The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

.....How'd I miss that? Oh right, because I JUST woke up!
"Okay.....Land ho!" I shout to the people below us.
I then turn to the person who directed me to the island.
"So you want to stop there and check to see if there's any major damage?"

I blinked.

"Uhm, are you aware of the fact that we should be at sea for at least two other days before making landfall? And that we should be still be able to see Grand Rock?"

I looked him, eyebrow raised.

Then a thought struck me.

"You sailed at sea before now, right?"
I blinked.

"Uhm, are you aware of the fact that we should be at sea for at least two other days before making landfall? And that we should be still be able to see Grand Rock?"

I looked him, eyebrow raised.

Then a thought struck me.

"You sailed at sea before now, right?"

I remained silent. I have set sail before......But that was when I was a baby.

"Of course I have! Many times!" I then start laughing. 'Dammit! He's onto me!' "How many times have YOU gone to sea?"

I then just turn around and went back on lookout, hoping he doesn't get kick me off for knowing next to shit about sailing.
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I remained silent. I have set sail before......But that was when I was a baby.

"Of course I have! Many times!" I then start laughing. 'Dammit! He's onto me!' "How many times have YOU gone to sea?"

I then just turn around and went back on lookout, hoping he doesn't get kick me off for knowing next to shit about sailing.

"I'm from the East Blue. If we add this travel at the count I sailed for a total of 75 travels with six different crews. I did left my home whn I was fourteen, after all. You?"

I asked, smug, because it was obvious and a bit endearing that he never sailed seriously.
I now have a minion. Excellent.

My smile was so wide that splitted my face in two.
"I'm from the East Blue. If we add this travel at the count I sailed for a total of 75 travels with six different crews. I did left my home whn I was fourteen, after all. You?"

I asked, smug, because it was obvious and a bit endearing that he never sailed seriously.
I now have a minion. Excellent.

My smile was so wide that splitted my face in two.

.......Shit. Well, time to admit defeat.
"Alright, alright. I never really sailed before. But I would like to learn, but as an equal teammate. Don't think of me as any servant or anything!"

I sensed the smugness of the person in front of me and just clicked my tongue. Jackass.

"As for where I'm from........ I'm from an Island near Loguetown."
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.......Shit. Well, time to admit defeat.
"Alright, alright. I never really sailed before. But I would like to learn, but as an equal teammate. Don't think of me as any servant or anything!"

I sensed the smugness of the person in front of me and just clicked my tongue. Jackass.

"As for where I'm from........ I'm from an Island near Loguetown."

"But of course. Now, let's start your lesson, min... Ahem, mate."

My smile, if possible, widened even more.

Teaching this one would be fun.
Sigh... This is going to suck.

I climb down the Mast and back down onto the Deck. I then look back up and say, "So when's my first lesson, teach?"

"Now." I answer, smiling.

"First of all, let's start on how to check the ropes..."

And from that I start explaining what rope does this and what does that, how to knot one, where to knot one and when it's time to knot one.

Then, I turn towards him and ask, after an hour of intensive lesson.

"Any question?"
"Now." I answer, smiling.

"First of all, let's start on how to check the ropes..."

And from that I start explaining what rope does this and what does that, how to knot one, where to knot one and when it's time to knot one.

Then, I turn towards him and ask, after an hour of intensive lesson.

"Any question?"

Surprisingly, I understood the lesson quite easily. Ropes seem to be easy, but seemingly important. Each rope has a action that is important to the ship and tying them down when they're not needed is quite good.

"No sir. I am fine."
East Blue
The Beach
But there were pirates here, too - she could see one ship docked already, near where she was planning to land. "Yo, ho, ho, I guess." She squinted, seeing the movement of vague figures on the beach, carrying boxes. "Time to meet the new neighbors."
As Luna approaches the docks, she's met by three tall, burly looking men. They have fine rifles slung over their shoulders and cutlasses strapped to their waists.

"Hey," says one of the pirates, flipping a gold coin up and down as he speaks. "You need to back off. This is an officially restricted area."

"Yeah," says another, hand resting on the handle of his sword. "The marine commander round these parts has given us this beach to unload our merchandise. You're breaking the law. Now are you going to back off like a good little girl? Or are we gonna have to...persuade you?"

