The Great Age of Piracy [One Piece]

"Hmph." She pouted "Spoilsport."
Then she blinked.
"Say, where do the fruits GROW, anyways? You got a clue about that?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to think about it. "I can't say that I do. I was lucky to find the Nui Nui no Mi where and when I did, but it didn't grow where I found it."
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to think about it. "I can't say that I do. I was lucky to find the Nui Nui no Mi where and when I did, but it didn't grow where I found it."
"It IS a tree. Or perhaps a shrub.So, it has to grow somewhere... hmmmm...."
She finished the covering of the ropes.
"There.As good as invisible."
"It IS a tree. Or perhaps a shrub.So, it has to grow somewhere... hmmmm...."
She finished the covering of the ropes.
"There.As good as invisible."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I agree that Devil Fruit have to come from somewhere, but I don't think we'll find it." Hari said as he unloaded the last of the dirt over his wire trap. "Honestly, I don't know if I want people to find out where they come from."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I agree that Devil Fruit have to come from somewhere, but I don't think we'll find it." Hari said as he unloaded the last of the dirt over his wire trap. "Honestly, I don't know if I want people to find out where they come from."
"Mh," the ninja nodded "i can see your point, somewhat."
She wiped her hands on a cloth.
"Now, the food?Oh, and what ARE we going to do with the sabertooths?"
The marines gave a quick salute before doing as they were instructed. Tabun's wounds were mostly patched up, he just had the poison to contend with. After taking the medicine and letting it settle in he regained control of his leg. He reacquired one of his coats and made sure he was presentable, unfortunately there was little to be done about the four brand new scars across his face. He then went on his way to look for Brock to give a report on what had happened with himself and his fellow marines, receive any new orders, and request to allow himself, Ensign Laurent, and Lieutenant Drake to work together as a single unit. Perhaps even requesting a modest vessel and a platoon of men if his newest orders would involve sailing off Grand Rock.

Tabun finds Lieutenant Commander Brock at Marine headquarters, nursing his wounds after the beating he received at the hands of Eric Bauer. Though the man is practically covered in bandages, he seems mostly unbothered by his injuries.

He listens carefully to Tabun's report, nodding and taking notes as he goes. When Tabun finally finishes, he looks up and strokes his bandaged chin.

"When I put this plan together, I had a much different outcome in mind," he admits. "I thought that by dragging out the execution of Captain Wake we could drive some of his old crew into the open. Instead, what we got was chaos - the birth of a new generation of Pirates. It was nothing like any of us expected."

He sighs. "The battle did allow us to capture some pirates who had been hiding on Grand Rock for some time, but unfortunately many others escaped, and the and myself included...perhaps did not perform to our usual standards. However. I take full responsibility for these failures. You and the marines in your report responded quickly, admirably, and with the hearts of true marines. I think it would be foolish to deny your request to work as a unit."

He stands and surveys a large map of the Grand Line. "We may have lost the pirates here, but there are only so many places they can run to. With our resources, we can bounce across the Grand Line, intercepting them, wherever they might go. I think you and your squad are the perfect choices for an extended mission chasing down this new generation of pirates."

He motions towards the window, outside which Tabun can see the docks of Grand Rock. "The warships we have assembled here hardly rival the best the marine fleet has to offer, but they're fast and powerful. You have your pick of them, Lieutenant Commander Tabun." He salutes. "The other marines mentioned in your report will be receiving promotions as well. You have my support, and my I wish you the best on your upcoming journey."
"Mh," the ninja nodded "i can see your point, somewhat."
She wiped her hands on a cloth.
"Now, the food?Oh, and what ARE we going to do with the sabertooths?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I think that it would be a great idea to eat now." Hari said and his stonach grumbled in agreement. "As for the cats.... we'll feed them and then let them go when we leave."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"I think that it would be a great idea to eat now." Hari said and his stonach grumbled in agreement. "As for the cats.... we'll feed them and then let them go when we leave."
"Here you are, Hari-kun.." she looked at them.
"Well, thats really magnanimous of you" she quipped.
"But they are your catch" a cucumber got chewed "and so, its your choice"
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari nodded and then started to dig into his food. "Mm. So good...!"
After happily and quietly eating, Katsu went back to the snip and poketed several pou hes of oilskin full with... sleeping poison, applicable to kunais.
Also, some bags full with several REALLLY noxious powcers, some teppo grenades. her trusty grappling hook... oh, she was feeling happy.
Work was coming.

