The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

"So Captain I have to ask, where the hell are we going?"
Eric checked over the boat, making sure everything was in order, taking a moment to glance at a compass.

"Right now we're just getting away from Grand Rock, I don't plan on meeting that marine again just yet. Think there was a 'Locktown' or something like that nearby, should be able to get there soon enough, got an idea on something to get..." The captain took a moment to look at Vincent sewing his wounds shut, watching the thread. "Actually, you know anything about cobbling shoes, Vincent? I got an idea from that fight with the marine, would be a cheap way to deal with one of my fruit's problems."
Eric checked over the boat, making sure everything was in order, taking a moment to glance at a compass.

"Right now we're just getting away from Grand Rock, I don't plan on meeting that marine again just yet. Think there was a 'Locktown' or something like that nearby, should be able to get there soon enough, got an idea on something to get..." The captain took a moment to look at Vincent sewing his wounds shut, watching the thread. "Actually, you know anything about cobbling shoes, Vincent? I got an idea from that fight with the marine, would be a cheap way to deal with one of my fruit's problems."
"Sorry Captain, sewing up an arm is a little different from cobbling some shoes." Vincent said honestly, he knew how to maintain his equipment and rig up some tricks but actually making shoes was beyond his skill set "Although my dad did teach me how to cure leather so I can help with that at least....say you said that we're heading towards a Locktown, are we just sailing around looking for it or is that where the Log Post is pointing. I'd rather not end up in the calm belt."
Little Garden
The Grand Line
"I can't wait to see what kind of place Little Garden is...!" Hari said as he leaned forward to get a better look at the island. "Katsu-san, prepare a picnic! We're going to eat on Little Garden...!"
"Okay, Bentos will be made as soon as possible!" And into the kitchen she sautered back...

It is a peaceful day, especially for the Grand Line. The sky is clear and cloudless, the sea so placid that one might think they were sailing upon glass. The wind cuts across the air like a silent knife, propelling the fledgling pirate crew closer to their destination, a small hunk of rock and vegetation that sticks up out of the blue water like a single, defiant finger raised to the heavens.

Little Garden!

The Land that Time Forgot! What hulking creatures prowl it dense jungles, hungering for those foolish enough to land upon it? What prehistoric terrors peer out across the endless sea, waiting, patiently, for their prey? What forgotten treasures lie half buried beneath the sand, still clutched by the fingers of those who sought to conquer this vast wilderness?

The world at large may never know the full story of Little Garden, but here, now, at least a piece of it will be uncovered. For when the Needlepoint pirates land upon the shore of this ancient paradise, they find themselves suddenly surrounded - by a pack of massive Sabertooth tigers!

((There are 12 sabertooth tigers, each roughly the size of a pickup truck. They're essentially fodder, but the better the fight the better the eventual reward.))

Once the Needlepoint pirates have fought through the tigers, they stumble upon an interesting discovery. Propped up against a nearby rock is a skeleton clothed in tattered finery. In its hand it clutches a piece of parchment, on which is written the following:

One year.

That is how long it will take the log post to align itself with the next island. Had we known this, I don't think we ever would have set out for this cursed place, but now that we're here I suppose we must make the best of it.

The temple we seek is further into the jungle, but I can see the eyes of things that would hunt us for sport and have no desire to follow. I have volunteered to stay and guard the ship while the others trek through the jungle. Initial scouting has show us two paths - a shorter, steeper climb along the cliffside or a long, winding trail that cuts through the heart of the jungle. The others have decided to take the path, for fear of giant birds plucking them right off the cliffside, but I fear that what lurks in the jungle may be even more sinister.

I think we're fucked.
Little Garden
The Grand Line

It is a peaceful day, especially for the Grand Line. The sky is clear and cloudless, the sea so placid that one might think they were sailing upon glass. The wind cuts across the air like a silent knife, propelling the fledgling pirate crew closer to their destination, a small hunk of rock and vegetation that sticks up out of the blue water like a single, defiant finger raised to the heavens.

