The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

Grand Line
On Course For Little Garden
Hari reluctantly moved back to the helm as Katsu moved to the kitchen. He undid the stitches he gad made and took hold of the wheel before he adjusted their course when the Log Pose's needle turned.

'I hope its not too much longer....'
Katsu took a bit of time before she returned and took over.

"' better get some rest now... while you can.''
Katsu took a bit of time before she returned and took over.

"' better get some rest now... while you can.''
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stared at Katsu for a long couple of moments, opened his mouth to ask her what that had been about but thought better of it.

"See you much later Katsu-san."
As I tend to the ropes, I learn a bit more on my own. The ropes in my left hand controls the first two sails and the ropes in my right controls the other two. Simple enough.

"Hey sir! This seems a bit more easy than I thought!"

Dad always told me that I could've been captain of my own ship so I didn't have to learn for myself.....Damn it. I have to find my siblings, no matter what!!

"I swear on it!!" I unknowingly boom out of my mouth.

After a few hours of memorizing which rope controls what, I tie them down and sit near them, waiting for further orders from my captain.
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Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stared at Katsu for a long couple of moments, opened his mouth to ask her what that had been about but thought better of it.

"See you much later Katsu-san."
Midnight crept over the deck and so did Katsu....
There he was...
And she did the loudest whistle imaginable, straight in his ear, then moved out of reach...
Midnight crept over the deck and so did Katsu....
There he was...
And she did the loudest whistle imaginable, straight in his ear, then moved out of reach...
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari leapt up out of his bunk and into the air like a startled cat. He landed on his hands and knees and jerked his head around as he looked around for the thing that had woken him up. There was --

Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari leapt up out of his bunk and into the air like a startled cat. He landed on his hands and knees and jerked his head around as he looked around for the thing that had woken him up. There was --

She nodded.''Your watch, Captain."
On her pretty face a cheeky grin, a DAMN cheeky grin.
"I go sleep now"
And she slumped on a bundle of canvas... fast asleep within seconds.
She nodded.''Your watch, Captain."
On her pretty face a cheeky grin, a DAMN cheeky grin.
"I go sleep now"
And she slumped on a bundle of canvas... fast asleep within seconds.
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stared at Katsu for a long couple of moments before he withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe. He stitched Katsu to the canvas, stepped back to admire his work, and then stitched a pair of scissors just out of her reach.

"Nuinuinuinuinui...!" Hari laughed to himself as he moved towards the helm.
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stared at Katsu for a long couple of moments before he withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe. He stitched Katsu to the canvas, stepped back to admire his work, and then stitched a pair of scissors just out of her reach.

"Nuinuinuinuinui...!" Hari laughed to himself as he moved towards the helm.
The morning came.
And with it, a very quietly irate Katsu.
She looked to Hari.
"Hari-san? Either you unstitch me , or you have a fullgrown mutiny at your hands.
And do not believe for a second it will just be no food, CAPTAIN."
Grand Line
Two Hours to Bamboo island

"This is great, but I meant on the ship." I roll my eyes.

"Fighting is good, but we need to sail, so we need someone who can sail a ship. AS I said, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades, but I can navigate pretty well. Via, you said that you are handy with machines, so can you be our shipwright? And, Ryu, what can you do?"

He thought about it before sighing and admitting with a blush.

"I'll be honest. I underestimated the crazy weather of the grand line that my old man used to tell me about, so I just learned enough of the basic to go until grand rock."

He continued before any of them could interrupt.

"And I know that it was a little stupid and ignorant For me to think that but I guess I got too excited and was too ignorant back then."
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The morning came.
And with it, a very quietly irate Katsu.
She looked to Hari.
"Hari-san? Either you unstitch me , or you have a fullgrown mutiny at your hands.
And do not believe for a second it will just be no food, CAPTAIN."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stitched the wheel in place and then headed to the cabin to check in on Katsu a couple of hours after he had left her. When he entered the cabin, she looked up at him with a near muderous expression on her face.

Hari crossed his arms. "I understand that you're upset Katsu-san, but so was I after you woke up and realized what you had done." He looked at her. "I'll undo the stitches after you agree not to do sometjing like that ever agajn."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stitched the wheel in place and then headed to the cabin to check in on Katsu a couple of hours after he had left her. When he entered the cabin, she looked up at him with a near muderous expression on her face.

