The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Just read through the quest, you need to stop relying on autocorrect so much. I stopped gathering mistakes after I realised just how common they were but this was my favourite.
Yeah, honestly I would appreciate if you shown me all the mistakes that you found, I can't fix them if I don't know where they are after all. :V
Yeah, honestly I would appreciate if you shown me all the mistakes that you found, I can't fix them if I don't know where they are after all. :V
Well since you asked.
Opening Post.
Eventually though, the avatar died, and his returned to the spirit realm

before returning the realm of the living as a new being.
missing word
no big enough to by a danger
First Thread mark
Here was only darkness.

Grammatically correct, but at face value its blatantly false and as a term of endearment probably also wrong.
Try 'Honey, it is useless,'.
"Yeah, some said it was the skies crying the dead of the avatar."
Dead of the Avatar was the best horror mover Varrick will ever write.
"Well I feel bad too, but you don't see me destroying the houses of other people."
Nothing wrong with this sentence, I just chose to belive that Godzilla crews a life boat in your AU.
"…We will take care of the baby, what did the healers said?
Second threadmark
In my dreams a had visions of estrange creatures

causing the much more damage without remorse
Without remorse doesn't read well, however that's grammatically correct. The the is not.
I fight them all, or at less the me on the dreams did.
Pick a tense and stick in it.
I worry with all the time he spend sleeping

Caveman speak; no good. Try using 'is'.
The healer explained with a tone of curiosity in her voice.
Nothing wrong her just Ug the healer strikes me as an odd sort.
some traits of the past life may appear in the present, both good and bad ones)
There must be a mistake here. Maito Gai has no bad traits.
Threadmark the third. You cheated by making this one short.
I was bored, all around I could hear some estrange noises,
Something is wrong with this opening bit but I can't put my finger on it. If necessary apply the Bludflag signal, he'll know.
Also estrange rears its head again.
This is redundant
Sure from time to time I lady would appear to give me food or change me
Apples entrance into the robotic nursmaid market, the Ilady.
Threadmark 4, Threadmark Harder.
they run so fast that you can see them
Not wrong grammatically, but I know from context you mean 'can't'.
Unless your universe is populated by TRexes... Godzilla the lifeguard intensifies.
and I was one these people
Missing word.
I watch as the me of the dream fought in many battles to protect his home,
Not wrong as far as I know but I'd find it easier if it read 'my dream self' rather than .me of the dream'.
They weird acting really weird
I'm not going to touch this one. I believe in you.
she usually spend her time commanding
Ok, apparently this was some kind of especial day,

"Hello, little one, you look healthy."
What a bizarre greeting.
he managed to escape from some the younger girls even.
Even seems to have ended up in the wrong place.

Gimmie a kick tomorrow and I'll try and finish it then.
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Well since you asked.
Opening Post.

missing word

First Thread mark

Grammatically correct, but at face value its blatantly false and as a term of endearment probably also wrong.
Try 'Honey, it is useless,'.

Dead of the Avatar was the best horror mover Varrick will ever write.

Nothing wrong with this sentence, I just chose to belive that Godzilla crews a life boat in your AU.

Second threadmark

Without remorse doesn't read well, however that's grammatically correct. The the is not.

Pick a tense and stick in it.

Caveman speak; no good. Try using 'is'.

Nothing wrong her just Ug the healer strikes me as an odd sort.
There must be a mistake here. Maito Gai has no bad traits.
Threadmark the third. You cheated by making this one short.
Something is wrong with this opening bit but I can't put my finger on it. If necessary apply the Bludflag signal, he'll know.
Also estrange rears its head again.

This is redundant
Apples entrance into the robotic nursmaid market, the Ilady.
Threadmark 4, Threadmark Harder.

Not wrong grammatically, but I know from context you mean 'can't'.
Unless your universe is populated by TRexes... Godzilla the lifeguard intensifies.

Missing word.

Not wrong as far as I know but I'd find it easier if it read 'my dream self' rather than .me of the dream'.

I'm not going to touch this one. I believe in you.


What a bizarre greeting.
Even seems to have ended up in the wrong place.

Gimmie a kick tomorrow and I'll try and finish it then.
I laughed more than I should with that, I blame the Godzilla jokes. :V

But anyway thanks for that, I fixed all of them, well, I hope so. :sour:
[X] Dynamic Entry!
-[X] Assist the guards by striking at their opponents unexpectedly.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 24 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[9] Dynamic Entry!
-[9] Assist the guards by striking at their opponents unexpectedly.
[1] You have your opponent, break off his line of sight, wait for him to pursue, then DYNAMIC ENTRY him again, this time boxing him in with Earth pillars.
[1] Punch him really fucking hard with an Earthbending assisted uppercut to knock him out.

Total No. of Voters: 11
Double Fail.
[x] Dynamic Entry!
-[x] Assist the guards by striking at their opponents unexpectedly.

This was a fight that I couldn't win on my own, I knew as much, these people were in a different level than me when it comes to fighting skills, but the doesn't mean that I was just going to hide and do nothing.