Little Garden!

The Land that Time Forgot! What hulking creatures prowl it dense jungles, hungering for those foolish enough to land upon it? What prehistoric terrors peer out across the endless sea, waiting, patiently, for their prey? What forgotten treasures lie half buried beneath the sand, still clutched by the fingers of those who sought to conquer this vast wilderness?

The world at large may never know the full story of Little Garden, but here, now, at least a piece of it will be uncovered. For when the Needlepoint pirates land upon the shore of this ancient paradise, they find themselves suddenly surrounded - by a pack of massive Sabertooth tigers!

((There are 12 sabertooth tigers, each roughly the size of a pickup truck. They're essentially fodder, but the better the fight the better the eventual reward.))
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari blinked a couple of times in quick succession at the sight of the sabertooth tigers. "I thought that sabertooth tigers went extinct a long time ago...." He muttered and then withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe when one of the sabertooth tigers moved closer. "Still, it's not like it matters much."

Hari raised the tip of his foot slightly and moved his front foot forward, powered by the quick straightening of his back leg, as he lunged toward the sabertooth tigers in front of him. Nuibari pierced through the sabertooth tigers in quick succession until he came to the end of his lunge. He turned around back toward the sabertooth tigers and lunged again and again until he had pierced all of them with Nuibari.

One of the sabertooth tigers lunged at him when he came to a stop and the threads that connected it to the rest of its pack pulled taught. The other sabertooth tigers were pulled off their feet and toward it by the force of its own motion. It tried to move out of the way, failed, and was then hit by three of its fellows as it and the rest of them collided.

Hari knelt down, hand over a scratch on his shoulder, panting as he stared at the mass of sabertooth tigers. "Need to get better...." He muttered and forced himself to his feet to secure the sabertooth tigers before they could recover. "Mom would be ashamed if she heard that I couldn't beat a bunch of cats."
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari blinked a couple of times in quick succession at the sight of the sabertooth tigers. "I thought that sabertooth tigers went extinct a long time ago...." He muttered and then withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe when one of the sabertooth tigers moved closer. "Still, it's not like it matters much."

Hari raised the tip of his foot slightly and moved his front foot forward, powered by the quick straightening of his back leg, as he lunged toward the sabertooth tigers in front of him. Nuibari pierced through the sabertooth tigers in quick succession until he came to the end of his lunge. He turned around back toward the sabertooth tigers and lunged again and again until he had pierced all of them with Nuibari.

One of the sabertooth tigers lunged at him when he came to a stop and the threads that connected it to the rest of its pack pulled taught. The other sabertooth tigers were pulled off their feet and toward it by the force of its own motion. It tried to move out of the way, failed, and was then hit by three of its fellows as it and the rest of them collided.

