The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Also a deity for the Totenkopfs (I know right?)

Merovich de Richelieu: Waldemar's chief of the armies is not a Reiksmensch like most of the Totenkopfs, but instead hails from the country of Vercegaulica; of which countries like Arish are splinters of. A mighty knight-king, Merovich constantly sought more and better ways to protect the people of the Kingdom he formed for himself. He was hailed as an effective leader, knowing when to take charge and when to delegate, and was respected by both his family and his citizens, and would come to father many children. But even one of the greatest human warriors of the time could not hold for long in the dark corners of the celestial tapestry he had sought to claim for himself. Repeated elementalist attacks, the assault of the brutish Kroatanga, the lovers of fiends, and more constantly sought to tear down his chivalrous realm. In the midst of a vicious battle with a devil worshipping horde, a man of shadow wearing a magnificent cloak with a distinctive top hat and monocle came to him and offered him aid if he would but open his heart to powers he had considered unholy. Being a chivalrous man, Merovich turned the figure's offer down, threatening to destroy it if it ever returned. With a laugh, the figure disappeared and Merovich continued to fight his battle. However, when he returned to his castle; he found that the entirety of the palace had been sacked by the fiends, with nothing but ashes and charred bodies remaining. Having been met with the extinguishing of his line and the destruction of his capital, Merovich threw himself into the legions in constant attack after swearing "at the price of oblivion, to see all lands made pure of this evil". He not only slaughtered the legion, but invaded Abaddon's realm of despoil itself, throwing his soldiers again and again in a mad cry for vengeance until at last of his nations armies; only he was left. Eventually, even a warrior as great as he fell, his spirit raging so fiercely that even after he was reduced to an armoured skeleton he kept fighting, killing more than twenty demon lords and archdevils until he could sustain himself no more. But the shadow man returned, and revealed himself to be Waldemar von Totenkopf as he raised him in a mission into the realm of Despoil. The fires of vengeance having burned away most of the nobility left in the man, the undead form of Merovich no longer had any qualms about bending knee to the Dark Kaiser, to serve him as the first of his Black Paladins. Merovich appears as a figure in black plate armor, burning red eyes leering out of the visor of the skeletal dragon winged helmet, a twisted parody of his former colours and heraldry on his shield and cape; riding upon an undead half-dragon griffon; Mortcri. He frequently has scuffles with Adalbert, whom he considers an unhinged savage, and Ishild; whom he regards as less than loyal to her father and a "shameless whore" at that. This has earned him the ire of Dietrich, the twins ever protective of one another, but Waldemar seems greatly pleased with his unwavering loyalty. To those who worship the Totenkopf pantheon, he is the lord of battle, the god of tactics, of dark chivalry, of faithful service, of black knights, and the Sword of Waldemar.
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What's with the new nation that just showed up west of Teraga?
Kroatanga. A bit like Orks, but less fun and more disgusting.

Kroatanga: The Fungoids were created long ago as instant cannon fodder in a different universe in a war now forgotten. Now these belligerent creatures follow their genetic programming, bringing the plague of warfare wherever they go as they access genetic memory to create the tools needed to wage warfare on a large scale. With an innate talent for making use of esoterical abilities, the Kroatanga are a frustrating opponent to deal with as one can cut down an entire war migration only for another wave to be born and start the process again in even greater numbers in virtually no time at all unless one burns or freezes their corpses.
What's with the new nation that just showed up west of Teraga?
"Eish, on the continent of Yilatangut ((OOC note: West of Teraga)), the Kroatanga have been riled into a massive war migration; the largest we've seen in more than a century; from the northernmost parts of the continent and are rapidly heading south in a warpath meant to destroy everything in their way. Huge numbers of the fungus men have come south at the behest of a mighty Megashroom identified as "Landbreaker", already causing countless millions of refugees to flee in terrorand have brutally killed millions upon millions more; wiping out whole nations overnight as billions of Kroatanga marshal southwards with lethal intent. A meeting of the global congress of states has been convened to discuss resource sharing, military coordination. The All Union Congress of Teraga has convened to approve an increase in military spending and overseas deployment to try and stem the tide at all costs, and similar motions are being taken in similar countries. While some worry this will distract from the Kumun invasions to the south of the continent;it is believed that the Kroatanga; in thanks to their greater numbers, pose the greater threat for the time being and so will require more of our limited resources to combat. Air strikes against Kumun forces however, have been authorized; as well as special forces deployments."

They're mostly migrating south and are of course; automatically at war with everyone, NPC or not. So their numbers while vast, are split between a huge number of enemies and people coming around to fight them. They should inspire NPCs to confederate with PCs and thus rapidly blob up the empires on the continent.