The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

but it game be time to observe

into 2 sections, one red and one blue and were divided into 3 sections each. The 3 sections were divided by metal grates from which the waterbenders could get water, and the earthbenders could get some earth disks from holes in the arena. The whole thing was surronded by bouncy ropes, except on the opposite ends of the arena.

to meet your teammate

she was a little
bit smaller than me and had a big smile

I like
your spirit!

She asked our last member, water tribe boy with hair covering his right eye, the one that I could see was brown. He looked like he didn't want to be here.

the smile still
on her face

And if not I
will do 500 push-up's!"

"Ok, everybody come
to the center. You're the blue team", he said pointing at us,"and you are the red team. Pro-bending games have 3 rounds, all rounds last 3 minutes and begin in the center, this is zone 1, behind each team is their own 2 and 3 zones.

If a member of a team walks or is pushed to the zone behind them, then they have to stay there until the next round. If all members of a team move on ezone back, then the opposite team can advance one zone. At the end of a round the team with the control of more zones win.

in the back only!
Not the sides! If a member is thrown out they can get back in the next round if their team hasn't all been thrown out by the end of the round. If you manage to do this then the team wins the game immediately.

chosen team then selects one of their benders to fight against one of the opponents.

You can use use the earth disks that are in your zone, you can't break the disks into smaller rocks, but you can bend more than one. Don't aim for your opponent's heads, and like the waterbenders you can't use any other form of earthbending, this means no metalbending or sandbending or anything like that.

[X] Focus on defending your team.
Thanks for the help!
We are playing against other kids, curbstomping them isn't very youthful. Not to mention would probably make our own team feel a tad useless.

No, not giving our all isn't very youthful. Also, I'm pretty sure that we probably think everyone there is a master bender due to a lack of associating with benders our age that isn't Korra, who I'm pretty sure has mastered waterbending, right? I might be misremembering that one though.
No, not giving our all isn't very youthful. Also, I'm pretty sure that we probably think everyone there is a master bender due to a lack of associating with benders our age that isn't Korra, who I'm pretty sure has mastered waterbending, right? I might be misremembering that one though.
We are giving it our all, but we are playing with self imposed restrictions, specifically we are focusing on defense. We are a Nice Guy after all, we want everyone to have fun.
I think Bao and Varrick would have impressed upon us how rare it is to be a master. Plus, Korra is not a Master. She's simply C+++ or B. Really good, but no master.
[X] Focus on defending your team.

Earthbenders can use multiple attacks at once and are better at blocking opponents attacks than other types. They're the best for defense on the team.
We are giving it our all, but we are playing with self imposed restrictions, specifically we are focusing on defense. We are a Nice Guy after all, we want everyone to have fun.
I think Bao and Varrick would have impressed upon us how rare it is to be a master. Plus, Korra is not a Master. She's simply C+++ or B. Really good, but no master.

That's a good point, but I feel our self imposed restriction would be something along the lines of ridiculousness. Like one hand tied behind our back! Which would decidedly make bending hard for us. You know what we should look into? Kataless bending. See if it's possible at least. Unless QM says it's not a thing.
[X] Focus on defending your team.

It's refreshing to be the defending side for once.
Oh and "you'll have better luck trying to move a hill"-tier defense.
That's a good point, but I feel our self imposed restriction would be something along the lines of ridiculousness. Like one hand tied behind our back! Which would decidedly make bending hard for us. You know what we should look into? Kataless bending. See if it's possible at least. Unless QM says it's not a thing.
It is a thing but it's probably an S rank thing. It's called psychic bending if you want to look it up.
Which would decidedly make bending hard for us
Not really. A lot of Earthbending is tied up in the foot work. I'm fairly certain we can do a shit ton without using our arms.
ou know what we should look into? Kataless bending. See if it's possible at least. Unless QM says it's not a thing.
It's totally a thing. Amon and his father are well known users of of Psychic Bending, which is bending without any discernable gestures.
It is a thing but it's probably an S rank thing. It's called psychic bending if you want to look it up.
S Rank is "Reshape the continent when you fight" level. Amon, who could do it, was not that powerful.
2.- Omake: Rivals (Non-Canon)

The two firebenders danced. Or at least, that's what the fight would look like to any untrained observer. Blasts of flame were dodged by inches as the two mobile warriors played an intricate and dangerous game. Had any untrained observer been clued in as to the true nature of this event, they would have no doubt thought the advantage obvious. One man was far larger than his opponent, and it looked to be a difference of years rather than just height. His loose shirt bared his arms, and the sweat made his rippling muscles glisten under the firelight.

