The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

East Blue
Gold Crown Flagship
The marines fire their own cannons with practiced discipline, unloading cannonballs into the air. Many of the marine's barrage bounce off the incoming cannonballs, sending both hunks of metal into the shining blue sea. Others miss both the cannonballs and the fleet, either coming up short or sailing too far into the horizon.

Others hit their targets. Two of the Gold Crown Pirate ships explode into chaos and fire, men screaming as they rush to abandon ship. All of the ships suffer at least a little damage - save the flagship, which is protected by a blur which knocks away any approaching cannonballs as if they were little more than paper.
Seeing two of the five struck and sinking on his way the Mink shifted over towards the dock's edge and let his blade dip into the turbulent Blue with crackling lightning — nowhere near enough to kill considering how far it would extend, but enough to make them think twice about swimming to the dock if they still held consciousness.

"That ought to keep the rabble from overrunning our forces..."
Gold Crown cannonballs crash into the docks and surrounding buildings, but the damage is minimal. Most of the barrage was countered by the marines, or falls woefully short of their intended targets.

Hakuyu encounters little resistance charging the Gold Crown Flagship, but he can see Checkworth Callow standing on deck.
Seeing the Fishman commander on deck with no weapons in hand Hakuyū-Taii leapt on board, landing smoothly with the clack of his geta-sandals as the crackling faded. "You must be Callow, then; I see why Alward wasn't uncomfortable with my appearance — no offense intended."

"None taken," came Checkworth's reply. The grey-skinned pirate stood at equal height with his challenger, wearing a flowery combo of t-shirt and shorts with webbed toes as bare as his hands. He smiled sardonically at the Marine, revealing his row of bladed teeth that glinted fragments of light from the dangling lure into his short brown hair. "That the lump actually managed to not flip his shit would be improvement if it didn't give him away."

He chuckled whilst returning the zweihänder to its sheath. "Fair enough. I must thank you and your men for the information: I'd had my concerns about Commodore Arnold's activities here as Captain for some time; shame you're already altering his conditions further so I don't have direct culpability, but with all this I'll see his transgressions laid bare yet."

"Why do you sheathe your blade, Lieutenant?" the angler-fishman interjected, cracking his knuckles as he stared down the Marine with narrowing black-dot pupils.

"Is not respect a fair reason?" Shrugging at his opponent's non-response the Lieutenant went on with his own toothy smirk. "Seems a fair trade off for keeping you out of the water — or are you in need of some electroshock therapy? Besides, don't tell me you wouldn't just shatter my sword apart given half the chance."

"And what makes you think you'll fare better than your weapon?"

Hakuyū shrugs again, tail starting to shift about with a patient sway. "I might not, but it's not like I can just let you go about your business unabated. To Pirates and Marines around the world, this city is sacred ground to this "Golden Age". No single crew of rapscallions is going to claim it — just as no Commanding Officer of the Marines is stationed here forever. That I've come to be known as 'Loguetown's Lieutenant' in such a short time is an honor, but such a thing is not meant to be."

The Gold Crown Commander gave the Mink a puzzled look. "You speak rather highly of piracy for a Marine."

"I don't see you spitting in my face, either," the Lieutenant replied before settling into a wider stance with his claws out up against the fishman, "No one said we can't have courtesy, even if we're in opposition. Unlike your Captain, you have some character to you."

"Fair enough." Matching his opposition the angler fishman settled into a stance of their own and let the relative silence stretch out as the sounds of combat echoed out from the docks and ships abound. The crimson Marine let his eyes flutter closed as he extended his senses once more, the energy from before an instant away as he concentrated on his form with patient breathing.


The spray of an artillery shell in the water spread across the deck, and Callow made his move with a burst of light from the lure upon his head. Even with eyes closed the flash still forced a flinch from Hakuyū, but that only furthered his focus on his other senses to distract from it. Even with the deluge of water he could feel the disturbances in the air as his opponent spun around and threw something at him with surprising speed.

Without opening his eyes the Mink leapt forward unto his hands as the projectiles bristled by his fur and leaving a slice in his shorts as they impacted into the wood behind him. With a twist into a handstand his tail-fur grew and was launched with the charge of his energy, colliding expertly with other projectiles only for them to persist — his hairs shooting straight through and striking Callow harmlessly while theirs splattered across the deck with the loss in momentum. At the same time the pirate moved to knock him over with a low sweep, prompting him to push off into a cartwheel as his tail shot for his head as he allowed the current to course his fur again.