Stepping out again, she smilebd at Hari.
"Shall we, Hari-kun?"
After happily and quietly eating, Katsu went back to the snip and poketed several pou hes of oilskin full with... sleeping poison, applicable to kunais.
Also, some bags full with several REALLLY noxious powcers, some teppo grenades. her trusty grappling hook... oh, she was feeling happy.
Work was coming.

Stepping out again, she smilebd at Hari.
"Shall we, Hari-kun?"
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to readjust the strap holding the extra spools of wire-mirrored thread to his back before he nodded.

"Let's go, Katsu-san."
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari took a moment to readjust the strap holding the extra spools of wire-mirrored thread to his back before he nodded.

"Let's go, Katsu-san."
The two walked to the cliff in question, Katsu being
Very quiet and alert, gazing into the forest on the clibfftop and measuring distances.
Eventually she found a tree up there that had a big enough trunk.She nodded, stepped foreward and opened a door....

East Blue
- and dude at the front regained his balance just in time to feel an unmistakable harbinger of cold metallic death press to his temple.

"Hola." Luna flipped her coin once, idly, and grinned almost friendly. "Wanna trade ships?"
The man with the gun to his temple takes the whole situation surprisingly well, considering. His companions, not so much.

"Captain!" They all scream in unison. "We'll give you anything you want!"

"No, no, no," the Captain sighs. "We've gone through this. You can't just give people anything they want because they have a gun to head." He looks up at Luna and rolls his eyes. "We've hit a bit of a rough patch recently. No way on all the seas we're giving up our ship, but we could be persuaded to part with it for something of similar value."

Little Garden
Grand Line
The two walked to the cliff in question, Katsu being
Very quiet and alert, gazing into the forest on the clibfftop and measuring distances.
Eventually she found a tree up there that had a big enough trunk.She nodded, stepped foreward and opened a door....
When the Needlepoints emerge from the door, the first thing they notice is a very unusual hole in the ground.

The hole opens up directly into the cliffside, dropping down hundreds of feet to a dark cavern.

Providing the Needlepoints can make it to the bottom, they'll find a large maze, complete with plenty of ancient traps. They'll have to somehow navigate through the maze and make it to the end.
Tabun finds Lieutenant Commander Brock at Marine headquarters, nursing his wounds after the beating he received at the hands of Eric Bauer. Though the man is practically covered in bandages, he seems mostly unbothered by his injuries.

He listens carefully to Tabun's report, nodding and taking notes as he goes. When Tabun finally finishes, he looks up and strokes his bandaged chin.

"When I put this plan together, I had a much different outcome in mind," he admits. "I thought that by dragging out the execution of Captain Wake we could drive some of his old crew into the open. Instead, what we got was chaos - the birth of a new generation of Pirates. It was nothing like any of us expected."

He sighs. "The battle did allow us to capture some pirates who had been hiding on Grand Rock for some time, but unfortunately many others escaped, and the and myself included...perhaps did not perform to our usual standards. However. I take full responsibility for these failures. You and the marines in your report responded quickly, admirably, and with the hearts of true marines. I think it would be foolish to deny your request to work as a unit."

"Thank you, sir." Tabun was truly grateful, but held a hint of disappointment in himself as he thought to the scars on his face. It felt embarrassing just appearing before Brock like this. However it did help his shattered pride somewhat that even the Lieutenant Commander was in such a wounded state. This new generation, as he calls it...they were too strong. Power like that needs to be brought down.

He stands and surveys a large map of the Grand Line. "We may have lost the pirates here, but there are only so many places they can run to. With our resources, we can bounce across the Grand Line, intercepting them, wherever they might go. I think you and your squad are the perfect choices for an extended mission chasing down this new generation of pirates."

He motions towards the window, outside which Tabun can see the docks of Grand Rock. "The warships we have assembled here hardly rival the best the marine fleet has to offer, but they're fast and powerful. You have your pick of them, Lieutenant Commander Tabun." He salutes. "The other marines mentioned in your report will be receiving promotions as well. You have my support, and my I wish you the best on your upcoming journey."

'Taken aback' did little to describe Tabun's reaction. "S-sir. Thank you." He replied with a salute, doing his best to keep his composure. Promotions, his choice of warship, a crew, and orders to hunt down pirates? He couldn't ask for better than that. If nothing else this day at least ended in his favor. "I assure you, we will not let you down." A simple response, but filled with determination. "Good day, sir."

