The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

East Blue
The Docks
Choco grows increasingly agitated as the Lieutenant and Sebastian speak, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them as if looking for an escape. When it becomes clear that no help is coming, he straightens up slightly and puts his hands on his waist.

"My papers," he says, "Of course, of course. They're right here in my jacket..." he reaches into the breast pocket of his jacket, but when he withdraws his hand he is not holding a bundle of official papers - instead he holds a pistol.

"I suppose the gig is up then, such as it is!" Choco declares, pointing his weapon directly at the Lieutenant. "You see before you Captain Alward Choco, of the Gold Crown Pirates!"

Alward Choco
Captain of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 0 Belli

"For my first trick...seizing the island of Loguetown. Goodbye, Lieutenant!"

He pulls the trigger several times in rapid succession. Gunsmoke fills the air, and Seaman Apprentice Hart screams.
Contrary to the panic it triggered, the Lieutenant simply closed his eyes and extended his senses throughout his entire body from the tip of his whiskers to the claws in his feet, ready for what he knew would follow. Only...
When the smoke clears, nobody is hurt. The marines sit in a state of groggy confusion, running their hands over their bodies as if they're afraid of finding an unseen bullet wound. And yet nobody does.

"Wow," Hart says after a moment. "Did you miss every shot?"

"I..." Choco says, hand trembling with impotent rage.

"I didn't even know that was possible, at this range. You must be...the worst shot. Of all time." wasn't even necessary, which meant many things about the circumstances at hand.

Most of all, however, that he was correct in his hunch, and glad to have made the precautionary arrangements.
Looking on the Taii spots Jun Yi among the Marines, meets their gaze and nods as he leads Hart move to join the Warrant Officer from the side. "I take it this is all of the vessels bearing the flag?"

"Have your men clear out the civilians and be ready just in case," he speaks softly, "With me,
Jun'i, Nitōhei." With that he walks from the crowd towards the off-boarding men.
"It doesn't matter!" Choco shrieks, hurling his pistol at the ground, where it bounces feebly off the wood of the dock. "Even as we speak, my agents are infiltrating the island from all sides!"

"Oh yes," Choco chortles, "You see, this whole process has been a very clever ruse! And you fell for it, hook line and sinker! Yee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" He points directly into the sky. "Prepare yourselves, Loguetown!"
Not even wasting his time retorting the inept ramblings of the fat man before him the Lieutenant let his voice carry wide.

Before the assembled Marines and Privateers can move to arrest him, there's a rumbling on the horizon. Suddenly, Choco's ships floating in the bay launch a barrage of cannonballs at the island.
At the same time, the rumble of artillery would follow to send the enemy ships back to the depths. Surely some would clash, and both the outer structures and the docks would suffer damage, but taking out the riff-raff was far more worthwhile regardless.
There's a blur of motion, that the Privateers, the Marine Lieutenant, and perhaps a few of the Marines (and maybe even Pirates?) present can follow as a man in a dark cloak and wearing a large conical straw hat moving very quickly, and then suddenly steel is scraping against stone for a moment.

"I'd be careful talking about who's getting hooked, Pirate scum."

Oh, hey, the dude in a cloak is holding a couple of hook swords. One of them is around Choco's raised wrist, firmly trying to pull said hand down. The other is hooked around his opposite foot, and if his arm begins to come down, that hook pulls at his ankle, seeking to upset him and send him sprawling to the ground.

The stranger raises his head to look at the Lieutenant and the rather noticeable Privateers.

"Hi. Found some trash you Marines will probably want to take to the dump."

The swords blur for a moment, before the cloak is dramatically thrown off, conveniently wrapping itself a pack of personal belongings that went airborne, even as the (now visibly so) armored man smoothly sheathes his swords. He holds out a hand to catch the cloak-wrapped gear, swiftly tying it off before bowing to the Lieutenant.

"Could one of your men watch my belongings, Lieutenant? I had a mind to go help out at your HQ if there's any trouble there, or relay a message and then go hunt down any more Pirates running about. Just don't want my good clothes getting damaged, you know."