East Blue
The Docks
"Well you're already disembarking," the Lieutenant interjected, "and we have an observatory to watch for suspicious activity out in the ocean — not to mention you surely have other lookouts — shouldn't be a problem having him come over. Have to be rather spry to be a lookout after all; you really learn to appreciate every shipmate and their prowess out on the seas.""Arrangements, you say?" The officer blinks in confusion before turning to his subordinates. "Warrant Officer, why didn't you tell me we had an arrangement already? Oh, now I've gone an embarrassed myself in front of the good captain here...!"

"I'm unaware of any arrangement," Yi-Jun'i replied with a clipped tone.

The Lieutenant persisted with a comical lack of awareness. "But they've been through here before — surely the magnanimous Captain made note of it somewhere for us?"

Jun Yi leaned in with a dark stare as he gave her a wink. "Sir..."

"Right right, he's probably made Commodore by now...!" Rather than back down, the red-haired Marine turned to his other ranked officer in company. "Do you know anything of this, Hart-Nitōhei?" The Seaman Apprentice flushed from the close proximity before shaking her head vigorously. "Well now, that's rather odd..." Turning back to Alward, the Taii had somewhat of a cheshire grin upon his face. "I suppose I'll have to ring up the old fellow and get the scoop on the details if he's not too busy himself; sorry, such things are usually so well-documented..."

"Speaking of documentation," he went on as his smile widened, sharp canines starting to show, "I assume you all have your permits?"
"My dear Olivia, would you mind heading back to ship and running up the sails? Ensure Master Lorde has his supplies and goods, I'd hate to deprive the dear man of his passion. Master Lafayette, would you mind approaching the docks and kindly asking the marines why they are permitting pirates to dock? I suspect the answer shall entertain us, at the very least. It should also permit you the authority to demand proof by means of their papers, in the name of your own safety. I shall approach the merchant myself."

"I do wonder what...goods...he's willing to put on trade." His eyes narrowed.

"I always did like a catalogue when I go shopping. Expedites things terribly well, no?"
Before Alward could catch up to what lay behind his toothy grin, the pair and their company were interrupted as the crowd of Marines pulling back civilians was parted by a blond man with a flamboyant fashion sense. Some of the group moved to hold him back but their commanding officer held their advance with a gesture to follow his prior order, whiskers upon his face itching as he considered the group behind him — and more importantly, the flag of the ship off Alward's port side. Loguetown's Lieutenant never let his own sharp smile fall as he offered the man a small nod. "Salut, good sir! Any trouble?"If anything the smile grew even further, impossibly so on any man other than the Taii himself. "As a matter of fact...! Mr. Choco here is making the arduous journey to the West Blue once again, using these fake pirate flags to ward off enemy attack; with…other pirates sighted nearby they felt there was no choice but to keep their imitation Rogers flying.

"Regardless of reasoning," the Lieutenant continued with a shake of his head as he gestured to the black flag upon the blond's vessel, "Without proper documentation as your crew would surely carry, flying the colors of a pirate is still a crime — though considering the circumstances it's likely not one with an intolerable price upon it. All that said, as returning travelers through these parts en route between Blues I'd just asked for the good Mr. Choco's papers documenting their cargo, as well as the lookout to direct us towards the other vessels spotted with the skull and crossbones."

At this the Marine Officer's canines withdrew as his smile and expression became saccharine towards the heavyset merchant. "I'm sure [i]Captain[/i] Rosaire would appreciate the heading of a potential mark, and as privateers from North Blue I'm sure you're crew is perfectly aware of the kinds of rigorous and detailed paperwork that comes with crossing the Red Line. Unless of course you'd prefer I go makes some calls to our prior Commodore about that 'arrangement' you mentioned, but I'd have to leave you in the hands of the privateers here in the meantime, and their jurisdiction is questionable but protected. There's not much my subordinates here can do lest they go against their charter..."
Choco grows increasingly agitated as the Lieutenant and Sebastian speak, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them as if looking for an escape. When it becomes clear that no help is coming, he straightens up slightly and puts his hands on his waist.

