeeded at that technique before?"

Hmm. Basic dustbending is supported by his past life's memories, but it starts getting shaky beyond that. A lot of further ideas seem to involve players projecting their ideas from other series or from real-world science. For the bending/combat ideas y'all get, perhaps frame the ideas in terms of memories from his past life, or from insights that Li would gain from his experiences with bending thus far. To me at least, I feel that would keep the bending speculation more applicable for this quest.
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Tangential musings: Personally, I think Li will be nearing Sue-ish levels by the time canon begins--which makes some sense given his reincarnated soul, but risks making the actual gameplay of the quest less fun for me. I'm glad that at least his earthbending progress will slow down a lot once he reaches Master Bao's level.

My two cents on this:

1. The more powerful and prepared Li is for bending combat, the fewer interesting combat challenges he'll meet after leaving the compound. Li already upsets the combat gameplay balance as much as someone like Amon or Ghazan.

2. The development of never-seen-before bending techniques tends to mess with the setting. Because then you get into asking, "What makes Li so special at earthbending such that no other earthbender succeeded at that technique before?"

Hmm. Basic dustbending is supported by his past life's memories, but it starts getting shaky beyond that. A lot of further ideas seem to involve players projecting their ideas from other series or from real-world science. For the bending/combat ideas y'all get, perhaps frame the ideas in terms of memories from his past life, or from insights that Li would gain from his experiences with bending thus far. To me at least, I feel that would keep the bending speculation more applicable for this quest.
I don't actually think a lot of what we come up with (See my earth clone idea or the lightning generation stuff) will be stuff that would be feasible in the midst of combat. The earth clone has out of combat use as merit for looking into that's why I asked about it, but I doubt we could do it. The Lightning Generation would be more like a neat party trick we could pull off, but wouldn't have any practical application because it would take way too long and requires specific materials just to do.
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That wouldn't work very well. To create the charged particle effect what you'd have to do is make a cylinder tube of negatively charged iron dust with positively charged Iron dust moving rapidly back and forth through the cylinder's center this would drag the electrons back and forth thus creating an electrical charge which would build and build until it could no longer be contained and then be released at both of the cylinder's (part of the reason it would be hard to aim). To use it to maximum effect the cylinder would have to be vertically aligned so that one end pointed at the ground and the other was pointed skyward. a sphere would just result in an electrical charge that was even discharged along it's surface to anything nearby (which if we were riding it would be us) and move so slowly as to be easily avoided (This is because the sphere would actual be two spheres of different charges {one positive/ one negative} moving in opposite directions.)
could this method make more magnetized iron though? Or other metal?
I think Li will be nearing Sue-ish levels by the time canon begins
This is also something that I have been worrying about. We are 11 and are already a Earth Master with having an insane upside to physical side of combat with our Steel Body and overall speed/strength. This is a very fun quest that I have enjoyed reading and participating in, so I hope that we start hitting slower gains on our physical combat. It took Gai until he was around his Mid Twenties to really become the monster he was at Taijutsu, and that was with the help of chakra.

Li being a Master Bender at 11 is fine as that makes him interesting, as is using past life memories to create cool techniques and unique ways to bend earth, see Dust Bending. But I feel like that Li should never reach Gai levels, or even really get close to that. Him being a monster in close combat and a Freak of Nature is fine. Li even approaching Gai levels in the next 7 years or even 15 should not be a thing.