If the request is accepted he hands the pack off, if not he shrugs and puts it back on. Unless someone orders, demands, or requests he stay or do something else, he'll start walking toward the Marine HQ, stopping halfway out of the open area next to the Docks.

"My name is Shamgar, by the way."

Unless stopped, he will then continue on his way.
In an instant the Lieutenant was alight with a frenetic energy, and with a rapid spin red fur shot out in rapid succession into the solar plexuses of the three burly men behind the the man whom had unloaded the barrel of candy and now reached to apprehend Shamgar. In that instant they too were beset by a burst of powerful electricity, sending them slumping to the floor unconscious as the commanding officer let the power fade.

"I appreciate the support, bounty hunter," the Lieutenant spoke up, gesturing for Seaman Apprentice Hart to gather his cloak-sack with one hand as his other drew the weapon about his waist — a fairly large zweihänder with a simple handle, "But more importantly I'd rather have you travel to the hospital with Hart-Nitōhei. Most of my more seasoned Marines are there recuperating from a recent attack, and they'll be more use to us in the long run if they don't go and kill themselves needlessly. Warrant Officer Yi will run the alert to Marine HQ and rally our forces."

@Bondo @Bladestar123 @erlking @God and the Snake @Wizard_Marshall
With that and a nod to the still-present privateer, the Taii raised his sword on high and called to his men.
"Marines! Aid the Rose-Eyed Pirates and remove the Gold Crown Pirates from our doorstep! Send these cowards packing!"

With one last look at the floundered captain the Lieutenant's blade flickered out and bluntly collided with his head as the electrical flow returned to his form, his tail bristling with disgust. "For every decent pirate with character, there's another sniveling degenerate looking to make mayhem and ruin."

Hakuyū (覇優)
Marine Lieutenant
Current Ranking Officer of Loguetown
East Blue
The Gold Crown Pirates Flagship
A angler fish fishman stands on the front deck, arms crossed. His jaw, locked in a permanent underbite, shows off a row of impressive teeth. From his forehead dangles a softly pulsing light.

Checkworth Callow
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 13,000,000 Belli
Still alight with electricity rolling off of his fur, the Mink Taii charged with sword in hand towards the pirate flagship. Among the riffraff of the five-vessel fleet there was bound to be a bigger fish — perhaps even the Fishman himself, if memory served correctly.
"And, normally, it would be enough in one of the four Seas. But this is the Grand Line."

I emphasized the last two words.

Turning to look at Damian, I felt suddenly older than my sixteen years.

"This will be hell for him. Learning everything from scratch and battling with the Grand Line at the same time is something akin to a hell on earth. If he get a Devil Fruit, it would be even worse."

I shudder a bit at the thought.

"Well, at least we will support him, like good crewmates. About this..."

I turn again towards them.

"What can you do? I mean, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades and I have a good knowledge of the Grand Line thanks to my Grandma, but O wanted to know what your specialty are."

"I prefer to try to finish it fast with a surprise attack, but since that doesn't work most of the time I use a hit and dodge tactic. Dad said that my reflexes are above average so I fight using that."

"I'm also pretty good with stealth and I have some daggers to use for distance and three set of bombs: a flash bang, a smoke one and one with oil." He thought about it before shrugging and adding "And as you know I ate the exchange exchange fruit but that's fairly recently so I don't have anything battle oriented from it.
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East Blue
The Marine Headquarters


"Oh darn it! That's the third door today! My poor wallet..."

Mary O'Donnell was not having a good day.

All she wanted to do was to get her ship stocked up for the Grand Line and to do her duty as a (somewhat) law-abiding citizen of the World Government by signing up as a privateer, but these stupid doorways were being built too close to the ground! Surely, she can't be the only person they've seen with giant blood in them?

Mary rubbed her head ruefully as she looked at the remains of the top of the doorway. "Sorry about the door," she apologized, while she stepped inside the main lobby. "I-I can probably help you with the repairs, and I promise I'm not that clumsy when I-"

Then she felt something sticky on her sandal. "What the? Did someone spill something...?"