"My papers," he says, "Of course, of course. They're right here in my jacket..." he reaches into the breast pocket of his jacket, but when he withdraws his hand he is not holding a bundle of official papers - instead he holds a pistol.

"I suppose the gig is up then, such as it is!" Choco declares, pointing his weapon directly at the Lieutenant. "You see before you Captain Alward Choco, of the Gold Crown Pirates!"

Alward Choco
Captain of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 0 Belli

"For my first trick...seizing the island of Loguetown. Goodbye, Lieutenant!"

He pulls the trigger several times in rapid succession. Gunsmoke fills the air, and Seaman Apprentice Hart screams.

When the smoke clears, nobody is hurt. The marines sit in a state of groggy confusion, running their hands over their bodies as if they're afraid of finding an unseen bullet wound. And yet nobody does.

"Wow," Hart says after a moment. "Did you miss every shot?"

"I..." Choco says, hand trembling with impotent rage.

"I didn't even know that was possible, at this range. You must be...the worst shot. Of all time."

"It doesn't matter!" Choco shrieks, hurling his pistol at the ground, where it bounces feebly off the wood of the dock. "Even as we speak, my agents are infiltrating the island from all sides!"

East Blue
The Marine Headquarters

A tall, thin woman with straight black hair stands in the middle of Loguetown Marine Headquarters, the bodies of fallen marines piled at her feet. She wears four swords on her back and a blank expression on her face.

Candy Sloan
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 15,000,000 Belli

East Blue

A short, stocky man with a large cudgel beats against the metal wall of Loguetown's vault, laughing maniacally as he does so.

Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 10,000,000 Belli
East Blue
The Gold Crown Pirates Flagship

A angler fish fishman stands on the front deck, arms crossed. His jaw, locked in a permanent underbite, shows off a row of impressive teeth. From his forehead dangles a softly pulsing light.

Checkworth Callow
Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 13,000,000 Belli

East Blue
The Docks

"Oh yes," Choco chortles, "You see, this whole process has been a very clever ruse! And you fell for it, hook line and sinker! Yee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" He points directly into the sky. "Prepare yourselves, Loguetown!"

Before the assembled Marines and Privateers can move to arrest him, there's a rumbling on the horizon. Suddenly, Choco's ships floating in the bay launch a barrage of cannonballs at the island.
Surprisingly, I understood the lesson quite easily. Ropes seem to be easy, but seemingly important. Each rope has a action that is important to the ship and tying them down when they're not needed is quite good.

"No sir. I am fine."

"Good. Now, let's assign your first orders: You must check every rope on the bridge before we make landfall. I'm going to see if the other two havr anything specific that they want to teach you, so don't worry. We will get you to speed in a few days, at most."

I patted his shoulder, even if he was taller than me, and went to the other two, leaving Damian to his duty.

"So, Damian hafn't sailed before. And we are in the Grand Line. How do we make sure to make him survive?"

I asked to both of them, pitching my voice yo make sure that he couldn't hear me.

@GneFenG, @Luigilewis889
Loguetown, East Blue
The Docks
East Blue
The Docks

"Oh yes," Choco chortles, "You see, this whole process has been a very clever ruse! And you fell for it, hook line and sinker! Yee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" He points directly into the sky. "Prepare yourselves, Loguetown!"

Before the assembled Marines and Privateers can move to arrest him, there's a rumbling on the horizon. Suddenly, Choco's ships floating in the bay launch a barrage of cannonballs at the island.​
@Ψυχή @Bondo @Bladestar123 @erlking @God and the Snake @Wizard_Marshall
There's a blur of motion, that the Privateers, the Marine Lieutenant, and perhaps a few of the Marines (and maybe even Pirates?) present can follow as a man in a dark cloak and wearing a large conical straw hat moving very quickly, and then suddenly steel is scraping against stone for a moment.

"I'd be careful talking about who's getting hooked, Pirate scum."

Oh, hey, the dude in a cloak is holding a couple of hook swords. One of them is around Choco's raised wrist, firmly trying to pull said hand down. The other is hooked around his opposite foot, and if his arm begins to come down, that hook pulls at his ankle, seeking to upset him and send him sprawling to the ground.