His opponent, in contrast, was short and young. Rather than the raw physical power his opponent so obvious had, he looked thin and weak. But those who knew the fighters were well aware of how the match was actually going. The baggy clothes that covered the younger man hid toned muscles, not large but still powerful. His smaller frame allowed him to more easily dodge the bursts of heat and light that flew around the arena, and closer inspection showed that his own flames were no smaller or less intense.

Both were too skilled to be caught easily, bending away what was too close for comfort. But the elder fighter had to exert more effort to move himself out of harm's way, and bend defensively more frequently. It was slight, difficult to notice, but the observing Masters could see the fight taking its toll on one warrior more than the other.

A less experienced or skilled fighter might have pressed the advantage then and there, eager to end the battle, but the younger firebender was in no hurry, and continued on implacably. If anything, that seemed to simply anger the larger man. Firebending was derived from passion, and while Lord Zuko and the Avatar had dispelled the misconception that anger and rage were the only sources of inner flame, they were still perfectly valid emotions to fuel powerful firebending.

The larger man's bursts of flame grew as well, swelling in size to match his shouts of frustration. The smaller fighter's movements sped up slightly, but if the increased pace of the battle was wearing on him at all, he did not show it through the mask that covered his lower face. The lack of results only toked the flames of his opponent's anger, and the fire came hotter, faster, and in greater and greater quantities.

When it became obvious that trying to outlast was no longer worth the effort for anyone possessing less than limitless stamina, the younger man quickly changed the pace of the fight, coiling his body to jump. Reading the motion, his opponent aimed his next punch higher to intercept. Rather than take to the skies however, the young firebender launched his own blast upwards and back to force himself down into a slide that took him below the incoming attack.

Sliding to a halt directly in front of his opponent, the young man leapt upwards, dealing a powerful blow to his opponent's chin, the first true hit of their match. Not expecting the sudden change in range, the older man was staggered by the blow, but quickly regained both his balance and his confidence. In a close range fight on even ground, his superior physique would no doubt give him the advantage.

Rather than being forced to contend with more hand to hand combat however, he was instead forced on the defensive by a flurry of flames that he was forced to bend around himself at the last moment. Just as he was getting used to the effort and preparing to go on the attack again, the young man burst from the flames, running forward at a great pace. The older firebender tried to counterattack with a blast of flame, but the younger man was too close, and easily ducked under his outstretched arm.

Batting the outstretched appendage aside with his left arm, the younger man used the momentum to deliver a powerful palm strike to his opponent's chest that exploded with a rush of flames. The fire propelled the older man backwards, out of the ring and into the wall. With no one to sustain them any longer, the fire died out in the arena, leaving a young man standing in the center, not even out of breath from the drawn out fight.

As the Masters began to voice their congratulations on his victory, the older man staggered to his feet. Some of the nearer Masters heard the telltale crackle. "Lao, stop! The match is over!" shouted one as he started towards the man, but his fury at his loss drowned out his mentor.

The younger man turned as the bolt of lightning was loosed towards him, flying through the air at incredible speed. Horror struck the gathered Masters as it struck the poor soul dead center. Instead of falling down however, he began moving his arms in an intricate motion.

"Is that… waterbending?" asked one of the Masters in shock. Any response was drowned out as the crackle of energy became a fervent screech that sounded like a thousand birds taking flight at once as the lightning pooled in the young man's right hand. The whole room was still for a split second, before the young man dashed forward at incredible speed. The lightning in his hand carved a furrow through the stone floor of the arena as he dashed forward.

The fistful of lightning impacted the wall next to the older firebender's head with a loud crash that even overwhelmed the chirping for a moment. As the lightning died out, the young man struggled to pull his arm out of the stone wall he had embedded it into as the gathered Masters swarmed the two.