That's when she finally looked up at the scene in front of her.​
East Blue
The Marine Headquarters

A tall, thin woman with straight black hair stands in the middle of Loguetown Marine Headquarters, the bodies of fallen marines piled at her feet. She wears four swords on her back and a blank expression on her face.

Candy Sloan
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 15,000,000 Belli

An awkward silence ensued, as the half-giantess looked at the blank-faced woman, and at the pile of what she dearly hoped weren't corpses.

"...I guess you're not the privateer recruiter," she said while smiling weakly.

No sooner did the words leave her mouth than her sword was in her hand, and she had slid into a ready stance. A faint breeze stirred the clothes of the fallen Marines.

"So, who are you?" she asked. "I can't just go and kill someone that I don't even know. It's not proper."
"And, normally, it would be enough in one of the four Seas. But this is the Grand Line."

I emphasized the last two words.

Turning to look at Damian, I felt suddenly older than my sixteen years.

"This will be hell for him. Learning everything from scratch and battling with the Grand Line at the same time is something akin to a hell on earth. If he get a Devil Fruit, it would be even worse."

I shudder a bit at the thought.

"Well, at least we will support him, like good crewmates. About this..."

I turn again towards them.

"What can you do? I mean, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades and I have a good knowledge of the Grand Line thanks to my Grandma, but O wanted to know what your specialty are."

"I'm a damn good shot, and I can work with metal and machines pretty well, since my Dad was a blacksmith and all. Uh... I can sing, and I've got some pretty good eyes."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
The Sea King reared back as if it had been struck before it fell doen into the ocean.

Hari blinked. "... Why are you looking at me like that Katsu-san? We did it!"
Katsu groaned, then wiped her suddenly moist brow.
Honestly, this was going to be taxing.Interesting and all, but, never mind.
"Hari-san, you could have done this before.Two or three times before.Instead you pleyed human Jo-jo in front of Sea King -san.
Really, what ARE we going to do with you?"
Then she smiled.
"Feed your gangly frame some cold food, I guess."
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Ka tsu groaned, then wiped her suddenly moist brow.
Honestly, this was going to be taxing.Interesting and all, but, never mind.
"Hari-san, you could have done this before.Two or three times before.Instead you pleyed human Jo-jo before Sea King -san.
Really, what ARE we going to do with you?"
Then she smiled.
"Feed your gangly frame some cold food, I guess."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"Cold food...?" Hari started to sweat. "I -- I didn't do enough to deserve that did I? I mean, I helped beat the Sea King. And, sure, I could have done it a couple of times in hindsight... but I wasn't thinking clearly...! Please dont make me eat cold food, Katsu-san...!"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"Cold food...?" Hari started to sweat. "I -- I didn't do enough to deserve that did I? I mean, I helped beat the Sea King. And, sure, I could have done it a couple of times in hindsight... but I wasn't thinking clearly...! Please dont make me eat cold food, Katsu-san...!"
"Eh, you are a big baby, Hari-san"she sighs, grabs the curry and goes to warm it up again.
"Just you now keep your hands of the wheel while i do reheat things and all.."
"Eh, you are a big baby, Hari-san"she sighs, grabs the curry and goes to warm it up again.
"Just you now keep your hands of the wheel while i do reheat things and all.."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari looked alnost pained as he nodded in acceptancd of Katsu's 'request' before he started to move towards the helm.

'I can't believe I actually have to work...!'
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari looked alnost pained as he nodded in acceptancd of Katsu's 'request' before he started to move towards the helm.

'I can't believe I actually have to work...!'
In the kitchen, Katsu was singing an ancient folk song of Wa.
Her work finished soon, she came out with the second helping of cyrry, some fruits with cream as dessert and new coffee.
In the kitchen, Katsu was singing an ancient folk song of Wa.
Her work finished soon, she came out with the second helping of cyrry, some fruits with cream as dessert and new coffee.
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stood behind the wheel with a daibtly nauseated expression on his face. He looked from the horizon when he heard the door open and saw Katsu.