The stranger raises his head to look at the Lieutenant and the rather noticeable Privateers.

"Hi. Found some trash you Marines will probably want to take to the dump."

The swords blur for a moment, before the cloak is dramatically thrown off, conveniently wrapping itself a pack of personal belongings that went airborne, even as the (now visibly so) armored man smoothly sheathes his swords. He holds out a hand to catch the cloak-wrapped gear, swiftly tying it off before bowing to the Lieutenant.

"Could one of your men watch my belongings, Lieutenant? I had a mind to go help out at your HQ if there's any trouble there, or relay a message and then go hunt down any more Pirates running about. Just don't want my good clothes getting damaged, you know."

If the request is accepted he hands the pack off, if not he shrugs and puts it back on. Unless someone orders, demands, or requests he stay or do something else, he'll start walking toward the Marine HQ, stopping halfway out of the open area next to the Docks.

"My name is Shamgar, by the way."

Unless stopped, he will then continue on his way.​
As Luna approaches the docks, she's met by three tall, burly looking men. They have fine rifles slung over their shoulders and cutlasses strapped to their waists.

"Hey," says one of the pirates, flipping a gold coin up and down as he speaks. "You need to back off. This is an officially restricted area."

"Yeah," says another, hand resting on the handle of his sword. "The marine commander round these parts has given us this beach to unload our merchandise. You're breaking the law. Now are you going to back off like a good little girl? Or are we gonna have to...persuade you?"

There were a lot of words that could have described the situation.

Some good metaphors and similes, too. Something about exiting the ocean, only to find one's self in a sea of filth. Something about her story being a legend, an epic, and these three being her introductory battle. Something about how the first people she ever met, once she'd embarked on her journey to become queen, were utter villains, and that being a harbinger of things to come.

Someone else would have to talk about all that, though, because Luna was already walking past the three creeps like they weren't even there. "First thing's first: Precious is too Precious for the Grand Line. Hrm, where the heck do I find a better ship?"

Before the assembled Marines and Privateers can move to arrest him, there's a rumbling on the horizon. Suddenly, Choco's ships floating in the bay launch a barrage of cannonballs at the island.​

"...hrm, where the heck do I find a million berri and a pet wolverine?"

She looked around.

"Nuts," Luna breathed, before trudging in the direction of the docks.
Even from a distance Vincent heard the scream and under his mask he smirked, looks like his prey has woken up. Maybe he might see the man again? Perhaps then he will provide a decent hunt.

But for now the Hunter hid under a pile of fish with a clear line of sight of his captain's boat, it seems he was the first to arrive.... "*Sigh* Guess I'll be waiting a while."
"To the contrary... I've been here all along."

There was a thin, hollow piece of wood sticking out of the water near the ship, a bubble popping up from beneath the murky surface every now and then.
"To the contrary... I've been here all along."

There was a thin, hollow piece of wood sticking out of the water near the ship, a bubble popping up from beneath the murky surface every now and then.
Vincent glanced down at his surprisingly stealthy companion, the hide underwater while using a breathing tube had occurred to him but the Hunter never liked that strategy because it left his clothes soaked and the it was really annoying when a wave covered up your lifeline.

"Surprised you got here first, but then again I had to deal with Mr Coach and ran into a Bomb Happy Marine in the Stormdrain" he said adjusting his mask, it still was a little loose and was letting in the smell of fish.

"CAW!!" came a cry from a Crow that seemed to take interest in the pile of dead marine life the hunter was hiding under "CAW!! CAW!!" it continued as it started pecking at the fresh meat.
Vincent glanced down at his surprisingly stealthy companion, the hide underwater while using a breathing tube had occurred to him but the Hunter never liked that strategy because it left his clothes soaked and the it was really annoying when a wave covered up your lifeline.

"Surprised you got here first, but then again I had to deal with Mr Coach and ran into a Bomb Happy Marine in the Stormdrain" he said adjusting his mask, it still was a little loose and was letting in the smell of fish.