Narrowly leaning out of the way the Commander continued the motion of the sweep and made to elbow-strike the Lieutenant in the spine, but avoiding the tail left his target enough time to twist and deflect it with a slap of his paw-hand. To each of their displeasure, the electricity from the point of contact shot up Checkworth's arm while Hakuyū could feel the force of the blow crackling in his bones with ripples of pain.

Pushing off each other he landed a short distance from the fishman, each of them shaking out their respective arm as they analyzed one another. The projectiles must've been water from the splash — and that blow was no joke. "You're pretty good," he spoke up as he pointed his hands like pistols towards his opponent, his tone clashing with his neutral face, "This should be fun!"
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East Blue
The Bank

The door soars through the air, tumbling across the room with a surprising amount of grace for a giant chunk of wood. Bam-Bam doesn't notice it until it crashes into the back of his skull, sending him straight to the floor.

For a moment, there's no movement, no sign that the pirate survived the assault. After all, who could have survived something like that?

And then, miraculously, he stirs. Bam-Bam struggles back to his feet, clutching at his head. "Bam-Bam head hurts!" He roars, his voice shaking the very foundations of the bank. "Bam-Bam smash tiny man with club!" (It should be noted, for posterity, that Bam-Bam is only about half as tall as Barka. His inability to properly compare sizes is a defining character trait.)

Bam-Bam grabs his club and begins to beat at the ground with it, the force of his strikes causing a miniature earthquake. "Bam-Bam smash! Bam-Bam smash!"

((Bam-Bam is stupid and slow, but remarkably tough and strong. Once he's locked onto a target, nothing can make him deviate.))

Barka glared mightily at Bam-Bam, weathering the tremors with a familiar ease. This guy was pretty tough by human standards, but he'd dealt with worse brutes back on the island. So, there's only thing to do.

"If you aint gonna stay down, then I'll bloody well just crush ya in one attack!"

One leg slammed into the ground, leaving a wide spider web of cracks, then another. His palm slammed into the fine marble floor next as he assumed a running stance. As he did this, his feet seemed to... thicken, the toes becoming less distinct.


The cook thundered into a run, carving footholds as he charged towards his positively primitive opponent.


Barka lowered his head straight forward, his single, curly hair pressing back against his bare head from the sheer velocity of his advance. He neared Bam Bam, speeding towards him like a bullet, even as his skin became increasingly grey and wrinkled


Then, when he came within arm's length of the pirate, the privateer exploded in a shower of steam and twisting muscles as he swelled to a freakish size: Arms became forelegs, a puggish nose elongated to a snake-like trunk, and his tusks shot out like ivory blades.


The newly grown trunk, in the scant space between the newly elephantine Barka and his greatly out-massed foe, shot out in a devastating uppercut: Intent on knocking Bam Bam into the air, Barka sought to ram him with his head and slam the dwarf into the steel vault behind them.
"Revenge isn't Justice, and not all people are Pirates by choice. For many, various factors have left them no other choice. All should be treated and judged equally, not just because they happen to sail under a flag or wear a white coat. "

It was a dangerous line of thinking, one that the crow clearly decided to disagree with. Either way, he turned the chair to towards the headquarters, and pointed to show they were almost there.
Laurent...did not understand what Lieutenant Drake was saying at all. What did it matter if people were not pirates by choice? They were still pirates. What did it mean to judge and treat people equally? Allies should be supported and enemies eliminated.

At a loss, Laurent didn't say anything and turned their head to look.
"Hmph." Tabun may have disagreed with the Lieutenant's words...but he didn't dislike them. "Seems he has a softer heart than I. I can't say he's wrong, but my way is the only way to be ultimately sure, for a purpose that serves an even higher Justice than that of the few less fortunate pirates. It's the only Justice I know, after all."

He spotted the headquarters and reclined back, relaxing himself more for what he expected to be a smooth descent. "I know what you mean. It's not just about revenge. I'm thinking of the future." He glanced to both of them once more, "So perhaps you could help keep me in line and ensure my Justice is fair, Lieutenant Drake. And you Ensign Laurent, could be an invaluable comrade. So, how about joining up with me as crewmates? We work together, as equals, and help each other's load. I know I'll need the help. So what about you two?"