Tabun grinned as he walked down the halls, contemplating his next move. The pirates can't have gone far by this point and there are only so many islands they could go to--no, wait. Can't rush after them. Need to resupply first, decide upon a ship. And most importantly, inform his new crewmates of the situation. Tabun made his way to the infirmary.

Grand Rock
Headquarters, Infirmary


Tabun entered the infirmary and quickly picked out Leo and Laurent from the rest of the injured marines. He didn't even attempt to hid his grin. "Good news. Lieutenant Commander Leo D. Drake and Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurent. You've both been promoted, just like myself." He expected they would have a joyous reaction, or at least something similar, but he continued to speak, "Furthermore we've been assigned to the same squad. And I've been allowed to commandeer any vessel of my choosing. Hehehe..." You could almost describe Tabun as 'giddy'. "I'll also be procuring before we head out. Anyways, it'll take some time before we set sail but our mission is to chase down the pirates that escaped Grand Rock. We should leave as soon as I've chosen a ship and made preparations, so do as you please until then. If you'd like to help decide on a ship or have questions, follow me."

With that he turned and headed out the infirmary. He didn't want to waste a second, so much so he was still speaking as he was heading out the door. "Oh yes, we should have a name for our squad as well... Let me know if you have any ideas."
East Blue

The man with the gun to his temple takes the whole situation surprisingly well, considering. His companions, not so much.

"Captain!" They all scream in unison. "We'll give you anything you want!"

"No, no, no," the Captain sighs. "We've gone through this. You can't just give people anything they want because they have a gun to head." He looks up at Luna and rolls his eyes. "We've hit a bit of a rough patch recently. No way on all the seas we're giving up our ship, but we could be persuaded to part with it for something of similar value."

Little Garden
Grand Line

When the Needlepoints emerge from the door, the first thing they notice is a very unusual hole in the ground.

The hole opens up directly into the cliffside, dropping down hundreds of feet to a dark cavern.

Providing the Needlepoints can make it to the bottom, they'll find a large maze, complete with plenty of ancient traps. They'll have to somehow navigate through the maze and make it to the end.
"To go down or not to go down... Thats the question" Katsu ponders with an hand under her chin.
She looks down the hole dubiously.
Little Garden
Grand Line
When the Needlepoints emerge from the door, the first thing they notice is a very unusual hole in the ground.

The hole opens up directly into the cliffside, dropping down hundreds of feet to a dark cavern.

Providing the Needlepoints can make it to the bottom, they'll find a large maze, complete with plenty of ancient traps. They'll have to somehow navigate through the maze and make it to the end.
"To go down or not to go down... Thats the question" Katsu ponders with an hand under her chin.
She looks down the hole dubiously.
Grand Line
Little Garden -- Standing Before The Unknown
"I think that I would like to see what's down there." Hari said as he looked at the hole in front of the two of them. "I still think that we'll find that crew's old Log Pose in the forest, but there is no telling what kind of things might be down there."
Grand Line
Little Garden -- Standing Before The Unknown
"I think that I would like to see what's down there." Hari said as he looked at the hole in front of the two of them. "I still think that we'll find that crew's old Log Pose in the forest, but there is no telling what kind of things might be down there."
Which is a good thing..." she nods "in my book."
She doad a door into the gound before them while getting a lamp on.
"Alright, we are going down."
And down she went, to the ground of the hole and the beginning of the maze...
Which is a good thing..." she nods "in my book."
She doad a door into the gound before them while getting a lamp on.
"Alright, we are going down."
And down she went, to the ground of the hole and the beginning of the maze...
Grand Line
Little Garden -- Unnamed Cave
Hari stepped through the circular door that Katsu opened in the air in front of the two of them and into a rippling green dimension. He followed after Katsu as she moved downward, through another circular door that she opened in front of them, and out into the dimly-lit bottom of the hole they had decided to explore.