AN: Now I don't know if Kakashi was reincarnated as well, but I'm just saying, what's the point if our eternal rival didn't follow us across time and space?
Aw yeah! Glad to see you stop by here. Nicely done, and I liked the way the reveal was paced. I was distracted by the pretty action & descriptions for most of the scene. :)

[x] Focus on defending your team.

I'd like to see Li implement this idea. Though, it's still tricky for the people who want a focus on teamwork--the way this option is phrased, it's possible that Li will end up defending his team himself rather than focus on teamwork. There's a fair chance that he's much further ahead raw skill-wise than his teammates.
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How about using all those earth discs as a floating wall?

One of the discs break from an attack? Replaced in a blink of an eye.

A concentrated attack? Try breaking through a stack of 5 discs first.

A literal Phalanx of discs, so to speak.
How about using all those earth discs as a floating wall?

One of the discs break from an attack? Replaced in a blink of an eye.

A concentrated attack? Try breaking through a stack of 5 discs first.

A literal Phalanx of discs, so to speak.
There's already a vote for that.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 97 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[16] Focus on defending your team.
[5] Focus on throwing the other team off the arena.
[3] Build a wall of unconnected disks, and slowly but inevitably push the other team off the arena. Become a legend, break new ground, be the reason for a new rule.

Total No. of Voters: 24
[X] Focus on defending your team.

Changed the vote. You've convinced me. Also, if Kakash had been reincarnated, we should totally form a probending team with him and Korra.
[X] Build a wall of unconnected disks, and slowly but inevitably push the other team off the arena. Become a legend, break new ground, be the reason for a new rule.
3.- Omake: Reflexions of a Master (Canon)
As the Years go by......
To say that he had lived a long life would be a grave understatement. Born in Ba Sing Se I knew not of the war that was happening outside of the walls. Oh I had heard of it, especially after the King at the time started to bring more attention to it after a failed invasion attempt by the Fire Nation. Overall however I lived a quiet life with loving parents and nice neighbors, playing with nearby kids and never thinking of how the rest of the world was..... I suppose as like most, everything changed when the Fire Nation came to us.

It wasn't with a bang however, but a whimper that they came into our city and took control. My parents grew afraid and we ran, days of blissful ignorance behind us when reality came down on everyone. Citizens everywhere started to be rounded up and put into closed off sections of the city, rumors of floating hands grabbing people from the dark and dragging them into it filled us all with fear. We ran and ran from the enemy, always somehow a step ahead and hiding in small areas all around in the lower section. For months this cycle kept up, until finally the day of the Second Sun. My parents gave up their lives for me to live on in freedom, but I was captured only minutes later.

The despair of seeing my Mother and Father, both respectable Earth Benders being completely overwhelmed by the power of the Fire Benders. Looking up, I thought to look at the sky for the final time, but instead I saw my saviors. They came blasting through the walls, a great fire breaking through and covering the surrounding area, frighting me for only a bit until a massive wave of water flowed through. After that I could hardly comprehend what happened next, only that Masters, and they could only be Masters, tore through the Fire Nation Soldiers with varying skills. Even non-benders fought with the group, moving so fast and taking out groups of the enemy.

A day that had been seemingly the worst of my life, while still a bitter day of my parents death, turned for one instant the best of my life watching them. Later with the city freed, I tried to go and thank the group of old men who freed us. They were gone however, no sign of them but the scars of battle they left in their wake. For the next few years I would live at an orphanage and slowly get past the death of my parents like many others. I would also spend this time training my skills as an Earth Bender, but with having no Master and most other Earth Benders either dead or driven out I made little progress.

Everyday I would go out into the city for hours at an time and try to figure out who those group of old men were, and where they were as well. Unfortunately no one knew, many wild rumors I investigated in my Teenage years but nothing that was true. When I turned 15 I decided to leave Ba Sing Se and explore Earth country, and even beyond to find that group. The journey was long, but I meet many interesting folks, heard more news of Avatar Aang and his contributions to the world even after the war. How the Fire Nations new King, Lord Zuko, was working fiercely to improving the image of his Nation after the war and the success he had.