He'd posed the question with a hint of embarrassment. He'd never considered joining up with others before today. But now he felt he'd truly need their assistance in the days to come so it was worth it to at least ask.

"I wouldn't mind serving with you, sir." Laurent said. "But that would depend on where we're assigned."
I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok. Quick question: Are they searching you are you searching them? And if it's the second option, what did you swear, exactly?"

I asked, looking at him, while waiting to hear his answer and what the Via and Ryu would say.
@Luigilewis889 @GneFenG

"The reason I'm looking for them is because I want to show them that the Marines are the true evil in this world. I swore to find them and uncover untold atrocities that the Marines may have hidden also. That's all."
I sigh. They weren't there for the shelling of our home, so I want to at least be able to get to at least one of them and show them the truth.
"And they want to recruit me into the Marines, so they have the Dead or Alive posters that have my name say only Alive."
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"The reason I'm looking for them is because I want to show them that the Marines are the true evil in this world. I swore to find them and uncover untold atrocities that the Marines may have hidden also. That's all."
I sigh. They weren't there for the shelling of our home, so I want to at least be able to get to at least one of them and show them the truth.
"And they want to recruit me into the Marines, so they have the Dead or Alive posters that have my name say only Alive."

It makes sense. Better than my separation from my so-called family. Seriously, they are some messed-up people.

I nodded to him, patting his shoulder, and then returned to look towards the island.

"We will dock in one hour. We don't have the flag yet, so it's a small mercy, but we need to stay alert."
It makes sense. Better than my separation from my so-called family. Seriously, they are some messed-up people.

I nodded to him, patting his shoulder, and then returned to look towards the island.

"We will dock in one hour. We don't have the flag yet, so it's a small mercy, but we need to stay alert."

I simply nod. He understands how it is in a way.

"Aye sir!"
It makes sense. Better than my separation from my so-called family. Seriously, they are some messed-up people.

I nodded to him, patting his shoulder, and then returned to look towards the island.

"We will dock in one hour. We don't have the flag yet, so it's a small mercy, but we need to stay alert."

"Hey, I'm the captain!" Via frowned, crossing her arms, before shrugging. "Do what Orphie says."
Rain had thought herself sufficiently sped away, but she was within clear earshot of the fighting still raging at the docks. Without any other options, she tried get her racer to stop well away from what looked like an unused section of dock that was probably nowhere near far enough, and hoist the sails to coast to a stop.

Then came shifting from her position, rope in hand, and bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet before bounding up and off the racer, onto the dock. She hastily tied up her racer, begging it to stay put with waves of her hands like somehow the Dosu Dosu powers could hold it still, then let impulse take over.

She hopped and skipped on the balls of her feet again, then concentrated as hard as she could and kicked off of the ground, the Dosu Dosu fruit's powers launching her skywards with the speed and sound of a mortar shell.

Rain sailed skywards, reaching apogee like a rocket, then grabbed for handles attached to straps on her backpack, unfurling cloth that made her look like she was attached to a kite, and she began to make for the center of Loguetown, gliding away and hoping she wouldn't be seen long enough to be ensnared by any fighting. She needed to run - and she hoped her little racing skiff wouldn't be consumed in all that fighting going on.
Grand Rock
The First Island of the Grand Line

"Wha...? How can you not-" The Marine started to respond, obviously confused - However, he seemed to shrug off his annoyance and continue speaking after a moment "Ugh, never mind; Do you know where your parents are kid? A boy your age shouldn't be loitering around the docks alone; Pirates are unfortunately common around these parts." He continued with a grimace.

"Pirates?!" Pengun shouted. "There are pirates at this dock?!" his Yells were filled with childish astonishment, punctuated by a shaken fist.

The man looked back oddly, seemingly confused by the kid's retort. "Ummm, yes? Why do you sound so excited about that fact?"

Upon hearing that, Pengun stood up determinedly with Back strait and hands planted upon hips.

Raising one arm skywards, finger extended as emphasis, he replied gleefully "You're looking at Captain Pengun of the Penguin Pirates!! Do you know where i could find a bar or tavern, so that my crew can rest, good sir!?" His voice was boisterously loud, and expression hopeful. His gaze seemed utterly trusting and expectant, ass thought the marine were about to answer wholeheartedly.

