The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Distinguishing physical characteristics of Elf subtypes:

High Elves: High Elves; or Asyrii are highly charged with esoterical energy flowing through their bodies, to the point that their irises glow. High Elves feel warm to the touch, brimming with power beneath their frames. High Elves are also among the tallest of elves, standing at an average of 2.25 meters tall for males, and 2.15 meters tall for females. High Elves are fairly rare on Xaramazdik, with most being expatriates from the Dual-Monarchy or figures from the rune elven pantheon or out to assist esoterical colleges. High elves tend towards strong hair and eye colours; I.E black hair is not simply dark but lustrous ebony, blond hair is outright golden in hue, white hair is the colour of freshly fallen snow, red hair as brilliant as a wildfire; and more exotic eye colours such as strong greens, purples, oranges, reds and so on are common in high elves. High elves can be of any skin colour; though with generally a similar range to central humans outside of extreme circumstances.

Dark Elves: Charged with corrupted dark esoterical force; raw and impurified; Dark Elves or the Druzhran are ghostly pale; with similar ranges of hair and eye colours; though black, snow white, and blood red is more common among them than among high elves than the likes of golden blond or silver. Dark Elves also have glowing eyes, though their irises display more chaotic patterns of esoterical energy dancing beneath than the stable magical power of the high elves. Dark Elves also have sharpened canines and slightly sharpened incisors; often leading to the mistaken assumption that they are vampires; when this is simply the effect of dark magic on their bodies. They are about as tall as high elves, and the dark esoterics running through the forms of the Druzhran tend to put beings in their presence at a distinct unease.

Wood Elves: Also known as the Yrandra, the Wood Elves are close to the aetheric and biologus energies of the Fae and the Treants, and have traditionally been close to nature; living in forested areas to be close with the Fae who helped save their ancestors from the great mistake. As tall as the Dark and High Elves, the Yrandra tend to more forest based skin tones, eye colours, hair colours; generally reds and or browns and greens make up their palette. The Wood Elves stand as tall as their counterparts from the Druzhran and the Asyrii, but whereas the High Elves impose a subtle sense of awe and the Dark Elves a sense of dread; the Wood Elves give a sense of ease. Due to intermixing with faeries, Wood Elven eyes often have kaleidoscopic colours and unusual hair colours such as green or pink can appear quite often in them.

Plains Elves: Also known as the Enraal, Plains Elves are perhaps the most common Elves on Xaramazdik, making up the majority of countries such as Karzruk and being among the most common Elfins on the planet; surpassing the numbers of the dwindling race of man. Not as mystically charged as their counterparts, the Plains Elves nevertheless are the kind of elf most people will meet. Only averaging at two meters for men and 1.9 meters for women, plains elves are notably shorter than their more mystically adept cousins and generally have more plain hair and eye colours; but they are just as varied as central humans in terms of colouration. Like all elves; they tend to be leaner and more athletic than humans, and are quite gifted runners.

Deep Elves: Referred to as the Undrol, the Deep Elves have jet black to dark purple skin; with eye colours generally being blue, orange, red, purple, or green; and hair colour generally being some form of white. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as Dark Elves for the colouration of their skin (a grievous faux pas), the Undrol are a little shorter than plains elves and certainly not as imposing or as mystically powerful as the Druzhran, and are victims of the Druzhran's slave raids just as much as anyone else. Generally disdaining the light due to their lack of familiarity with it, Deep Elves prefer to live underground or within mountains; often sharing space with the many varieties of dwarves or deep dwelling humans; as well as creatures such as coleopterans and ophidirax and far more terrifying things that call the underworld home.

Snow Elves: The Israntha are the result of heavy usage of cold arcane magics to better control the forces of winter that corrupted the Kraldurmaour into the rampaging hordes they are now, the Snow Elves' choice of habitat often makes them the first line of defense against the elemental (or even less pleasant beings) worshipping heathens from the far north or south of the planets they inhabit. Standing at a height in between the plains elves and the Wood, Dark, and High Elves; snow Elves have very pale; blue tinged skin that helps them blend in with the winter; though in summer months they redden to a pale beige as winter is driven back for what brief time summer may flourish, which in addittion to their lesser height; helps distinguish them from elf based frost-folk. Hair and eye colours are universally pale; and the constant diet of conflict with the frost-folk has engendered a certain muscularity not seen in many other kinds of elves.

