The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

You know I just realised something after a bit of thought. Maito Gai is TMNT reference see exhibit A: He is a Green Beast. Exhibit B: He is a Ninja, and finally Exhibit C: He summons ninja turtles. Maito Gai is a ninja turtle.
And Lee is a younger variant of Gai, making him some sort of....Pubescent Deviating Turtle-styled Ninja?
[X] Pump your fist and Exult. Challenge yourself to do it 50 more times aloud.
[] More waterbending katas
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Explain more of my dreams to Master Bao
[] Explore the headquarters
[X] Visit the orphanage
[] Try to learn more about the world
[] Explore the city
[X] Pump your fist and Exult. Challenge yourself to do it 50 more times aloud.
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Explain more of my dreams to Master Bao
[X] Visit the orphanage

Edit* Cleaned up my vote.
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[X] Pump your fist and Exult. Challenge yourself to do it 50 more times aloud.

[] More waterbending katas
[x] Train earthbending on my own
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Explain more of my dreams to Master Bao
[x] Explore the headquarters
[] Visit the orphanage
[x] Try to learn more about the world
[] Explore the city
[X] Just ignore them and keep training.
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 14 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[19] Train earthbending on my own
[15] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[12] Explain more of my dreams to Master Bao
[7] Explore the headquarters
[7] Spend time with Master Bao
[6] Just ignore them and keep training.
[6] Pump your fist and Exult. Challenge yourself to do it 50 more times aloud.
[5] Apologize and tell Master Bao about it.
[2] Try to learn more about the world
[2] Visit the orphanage
[1] Write-in: Pose majestically in light of your success! Then continue training.

Total No. of Voters: 22
Your past life.
[x] Just ignore them and keep training.

[x] Pump your fist and Exult. Challenge yourself to do it 50 more times aloud.

[x] Train earthbending on my own

[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own

[x] Explain more of my dreams to Master Bao

I just stare at the pillar of earth for a few seconds, ignoring all the people that were staring at me.

Cool: F

"Whohoooo!" I cheered raising my both fist in the air after realizing what I have done, "Now to do it 50 more times, and if not I will do 100 punches!"

Charming: F+

Then I proceed to focus at the earth one more time.

Earthbending: E+
Age: 3 Years and 6 Months

"Master Bao, can I ask you something?" I said while doing more waterbending katas.

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: F+++
Agility: F+++
Counter-attack: F+

"Hmmm? Of course, what's on your mind?" Answered the Master a little surprise.

Well I suppose is understandable, after all I hadn't talk much to him except while training.

Respect to Elders: F+

"Well… sometimes in the past I have some weird dreams," I began to explain and I could see that I have the Master's attention.

Perception: F+

"Like what?"

"In then I'm another person, an adult, and can do a lot of incredible things! Jump very high, punch with fire, and move incredible fast! But it doesn't feel like a dream! Is more like I have done that in the past!" I tried to explain getting more and more excited.

"I see… tell me Li, do you know about reincarnation?"

I just shake my head.

"Very well let me explain, all humans have a Soul, do you what that is?" He asked before continuing his explanation.

"Yes! Is what gives life to the body! And the source of its Youth!" I answered proudly.

"…Right, when someone dies their soul leaves their body and enters the spirit realm, what happens to the soul then it changes depending of what they did at live, but some souls are different, some souls manage to return to the mortal realm to another body, and people with these souls sometimes can remember parts of their old life." He finishes.

"So… I have a reincarnate soul?" I asked in wonder.

"Is the most probable, yes."

"Wow, do you know who had my soul before me?"

"I have my suspicious… but I would need more evidence first," He said while stroking his chin, "but for now, isn't time for your personal training?"

"Oh? Your right! I will run 10 laps around the training ground and if I can't I will punch the dummy 300 times! See you later Master!" I yelled while running to the front yard.

Knowledge – Spirit Realm: F
Earthbending: E++
Seismic Sense: F++
Strong Fist: F+++
Speed: F+++

Chose 3:
[] More waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending on my own
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the headquarters
[] Visit the orphanage
[] Try to learn more about the world
[] Explore the city

Cool: F (You know how to keep calm and collect under pressure)

Knowledge – Spirit Realm: F (How much you know about the spirit realm)

AN: A short update, true, but luckily next update will have Korra and things will begin to move.
Man the only thing we would need to 100% complete the misunderstanding is somehow control another element. But we cannot do that :(
Lol, the misunderstanding grows ever more complete :p
Korra is turning up next turn or the turn after, so it won't last long.
Man the only thing we would need to 100% complete the misunderstanding is somehow control another element. But we cannot do that :(
MAYBE we could punch so hard, it makes fire from the friction? Sadly, without Chakra, I doubt our Youth can burn that bright.

[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Learning to meditate
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Visit the orphanage
[X] More waterbending katas
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Learning to meditate

Let's work on this meditatio since it should help us enter the spirit realm.
@Astaroh-M How good is F-rank, E-rank, D-rank, and so on?
Depends on what grading scale is used, but usually F would be be the lowest, and A, S, or EX would be the highest. It looks like it takes a certain amount of pluses to get to the next letter grade as well so an F+ > F and E > F+++ or something like that.

Edit* Ninja'd by the Author.
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[X] Train earthbending on my own
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Learning to meditate
Last edited:
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Visit the orphanage
[X] Learning to meditate