The gathered crowd merely stared back in shock however, trying to process the small pirate's proclamation.
East Blue
Rosey-Eyed Pirate Ship

The Rosey-Eyed Privateers crawl along the coast undetected for a little while, but as they draw closer to the action Olivia and Lezard are overcome with a strong sense of foreboding. Moments later something crashes into the bottom of the ship, hard enough to throw both the privateers off balance.

Looking over the side of the ship, Olivia and Lezard see a team of six fishman climbing up the side of the ship, sinking their powerful fingers directly in the wood to form makeshift handholds. Within moments, they'll be on deck.

Lezard's concentration on her drug synthesis was broken by the sudden violent rocking of the ship. It sounded like it came from Brother Barca's kitchen. The reptilian hybrid's eyes reluctantly parted with her vials to glance out the window and see a large angler fish crawling up the side of the ship. Wait, no, that was a Fishman. They possessed ten times the strength of the average human, with limbs larger than Lezard's torso. A human girl might've been frightened at such vicious creatures, but Lezard was neither human or normal.

She was a Ghabali. Her majestic ancestors, like the Baryonyx, preyed on fish since the dawn of creation. Dinosaurs were the apex predators of prehistoric times, and the young doctor was proud to be part of that lineage. Lezard appeared to be a lithe girl, but her genetic makeup hid a physical prowess that did not fall short of Fishmen. Nay, it was superior, because she had inherited the blood of their predators. So when she saw a Fishman climbing outside her window, there was only one natural response.

"I didn't order room service?" Lezard asked, somewhat confused. She swiftly but calmly walked over to the window, opened it, and proceeded to drag a surprised FIshman into the darkness of her medical room. His fellows above heard his surprise which shortly turned into agonized shouts. By the time his five friends had entered the clinic, he had been reduced to a sobbing voice in the darkness. It had been less than twenty seconds, but that's all it took for a young woman like Lezard to turn a large burly man into a sobbing wreck. To be fair, all she did was tell him who she was, what she was, and restrain his muscular arm with her twig-like one. Then she smiled, revealing a set of shining teeth that wouldn't look out of place on a crocodile.

Five minutes later, Lezard arrived on the deck. She had exchanged her latex gloves, doctor's coat, and slippers for elegant gauntlets with red glass-like claws, a black and white gothic lolita dress, and elegant metal sabatons looking like she was preparing for a ball rather than a fight.

@Bondo @God and the Snake

"Big Sis Olivia, I'm ready to go. I had to do some quick emergency repairs. Good news is that we're still seaworthy," Lezard cheerfully reported, before turning mournful. "Bad news is we might need to eat something simple tonight. Their canon fire wrecked Big Brother Barca's kitchen."

Down below, Lezard had used five of the unconscious Fishmen as emergency repairs for the ship, sticking them on damaged parts of the Marianne Rosa. From another point of view, she guessed they could be seen as hostages to their enemies, but Lezard seriously questioned if mere fish were mentally developed enough to enjoy camaraderie. They were just food after all, not real people.

The sixth Fishman was being drag in her right hand, while her left carried a rotisserie grill and spit over her shoulder. After she tied him up on the spit, she pranced over to her farm where she grew natural spices next to her medical herbs.
"Hey, I'm the captain!" Via frowned, crossing her arms, before shrugging. "Do what Orphie says."

"She's right, I'm not the captain. I'm the First Mate. This means that everyone, except for her, When I say jump you jump."

My smile was the one that was associated with the sharks. Nice, white and sharp.

"Now, we are approaching to Bamboo Island. Someone have some idea on how to land without risking the jail or the chopping block?"

@GneFenG @Gruber dude
"She's right, I'm not the captain. I'm the First Mate. This means that everyone, except for her, When I say jump you jump."

My smile was the one that was associated with the sharks. Nice, white and sharp.

"Now, we are approaching to Bamboo Island. Someone have some idea on how to land without risking the jail or the chopping block?"