(I'm open to suggestion for more kinds)
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Here's my attempt:

Light Crystalline Elves: The descendants of a long-dead High Elf mage that had mystically infused his genetic coding with Izandricite, this rare subtype of elves is somewhat alien looking, as the eyes are glowing crystals, and the body is geometrically designed rather than organically, as well as typically lack hair. Also, the bodies of these elves are semi-transparent, allowing people to see the organs and brightly colored blood.

The crystalline substance in the bodies of these elves not only allows them to always have a level of awareness that most beings only dream of, but also magnify the mana flowing through their veins. However, because of this, they are highly sought after, either to mine the crystals out of their bodies (which is lethal) or to use them as living weapons. Regardless, that is not the only reason for this species' rareness: since all Light Crystalline Elves are technically related, they may only breed with other varieties of elves which, considering their appearance, is somewhat difficult.
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(I'm open to suggestion for more kinds)
A species of Grey or Pale elf that are exceptionally good at necromancy, due to being conceived and/or carried in a area saturated in Death. This is why elven graveyards are usually far away from their cities. They are noticeably paler, greyer, and taller with all emotions being dulled. For the purpose of being saturated in death, being carried by an elf actively using necromancy definitely counts. So does living on the site of a battlefield, amongst undead (or regular dead), ect, ect. The social reactions to this from all types of elves drives them to be isolated from any elves that can recognize what they are.
people to the organs
I imagine the word "see" is meant to be in there?
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No! Nix! Nein! Ix-nay!

Seriously, D&D had this thing where every single sourcebook had new subspecies of elf. It got to the point where a game I very much enjoy, Talislanta, advertises the fact that it has no elves.
I suppose I did get rid of gnomes because I never saw the thematic point of them when Dwarves exist besides "less grumpy tinkerers", and instead of your typical hobbit parodies I went with "everchildren distrusted by most for largely irrational reasons" for Halflings. So limiting the number of Elfin subspecies (including subspecies of the giants, dwarves, ogres, humans et al) might be wise.
I suppose I did get rid of gnomes because I never saw the thematic point of them when Dwarves exist besides "less grumpy tinkerers", and instead of your typical hobbit parodies I went with "everchildren distrusted by most for largely irrational reasons" for Halflings. So limiting the number of Elfin subspecies (including subspecies of the giants, dwarves, ogres, humans et al) might be wise.

Hmm, but one of elves' things is sort of having a bunch of sub-types. Like other groups may only have like one or two types but Elves have a ton. I think it's interesting. Perhaps Elves have more mutable genetics/are more susceptible to magical changes to their bloodlines, possibly due to the line of Rune Elves they're descended from or something.
Here's my first attempt:

NOT-ELFS: they're elves, but woe betide you if you mention that in their general vicinity, for they will kill you on sight for saying it. Just call them anything else. Not-elves are anywhere, living in denial of their original race and thinking they're anything but an elf. They tend to be highly whimsical, switching "species" every so often. Tend to be highly racist to elves.
I suppose I did get rid of gnomes because I never saw the thematic point of them when Dwarves exist besides "less grumpy tinkerers", and instead of your typical hobbit parodies I went with "everchildren distrusted by most for largely irrational reasons" for Halflings. So limiting the number of Elfin subspecies (including subspecies of the giants, dwarves, ogres, humans et al) might be wise.
Dwarves and Ogres I'm pretty sure are fine on that front they don't usually get more then one or two subspecies.

Hmm, but one of elves' things is sort of having a bunch of sub-types. Like other groups may only have like one or two types but Elves have a ton. I think it's interesting. Perhaps Elves have more mutable genetics/are more susceptible to magical changes to their bloodlines, possibly due to the line of Rune Elves they're descended from or something.
Pretty much just like insect races seem to have swarming as a general thing.