Hari knelt down, hand over a scratch on his shoulder, panting as he stared at the mass of sabertooth tigers. "Need to get better...." He muttered and forced himself to his feet to secure the sabertooth tigers before they could recover. "Mom would be ashamed if she heard that I couldn't beat a bunch of cats."
An Island...
Katsu hummed as she started making big, variegated bentos, stuffing the many little compartments, whistling with the tea that was brewd, starting to do desserts... when she heard the confused, agonized, feline roars wfrom outside.
She grabbed the gun, unsheated her blade, doa doad out into shadow....
And left it , mouth slightly agape at seeing the heap of hissing, growling tigers left by her Comerade.
"Bwa-wah-what?" She asked oh so eloquently....
An Island...
Katsu hummed as she started making big, variegated bentos, stuffing the many little compartments, whistling with the tea that was brewd, starting to do desserts... when she heard the confused, agonized, feline roars wfrom outside.
She grabbed the gun, unsheated her blade, doa doad out into shadow....
And left it , mouth slightly agape at seeing the heap of hissing, growling tigers left by her Comerade.
"Bwa-wah-what?" She asked oh so eloquently....
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari stitched Nuibari through the last of the trees he had used to help him secure the sabertooth tigers and then looked up. "Whats with that look Katsu-san?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari stitched Nuibari through the last of the trees he had used to help him secure the sabertooth tigers and then looked up. "Whats with that look Katsu-san?"
"Hari-kun"she said, went back and got the bentos... and some more kunai..and sleeping draught...just in case...
"Hari-kun, you definitely keep amazing me. In many way"
The dark lady laughed.
Then, gracefully, she doad over, coming out of a tree.
"Funny... I read about them in a book some time ago" and tnen "Are these not thought of as extinct? Oh, and...."
Big. She thought.Very big, even for them... and they were supposed to be ELEPHANT hunters....
"Hari-kun"she said, went back and got the bentos... and some more kunai..and sleeping draught...just in case...
"Hari-kun, you definitely keep amazing me. In many ways."
The dark lady laughed.
Then, gracefully, she doad over, coming out of a tree.
"Funny... I read about them in a book some time ago" and tnen "Are these not thought of as extinct? Oh, and...."
Big. She thought. Very big, even for them... and they were supposed to be ELEPHANT hunters....
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I thought that these things were extinct too." Hari said as he stepped back to stand next to Katsu. "But if they're right here in front of us, then they can't be extinct." He started to look around. "Maybe it has something to do with this island? I've heard that a lot of stories about the Grand Line when I was growing up...."
Once the Needlepoint pirates have fought through the tigers, they stumble upon an interesting discovery. Propped up against a nearby rock is a skeleton clothed in tattered finery. In its hand it clutches a piece of parchment, on which is written the following:

One year.

That is how long it will take the log post to align itself with the next island. Had we known this, I don't think we ever would have set out for this cursed place, but now that we're here I suppose we must make the best of it.

The temple we seek is further into the jungle, but I can see the eyes of things that would hunt us for sport and have no desire to follow. I have volunteered to stay and guard the ship while the others trek through the jungle. Initial scouting has show us two paths - a shorter, steeper climb along the cliffside or a long, winding trail that cuts through the heart of the jungle. The others have decided to take the path, for fear of giant birds plucking them right off the cliffside, but I fear that what lurks in the jungle may be even more sinister.

I think we're fucked.



"... I think that you should take a look at this Katsu-san." Hari said as he handed the piece of parchment over toward Katsu. "Please don't be mad."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I thought that these things were extinct too." Hari said as he stepped back to stand next to Katsu. "But if they're right here in front of us, then they can't be extinct." He started to look around. "Maybe it has something to do with this island? I've heard that a lot of stories about the Grand Line when I was growing up...."




"... I think that you should take a look at this Katsu-san." Hari said as he handed the piece of parchment over toward Katsu. "Please don't be mad."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I thought that these things were extinct too." Hari said as he stepped back to stand next to Katsu. "But if they're right here in front of us, then they can't be extinct." He started to look around. "Maybe it has something to do with this island? I've heard that a lot of stories about the Grand Line when I was growing up...."