My burning flame of Youth won't leave me ignore such attack against my allies; I will help them, from the shadows!

Stealth: E
Past Life Connection: D (X O) >>> D+ (O O)

But before, I made another earth wall to block the door behind me and stop my would-be kidnapper.

"Another wall!? You're an annoying brat!"

That should give me some time.

Cautions: F+++

After that I began to move through the battlefield.

I kicked people behind the legs, create wall to protect some guards, and of course created many earth pillars under the attackers.

Strong Fist: E+++
Direct Contact: E+

Thanks to my size it was really easy to stay hidden, most of the people were distracted by they own combats too, so I could move without any problem.

Until streak of fire passed very close to me, when I turn around I see that one of those attackers was walking right at me, I think is the same one that attack me first.

"Not more running away brat!"

Yup, the same one.

"Now stay still whil- agh!" Before he could finished his sentence his body was literally swallow by the earth, with only the head sticking out.

"Don't. Touch. My. Student" Master Bao said just behind me, since when he was there?

"You fucking old man! This was supposed to be an easy job! Just take the kid and go, but no you had to make this complicate didn't you!" The trapped criminal began to complaint.

I honestly was tired of this so I didn't what anyone else would have done; I walked up to him and kicked his head, knocking him out.
After that, the fight was basically over, most of the Red Lotus, as Master Bao told me it was their name, were capture and only a few manage to escape.

Master Bao let me to his office and told me to explain everything that happened since I was first attacked.

"Such foolish and dangerous actions! You could have been hurt or worse!" He hasn't stop telling of how reckless my actions were since I finish my explanation.

"*sigh* But I'm glad that both you or Korra are safe," he finally finished.

"Yeah… Wait, Korra!?"

"Yes, this wasn't just an intent to kidnap you, this 'Red Lotus' had the Avatar on their sights too, luckily some Masters of the White Lotus manage to stop and capture the others kidnappers, with the help of Chief Tonraq and other allies."

…That these people tried to kidnap Korra make my angry, I knew that the Avatar was someone important, but for me she just was my friend, and these people were going to take her away… I couldn't allow that, I wouldn't allow that.

???: E

"Li? Are you alright?" Master Bao asked in a worried tone.

"Huh? Yea- yeah, what's going to happen now?"

"*sigh* For now just go to sleep, you can use my room if you want too, I have the feeling that I won't be using it tonight."

I just nodded and leave the office.
Chose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the headquarters
[] Visit the orphanage
[] Try to learn more about the world

Stealth: E (Your ability to stay in the shadows and attack from there)

AN: if you know the show you should know what happens next.
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[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Train moving in the shadows
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
...for some reason, I kept thinking that Master Bao was a waterbender before this update. Well, he came to the rescue just in time. :)

[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[x] Try to train your seismic sense
[x] Explore the headquarters

Time for a hundred laps around the headquarters! Meet some new people, and maybe familiarize himself with it better, in case of a future attack.
…That these people tried to kidnap Korra make my angry, I knew that the Avatar was someone important, but for me she just was my friend, and these people were going to take her away… I couldn't allow that, I wouldn't allow that.

???: E
Hmm, interesting. Considering the time we got it
The enemy was in front of me, he was attacking me, I could dodge, I could have avoided the attack… I didn't want to, I would fight heat on, the burning Flame of my Youth fueling my body, no retreat, no going back, even if my body breaks, I won't give up, like an unstoppable beast.
???: F
Are we getting some Determination? Or maybe Stubborness? Cause both happened when we were determined to not give up, that we would not allow a thing to happen.

[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time with Korra

We really should spend some time with our Master.
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Train moving in the shadows
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
...for some reason, I kept thinking that Master Bao was a waterbender before this update. Well, he came to the rescue just in time. :)

[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[x] Try to train your seismic sense
[x] Explore the headquarters

Time for a hundred laps around the headquarters! Meet some new people, and maybe familiarize himself with it better, in case of a future attack.
Come on guys, we need Korra time, to make absolutely certain that when she moves, we go with.
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Korra
Stealth: E (Your ability to stay in the shadows and attack from there)
You know, using D/C as average doesn't seem to work well with some of our traits. For example, this means we are firmly below your average adult in sneakiness. Same with Nice Guy, Big Brother Instinct, and Respect To Our Elders. Using C as your average fella, we are pretty mean, uncaring, and disrespectful.
You know, using D/C as average doesn't seem to work well with some of our traits. For example, this means we are firmly below your average adult in sneakiness. Same with Nice Guy, Big Brother Instinct, and Respect To Our Elders. Using C as your average fella, we are pretty mean, uncaring, and disrespectful.
Yeah I had think about it for a while, I think I'm going to divide some traits between two categories, Traits and Perks.

Edit: Ok, Perks will be advantages that Li has that can become better in one way or another, and Traits will be his core personality, they develop by taking ciertan actions many times or by connecting with his past life.
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[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time with Korra