It's actually why I made my main bug race a bunch of Lawful Good Scorpion Kaiju when I participated in a civ RP a while back.
A species of Grey or Pale elf that are exceptionally good at necromancy, due to being conceived and/or carried in a area saturated in Death. This is why elven graveyards are usually far away from their cities. They are noticeably paler, greyer, and taller with all emotions being dulled. For the purpose of being saturated in death, being carried by an elf actively using necromancy definitely counts. So does living on the site of a battlefield, amongst undead (or regular dead), ect, ect. The social reactions to this from all types of drives
This cuts off.
@Mental Omega: I'm gonna ask how all of this is actually relevant-having like, 50 bajillion different species and elves which you've made up isn't actually creating a deep world. I've been where you are, it's really fun just spinning around in circles adding random shit to your story-but enough is enough man. It'd be enough to have a list of the ten or so most important ones, and major polities, and just make up smaller ones as needed.

Especially since a lot of the names of species and whatnot are fantasy n'v'wls'hr' style names which are a huge pain in the ass to remember.
@Mental Omega: I'm gonna ask how all of this is actually relevant-having like, 50 bajillion different species and elves which you've made up isn't actually creating a deep world. I've been where you are, it's really fun just spinning around in circles adding random shit to your story-but enough is enough man. It'd be enough to have a list of the ten or so most important ones, and major polities, and just make up smaller ones as needed.

Especially since a lot of the names of species and whatnot are fantasy n'v'wls'hr' style names which are a huge pain in the ass to remember.
I mostly do this because I'm bored. The species list is largely doneish and I've got long stretches of the day when I'm waiting on Americans to wake up.
You could start generating plot hooks for people. Plot hooks are more useful than random species, especially because most people really only have one plot at best, and some of us not even that. :V
The thing is that I've already got most things planned out for my own players. Those I got stuck on I ultimately passed on to other GMs. It's my way of preventing the burn out that hit hard in prior games when I got overly stressed from running too many players at once and found myself panicking and staring at a screen with no words coming out.
The thing is that I've already got most things planned out for my own players. Those I got stuck on I ultimately passed on to other GMs. It's my way of preventing the burn out that hit hard in prior games when I got overly stressed from running too many players at once and found myself panicking and staring at a screen with no words coming out.

I do think your problem is that you're creating plot hooks for single players-especially since players are largely put in random places with no easy contact with other players. In the nation games I've played, the ones which last a while tend to make it reasonably easy for players to interact and expect that they will do so. They also had events and things which were relevant to more than a single player, which is a good way to get more done with less work.
They also had events and things which were relevant to more than a single player, which is a good way to get more done with less work.
So something like big storm fronts covering parts of the map? Volcanic activity? Earthquakes? That would be pretty cool.

But yeah, this map is huge. Almost ridiculously so. I didn't quite realize how big it was until I shoved myself into a corner and gave myself a debuff that limited my movement.
I do think your problem is that you're creating plot hooks for single players-especially since players are largely put in random places with no easy contact with other players. In the nation games I've played, the ones which last a while tend to make it reasonably easy for players to interact and expect that they will do so. They also had events and things which were relevant to more than a single player, which is a good way to get more done with less work.
I've got a plan to work everyone together, but it seems I've gotten to the end of turn stage a lot faster than other GMs have. So I'm just like...waiting for the end of the turn to come so we can set everything into motion.

Currently there's some actions still being resolved off the IC in the PMs and I think one player whose GM is having off-screen issues. I'm rather worried that my end of school year break ends on the 25th of July and that may impact my schedule but I'm currently hoping everything flows smoothly into place by turn 3.

I do admit that a lot of my planning has been ad hoc and if it weren't for the help of some co-GMs I'd probably drag way more on PXP interaction. And that I'm probably not the best GM (or even good at least, in my own eyes) by any means through any virtue but the sheer number of hours in a day I have to spend.