Nation Dossier: Land of the Worm Lords
A blighted and wicked land choking with dark magics that have made the soil give up no further life, withered the trees into undead husks, and where all that lives exists only to be food for the terrible hunger of the dead or living students seeking to study the dark art; the Worm Lords have created one of the most hated realms on the planet, but one whose dark power seems to be growing in spite of all attempts to keep it reduced. The sun does not shine in this land, blocked out by clouds of dark magic; and nothing remains dead; with even the most ancient of fossils having stirred to wretched unlife and those spirits without bodies haunting the land in incorporeal form. Ruled by a conclave of maggot creatures known as the Maggothar; a form of undead more commonly known as the worms that walk; creatures formed from Necromancers who fed themselves to swarms of undead worms, maggots, centipedes or other vermin or descendants of these swarm creatures, the Worm Lords rule supreme over the many undead who come to their lands; save for some undead forms of dragons and other eldest species and the most powerful phantoms, liches, and vampires. Formed fifty years ago in a great invasion of the former country of Ilantrandia, the Worm Lords slaughtered everything and everyone. Even demon cults, kroatanga tribes, and winterling invaders were cut down by the tide of the living dead and even machines could be put to use by necromantic energies.
From the moment of its inception, the Worm Lords' dominion has been under sanction and attack by the outside world; but yet it still grows, labouring for the Undead pantheon of the great Maggot lord Atushkar, the first of his kind. Though in spite of this, they still offer homage to other greats of the world of Necromancy, such as the Dark Kaiser Waldemar, the Jade Arch-Vampiress Ji Wen, the Lich Master Kroschei, the Wraith King Zumal, and the first necromancer; the dread Dracolich Xardrazgora, who invented Necromancy in the distant age of myth and unveiled its secrets during the great mistake. All these masters of Dark Pantheons devoted to the mastery and understanding of undeath are welcome in the Land of the Worm Lords, who have proclaimed their country to be a place of haven and pilgramage and learning for all those who seek to master death itself, and branch into other forms of magic shunned by polite society. This of course, makes them a persona non grata in international politics, with no nation offering them recognition, embassy, or even negotiation beyond attempts to thwart their continued growth.
Well defended by a vast army, the Worm Lords seek to turn Xaramazdik into a benighted Necrotic planet, where necrotic and dark energies will make the planet one of the living dead. Where horrific sciences and blasphemous magics can be freely practiced and a base from which more worlds can be conquered for the glory of the eternal order of undeath. All those who have persecuted the children of the union of the esoteric forces bent towards death and the raw, scarcely controlled power of dark magic that freely mixes deeply corruptive energies with more standard forms of esoterics will be made to pay the price, and the meager gods who shun undeath for stealing souls from their realms will be cast away from their vision of a dark paradise. Still, their nation is young and their allies are few; so the Conclave of Preservation will need to bide its time, expanding slowly and waiting for a great calamity to produce many unguarded bodies and derelicts for them to wage a world war.