The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

The answer is simple. This game needs more co-GMs.
Any volunteers? Personally I can take 3 player tops. Any more and it may cause problems with the rest of my schedule.
That being said I still require a GM.
With all that MGS5 hype it's kind of shocking how few people are actually familiar with Metal Gear.
You have friends on RPG guild right?

Contact them.
Oh man.

Both EUs, the GDI and the soviets are going to have an interesting reaction once they find out the nazis are here.

Now we just need the Imperial Japanese to show up, and we'll have the full set! :D

On a serious note, it'll be fun seeing how this goes.

*Narrows eyes*

Tiger-chan is...displeased with this mockery.

I might like you guys, for all of thirty seconds.
"Literal space demons would eat us if we didn't do it. That doesn't mean we enjoyed it, you sick fucks. What the hell was your excuse for burning millions of your own?"

"Guten tag, filthy untermensch! I look forward to putting you to work for the glory of the German people. I hope you will enjoy the luxurious accommodations at the closest concentration camp!"
Okay... Thursday night or Saturday. I'm away from my laptop at the moment so that'll have to be when. Again, sorry, real life has struck me.
Now we just need the Imperial Japanese to show up, and we'll have the full set! :D

*Glances at internal neo-fascist elements*

"Here. You take these labor robots, we'll take all your undesirables, and let's call it a day. Is that cool?"
Jarl Skulldee, Sweeper of Rugs and Conqueror of the Ösendee hills.

Born in a small cottage made in the Ësender cliffs, Skulldee was a born troublemaker from a young age, and managed to infuriate the local pack of dragons when she was only 4 years old, leading to a quick adoption into the ways of the warrior. After achieving Puberty, Skulldee decided there was more of the world to be had then the cliff she was born in, and managed to cut, bash or otherwise negotiate her way into the hill fort of Ösendee, where she pursued a life as a warrior of the clan.

After 2 years of proud warrior service and decent amount of dragonskulls, the hillfort's Jarl, Ëarl the smiter, was forced to step down due to a freak accident involving a mishandled idea for a dragonic barbeque booth. With the Jarl missing both his legs and his ability to lead the clan, the succession ritual was held. The candidates were to stand upon the ancestral shield of the Ösendee, which was hammered upon a local hilltop, at dawn and brave the attacks of whichever sleeping dragonpack was awakened by the Ösendee's merciless war-horn.

When dawn broke on the 9'th day after the start of the ritual, with multiple candidates already having tried and failed to keep standing on the shield long enough, Skulldee applied as well. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Skulldee walked on the shield on the 12'th day of the ritual, and promptly nailed her shoes to the shield using a hammer. After surviving a brutal beat-down of gigantic fire-breathing sleep-deprived reptiles, the newly promoted Jarl Skulldee was bought down from the hill, scars and all, and given a good welcome into her new role as leader of the Ösendee clan.

Having led the clan for several years now, the Ösendee have grown familiar with the remarkably energetic antics of their new Jarl, her love for challenges and her remarkable curiosity as well as her abnormal intrest in utilizing her axe. It came as no surprise to the rest of the clan that Skulldee would respond to the call made by the other Dees, and lead a delegation of the Ösendee clan into this brave new world, that has such battles in't.
Updated the Cabal section in the almanac.
You may all now tremble in fear of my main battle tanks that have anti-orbital craft capabilities.
Yeah, I just saw your post in the Almanac thread; I look forward to actually reading through all of it and seeing what you've come up with lore-wise for your little buggers.

Do you make the sprites and images you use for yourself or do you create stories from what you find that fit with the overarching tale your weaving? They're a pretty nifty touch regardless.

I'll admit that the idea of the Zerg fighting the Dee amuses me, mainly due to the juxtaposition of their combat-styles and lore. Hopefully we'll end up allying if we get in contact with one another though, the idea of the Zerg calling in the Dee for assistance(or vice versa) is one too good to pass up.

