The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Fine, whatever. We're going nowhere with this because you're arguing "Why not?" and we're arguing "Why?" and niether of us have irrifutable reasons on any of the points.

Either way Astroh-M made his decision on the matter already and you can't provide proof that they can just as we can't prove they can't.
Hey guys, if we get seismic sense from studying waterbending, might we learn new tricks from studying firebending and airbending? I mean, they're worth learning about the basics just to get better at fighting them (in fact, it's crucially important that there are only four combat styles we can expect most serious opponents to draw from), but it's a thought. Iroh learned from waterbenders as well, and learned a trick no one else knew; who knows what we might develop.
Fine, whatever. We're going nowhere with this because you're arguing "Why not?" and we're arguing "Why?" and niether of us have irrifutable reasons on any of the points.

Either way Astroh-M made his decision on the matter already and you can't provide proof that they can just as we can't prove they can't.
No, we are not arguing different things. I had listed several things that wouldn't make sense if lava benders could not bend metal. Like, for example, Suyin insisting that the only thing limiting Bolin is his attitude. I think if there are earth-benders who physically CAN NOT metal-bend (Bolin can't be the only son of a fire-bender), she'd know.
Plus a statistic I forgot about, only 1 in 100 earth-benders master metal-bending. It's hard as balls.
Enough for all of the Republic City police force and almost a whole city of people(Zaufu).
The police force and Zaufu are noted exceptions however. They are special because they CAN. It's not something any two-bit earth-bender can do, like fire-benders and lightning.

Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 15 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[15] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[15] Learning to meditate
[8] Train earthbending on my own
[6] Visit the orphanage
[3] Explore the headquarters
[2] Try to learn more about the world
[1] Spend time with Master Bao
[1] Explore the city

Total No. of Voters: 17
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@Astaroh-M How are sub-skills effected by higher-level skills? Like if we became a S-rank Earthbender before learning Metalbending, would we have an easier time of it than if we were just a C-rank Earthbender?
Haha, no. Even a tiny bit of it would have been helpful to them. Why break down the door when you can just peel it apart neatly. Even just pull out the screws holding it together.
Alright, know the conversation is pretty much closed but I rewatched the episode where they attacked Zaofu and gotta comment, and I do not see any instances where metal-bending would have appreciably helped them. They didn't need to break down any doors, they were already well inside thanks to the help of Aiwei. The door into Korra's room, they opened normally. When the enemy metal benders were caging them in, even if he knew metal bending he'd unlikely be albe to over-power all the other benders. When they were building a bridge, he could either have tried to overpower their bridge building, or do what he canonically did attack with a large spout of lava not only knocking them off but discouraging any future attempts because of the risk of 3rd degree burns.
If a Firebender and Earthbender can give birth to a Lavabender due to the mixing of chi, I wonder what other element cross types there can be. It'd have to be two elements that don't oppose each other to work though. An Earth + Air union would either give birth to one or other who can only bend their given element, just as a fire + water union would only produce the same. Would an Earthbender born from Waterbender and Earthbender be able to say crystal bend ( Non diamond crystals needing some water to form after all)?
If a Firebender and Earthbender can give birth to a Lavabender due to the mixing of chi, I wonder what other element cross types there can be. It'd have to be two elements that don't oppose each other to work though. An Earth + Air union would either give birth to one or other who can only bend their given element, just as a fire + water union would only produce the same. Would an Earthbender born from Waterbender and Earthbender be able to say crystal bend ( Non diamond crystals needing some water to form after all)?
Opposing elements might not make a new thing, but that doesn't mean it'd make nothing. Earth+Air, they might be extra good at Dust Bending, which all earthbenders can do so it's not a new thing.

Crystal, all earth-benders can do. As seen when Katara and Sokka were almost incased in crystal, but were broken free by some guards.
can an normal earthbender bend mud?
Yes, as seen when Toph and Katara were mud-bending at eachother, Katara controlling the Water in the Mud, and Toph controlling the Dirt in the Mud.
Alright, and in relation to my earlier thing on how good we can get, how hard is Gai currently training? Is he training full out, till he drops, and then some more? Cause it seems like he would, especially now that he's picked up Work Ethic.
Yup, but remember, that Master Bao isn't teaching earthbending to Li, so he's training on his own and the same with the Strong Fist, and even Toph needed "teachers" to become so good at the beginning.
Guys we also have to remember that Li is only 3 years old at this point. . . He's a damn impressive one at that. Li is practically a prodigy, given how well he speaks and how mature he acts, that's not to mention his martial skills. Li is going to be a beast, we should see if we can go with Korra when she sets out to be trained with other masters. She can be our (new) Eternal Rival™ (Even though she won't be as cool and hip as Kakashi)!
I kinda want Li to be the Boomy to Korra's Aang I think it'd be hilarious.
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Master Bao isn't teaching earthbending to Li,
Really? I know that he's focusing on Waterbending Katas, but I'd think that, since we are working on Earth Bending anyways, he'd give us pointers. Even we turn out to be not the Avatar, we are a prodigy. Shame to let the talent go to waste.
we should see if we can go with Korra when she sets out to be trained with other masters.
If Korra does go to be trained. In canon, the masters came to her.
Side-Note: Depending on the order she learns them in and how fast she learns them, we could be her Earthbending teacher.