Down in the bowels of the Rosey-Eyes' ship, a beautiful girl with fuschia hair and azure eyes lounged in the medical bay. Her hair spilled out, contrasting the white sheets as she laid her back on the bed. Azure orbs were drawn to the sandy-furred cat suspended in her arms. It was a Mau, a rare breed of cat. More importantly, it was cute. Lezard wanted to keep it, and play with it, and examine it's insides. Of course she wouldn't do it while it was alive. Maybe she'd keep it as a pet, but once it was dead, surely the Mau wouldn't mind what happened to it's corpse, right? Rather than go to waste, wouldn't it find purpose in contributing to science?

East Blue
She marched down into the hull, looking for the last member of their crew. The creepy lizard doctor should be around here somewhere... Ah, there she was!

"Lezard, prepare yourself. Loguetown is under attack by some foolish fools fooling and floundering about with their ego inflated heads. More importantly, Captain Rosaire has given us orders to repossess precious cargos and goods from those very same fools. I will be on the deck, meet me there once you're ready." The Rosy Eyed First Mate sternly relayed her orders from the Captain, she couldn't resist a small smile on her lips however.

She was getting some practice after all.

Lezard's daydreams were interrupted by the stalker lady. She rolled onto her stomach and faced Olivia, contemplating whether she should work now or later? Her thoughts drifted to her "farm" on deck. If there were bounties involved, her farm could always use an expansion.

"Ready and waiting. Who shall we hunt today, Big Sis," Lezard asked with a predatory smile. In her hands, the cat tensed. Lezard may look cute, but madness danced behind her eyes.
Loguetown, East Blue
The Docks
East Blue
The Docks
Contrary to the panic it triggered, the Lieutenant simply closed his eyes and extended his senses throughout his entire body from the tip of his whiskers to the claws in his feet, ready for what he knew would follow. wasn't even necessary, which meant many things about the circumstances at hand.

Most of all, however, that he was correct in his hunch, and glad to have made the precautionary arrangements.

Looking on the Taii spots Jun Yi among the Marines, meets their gaze and nods as he leads Hart move to join the Warrant Officer from the side. "I take it this is all of the vessels bearing the flag?"

"Have your men clear out the civilians and be ready just in case," he speaks softly, "With me,
Jun'i, Nitōhei." With that he walks from the crowd towards the off-boarding men.

Not even wasting his time retorting the inept ramblings of the fat man before him the Lieutenant let his voice carry wide.

"MARINES! FIRE!"At the same time, the rumble of artillery would follow to send the enemy ships back to the depths. Surely some would clash, and both the outer structures and the docks would suffer damage, but taking out the riff-raff was far more worthwhile regardless.In an instant the Lieutenant was alight with a frenetic energy, and with a rapid spin red fur shot out in rapid succession into the solar plexuses of the three burly men behind the the man whom had unloaded the barrel of candy and now reached to apprehend Shamgar. In that instant they too were beset by a burst of powerful electricity, sending them slumping to the floor unconscious as the commanding officer let the power fade.

"I appreciate the support, bounty hunter," the Lieutenant spoke up, gesturing for Seaman Apprentice Hart to gather his cloak-sack with one hand as his other drew the weapon about his waist — a fairly large zweihänder with a simple handle, "But more importantly I'd rather have you travel to the hospital with Hart-Nitōhei. Most of my more seasoned Marines are there recuperating from a recent attack, and they'll be more use to us in the long run if they don't go and kill themselves needlessly. Warrant Officer Yi will run the alert to Marine HQ and rally our forces."

@Bondo @Bladestar123 @erlking @God and the Snake @Wizard_Marshall
With that and a nod to the still-present privateer, the Taii raised his sword on high and called to his men.
"Marines! Aid the Rose-Eyed Pirates and remove the Gold Crown Pirates from our doorstep! Send these cowards packing!"

With one last look at the floundered captain the Lieutenant's blade flickered out and bluntly collided with his head as the electrical flow returned to his form, his tail bristling with disgust. "For every decent pirate with character, there's another sniveling degenerate looking to make mayhem and ruin."