Hari looked up toward the distant pinprick of light above the two of them. "Did we bring torches or a lamp?"
Grand Rock
Headquarters, Infirmary


Tabun entered the infirmary and quickly picked out Leo and Laurent from the rest of the injured marines. He didn't even attempt to hid his grin. "Good news. Lieutenant Commander Leo D. Drake and Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurent. You've both been promoted, just like myself." He expected they would have a joyous reaction, or at least something similar, but he continued to speak, "Furthermore we've been assigned to the same squad. And I've been allowed to commandeer any vessel of my choosing. Hehehe..." You could almost describe Tabun as 'giddy'. "I'll also be procuring before we head out. Anyways, it'll take some time before we set sail but our mission is to chase down the pirates that escaped Grand Rock. We should leave as soon as I've chosen a ship and made preparations, so do as you please until then. If you'd like to help decide on a ship or have questions, follow me."

With that he turned and headed out the infirmary. He didn't want to waste a second, so much so he was still speaking as he was heading out the door. "Oh yes, we should have a name for our squad as well... Let me know if you have any ideas."​
Laurent blinked up at Lieutenant, well, Lieutenant Commander Cyclo. They were a Lieutenant now? What for? They hadn't actually done anything.

Well, Laurent wasn't going to complain. They stood up and faced Lieutenant Commander Cyclo with a smile.

"Yes sir. Congratulations, sir. Understood sir." They ducked their head as they followed Cyclo out of the room. A shower. A shower and a change of clothes to wash off the stickiness of the salt from their dip in the ocean, then a trip to the lumber yard to see if they had any good yew, or failing that, bamboo. If they got lucky, maybe they could find an acceptable piece of osage. That would be unlikely though.

They had to restock on fishing line too, and feathers.
Grand Line
Little Garden -- Unnamed Cave
Hari stepped through the circular door that Katsu opened in the air in front of the two of them and into a rippling green dimension. He followed after Katsu as she moved downward, through another circular door that she opened in front of them, and out into the dimly-lit bottom of the hole they had decided to explore.

Hari looked up toward the distant pinprick of light above the two of them. "Did we bring torches or a lamp?"
"Lamp" Katsu held a metal one up.
"Now, tnis"she pointed at the entrance " looks like the entrance to a maze...." she entered carefully, then stood dtlii, looked at the ceiling , looked down again ... then showed a stone through a mini door in the wall .
It fell from the ceilling down on the floor... and then, a part of the ceiling , came down like a giant hammer ....the lart with the blood stains.
As it rose again,creaking and moaning from age, Katsu smiled faintly.
"A trap maze , to be more exact."
"Lamp" Katsu held a metal one up.
"Now, tnis"she pointed at the entrance " looks like the entrance to a maze...." she entered carefully, then stood dtlii, looked at the ceiling , looked down again ... then showed a stone through a mini door in the wall .
It fell from the ceilling down on the floor... and then, a part of the ceiling , came down like a giant hammer ....the lart with the blood stains.
As it rose again,creaking and moaning from age, Katsu smiled faintly.
"A trap maze , to be more exact."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"... We'll need to be careful then Katsu-san." Hari said and withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe before he started to stitch the trap shut. "If you can point out the trap, I can help disable them."
Grand Line
Little Garden
"... We'll need to be careful then Katsu-san." Hari said and withdrew Nuibari from its sheathe before he started to stitch the trap shut. "If you can point out the trap, I can help disable them."
"Oh, I should" she said with quiet confidence.
"Now, there is one thing you got to remember when mazes are involved.. always take the leff corridor first, then the middle, if there is one, then the right one. That is the only way you are not going to get lost."
An impish grin" usually." Then, utter seriousness and concentration as they start working their way through the maze of half-broken traps...
"Oh, I should" she said with quiet confidence.
"Now, there is one thing you got to remember when mazes are involved.. always take the leff corridor first, then the middle, if there is one, then the right one. That is the only way you are not going to get lost."
An impish grin" usually." Then, utter seriousness and concentration as they start working their way through the maze of half-broken traps...
Grand Line
Little Garden
Hari followed behind Katsu as she led them deeper into the maze, stitched traps shut when Katsu pointed them out and doing his best to survive them when they accidentally activated one.

"How... were... all... those... snakes... still... alive...?!" Hari panted as he threw a nasty glare at the pit he gad fallen into. "And ... who... put ... them ... down ... there...?!"
"Sorry Captain, sewing up an arm is a little different from cobbling some shoes." Vincent said honestly, he knew how to maintain his equipment and rig up some tricks but actually making shoes was beyond his skill set "Although my dad did teach me how to cure leather so I can help with that at least.
Hmm. A shame. Technically, Eric wouldn't need new shews for this, but either way they didn't have the materials for what he wanted at the moment. Best to let it wait until they reached a port.
...say you said that we're heading towards a Locktown, are we just sailing around looking for it or is that where the Log Post is pointing. I'd rather not end up in the calm belt."
The captain fumbled for a bit before pulling out a small map.