@GneFenG @Gruber dude

"Hmm... we could go around the island and search for a side that is not too guarded."
East Blue
The Beach

As Luna approaches the docks, she's met by three tall, burly looking men. They have fine rifles slung over their shoulders and cutlasses strapped to their waists.
"Hey," says one of the pirates, flipping a gold coin up and down as he speaks. "You need to back off. This is an officially restricted area."
"Yeah," says another, hand resting on the handle of his sword. "The marine commander round these parts has given us this beach to unload our merchandise. You're breaking the law. Now are you going to back off like a good little girl? Or are we gonna have to...persuade you?"
East Blue
The Docks

Choco grows increasingly agitated as the Lieutenant and Sebastian speak, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them as if looking for an escape. When it becomes clear that no help is coming, he straightens up slightly and puts his hands on his waist.
"My papers," he says, "Of course, of course. They're right here in my jacket..." he reaches into the breast pocket of his jacket, but when he withdraws his hand he is not holding a bundle of official papers - instead he holds a pistol.
"I suppose the gig is up then, such as it is!" Choco declares, pointing his weapon directly at the Lieutenant. "You see before you Captain Alward Choco, of the Gold Crown Pirates!"
Alward Choco
Captain of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 0 Belli

"For my first trick...seizing the island of Loguetown. Goodbye, Lieutenant!"
He pulls the trigger several times in rapid succession. Gunsmoke fills the air, and Seaman Apprentice Hart screams.
When the smoke clears, nobody is hurt. The marines sit in a state of groggy confusion, running their hands over their bodies as if they're afraid of finding an unseen bullet wound. And yet nobody does.
"Wow," Hart says after a moment. "Did you miss every shot?"
"I..." Choco says, hand trembling with impotent rage.
"I didn't even know that was possible, at this range. You must be...the worst shot. Of all time."
"It doesn't matter!" Choco shrieks, hurling his pistol at the ground, where it bounces feebly off the wood of the dock. "Even as we speak, my agents are infiltrating the island from all sides!"
East Blue
The Marine Headquarters

A tall, thin woman with straight black hair stands in the middle of Loguetown Marine Headquarters, the bodies of fallen marines piled at her feet. She wears four swords on her back and a blank expression on her face.
Candy Sloan
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 15,000,000 Belli
East Blue

A short, stocky man with a large cudgel beats against the metal wall of Loguetown's vault, laughing maniacally as he does so.
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 10,000,000 Belli
East Blue
The Gold Crown Pirates Flagship

A angler fish fishman stands on the front deck, arms crossed. His jaw, locked in a permanent underbite, shows off a row of impressive teeth. From his forehead dangles a softly pulsing light.
Checkworth Callow
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 13,000,000 Belli
East Blue
The Docks

"Oh yes," Choco chortles, "You see, this whole process has been a very clever ruse! And you fell for it, hook line and sinker! Yee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" He points directly into the sky. "Prepare yourselves, Loguetown!"
Before the assembled Marines and Privateers can move to arrest him, there's a rumbling on the horizon. Suddenly, Choco's ships floating in the bay launch a barrage of cannonballs at the island.

Jean could only sigh as the situation rapidly spiraled down hill and the fat captain began to shoot at them, not even hitting a single marine. This was supposed to be a day off, relaxation time while they restocked before the grandline. He'd even cut down his training and bought pastries as a treat! And of course this windbag had to ruin it for him by invading.

"Merde. Alright Captain, Olivia and Lezard should have these ships handled without my aid, yes? I'll head into the city then, to crush whatever trash this imbecile managed to smuggle in. Is that acceptable Sir?" Jean glances over towards Rosaire, most of his blatant disrespect tempered by the situation, and at his Captain's nod he's off.

With one final sigh at his lost relaxation time, Jean shoved the last of his pastries in his mouth and sprinted off towards the sounds of screams and fighting, eyes and ears sharp for any of the gold crown pirates.


Bodies flung through the air as Jean charged into a mass of pirates, bones and weapons cracking as Jean grabbed them by the head or limbs and slammed them into each other. As it turned out, finding the pirates wasn't difficult at all. They were everywhere, and shouting, some about how Loguetown was now their's, others about the might of the gold crown pirates and how unstoppable their commanders were, all of them absolutely insufferable.

"Why are there so many of you!" He yelled at the many gathered pirates to no avail, likely due to the fact that most of his enemies were either unconscious or too busy screaming in pain or fear themselves, and the rare few that weren't mostly seemed preoccupied with attempting to brain Jean for his gall in attacking them.