Hari crossed his arms. "I understand that you're upset Katsu-san, but so was I after you woke up and realized what you had done." He looked at her. "I'll undo the stitches after you agree not to do sometjing like that ever agajn."
Katsu looked at him blandly.
Her voice was very quiet and serious.
"This is a ship.We are on the high seas.Both of us are physically unable of swimming."
She was deadly softspoken.
"Stiching the wheel in place might work during the day, when we are awake."
She looked at him.Not murderous, just... unreadable.
"But at night? When I HAVE TO SLEEP at least six hours? And do not misunderstand me, thats the minimum.Six hours sleep.Fewer than that, you have an distracted helmswoman..and thats as bad as none"
A big groan
"Which means :a recipe for disaster"
She stared.
"A normal ship has watches.Not one person manning the wheel 24 hours... or 20 hours, if I subtract the time for food preparation."
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Katsu looked at him blandly.
Her voice was very quiet and serious.
"This is a ship.We are on the high seas.Both of us are physically unable of swimming."
She was deadly softspoken.
"Stiching the wheel in place might work during the day, when we are awake."
She looked at him.Not murderous, just... unreadable.
"But at night? When I HAVE TO SLEEP at least six hours? And do not misundersta d me, thats the minimum.Six hours sleep.Fewer than that, you have an distracted hel,sman..and thats as bad as none"
She stared.
"A normal ship has watches.Not one person manning the wheel 24 hours... or 20 hours, if I subtract the time for food preparation."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"I understand that. I understand that I'm making you do a lot of work." Hari said. "I understand that at times I will be forced to help....

"But that does not mean I appreciate being woken up like that. I thought we were under attack!"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"I understand that. I understand that I'm making you do a lot of work." Hari said. "I understand that at times I will be forced to help....

"But that does not mean I appreciate being woken up like that. I thought we were under attack!"
"Okay, I see.But Hari-san, regardless of that, we will have to come to terms withthe fact that you have todo six hours of helmsman work each night."
She sighed.
"Its utterly unavoidable,, unless you want me to sleep at day."
She sighed "which has its own problems."
She looked a bjt ashamed, butfirm.
"Can you unstitch ME now?"
"Okay, I see. But Hari-san, regardless of that, we will have to come to terms with the fact that you have to do six hours of helmsman work each night."
She sighed.
"Its utterly unavoidable, unless you want me to sleep at day."
She sighed "which has its own problems."
She looked a bit ashamed, but firm.
"Can you unstitch ME now?"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari took a couple of moments to think about what Katsu had said as he undid the stitches binding her. "... I shouldn't have done that. It was petty, and childish, and I have no excuse for it other than I was angry at you." He turned around. "I'll do my best to ... to ... ... help with the work ... but you need to find a way to wake me up without making me think we're under attack."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari took a couple of moments to think about what Katsu had said as he undid the stitches binding her. "... I shouldn't have done that. It was petty, and childish, and I have no excuse for it other than I was angry at you." He turned around. "I'll do my best to ... to ... ... help with the work ... but you need to find a way to wake me up without making me think we're under attack."
pted"''Apologies accepted.. and offered"
she grimaced.
"We were both not acting very mature, Hari-san."
She stretched.
"Now, bekfast..."
stew, she thought.
"Well, I've worked with wood once or twice, so I guess I can at least give it a shot! If we get a hole, I can't exactly make it worse, can I?"

"Right. I trust you."

Better get some books on woodworking. Mainly for her. For reference, obviously.

As I tend to the ropes, I learn a bit more on my own. The ropes in my left hand controls the first two sails and the ropes in my right controls the other two. Simple enough.

"Hey sir! This seems a bit more easy than I thought!"

Dad always told me that I could've been captain of my own ship so I didn't have to learn for myself.....Damn it. I have to find my siblings, no matter what!!

"I swear on it!!" I unknowingly boom out of my mouth.

After a few hours of memorizing which rope controls what, I tie them down and sit near them, waiting for further orders from my captain.

"Keep focused! At sea could happen anything anytime! But good work! Soon you will sail like a true pirate!"

It's good to be strict but there is need to be supportive.

Then he shouted something.

"You swear what on what?!"

I shouted back, a bit puzzled.

He thought about it before sighing and admitting with a blush.

"I'll be honest. I underestimated the crazy weather of the grand line that my old man used to tell me about, so I just learned enough of the basic to go until grand rock."

He continued before any of them could interrupt.

"And I know that it was a little stupid and ignorant For me to think that but I guess I got too excited and was too ignorant back then."