"... I think that you should take a look at this Katsu-san." Hari said as he handed the piece of parchment over toward Katsu. "Please don't be mad."
Katsu blinked , lpoked at the skeleton and tried to ascertain of what he died.
Then she read the parchment, hmmd , hewd...
She stared.
"We must find their Logport, Hari-kun.It will have reset by now."
She thought , brow furrowing.
"Either they have reached the temple.... which means it is there, together with the treasure.... and that would be good for us, ne?"
Katsu shook her head.
"Or they got killed in the jungle, which would be... troublesome"
A distasteful look on her face.
"Anyways, our first goal is getting up that cliff, perhaps doa doa ing.... and search that temple."
Katsu blinked , lpoked at the skeleton and tried to ascertain of what he died.
Then she read the parchment, hmmd , hewd...
She stared.
"We must find their Logport, Hari-kun.It will have reset by now."
She thought , brow furrowing.
"Either they have reached the temple.... which means it is there, together with the treasure.... and that would be good for us, ne?"
Katsu shook her head.
"Or they got killed in the jungle, which would be... troublesome"
A distasteful look on her face.
"Anyways, our first goal is getting up that cliff, perhaps doa doa ing.... and search that temple."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I do think that we will need to head to that temple, but I think that we should take the path that this man's crew took." Hari said as he looked from the skeleton toward Katsu. "There's a better chance that we will find the crew's Log Pose if we re-trace their footsteps. But...." He turned to look at the Needle and Thread. "We will first need to do something to protect the ship in case more animals appear. I don't want to come back to find it ruined."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I do think that we will need to head to that temple, but I think that we should take the path that this man's crew took." Hari said as he looked from the skeleton toward Katsu. "There's a better chance that we will find the crew's Log Pose if we re-trace their footsteps. But...." He turned to look at the Needle and Thread. "We will first need to do something to protect the ship in case more animals appear. I don't want to come back to find it ruined."
"Hari-kun, we can always backtrack later.It is not as if the Jungle path will disappear on us.And its much more dangerous to boot..."
Then Katsu looked thoughtful.
"Any ideas how to do that?"
"Hari-kun, we can always backtrack later.It is not as if the Jungle path will disappear on us.And its much more dangerous to boot..."
Then Katsu looked thoughtful.
"Any ideas how to do that?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
"... I don't think that it would be quite as dangerous as you're implying that it would be Katsu-san." Hari said as he turned around. "But if you think that taking the other path would be the safer idea, then we'll do it. We'll just need to keep a careful eye out for those 'giant birds' and be able to either fight them or retreat the moment that we encounter them."

Hari turned toward the Needle and Thread. "I can use the Nui Nui no Mi to stitch the Needle and Thread to the beach to help secure and support it, but I don't think I can do much else than that. Could you create a door around the bottom of the boat?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
"... I don't think that it would be quite as dangerous as you're implying that it would be Katsu-san." Hari said as he turned around. "But if you think that taking the other path would be the safer idea, then we'll do it. We'll just need to keep a careful eye out for those 'giant birds' and be able to either fight them or retreat the moment that we encounter them."

Hari turned toward the Needle and Thread. "I can use the Nui Nui no Mi to stitch the Needle and Thread to the beach to help secure and support it, but I don't think I can do much else than that. Could you create a door around the bottom of the boat?"
"Hari-kun... we can see the trees up there.That means I can Doa Doa us up the cliff.No giant birds involved" Katsu smiled, then...nodded.
"Yeeees, bjt the size is rather limited..."
"Hari-kun... we can see the trees up there.That means I can Doa Doa us up the cliff.No giant birds involved"
Grand Line
Little Garden
The Doa Doa no Mi was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed Katsu to create doors through anything that she touched -- making her a Doa Ningen [Door Human]. She could create doors from any part of her body -- from the palm of her hand to her whole body -- and from the very air itself. He hadn't thought that it was possible for others to step through the doors that she could create with the Doa Doa no Mi -- but he probably should have.
Now that Hari knew about it -- he had a hundred different ideas for how the two of them could take advantage of it. "... That is good to know." Hari said after a moment. "We'll use the Doa Doa no Mi up to the top of the cliff after we secure the Needle and Thread."
Katsu smiled, then...nodded.
"Yeeees, bjt the size is rather limited..."
"Hm. I had intended to use the door as a sort of pitfall trap, but if the size of the doors that you can make is limited then that probably wouldn't work."
Grand Line
Little Garden
The Doa Doa no Mi was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed Katsu to create doors through anything that she touched -- making her a Doa Ningen [Door Human]. She could create doors from any part of her body -- from the palm of her hand to her whole body -- and from the very air itself. He hadn't thought that it was possible for others to step through the doors that she could create with the Doa Doa no Mi -- but he probably should have.
Now that Hari knew about it -- he had a hundred different ideas for how the two of them could take advantage of it. "... That is good to know." Hari said after a moment. "We'll use the Doa Doa no Mi up to the top of the cliff after we secure the Needle and Thread."