Edit: Actually, we can sorta guess how fast she learns them. She began when she was 4, and mastered Fire Bending last at 17. That averages out to 4.3 years. We can totally master Earth Bending while she's learning Water, and become her teacher when she moves on to Earth. Might be hard to talk the White Lotus into it though.
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Really? I know that he's focusing on Waterbending Katas, but I'd think that, since we are working on Earth Bending anyways, he'd give us pointers. Even we turn out to be not the Avatar, we are a prodigy. Shame to let the talent go to waste.

If Korra does go to be trained. In canon, the masters came to her.
Side-Note: Depending on the order she learns them in and how fast she learns them, we could be her Earthbending teacher.

Edit: Actually, we can sorta guess how fast she learns them. She began when she was 4, and mastered Fire Bending last at 17. That averages out to 4.3 years. We can totally master Earth Bending while she's learning Water, and become her teacher when she moves on to Earth. Might be hard to talk the White Lotus into it though.
If nothing else we'd make an excellent training partner.
Deal with it.
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own

[x] Learning to meditate

[x] Train earthbending on my own

Age: 4 Years

"I will breath 100 in the next hour, if not I will run to 200 laps around the yard!" I declared to the air while sitting at lotus position, only for Master Bao to throw a pebble at my forehead.


"Focus Li, meditating is about inner peace, calm and patience, just close your eyes and breath," he explained to me again.

"Ok, ok, deep breaths, the deepest and peaceful breaths of all! Ouch!"

"Focus Li."

I think he's enjoying this.

Meditation: F
Respect to Elders: F++

Of course Master Bao still makes me do the same slow katas; honestly they were beginning to feel relaxing… they still bored me though.

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: E
Agility: E
Counter-attack: F++

Ok, first, take a deep breath, feel the earth, and step.

A rock pillar rises in front of me.

Seismic Sense: F+++

Then I punch the pillar with my fists until it breaks.

Body of Steel: E++

"OK! Now I will do it 100 more times and then 200 jumps!"

Strong Fist: E
Physical Skill: D+ (X O)
Earthbending: E+++
Speed: E
Physical Skill: D+ (X X) >>> D++ (O O)

One afternoon after my lap number 157 a saw a familiar face in the entrance of the headquarters.

"Chief Tonraq! Hi!" I yelled while running to him.

He came to visit from time to time and it was always nice to talk with him, thought this time it seemed like Master Bao meet him first.

When I was close enough I could heard the last part of what Master Bao was saying.

"…are you completely sure Tonraq?" He was asking in somewhat worrying tone.

But just before someone could say anything else a part of the walls explode producing a lot of smoke, then a small figure run through it then create a small ice podium with them on top and finished creating a column of fire at the sky.

"I'm Korra your new Avatar!" yelled the small figure; with smoke fading I could see that she was a little girl.

"*sigh* Yes, I'm very sure Master Bao," said Chief Tonraq after a moments of silence.

[] Hi! I'm Li, nice to meet you!
[] Your Flame of Youth burns with passion! Nice to meet you.
[] It was very un-youthful of you to destroy that wall, you will have to fix it miss Avatar.
[] Write-in

Chose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the headquarters
[] Visit the orphanage
[] Try to learn more about the world
[] Explore the city

Meditation: F (The practice of concentrated focus to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth.)

AN: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Avatar.
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[X] Hi! I'm Li, nice to meet you!
I want Li to be eccentric but not Maito guy level, we have to be our own person :p
[X] Spend time with Korra
[X] Visit the orphanage
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
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We already had ++. And why did it only go up by 1 rather than the usual 2? Are we hitting the point where we need a teach? IF so, good thing Bao is actually teaching us now.

[X] Hi! I'm Li, nice to meet you!
[X] Spend time with Korra
[X] Learning to meditate
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own