"Okay. Well, you are pretty strong, so you could help with ropes, anchor and the helm during storm and wild sea."
"Arigato" the darkhaired gril smiled again and walkr of to her kitchen duties, humming happily...
And soon, tasty stew and hard tack..well, the hard tack was not that tasty...
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari looked up from the Log Pose, blinked and allowed a small smile to split his face.

"Land ahoy! Little Garden ahead!!"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari looked up from the Log Pose, blinked and allowed a small smile to split his face.

"Land ahoy! Little Garden ahead!!"
An exited Katsu ran out and peered to the direction of the green country that was riding from the sea.
"Yep, thats it.We did it, Hari-san!"
A bit calmer she added "Now, lets see what abentures wait there..."
An exited Katsu ran out and peered to the direction of the green country that was riding from the sea.
"Yep, thats it.We did it, Hari-san!"
A bit calmer she added "Now, lets see what abentures wait there..."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"I can't wait to see what kind of place Little Garden is...!" Hari said as he leaned forward to get a better look at the island. "Katsu-san, prepare a picnic! We're going to eat on Little Garden...!"
"Ready and waiting. Who shall we hunt today, Big Sis," Lezard asked with a predatory smile. In her hands, the cat tensed. Lezard may look cute, but madness danced behind her eyes.
"Some blowhards blowing up the town. The foolish fools will regret their foolish actions, once we have gone through with them." Olivia said, already firmly believing in their victory. However, there was something in the back of her mind nagging at her. What was it again...? The thing that the Captain always said to keep in mind when he was away. Something about his room...No, no, no, not quite, something in his shelves perhaps? No, that wasn't it either, maybe something in his desk? Ah, that was it!

Olivia's eyes suddenly lit up, snapping her fingers, as she realized what she had forgotten in her haste to fetch Lezard.

"Change of plan. Lezard, prepare the ship to set sail. I had almost forgotten another important task I was supposed to do in this situation, head on without me." The occasionally forgetful First Mate professed. Nodding at her crewmate, she quickly made her way to the crew's quarters, specifically the Captain's Cabin. She fished out a key from within her pockets; in one swift motion, she unlocked the door and quietly excused herself. She hurried to the Captain's desk, rapidly moving from one drawer to another until she found what she was looking for - a book titled 'SOP Manual'. Probably the most valuable treasure on this ship according to Sabastien himself. With it in hand, she quickly closed all the drawers, exited the room, closed and locked the door in a rapid succession of practiced movements. She rushed out from the hull, not intending to leave Lezard by herself any longer.

"Good work, Lezard. See those hostile ships foolishly firing on this town? There's our targets." Olivia stated the obvious as she exited the hull.

Looking at the progress her crewmate had done in her absence, Olivia moved to finished the rest. With the ship's preparation done, she walked up to the helm, commandeering the ship in the absence of her captain. Olivia set sail for her target, staying close to the shore as possible. The SOP Manual was opened on a book stand next to the ship's wheel. She briefly glanced to the contents of the book every so often, absorbing all the schemes and plans her Captain had written for a similar situation such as this.
Tabun stared with what had to be the blankest of blank faces. On one hand, this guy was insufferable. On the other, he couldn't help but marvel at how paralysis barely even hindered him. The fact it was the same paralysis that virtually crippled himself felt like it was rubbing salt in the wound but regardless, he had to admit...

"He must be pretty powerful... Really, he had to be. You don't get the rank of Lieutenant with that kind of attitude unless you're worth it."

He reached out a hand and took one of the bottles, tugging out the cork, and almost immediately taking a swig. He'd expected some better taste for one of Leo's drinks, but he was never picky anyways. And hey, drink is drink.

"My thanks. Cheers." He opted not to attempt a glass clinking. Something tells him it wouldn't please the Lieutenant to accidentally spill rum on his fancy flying couch. He leaned back and got as relaxed as he could while making sure not to spill. It was a very comfy couch and didn't deserve to be tainted.

"Not a problem. Gotta chase scurvy away, plus alchol is good breaking down most poisons."

Plus it was tasty, even if the Ensign was refusing his offer of a polite drink. Leo didn't really care that much, considering it meant there would be more for him and less spent on resupply, but he had it wobble in front of their face anyway. He himself had drunk just enough so he stopped drinking, mostly because he would need some for after the sawbones got their hands on him. Plus landing would be potentially fun with no hands for fine control and two other people on the couch.

"Which medical center do you think would be best"