The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

The water whip technique wouldn't work with dustbending so that's a bad example to reach for. The reason it works so well with water is because water as a liquid is more solid than a dust cloud which is mostly just air and particles. If you tried to hit someone with a dust whip they'd just go right through it unharmed. If we could start learning sandbending then it might be useful to know, sand has more weight and is more tightly packed than dust, and add into that sand moves like a liquid and you can see why waterbending techniques would lend themselves nicely to sandbending. AIr bending Techniques would be more useful for dustbending I think.
You seem to misunderstand what our dustbending is. It's basically sandbending taken to the n-th level. We are treating the ground as if it was a massive body of water.
I was able to move great patchs of earth like it were water,
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You seem to misunderstand what our dustbending is. It's basically sandbending taken to the n-th level. We are treating the ground as if it was a massive body of water.


I can't remember if we did this but can we convert dust to rock and vice versa quickly? and could we copy Ming-Hua with the tentacles/how they work. Extra limbs are always useful
I can't remember if we did this but can we convert dust to rock and vice versa quickly?
We can do it "in a blink of the eye" according to the bit I quoted. We raise our skill higher, we can do it even faster. We were only C++ when it was said after all, imagine what we can do at A. Probably would be no difference between our earth and a waterbenders water.
and could we copy Ming-Hua with the tentacles/how they work. Extra limbs are always useful
Well, we probably could, but I don't think it'd be that useful. We have our own hands after all, and those tentacles weren't super good.
An extra set of hands are always useful. It's not like we wont use our hands, just that we have more. And more of a good thing isn't bad.
What would we be using those other hands for? If it's for punching people, that's not much different from just flinging rocks at them. Climbing, more hands won't help. Holding shit, we can just float around a rock platform that holds everything a hand wouldn't really help anything.
Rules of the game.
[X] Enter the line for teams.

I decided to enter the line for teams after some staff gave me a pro-bending uniform, it was a little long but it gave me time to observe the arena.

It was hexagonal, divided into 2 sections, one red and one blue and were divide in 3 sections each. The 3 sections were divided by metal grates from which the waterbenders could get water, and the earthbenders could get some earth disks from holes in the arena. The whole thing was surrounded by bouncy ropes, except on the opposite ends of the arena.

It was quite the battlefield.

"Ok, now I need an earthbender!" The trainer suddenly yells bringing me back from my thinking.

"I'm an earthbender!" I exclaimed while walking to the field.

"Ok, take some time to meet with your teammates while I form the other team," I said while walking to the other side.

"Hey! I'm Ayane! Nice to meet you!" A girl with a long ponytail, blue eyes and pale skin yelled near me while waving her hand, she was a little biy smaller than me and had a big smile.

"Hi! I'm Li Hua, I like your spirit! You're very youthful!" I answered back.

"Thanks!... I guess? Oh what's your name?" She asked our last member, a water tribe boy with hair covering his right eye, the one that I could see was brown. He looked like he didn't want to be here.

"I… I'm Sorak," He whispered in a barely audible tone.

"Nice to meet you Sorak!" Ayane said with the smile still on her face, "This is really exciting! This is my first time in pro-bending, what about you?"

"Me… me too."

"Same here! But I'm sure we will do great! And if not I will do 500 push-up's!"

Ayane just laughed at that, "He he he, you're funny Li, but I think we can do great too! Right Sorak?"

"I… I guess?" He answered while looking at the ground.

Before we could keep talking the instructor came back with another 3 kids.

"Ok, everybody come to the center. You're the blue team," He said pointing at us, "and you're the red team. Pro-bending games have 3 rounds, all rounds last 3 minutes and begin in the center, this is zone 1, behind each team is their respective zone 2 and zone 3.

If a member of a team walks or is pushed to the zone behind them, then they have to stay there until the next round. If all the members of a team move one zone back, then the opposite team advance one zone. At the end of a round the team with the control of more zones win.

Another way of winning is if you manage to throw all three members of one team off the arena through the exit in the back only! Not to the sides! If a member is thrown out they can get back in the next round if their team hasn't all been thrown out by the end of the round. If you manage to do this then the team wins the game immediately.

In case of a tie, then I toss a coin with the colors of your teams, the chosen team then selects one of their benders to fight against the opponent's bender of the same kind.

Now! The rules for bending are very simple.