Sorry if what I typed not something you, or anyone else wants to do. Li being the next Toph of Earth Bending is cool and exciting, a long journey to match one of the Greatest Benders to have ever lived. Him being a once in a lifetime physical monster is cool too, as it adds to set him apart from others and helps define his own style of Earth Bending. I just want the rate of our physical gains to be slower in future, so we don't outpace everyone.
could this method make more magnetized iron though? Or other metal?
Making magnetized metal is super easy, we don't even need electricity or magnets. Just take two ferriod metals of the same type and rub them back and forth together, eventually both will become magnetized. It does take a long while for them to become permanently magnetized, several hours at the least. Which is another reason why the technique isn't feasible for combat, as just the prep work is a serious time investment. Like I said it'd be a party trick at most (albeit a deadly one should anyone actually get hit by it.) We could start carrying around magnetized iron sand once we can metal iron bend, as even if we can't use it for this technique it'd still do more damage than regular dust or sand. If we can crystal bend we need to start making diamond dust, because that would be able to get through just about anything, and be damn near indestructible.
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This is also something that I have been worrying about. We are 11 and are already a Earth Master with having an insane upside to physical side of combat with our Steel Body and overall speed/strength. This is a very fun quest that I have enjoyed reading and participating in, so I hope that we start hitting slower gains on our physical combat. It took Gai until he was around his Mid Twenties to really become the monster he was at Taijutsu, and that was with the help of chakra.

Li being a Master Bender at 11 is fine as that makes him interesting, as is using past life memories to create cool techniques and unique ways to bend earth, see Dust Bending. But I feel like that Li should never reach Gai levels, or even really get close to that. Him being a monster in close combat and a Freak of Nature is fine. Li even approaching Gai levels in the next 7 years or even 15 should not be a thing.

Sorry if what I typed not something you, or anyone else wants to do. Li being the next Toph of Earthbending is cool and exciting, a long journey to match one of the Greatest Benders to have ever lived. Him being a once in a lifetime physical monster is cool too, as it adds to set him apart from others and helps define his own style of Earthbending. I just want the rate of our physical gains to be slower in future, so we don't outpace everyone.
Eh, I'd think it'd be fine if we started approaching Gia's level once we were in our late teens or early twenties. Keep in mind we won't be able to do everything Gia can do, because Gai has Chakra and we don't. That said we do have other tricks we can use to leverage our abilities to that level. And as others have said dust bending isn't anything new or unique to Li, and if we want to get to Toph's level we need to be as good as Gai was anyway. You do know Toph can sense the whole world using her seismic sense right? You're making the mistake of thinking that the Ninja's from Naruto are stronger than the benders from Avatar, when actually they're pretty much equal. Hell some Avtar character's would beat the shit out of their Narutoverse counterparts. Toph would absolutely destroy Gara or his father. I wouldn't worry so much about power levels as I'm sure we'll run into people that will be more than a match for Li.
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Toph would absolutely destroy Gara or his father.
I agree with that, but I was talking more about how FAST and STRONG Gai was during his prime. It was ridiculous and not something I want us to reach while in our teens, approach a little bit sure, but not reach. Also I'm fine with Li being a strong Bender and getting reealllllyyy good at that.

Ninja's from Naruto when comparing them physically to the Benders here are clearly in the advantage, mostly due to Chakra. That's why approaching Gai levels in the physical side is pretty broken. Using Earth Bending to supplement our physical side is fine and awesome.
I do believe that the Author will be able to give Li tight battles, just expressing my own concern on becoming too OP, probably worrying too much.
1. The more powerful and prepared Li is for bending combat, the fewer interesting combat challenges he'll meet after leaving the compound. Li already upsets the combat gameplay balance as much as someone like Amon or Ghazan.
Escalation and Distraction.

Mook 1: Sir he was able to defeat our chi blockers with ease!
Amon: Hmmm... yes, it seems like he will be a problem, send 7 squead next time.
Mook 1: 7, Sir!?
Amon: Yes, 5 for him and the rest for the Avatar, we will divide and conquer.
Mook !: Sir, yes sir!
Amon: Oh and give them persimission to use the gifts of Mister Sato, is time to test our new tools.

Escalation and Distraction.

Mook 1: Sir he was able to defeat our chi blockers with ease!
Amon: Hmmm... yes, it seems like he will be a problem, send 7 squead next time.
Mook 1: 7, Sir!?
Amon: Yes, 5 for him and the rest for the Avatar, we will divide and conquer.
Mook !: Sir, yes sir!
Amon: Oh and give them persimission to use the gifts of Mister Sato, is time to test our new tools.

Then Korra gets hurt and Li stops going for disabling blows and starts advertising for ketchup commercials because he starts pulping them.