"Locktown, Logtown, something like that." He said, squinting at Loguetown's place on the map. "Going to need supplies, fix my boots, you and Skarf can stock up on whatever you need, maybe stir up a little trouble before we leave. Shouldn't be that far, we'll get there soon enough if the wind isn't against us."
Hmm. A shame. Technically, Eric wouldn't need new shews for this, but either way they didn't have the materials for what he wanted at the moment. Best to let it wait until they reached a port.

The captain fumbled for a bit before pulling out a small map.

"Locktown, Logtown, something like that." He said, squinting at Loguetown's place on the map. "Going to need supplies, fix my boots, you and Skarf can stock up on whatever you need, maybe stir up a little trouble before we leave. Shouldn't be that far, we'll get there soon enough if the wind isn't against us."
"Captain remember this is the Grandline, the Lighthouse keeper told us that unless we get lucky or have an eternal post we can only follow the Log post to the next island over and over again until we hit the redline again." the Hunter said a little annoyed, was he the only one that was paying attention when they arrived?

"Anyway didn't you buy a map or something while we were on that rock? I seem to recall the shop keeper saying something about choosing between some Bamboo place or a Little Garden. Whatever that means."
Grand Rock

"Hehehehe..." Tabun stood at the docks, arm crossed, coat flowing in the wind, and a big damn smile on his face. "I know just the ship." In his first combat with the new generation pirates he tried to prevent them from escaping on this very dock. He'd noticed a Marine galleon and thought how if that were ready to go, they could have hounded the fleeing pirates and demolished their ship. It's not a Buster Call ship but damn if it wouldn't be close. If it had more modifications it could turn into a Man o' War, but he didn't have time to wait for that. Besides, it's already sturdier than most ships just for its sheer size. That being said, gathering the materials on ship and upgrading mid-voyage has no downsides. External work will just have to wait.

"You there, marine!" Tabun called out to a nearby Seaman that seemed to be bringing supplies to the galleon. "What's the name of this ship?"

"Sir!" He stood at attention and saluted, apparently recognizing him from earlier today, "The Golden Dawon, sir!"

"I see." He walked closer to the Golden Dawon, inspecting it further. The bow was turned away from him, so he didn't notice it at first, but the ship had a golden tiger mounted on the front. It was mid-roar it seemed, so it was quite intimidating. "Ahem..." he cleared his throat before raising his voice with his ability, "Attention, crew of the Golden Dawon! This ship, and its crew, has been commandeered by me, Lieutenant Commander Tabun Cyclo, with granted permission by Lieutenant Commander Brock!"

The crew of the Golden Dawon stopped dead in their tracks, looking at each other back and forth in confusion. After a few seconds it clicked in their minds. "Sir, yes sir!" he heard several of them respond with. Excellent.

"Now, you there..." Tabun motioned to the Seaman that responded to him before.

"Sir! Er...captain?"

"My rank isn't captain, even with me at the helm of your ship. Sir will do. It's easier than Lieutenant Commander anyways." The Seaman seemed to have relaxed a bit from that, "Now, I want us setting sail before the day is through. We have pirates to chase. But we're not going as is. Here." He handed him a list, "Make sure we have everything on the list."

The Seaman looked over the list, showing a miss of shock and concern, "32 cannons...reinforced lumber and rations...explosives...h-how much poison!?"

"Oh, a lot." Tabun smirked. "Don't forget the casing types. We'll be making our own poison cannon balls mid-journey." The Seaman tensed up, "Relax. On the list is also poison filter masks and plenty of medicine. Can't have my crew dying on me." Tabun looked behind, noticing more marines approaching with boxes. "Ah, you're the men with my personal belongings, correct? Put them in the captain's lodge." One marine was carrying a box with utmost caution and another was carrying what looked to be a stack of papers and books, making sure to keep his distance from the one with the box. "Those as well. I'll be going through those records as I make more bombs later."

"Sir!" a chorus of marines sounded off as they went about their assigned duties.

Tabun nodded as he took another glance at the galleon. There was one last thing he had to take care of before he could get to work on the ship. After a quick shower back at the base, he'd take a trip through the market. "I wonder how much a pair of hawks would cost..."