"Hm. I had intended to use the door as a sort of pitfall trap, but if the size of the doors that you can make is limited then that probably wouldn't work."
"Oh, it works well enough against human sized foes.. but " a look at the sabertooths secured on the beach...
"If the wild life here is all that big, nope , not going to do much.Besides , the doors do not last long enough to leave them as a trap..." she admitted.
"Oh, it works well enough against human sized foes.. but " a look at the sabertooths secured on the beach...
"If the wild life here is all that big, nope , not going to do much.Besides , the doors do not last long enough to leave them as a trap..." she admitted.
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to think about it. "I suppose that I could use the wire-mirrored thread that I thread Nuibari with to create a trap. I could make it so that when something stumbles into the area it will pull the thread to trap their feet in a formation of wire, cutting them off. It's a little more brutal, but it should work to protect the Needle and Thread."
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to think about it. "I suppose that I could use the wire-mirrored thread that I thread Nuibari with to create a trap. I could make it so that when something stumbles into the area it will pull the thread to trap their feet in a formation of wire, cutting them off. It's a little more brutal, but it should work to protect the Needle and Thread."
Katsu nodded.
"Brutal, but efficient."
She shrugged and eyerolled"Really, I am finee with it."
Then, after thinking a bit, she held up the bentos amd the thermos.
"Picknick wow, Harii-kun?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari nodded. "Yeah. You set up while I set up the trap."
Humming and whistling a happy tune, Katsu went for setting up the picknick on the beach of.. well, it looked as if Little Garden could only havr been meant ironic for a goodly sized island inhabited by- a sideways glance to the poor sabertooths - rather big animals....
Humming and whistling a happy tune, Katsu went for setting up the picknick on the beach of.. well, it looked as if Little Garden could only havr been meant ironic for a goodly sized island inhabited by- a sideways glance to the poor sabertooths - rather big animals....
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari headed toward the Needle and Thread to retrieve a couple of spare spools of his wire-mirrored thread that he would need.

Hari threaded Nuibari through the top of the Needle and Thread and drew the threads across to the beach to anchor then there with a line if stitches. He switched spools and then moved to start laying out his trap a few feet out from his anchoring stitches.

'This is going to take a while.'
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari headed toward the Needle and Thread to retrieve a couple of spare spools of his wire-mirrored thread that he would need.

Hari threaded Nuibari through the top of the Needle and Thread and drew the threads across to the beach to anchor then there with a line if stitches. He switched spools and then moved to start laying out his trap a few feet out from his anchoring stitches.

'This is going to take a while.'
"Do what needs to be done" the girl said affably.
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari worked through two spools of wire-mirrored thread before he was satisfied. He then started to work on covering the threads with durt and sand to conceal them from view.
With a sigh, Katsu joined him in disguising ing the ropes
"Well, I am really curious what will be in that lost temple, Gold, Jewels, strange artefacts?
What do you think , Hari-kun?" She asked ,sucessfully keeping from sounding like she was squeeing... well, almost.
With a sigh, Katsu joined him in disguising ing the ropes
"Well, I am really curious what will be in that lost temple, Gold, Jewels, strange artefacts?
What do you think , Hari-kun?" She asked ,sucessfully keeping from sounding like she was squeeing... well, almost.
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I don't care if we don't find anything but that Log Pose that the parchment talked about." Hari said as he continued to work. "Well, maybe I would care if there was a Devil Fruit."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I don't care if we don't find anything but that Log Pose that the parchment talked about." Hari said as he continued to work. "Well, maybe I would care if there was a Devil Fruit."
"Hmph." She pouted "Spoilsport."
Then she blinked.
"Say, where do the fruits GROW, anyways? You got a clue about that?"