"CAW!!" came a cry from a Crow that seemed to take interest in the pile of dead marine life the hunter was hiding under "CAW!! CAW!!" it continued as it started pecking at the fresh meat.
"I can be quite fast when I desire to," Skarf noted, his rumbling voice emanating from the water. For a Norscan to be bothered by mere cold and wetness would be shame beyond reckoning.

"Still, it was almost too easy to avoid the Marines and swim here. We're not out of trouble just yet."
"I can be quite fast when I desire to," Skarf noted, his rumbling voice emanating from the water. For a Norscan to be bothered by mere cold and wetness would be shame beyond reckoning.

"Still, it was almost too easy to avoid the Marines and swim here. We're not out of trouble just yet."
"Yeah but we can't really do much until our Captain decides to show up" Vincent pointed out wondering where the old man was, "Although knowing him he's probably showing off somewhere or the way I grabbed a Bow and a coat full of bombs during that madness, do you want any of them?"
Behind them, Sebastien grinned as he walked up, shadows covering his countenance as his eyes fixed upon the portly man twisting the harborguard about his finger. To be so fat...he must be wealthy indeed. Few pirates would be so foolish as to sail into Loguetown, and fewer still had the means to gain so much weight. It hinted to many things, confidence and surety among them. After all, only a man who believed he had no reason to go without would refuse to do so.

All in all, it did indeed point to signs that the man wasn't lying, which was suspect in and of itself. Not every man that presented himself as Captain truly was so. The most dangerous leaders were the one's who refused to show their hands. Which left...options.

1) The man was genuine, and a fool to boot. To fly a pirates flag as a means of safety...a true idiot indeed. Merchant ships that were untouched were rare for good reason, and that was because they were often picked clean. Pirates were excellent prey to other, and even a cursory glance at their simple flag would prove their worth, or lack thereof rather, to any worth their booze. Easy pickings.

2) This was a setup, the fat man was a plant in order to smuggle pirates within Loguetown, of all places. Not something done for material gain of any sort, after all, desperate pirates were rarely so meticulous. Fame, perhaps. Idiots, often did that, attempting to besmirch the Pirate King's Monolith with their own meagre names. As if it would mean a damn thing, but he supposed to a small fry, even paltry notoriety was worth pursuing. Rats often had little recourse but to gnaw on the bones of their superior's after all.

Either or, but either way, Sebastien was very unlikely to pass up such an opportunity.

Of course, there was always the eternal third option.

3) Devil Fruit

But to pass up such an opportunity for fear of all things, soured his whiskey something fierce.

Perhaps he was a fool too. No matter.

"Well spotted Master Lafayette." Sebastien grinned as he crept forwards besides his crew.

Ignoring the eyes of his crew, he kept his vision fixed upon his prize.

"Look at that fat fool. So sure of himself. Why, to give away such gifts as a token of his appreciation, I truly question his motives. An honest businessman wouldn't bother with such things, and a dishonest one would've been intelligent enough to run up a cleaner flag long before the port could've responded. I wonder what that audacity is hiding..."

Sebastien smirked.

"Why, us pirate hunters have an obligation, nay, a duty to find out, wouldn't you say? To preserve the authority of the seas and prevent dishonesty from prospering in this world."

"My dear Olivia, would you mind heading back to ship and running up the sails? Ensure Master Lorde has his supplies and goods, I'd hate to deprive the dear man of his passion. Master Lafayette, would you mind approaching the docks and kindly asking the marines why they are permitting pirates to dock? I suspect the answer shall entertain us, at the very least. It should also permit you the authority to demand proof by means of their papers, in the name of your own safety. I shall approach the merchant myself."

@God and the Snake

"I do wonder what...goods...he's willing to put on trade." His eyes narrowed.

"I always did like a catalogue when I go shopping. Expedites things terribly well, no?"

East Blue
Speak of the Devil, and he shall come.

Olivia swiftly pivoted on her heel and gave the Captain a textbook salute, her posture straight and elbow at a 45 degree angle. The tip of her right hand gently touched her eyebrow.

"Yes sir. Do try not to provoke people into killing you. Again. Sir." Olivia responded. The Rosy Eyed First Mate relaxed her posture and arm, staring into the Captain's conniving eyes for a moment before striding past the crowd. From what she could glanced of his intention, it was extremely likely that the fool was going to disregard anything she said and went on ahead with his schemes. As the First Mate, it was her duty to make sure that the crew was prepared for another one of his stunts.