Hakuyū (覇優)
Marine Lieutenant
Current Ranking Officer of Loguetown
Still alight with electricity rolling off of his fur, the Mink Taii charged with sword in hand towards the pirate flagship. Among the riffraff of the five-vessel fleet there was bound to be a bigger fish — perhaps even the Fishman himself, if memory served correctly.

Shamgar saluted the Lieutenant. Well. As much as one can salute using a hook-sword.

"That sounds like a fine plan to me. We'll have to get drinks after this or something."

He looked to Apprentice Hart.

"Nice to meet you, Apprentice Hart. I'll be taking to the rooftops if there's no objections. Just make the best time you can, I'll keep overwatch. After all, you've got my stuff!"

With a hearty chuckle at his own statement, the self-proclaimed Shamgar dashed toward the nearest building. When he's near to the building, he crouches and leaps, his twin swords flashing through the air to hook onto a windowsill, somehow barely creasing the solid wood of the frame, before propelling him onto the rooftop.

From there, he'd track Seaman's Apprentice Hart on their way to the Hospital, keeping a sharp eye open for Pirates who might try to pull some kind of shenanigans.
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"Yeah but we can't really do much until our Captain decides to show up" Vincent pointed out wondering where the old man was, "Although knowing him he's probably showing off somewhere or the way I grabbed a Bow and a coat full of bombs during that madness, do you want any of them?"
There was a hmmm-ing noise from the water.

"I'll take the bombs, can never have too many explosives. Keep a hold of them for now though, my packs are waterproof but you never about the Marines."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari stood behind the wheel with a daibtly nauseated expression on his face. He looked from the horizon when he heard the door open and saw Katsu.

"Yes, Food" a patient tone in her voice."Now, fixthe wheel and kets eat."
Katsu looked at hercrewmate.
"Kami, Hari, is work that hard?"
"Poison what was in my leg. Doubt it's a coincidence. Come to think of it, he did already have a wound on his shoulder..." He was surprised a bit as the couch suddenly speed up, but it wasn't enough to throw him off. Wait a minute... Did that mean that this fat bastard gentleman managed a hit on Vincent when he couldn't so much as make him flinch!?0

As if hearing his insult, the couch suddenly speed up slightly more. He'd appreciate the urgency to receive proper treatment if not for the fact it nearly caused him to tumble off. It did cause his wounds to ache slightly more unfortunately. "Ugh... Hey, Lieutenant. I'm suffering from the same poison. Give me some of that 'medicine'." He paused for a moment, "Please."

"Drinking on the job is quite unprofessional you know."

Smiling to himself behind his paralysis locked face, Leo resisted the urge to laugh. As if he'd share the good medicinal stuff freely. No that had to be earned, through connections favours or ensuring he avoided work. Instead he summoned up two bottles, one part rum to two parts water. Not to mention just enough citrus to fight off scurvy.

A very traditional serving size, so to speak. Not to mention he didn't have the mechanical ability to actually open bottles just then. So they could take their ration that way or stay sober
Grand Line
Two Hours to Bamboo island
"I prefer to try to finish it fast with a surprise attack, but since that doesn't work most of the time I use a hit and dodge tactic. Dad said that my reflexes are above average so I fight using that."

"I'm also pretty good with stealth and I have some daggers to use for distance and three set of bombs: a flash bang, a smoke one and one with oil." He thought about it before shrugging and adding "And as you know I ate the exchange exchange fruit but that's fairly recently so I don't have anything battle oriented from it.

"I'm a damn good shot, and I can work with metal and machines pretty well, since my Dad was a blacksmith and all. Uh... I can sing, and I've got some pretty good eyes."

"This is great, but I meant on the ship." I roll my eyes.

"Fighting is good, but we need to sail, so we need someone who can sail a ship. AS I said, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades, but I can navigate pretty well. Via, you said that you are handy with machines, so can you be our shipwright? And, Ryu, what can you do?"
"Drinking on the job is quite unprofessional you know."