Eventually I came across my Master, a man of the name Haru. Even only a decade my senior he held a great talent for Bending, and after begging him in his hometown to teach me after his initial refusal for over 3 days, Master Haru agreed. I think fondly of those years, Master Haru took my around of all of the Earth Kingdom to train me. He was relentless in toughing up my body and getting rid of bad habits from bending by myself for years. Master held a great talent in compressing the Earth around him, a ability he used to great effect by combining large groups of rocks into single large boulders. That he would then launch at me. Repeatedly.

It was after 10 years of training under him that Master Haru called me a fellow Master as well. Years later Master Haru would still deny that he cried that time I finally beat him in a no holding back spar. He told me to continue travelling by myself, as he would like to return to his hometown for good, we had made sure to visit plenty times during my time under him. However when I was almost done with packing and about to leave, Master Haru took me aside and asked me if I still wanted to find this group of old men. I answered yes as soon as the question left his mouth. I still held a great admiration towards the group for what they did and how they did it. He gave me a knowing look and said to keep an eye out for messaging birds in the coming month.

It was indeed about a month later that a messenger hawk reached me. The letter I received was confusing and hard to understand, random symbols in no apparent order were spread out in front of me. After a week of trying to comprehend it, I finally came to the answer. White Lotus. THIS. THIS was what I was sinking, if only a part of it as this was the name of that group. My search for them intensified and after a few more years of struggle I was instead found by them.

I was told of their purpose, of understanding life, philosophy and most importantly protecting the Avatar and training them in life. They asked If I wanted to join them and help the order in the future. Was that even a question for me?

The years went, International news like Republic Island and others of similar importance came and went. I became further involved into the order, eventually becoming the Head Earth Master in my later years. News of the death of my old Master was a quite sad event, I made sure to pay my proper respects and kept an eye on his home town. The most important event to pass was when Avatar Aang finally passed away. As the rest of the world wept at the passing of such a great Avatar, we of the White Lotus went to both poles in order to search for his new reincarnation.

A couple years later and I came upon a rumor of a strange child in a orphanage near the capital of the South Pole, the caretakers had been reporting of child earth bending. I traveled to the orphanage as soon as I could while alerting the other members. What I meet was a very enthusiastic boy, who while very large for his age could bend the earth naturally. After introductions I was able to convince the young Li to come with me so I could train him, and secretly look for more signs of the Avatar within him.

2 more years passed and I was positive that Li was the new Avatar, the years matched up, his talent in earth bending and his mentions of seeing a past life of throwing around all of the elements. I thought it would only be take some more time until he started bending the other elements, he was very determined in training. Then the Chief brought Korra and everything changed. Any doubt I had at his claim was gone when she came bursting through a wall and wildly bending 3 of the elements already.

Li stayed because he was still an amazing student and his mentions of a past life were intriguing. He and the new Avatar became quite good friends, even Lady Katara thought it was quite cute, though the look in her eye at times scared me quite a bit. The Red Lotus attacked, blasted fools, and we were forced to move to a more secret compound as to better protect the Avatar and Li, the members worried about his insane physical abilities and memories of a past life becoming known to the Red Lotus and others.

The years seem to be passing so quickly, training Li has been a very enjoyable time. The amount of time and energy(YOUTH!) he puts towards it is something I am very proud of. That and his ability to just take more and more of it without stopping, I emulated my Master in the regard of insane training and moving beyond even that for Li. His friendship with Korra has only grown further, with whispers of what the future may hold for them by many of the guards, especially Lady Katara.

I stand before my student as proud as I have been in my entire life. Covered in bruises and arm in sling, I ignore all of this while I think of what my student has accomplished. Becoming a master at 11, a basic understanding of the seismic sense, a talent in Dust Bending and amazing....uh.... techniques that show his genius. All of that and not even taking into account his physical prowess, all of this he used in our fight and winning in a convincing fashion. He even created a new technique on the fly! Looking down and seeing my slightly worried, heh I'm not that hurt Li, but mostly excited student that is basking in his victory but not arrogant. I can only think one thing now. This. This is the best moment of my life.