All the while as she walked through the cobblestone streets and past the assorted marines and civilians, her left hand never left from its resting position on the pommel of the rapier. Sure, it was a little bit paranoid of her to be so guarded around a marine-controlled town, but just in case some idiots were stupid enough to attack her while she was alone. There were all manners of idiots in this world, the too-dedicated-for-their-own-good type like herself, the pompous blowhard like Jean, the reckless ones that don't know their own limits like dear Sabastien, and the other types she hadn't encountered yet. She was totally justified in being cautious around these parts.

He pulls the trigger several times in rapid succession. Gunsmoke fills the air, and Seaman Apprentice Hart screams.
Yup, she was right.

Olivia picked up her pacing, running over the cobblestone road with urgency. Her sword hand ached in anticipation of an inevitable battle. The duelist rushed over the gangplank, her shoulder cape beating against the wind as she swiftly made her way to the deck. Too bad that she wouldn't get the time to enjoy some delicious custardy desserts, these idiots will have to make do.

Olivia slowed down and brushed a strayed magenta hair out of her eye with her other unoccupied hand as she took in the sight of the ship. It had came a long way from its humble beginning in the North Blue, and now it was about to set sail into the Grand Line with the other big names. She would say something about this occasion, but right now she had more important things to do. Namely, to fulfill her Captain's order and teach some pirates a lesson they will never forget.

She marched down into the hull, looking for the last member of their crew. The creepy lizard doctor should be around here somewhere... Ah, there she was!

"Lezard, prepare yourself. Loguetown is under attack by some foolish fools fooling and floundering about with their ego inflated heads. More importantly, Captain Rosaire has given us orders to repossess precious cargos and goods from those very same fools. I will be on the deck, meet me there once you're ready." The Rosy Eyed First Mate sternly relayed her orders from the Captain, she couldn't resist a small smile on her lips however.

She was getting some practice after all.
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A short, stocky man with a large cudgel beats against the metal wall of Loguetown's vault, laughing maniacally as he does so.

Commander of the Gold Crown Pirates
Bounty: 10,000,000 Belli

"Oi! Stop that, ya git! Some of us are trying to do business."

The voice, deep and guttural, cut through Bam Bam's laughter like a hot knife through fresh butter. If he even deigned to look up from his work, the pirate would've seen a grey-skinned colossus standing in the center of the bank's lobby, standing well over eight feet tall and half naked. His abs were exposed to the lazy sunlight shining through the windows, and small nub-like tusks dominated his jawline.

All in all, it would've been a rather intimidating sight, if not for the picnic basket sitting at the figure's base feet.

But Bam Bam, so occupied with his work, probably didn't even notice the beast-like man.

But he almost assuredly did notice the sound of tearing metal as Barka ripped the bank's heavy oak door off its hinges and hurled it at his head.
"...Lieutenant Cyclo, sir? I believe I see Lieutenant Drake. It, ah, appears as though he's taken the opportunity to get drunk."
Tabun looked up and, surely enough, saw just as described. "Son of a..." his eyes narrowed. He made sure to be familiar with his fellow marines on Grand Rock, specifically ones of equal or higher rank. He had heard of Lieutenant Drake's, er, "relaxed" reputation but didn't expect to see the man flying on a couch and getting plastered.

May as well make use of him. "Lieutenant Drake!" He raised his voice with his ability, making it echo somewhat loudly. "I would be ever so indebted if you took time from your busy schedule," he rolled his eyes, "and gave Ensign Laurent and I a lift back to the base. I'm stuck at a snails pace for the moment."