From behind Jean a large hammer wielding pirate rose up to crush Jean, bringing it to bear with all his force against Jean, only to be rebuffed as Jean twisted around and slammed the back of his fist into the side of the maul sending pale blue cracks throughout the hammer before it violently shattering into splinters. The pirate's rib snapped loudly as Jean nailed the now weaponless man in the chest, and a second punch to the jaw downed him entirely, knocking his body back onto another three charging pirates.

The street fight had been going like that for quite a while now, Jean's original plan to simply knock out any of the gold crown pirates he came across as he looked for the officers ruined by the sheeer number of pirates that six ships could hold. For every pirate he dropped more seemed to come, attracted to the sound of pitched battle and seeking revenge for their fallen comrades. Seemingly just to prove him right, a group of five pirates came charging around the corner, only to be bowled over as Jean grabbed one of the many bodies laying at his feet and chucked it overhead at the group.

"Putain, cesse de m'attaquer et dites-moi où sont vos officiers!"

He knew should have stayed and tried to fight the ships.
Laurent...did not understand what Lieutenant Drake was saying at all. What did it matter if people were not pirates by choice? They were still pirates. What did it mean to judge and treat people equally? Allies should be supported and enemies eliminated.

At a loss, Laurent didn't say anything and turned their head to look.

"I wouldn't mind serving with you, sir." Laurent said. "But that would depend on where we're assigned."
He spotted the headquarters and reclined back, relaxing himself more for what he expected to be a smooth descent. "I know what you mean. It's not just about revenge. I'm thinking of the future." He glanced to both of them once more, "So perhaps you could help keep me in line and ensure my Justice is fair, Lieutenant Drake. And you Ensign Laurent, could be an invaluable comrade. So, how about joining up with me as crewmates? We work together, as equals, and help each other's load. I know I'll need the help. So what about you two?"

He'd posed the question with a hint of embarrassment. He'd never considered joining up with others before today. But now he felt he'd truly need their assistance in the days to come so it was worth it to at least ask.

"I'll consider it. If nothing else I can temper your enthusiasm. But then we are not pirates, so such things require proper orders"

And in exchange, Leo would be on hand to kill him if he strayed from the path of Justice. Marines that persecuted all that wore a single label merely because they wore that label were trash that were worse then any pirates... and the cause of no few to begin their justice. Plus in return for keeping him on the path of Justice, he could do all Leos paperwork. Without his trademark flair of course, so the Lieutenant would need to ensure he wasn't volunteered for a place in the New World or worse. Touching down the couch carefully at head quarters, the Lazy Marine ensured his particular bottles were carefully stowed, along with the majority of his weapons.
"I wouldn't mind serving with you, sir." Laurent said. "But that would depend on where we're assigned."

"Of course." Tabun spoke with a hint of cheerfulness, "Once we've all recovered I planned to speak with Lieutenant Commander Brock about it."

"I'll consider it. If nothing else I can temper your enthusiasm. But then we are not pirates, so such things require proper orders"

And in exchange, Leo would be on hand to kill him if he strayed from the path of Justice. Marines that persecuted all that wore a single label merely because they wore that label were trash that were worse then any pirates... and the cause of no few to begin their justice. Plus in return for keeping him on the path of Justice, he could do all Leos paperwork. Without his trademark flair of course, so the Lieutenant would need to ensure he wasn't volunteered for a place in the New World or worse. Touching down the couch carefully at head quarters, the Lazy Marine ensured his particular bottles were carefully stowed, along with the majority of his weapons.

Tabun frowned ever so slightly at the bottle he was enjoying leaving his grasp, but it was probably for the best. He didn't drink that often so his tolerance wasn't that high. A few low ranking marines were approaching them. "We're injured, Lieutenant Drake and I have been paralyzed. Help the Lieutenant get to the infirmary, same for Ensign Laurent if they wish it. I just need some medicine for the poison in me. Then I'll be going to see Lieutenant Commander Brock."

The marines gave a quick salute before doing as they were instructed. Tabun's wounds were mostly patched up, he just had the poison to contend with. After taking the medicine and letting it settle in he regained control of his leg. He reacquired one of his coats and made sure he was presentable, unfortunately there was little to be done about the four brand new scars across his face. He then went on his way to look for Brock to give a report on what had happened with himself and his fellow marines, receive any new orders, and request to allow himself, Ensign Laurent, and Lieutenant Drake to work together as a single unit. Perhaps even requesting a modest vessel and a platoon of men if his newest orders would involve sailing off Grand Rock.