Smiling to himself behind his paralysis locked face, Leo resisted the urge to laugh. As if he'd share the good medicinal stuff freely. No that had to be earned, through connections favours or ensuring he avoided work. Instead he summoned up two bottles, one part rum to two parts water. Not to mention just enough citrus to fight off scurvy.

A very traditional serving size, so to speak. Not to mention he didn't have the mechanical ability to actually open bottles just then. So they could take their ration that way or stay sober

Tabun stared with what had to be the blankest of blank faces. On one hand, this guy was insufferable. On the other, he couldn't help but marvel at how paralysis barely even hindered him. The fact it was the same paralysis that virtually crippled himself felt like it was rubbing salt in the wound but regardless, he had to admit...

"He must be pretty powerful... Really, he had to be. You don't get the rank of Lieutenant with that kind of attitude unless you're worth it."

He reached out a hand and took one of the bottles, tugging out the cork, and almost immediately taking a swig. He'd expected some better taste for one of Leo's drinks, but he was never picky anyways. And hey, drink is drink.

"My thanks. Cheers." He opted not to attempt a glass clinking. Something tells him it wouldn't please the Lieutenant to accidentally spill rum on his fancy flying couch. He leaned back and got as relaxed as he could while making sure not to spill. It was a very comfy couch and didn't deserve to be tainted.
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"Yes, Food" a patient tone in her voice."Now, fix the wheel and let's eat."
Katsu looked at her crewmate.
"Kami, Hari, is work that hard?"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari pulled Nuibari out and started to sew the wheel in place. "Yes. I devote one hundred per cent if my energy into my swordsmanship: I don't have any energy to spare for work if I want to improve."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
Hari pulled Nuibari out and started to sew the wheel in place. "Yes. I devote one hundred per cent if my energy into my swordsmanship: I don't have any energy to spare for work if I want to improve."
"'I might respect that, Hari-kun... if our crew was bigger."
Katsu looked serious as she was digging into her curry.
"as it is? We cann not afford that. Sorry, but no."
"'I might respect that, Hari-kun... if our crew was bigger."
Katsu looked serious as she was digging into her curry.
"as it is? We cann not afford that. Sorry, but no."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"... I can't promise that I'll help out willingly Katsu-san." Hari said eventually. "Or that I'll help out a lot even when you're forcing me to. But... I'll... ... try."
"This is great, but I meant on the ship." I roll my eyes.

"Fighting is good, but we need to sail, so we need someone who can sail a ship. AS I said, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades, but I can navigate pretty well. Via, you said that you are handy with machines, so can you be our shipwright? And, Ryu, what can you do?"

"Well, I've worked with wood once or twice, so I guess I can at least give it a shot! If we get a hole, I can't exactly make it worse, can I?"
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"... I can't promise that I'll help out willingly Katsu-san." Hari said eventually. "Or that I'll help out a lot even when you're forcing me to. But... I'll... ... try."
"I can understand devotion, but we need at least one more pair of hands.
Preferrably two or three."
She smiled sadly.
"Now, eat your dessert."
"I can understand devotion, but we need at least one more pair of hands.
Preferrably two or three."
She smiled sadly.
"Now, eat your dessert."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"... Yeah. I wouldn't object to more crewmates." Hari said before he started to eat his desert. "Who knows... Little Garden might be the place where we find our next crewmate."
Grand Line
On Course To Little Garden
"... Yeah. I wouldn't object to more crewmates." Hari said before he started to eat his desert. "Who knows... Little Garden might be the place where we find our next crewmate."
"According to the log, its unsettled..but you never know" Katsu agreed.
"Its ratner sketchy on details anyhow."
After they finished eating, she went to clean the dishes and mugs...
"According to the log, its unsettled.. .but you never know." Katsu agreed.
"It's ratner sketchy on details anyhow."
After they finished eating, she went to clean the dishes and mugs...
Grand Line
On Course For Little Garden
Hari reluctantly moved back to the helm as Katsu moved to the kitchen. He undid the stitches he gad made and took hold of the wheel before he adjusted their course when the Log Pose's needle turned.

'I hope its not too much longer....'