"Its Medicinal! Diluting the paralytic poison in my blood stream so I can get movement back for anything more advanced then my mouth"

If Leo had proper motor control over his hand rather then just levitating drinks to his mouth, he'd have flipped them off. Instead he just rolled his eyes and floated just out of Tabun's reach everytime he tried to get on. The ensign was allowed on of course, that wasn't the one who'd have to apologize for his rather epic rudeness.
"Its Medicinal! Diluting the paralytic poison in my blood stream so I can get movement back for anything more advanced then my mouth"

If Leo had proper motor control over his hand rather then just levitating drinks to his mouth, he'd have flipped them off. Instead he just rolled his eyes and floated just out of Tabun's reach everytime he tried to get on. The ensign was allowed on of course, that wasn't the one who'd have to apologize for his rather epic rudeness.
Laurent...did not frown, although it was a very close thing. Wouldn't water work as well? And alcohol was considered a poison for a reason. While the paralytic inhibited movement, it didn't seem to inhibit mental facilities as alcohol did. But it wasn't their place to question a superior officer.

It wasn't their place to question a superior officer, Laurent repeated as Lieutenant Drake kept rising just out of Lieutenant Cyclo's reach. The chain of command was there for a reason. They were sure that Lieutenant Drake had his virtues that attracted the eye of a superior officer and allowed him to rise to the rank of Lieutenant.

They still shifted over to the edge of their seat and offered Lieutenant Cyclo a hand up.

"Lieutenant Drake, sir. Lieutenant Cyclo suffered an injury to the leg, and I am unsure if the wound cut into any major arteries. I would highly appreciate it if he were to receive experienced medical treatment as soon as possible. Sir."
"Its Medicinal! Diluting the paralytic poison in my blood stream so I can get movement back for anything more advanced then my mouth"

If Leo had proper motor control over his hand rather then just levitating drinks to his mouth, he'd have flipped them off. Instead he just rolled his eyes and floated just out of Tabun's reach everytime he tried to get on. The ensign was allowed on of course, that wasn't the one who'd have to apologize for his rather epic rudeness.

"Oof!" Tabun groaned, as he ended up falling for the third time when the couch repeatedly escape his grasp at the last second. "Drake. Are you fucking serious? I can't even walk!"

Laurent...did not frown, although it was a very close thing. Wouldn't water work as well? And alcohol was considered a poison for a reason. While the paralytic inhibited movement, it didn't seem to inhibit mental facilities as alcohol did. But it wasn't their place to question a superior officer.

It wasn't their place to question a superior officer, Laurent repeated as Lieutenant Drake kept rising just out of Lieutenant Cyclo's reach. The chain of command was there for a reason. They were sure that Lieutenant Drake had his virtues that attracted the eye of a superior officer and allowed him to rise to the rank of Lieutenant.

They still shifted over to the edge of their seat and offered Lieutenant Cyclo a hand up.

"Lieutenant Drake, sir. Lieutenant Cyclo suffered an injury to the leg, and I am unsure if the wound cut into any major arteries. I would highly appreciate it if he were to receive experienced medical treatment as soon as possible. Sir."

Tabun quickly grabbed on to the hand for dear life before his fellow Lieutenant could get Laurent out of reach, and was quickly hoisted up to the couch. "Thanks, Laurent." He suddenly thought it was a good idea to try to be nice to the guy that controlled what he was sitting on. "...And you as well, Drake."

A thought had occurred to him now that he wasn't falling over himself trying to get on. "Wait, how did you get poisoned? You have a run in with that crow as well?"
"Oof!" Tabun groaned, as he ended up falling for the third time when the couch repeatedly escape his grasp at the last second. "Drake. Are you fucking serious? I can't even walk!"

Tabun quickly grabbed on to the hand for dear life before his fellow Lieutenant could get Laurent out of reach, and was quickly hoisted up to the couch. "Thanks, Laurent." He suddenly thought it was a good idea to try to be nice to the guy that controlled what he was sitting on. "...And you as well, Drake."

A thought had occurred to him now that he wasn't falling over himself trying to get on. "Wait, how did you get poisoned? You have a run in with that crow as well?"
Laurent...did not frown, although it was a very close thing. Wouldn't water work as well? And alcohol was considered a poison for a reason. While the paralytic inhibited movement, it didn't seem to inhibit mental facilities as alcohol did. But it wasn't their place to question a superior officer.

It wasn't their place to question a superior officer, Laurent repeated as Lieutenant Drake kept rising just out of Lieutenant Cyclo's reach. The chain of command was there for a reason. They were sure that Lieutenant Drake had his virtues that attracted the eye of a superior officer and allowed him to rise to the rank of Lieutenant.