"Hmm... we could go around the island and search for a side that is not too guarded."

"Well, wouldn't a watchtower see us circling the island? I really don't want to get into a fight on a ship. Also, who says that Marine's aren't watching every Dock?"

"In my experience, marines can't observe every docks, cliff or beach of an island. We just need to find the right one. What do you think Via?"

East Blue
Over the Docks

Rain's plan didn't get very far. She shot straight up and had no speed to work with to turn into flight, so as soon as she hit her apogee she began drifting back down...until the wind caught her.

"What? Oh, no, no, no..." she repeated as she started flailing and toppling out of the air. She had to find something to kick off of as she paddled her feet at nothing, then caught a rooftop at an odd angle that forced her to fly awkwardly to the side. She flapped her arms to get her wing pack back under control and found herself heading right over the Gold Crown bombardment, having to jump from rooftop to rooftop, her footwork increasingly shaky as shaking buildings underneath her forced her to jump from rooftop to rooftop. Then a cannonball went up high at her, and she saw it bearing right down on her.

"Enough of this! I'm trying to be nice!" Rain shouted as she turned to face the oncoming cannonball, raised her hand over her head and concentrated.

"Dosu Dosu...SPIKE!"

She brought down her open palm atop the cannonball and suddenly lorded over everything with the force of her impact. A shockwave blasted around her and a noise like the ringing of a large bell signaled Rain had just redirected what would have knocked her out of the air, and the cannonball suddenly changed course to smash into empty ground, spraying nearby pirates and Marines with little bits of debris. Anyone on the ground who craned their necks up to see what the hell was happening would see Rain recoiling up into the sky, gaining altitude and finally spreading her pack once more, then looping back around and diving, gaining speed and pulling level with a lot more speed.

"All I wanted to do was dock, damn it!" she shouted, scolding everyone below her as she sped off.

Rain had, more or less, arrived at Loguetown.
"Hmm... we could go around the island and search for a side that is not too guarded."

"Well, wouldn't a watchtower see us circling the island? I really don't want to get into a fight on a ship. Also, who says that Marine's aren't watching every Dock?"

"In my experience, marines can't observe every docks, cliff or beach of an island. We just need to find the right one. What do you think Via?"


"Can't we just- no, wait, we want to be able to get off the island on this ship. There goes my usual plan!" She shrugged. "Sounds good to me, Orphie! Full Speed Ahead, people!"

"Aye aye." I went to the helm, turning the ship to the side and setting a roundabout way to the island.

Grand Line
Bamboo Island - North-East Beach

"We're here. Now, please, don't draw too much attention. We enter, we got some more supplies, replacement for sails and such. Maybe some clothes. Then we depart again, ok?"
"Aye aye." I went to the helm, turning the ship to the side and setting a roundabout way to the island.

Grand Line
Bamboo Island - North-East Beach

"We're here. Now, please, don't draw too much attention. We enter, we got some more supplies, replacement for sails and such. Maybe some clothes. Then we depart again, ok?"

Grand Line
Bamboo Island - North-East Beach
"Fair enough sir."
Grand Line
On a Boat

"Arrgghh" Vincent grunted as the needle entered his flesh once again, say what you will about modern medicine but sewing a bullet wound closed was not something that was going to improve anytime soon. Now usually he'd use a small amount of his favourite paralytic poison to numb the wound but when he was operating on himself Vincent preferred to be aware of every little sensation.

"CAW!!" came the cry of the crow that had decided to come along with them, Vincent wondered why? Who's spirit was held within the black bird...someone he knew?

"Yeah it doesn't look that bad, clean shot straight through."


"But that's the thing, even a clean shot will cause flesh to tear and sinew to snap."

"CAW! CAW!!"

"Because if I just let it heal naturally the end result might be ....less than ideal. So I deal with a little pain now for stopping a problem from occurring later."


"Now you get it." the Hunter smiled as he tied the threat, so long as he didn't overexert himself the wound should heal nicely. Taking the time to redress himself and put his mask back on Vincent left the small cabin he has been using as a medical room.

@Insufficient Dakka

"So Captain I have to ask, where the hell are we going?"​