Updated the Cabal section in the almanac.
You may all now tremble in fear of my main battle tanks that have anti-orbital craft capabilities.
Sweet man, I'm looking forward to seeing what you put forth.
Sweet man, I'm looking forward to seeing what you put forth.
Well, Putting Forth is basically all I can do, seeing as I'm not only an "Only War" faction, but I also have my "Xenophobe" perk. If somebody wants to ally with me they'd have to
A. prove yourself honorable in combat (And not die in the process)
B. Most likely lose honorably (somehow) and unconditionally surrender (And not die in the process)
C. Prove they're at least as useful to the Cabal as the Psions are (Which, by the way, are currently holding the entirety of Phobos in place so its easier for the Cabal to fly supplies to and from it, with their minds.)
I pixelshop the Dees myself. It's fun to do.
That sir, is majorly impressive. [Respect for you has risen greatly!]

Well, Putting Forth is basically all I can do, seeing as I'm not only an "Only War" faction, but I also have my "Xenophobe" perk. If somebody wants to ally with me they'd have to
A. prove yourself honorable in combat (And not die in the process)
B. Most likely lose honorably (somehow) and unconditionally surrender (And not die in the process)
C. Prove they're at least as useful to the Cabal as the Psions are (Which, by the way, are currently holding the entirety of Phobos in place so its easier for the Cabal to fly supplies to and from it, with their minds.)
I feel as though there is a theme to all of these requirements...though I might be missing it...:V
Still, I like to think I'd be able to pull off one of those; the honor bit might have to be explained first, but the Zerg are nothing but adaptable.
Well, Putting Forth is basically all I can do, seeing as I'm not only an "Only War" faction, but I also have my "Xenophobe" perk. If somebody wants to ally with me they'd have to
A. prove yourself honorable in combat (And not die in the process)
B. Most likely lose honorably (somehow) and unconditionally surrender (And not die in the process)
C. Prove they're at least as useful to the Cabal as the Psions are (Which, by the way, are currently holding the entirety of Phobos in place so its easier for the Cabal to fly supplies to and from it, with their minds.)
I forgot to ask: how well do you think the Cabal would function with incorporating the Zerg into their structure in the manner of life-companions/pets or something? Each Cabal member could have two or three Zergling pets or some such equivalent.

I'm just having a good time imaging and conceptualizing how the Zerg would/could slowly insert themselves into the workings of other races; not out of infiltration and self-destruction, but out of the actual want to improve through symbiosis.

I can already see roving packs of Zerglings harrying enemies towards the slowly advancing Cabal forces, only to have the poor fools crushed between an unbreakable front advancing towards them and a swarm of monsters that are cutting off their escape.
Hello eveyone! What's going on in this thr-

*sees's @Helel's sheet*

Ohhh boy. The one non-Only War PC faction that my Cosmopolitan trait will not work with. Even Great Demon King Bowser wouldn't associate himself with these guys.
I forgot to ask: how well do you think the Cabal would function with incorporating the Zerg into their structure in the manner of life-companions/pets or something? Each Cabal member could have two or three Zergling pets or some such equivalent.

I'm just having a good time imaging and conceptualizing how the Zerg would/could slowly insert themselves into the workings of other races; not out of infiltration and self-destruction, but out of the actual want to improve through symbiosis.

I can already see roving packs of Zerglings harrying enemies towards the slowly advancing Cabal forces, only to have the poor fools crushed between an unbreakable front advancing towards them and a swarm of monsters that are cutting off their escape.
The tactical Cabal warlord of my Brain says yes.

The xenophobic, crush-everything-not-cabal part of my brain says no.

So...possibly? Can Zerg even surrender unconditionally? I'm not up-to-date(read: not at all acquainted) with Starcraft lore. (I know enough to make zerg rush and "you must construct more pylons" jokes.)
Hello eveyone! What's going on in this thr-

*sees's @Helel's sheet*

Ohhh boy. The one non-Only War PC faction that my Cosmopolitan trait will not work with. Even Great Demon King Bowser wouldn't associate himself with these guys.

"Why would we wish to associate with greueln like you? At least the Imperials are actually human, and the juden and roma can very charitably be called such as well. You? Literal animals and fungus led by fools and incompetents. I shall greatly enjoy your ultimate fate."
Wonder what would actually terrify the nazis in this world....

Also, Apache Longbow>King Tiger