They still shifted over to the edge of their seat and offered Lieutenant Cyclo a hand up.

"Lieutenant Drake, sir. Lieutenant Cyclo suffered an injury to the leg, and I am unsure if the wound cut into any major arteries. I would highly appreciate it if he were to receive experienced medical treatment as soon as possible. Sir."

"Not sure who it was. Had stolen property that I'm assuming someone left lying around to take. Couldn't recover it, but did get him a fairly decent way even as he fled. Daggers to the stomach kind of suck though, but I've got it mostly strapped down. Was checking if there was anyone else in need of help before I went for medical attention. Paralysis never bothered me anyway"

That was his story and he was sticking to it. A bit like how he took another quick drink before moving the glass up and down in a paralysed version of a shrug. Gesturing the couch forward with blink, he rocketed it towards Headquarters with as much speed as they could take without falling off or making their injuries worse. Sure, he wouldn't die if he fell out, but he at least had to pretend to be considerate. Not to mention if they complained he might get demoted and sent to a quieter post...

On second thoughts he went a little faster then that.
"Not sure who it was. Had stolen property that I'm assuming someone left lying around to take. Couldn't recover it, but did get him a fairly decent way even as he fled. Daggers to the stomach kind of suck though, but I've got it mostly strapped down. Was checking if there was anyone else in need of help before I went for medical attention. Paralysis never bothered me anyway"

That was his story and he was sticking to it. A bit like how he took another quick drink before moving the glass up and down in a paralysed version of a shrug. Gesturing the couch forward with blink, he rocketed it towards Headquarters with as much speed as they could take without falling off or making their injuries worse. Sure, he wouldn't die if he fell out, but he at least had to pretend to be considerate. Not to mention if they complained he might get demoted and sent to a quieter post...

On second thoughts he went a little faster then that.

"Poison what was in my leg. Doubt it's a coincidence. Come to think of it, he did already have a wound on his shoulder..." He was surprised a bit as the couch suddenly speed up, but it wasn't enough to throw him off. Wait a minute... Did that mean that this fat bastard gentleman managed a hit on Vincent when he couldn't so much as make him flinch!?

As if hearing his insult, the couch suddenly speed up slightly more. He'd appreciate the urgency to receive proper treatment if not for the fact it nearly caused him to tumble off. It did cause his wounds to ache slightly more unfortunately. "Ugh... Hey, Lieutenant. I'm suffering from the same poison. Give me some of that 'medicine'." He paused for a moment, "Please."
"Good. Now, let's assign your first orders: You must check every rope on the bridge before we make landfall. I'm going to see if the other two havr anything specific that they want to teach you, so don't worry. We will get you to speed in a few days, at most."

I patted his shoulder, even if he was taller than me, and went to the other two, leaving Damian to his duty.

"So, Damian hafn't sailed before. And we are in the Grand Line. How do we make sure to make him survive?"

I asked to both of them, pitching my voice yo make sure that he couldn't hear me.

@GneFenG, @Luigilewis889

"Good crew, good guns, good luck. That's what Teach told me!" Via grinned, making no effort to keep her voice quiet as she stretched her arms. "Oh, and a good drink, but then Dad got grumpy, and she looked sheepish and said that last one was a joke, so I guess that one's for later."
"Good crew, good guns, good luck. That's what Teach told me!" Via grinned, making no effort to keep her voice quiet as she stretched her arms. "Oh, and a good drink, but then Dad got grumpy, and she looked sheepish and said that last one was a joke, so I guess that one's for later."

"And, normally, it would be enough in one of the four Seas. But this is the Grand Line."

I emphasized the last two words.

Turning to look at Damian, I felt suddenly older than my sixteen years.

"This will be hell for him. Learning everything from scratch and battling with the Grand Line at the same time is something akin to a hell on earth. If he get a Devil Fruit, it would be even worse."

I shudder a bit at the thought.

"Well, at least we will support him, like good crewmates. About this..."

I turn again towards them.

"What can you do? I mean, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades and I have a good knowledge of the Grand Line thanks to my Grandma, but O wanted to know what your specialty are."