Edit* This gives me an idea for an omake.
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You do know Toph can sense the whole world using her seismic sense right?
She can sense the entire world, but I don't think it's via seismic sense. It's just something enlightened people can do it seems. Guru Pathik could do it, and as far as I know, he wasn't even a bender. Korra even learns to do something like it, which might be what Toph was refering to instead of an actual world sense, when she learned to sense people's locations via spirit vines in the world.
You're making the mistake of thinking that the Ninja's from Naruto are stronger than the benders from Avatar, when actually they're pretty much equal.
That is completely wrong. I'm pretty sure the number of Earthbenders who could level a mountain is exactly 1, and that's the Avatar in the Avatar State. However there are dozens of ninja who can do that.
Toph would absolutely destroy Gara or his father.
That is ALSO wrong. Even focusing on exclusively sand-bending despite Gaara possessing other skills, I don't recall Toph ever bending an entire villages worth of sand simultaneously, and Gaaras sand is extremely quick, able to catch Lee who was moving faster than the normal eye could see, should be definitely able to catch Toph.
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2. The development of never-seen-before bending techniques tends to mess with the setting. Because then you get into asking, "What makes Li so special at earthbending such that no other earthbender succeeded at that technique before?"
I would assume the main reason would be the same reason no earth bender has ever metal bent before, or waterbenders ever bloodbent before. Simply, no-one awesome enough ever focused their skills on that aspect of it before.
1.- Omake: Finely worded Apology (Non-Canon)
Finely worded Apology
The evening after having sent 7 Squad with Sato's new toys after the Avatar and her boytoy, Amon could be found relaxing. Sitting in his favorite chair while drinking a fine herbal tea. Suddenly a mook enters the room with a report in hand.

Looking up from sipping his tea "You have news?" Amon asks blandly hiding the excitement he felt, surely his men had been successful in capturing the avatar at last.

"Yes lord Amon!" The mook replies but wince afterwards. "But it isn't good news. . . 7 Squad was completely annihilated."

Amon who had gone back to his drink does a spit take at this. "WHAT?! The Avatar was able to defeat not only our crack team, but also the new equipment? How is this possible?"

"Umm w-well, about that. . ." the mook manages to stutter out.

"Yes? Tell me already!" Amon growled out.

"The squad was actually able to subdue the Avatar, but before they could get away, the Avatars companion found them and went completely berserk. It's well known that the Green beast is a master Earthbender, but he didn't even bother using any obvious earth bending techniques. Hell he punched a hole clear through one of the men's sternum!" the mook shudders violently as he continues "You don't even want know what he did to the rest, needless to say their remains are unrecoverable."

Amon silently stews for a bit before calmly replying. "And what of the gear provided by Mister Sato? What became of that?"

Nervously the mook swallows "Also unrecoverable. I'm afraid Mister Sato will soon be found out."

Bring one of his hands to his face mask to rub his brow. "You say he did all this without any obvious use of bending?"

"Yes my lord." the mook replied

"Right then, we need a basket, some fresh fruit, chocolate, a packet of incense, and some scented soap. Also I'll need you to go to the market and get a card." Amon says sighing. . .

The next morning a messenger delivers a gift basket with a politely written apology to the air temple addressed to Li.

That is ALSO wrong. Even focusing on exclusively sand-bending, I don't recall Toph ever bending an entire villages worth of sand simultaneously, and Gaaras sand is extremely quick, able to catch Lee who was moving faster than the normal eye could see, should be definitely able to catch Toph.
You have your opinion, and I have mine.
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Pretty sure it's not Squad 7, but 7 Squads.
You have your opinion, and I have mine.
It's a bit more than just an opinion though, we have listed feats of what both could do. What was the largest amount of earth we've seen Toph bend? The biggest thing I can recall was her holding up Wan Shi Tong's library, and even that feat is a bit dubious considering she was failing to hold it up (though one might be able to assume that, by the time she got old, she became powerful enough that she could do it), and the only thing she was doing was holding it up instead of actively bending and reforming it.