Waterbenders! Your attacks can't last more than 1 second, you can only use the water that is under the grates, and you can't change the water to any other state, no ice or fog, just water.

Earthbenders! You can only use the earth disks that are in your zone, you can't break the disks into smaller rocks, but you can bend more than one. Don't aim for your opponent's heads, and like the waterbenders you can't use any other form of earthbending, this means no metalbending or sandbending or anything like that.

Firebenders! Your attacks can't last more than 1 second too, no attacks to the heads and no lightning!"

"Any doubts?" Before anybody could respond he moved outside the arena, "No? Good, now begin!"

[] Focus on defending your team.
[] Focus on gaining zones.
[] Focus on throwing the other team off the arena.
[] Write-in.
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[X] Focus on defending your team.

Really hoping we get hit a few times to raise body of steel since it's taking forever to raise and it rarely gets raised.
[X] Focus on defending your team.
I know we can easily knock the other team out but I want Li to actually work on a team I don't think we've ever worked with other people before.
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[X] Build a wall of unconnected disks, and slowly but inevitably push the other team off the arena. Become a legend, break new ground, be the reason for a new rule.
Changing vote
[X] Build a wall of unconnected disks, and slowly but inevitably push the other team off the arena. Become a legend, break new ground, be the reason for a new rule.
[X] Build a wall of unconnected disks, and slowly but inevitably push the other team off the arena. Become a legend, break new ground, be the reason for a new rule.

The only problem with this is they may try to break the disks, but who cares? We'll just put more disks there.
but it gave me time observe
but it game be time to observe
divided in 2 sections, one red and one blue, that were divide in 3 sections each, 3 sections were divide by metal grates from which the waterbenders can get water, the earthbenders could get some earth disks from holes the arena, and the whole thing was surrounded by bouncy ropes, except in the opposite end of the arena.
divided into 2 sections, one red and one blue and were divided into 3 sections each. The 3 sections were divided by metal grates from which the waterbenders could get water, and the earthbenders could get some earth disks from holes in the arena. The whole thing was surronded by bouncy ropes, except on the opposite ends of the arena.
to meet with your teammate
to meet your teammates
she was a little be smaller than me and have a big smile.
she was a little
bit smaller than me and had a big smile
I like your spirit!
She asked to our last member, a water tribe boy with hair covering his right eye, the one that I could see was brown, and he looks like he don't wants to be here.
She asked our last member, water tribe boy with hair covering his right eye, the one that I could see was brown. He looked like he didn't want to be here.
the smile still in her face
the smile still on her face
And if not I 500 push-up!"
And if not I will do 500 push-up's!"
"Ok, everybody come the center, you're the blue team," He said pointing at us, "and you the red team, Pro-bending games have 3 rounds, all rounds last 3 minutes and began in the center, this is zone 1, behind each team is their respective zone 2 and zone 3.
"Ok, everybody come to the center. You're the blue team", he said pointing at us,"and you are the red team. Pro-bending games have 3 rounds, all rounds last 3 minutes and begin in the center, this is zone 1, behind each team is their own 2 and 3 zones.
If a member of the team walks or is pushed to the zone behind them they have to stay there until the next round, if all the member of the team move one zone back, them the opposite team advance one zone, in the end of the round the winner is the team that have more zones.
If a member of a team walks or is pushed to the zone behind them, then they have to stay there until the next round. If all members of a team move on ezone back, then the opposite team can advance one zone. At the end of a round the team with the control of more zones win.
in the back only! No to the sides! If a member is throw out they can back the next round if his team hasn't lose by the end, if you manage to do this then the team wins the game immediately.
in the back only!
Not the sides! If a member is thrown out they can get back in the next round if their team hasn't all been thrown out by the end of the round. If you manage to do this then the team wins the game immediately.
the choose team then select one of their benders to fight against the opponents.
the chosen team then selects one of their benders to fight against one of the opponents.
Earthvenders! You can only use the earth disks that are in your zone, you can't break the disks into smaller rocks but you can bend more than one, don't attack your opponent's heads and like the waterbenders you can't use any other form of earthbending, no metalbending or sandbending or anything like that.
Earthbenders! You can use use the earth disks that are in your zone, you can't break the disks into smaller rocks, but you can bend more than one. Don't aim for your opponent's heads, and like the waterbenders you can't use any other form of earthbending, this means no metalbending or sandbending or anything like that.

[X] Focus on defending your team.