Alright! So those of you who do not know, Sufficient Velocity recently had a writing contest for the month of April. I managed to finish it by 11PM but apparently I misunderstood the timezone, and am not able to participate. Oh well. Tear of sadness, all that.
Regardless, I took time off from my Quests to think about this, even if it is really only noticeable in AP.(Which I will be getting back to very soon.)
And I figure, I could do two things. I could rage about the time wasted, or I could realize that as long as it is shared with others, time spent writing is never wasted.
So since I can't post it to the contest, I'll post it here. Here is, My April Contest Submission. In all its glory for you guys to either laugh at, or enjoy, as appropriate.
Heaven's Knight
I have been working at this superstore for a very long time now, and despite my loyal service, my utmost devotion to my craft has caused me to receive a sour reputation.
Not for misconduct, though there have certainly been a few occasions over the years that could have been labeled as such. I challenge anyone to try their hand at a trade for a time that can only be quantified in years, without causing a few problems.
Not for being rude, or unkempt. No, I always work my hardest to be perfect in every encounter, my shining white smile and gentleman's demeanor causing my co-workers to actually look forward to our fated encounters. At-least, so I have been told.
"I swear by the moonlight delicately drifting into our view by the grace of this noble establishment's polished windows, that I will aid you in your search for the renegade diapers." As I look up from her feet, tilting my head up in the process to show off my reassuring smile, as my kneeling position requires of me, I can already tell that I had made her uncomfortable. I want to sigh, but I hold it in. It won't do to show her that her discomfort has cut me so deeply, lest she twist the blade.
"If you could just tell me the aisle number?" She asks, apparently in far too a rush for my antics.
I hold back a grimace, years ago everyone loved my acts. Customers actually came to the store to see them, and there was always a warm smile to await me when I raised my head. In recent times however, it appears everyone is too caught up in today's world to slow down and enjoy the pleasant romance in between every breath. No one wanted to be treated like a treasure anymore, not by an old knight at heart like myself. "That would be aisle number seven, miss."
As if enchanted by the holy number, she turns and marches in a determined haze towards the aforementioned aisle. I make an emotional retreat back to my stocking of the shelf beside me. Regardless of how I may feel, it would be severely uncouth of me to abandon the cans to their desolate position on the floor. Unable to be seen by the eyes of the common man, woman, and child, that may wish to partake of their delectable contents.
A few minutes later as I stand back and admire my art, the cans gleaming with the unspoiled delight only their preserved position at the height of the shelf could possibly hope to gift, I find my mood has returned to its previous and most precious state of excitement.
Yes, that would do for now I decide as a ponder and let my eyes wander to the clock on the wall afar, and take my leave of the cans in my quest for coffee, my break has just started after-all.
The walk to the back is an uneventful one, or at-least as uneventful as a serene walk upon the tiles I had seen placed years ago could be. They are stained now, and yet the marks upon them signify not an instance of disgust from me. No, the stains don't take away from their beauty at all, instead they are a beacon of memories. The time I have walked upon these tiles is my true treasure, a bounty of which I would never give for even a mountain of gold. To me these tiles are a crest of nobility, a medal of valor to commemorate my service to the homeland that is this store.
A colleague of mine, laughs at me as I walk in and make my way to the coffee machine. "Renegade diapers?" He gasps out between breaths, like he'd never heard of them before. I swear, it is as if the time when I was appreciated is gone, even my co-workers are starting to laugh. I make my way out to stare out the small window to the actual store by the back entrance door while sipping my coffee. It is a ritual of mine, to take in the store in all its glory from behind the door as I take pleasure in the liquid born from the roasted beans.
However, as I stare out the window I can't help but drop my cup, its golden brown contents tainting the precious tiles beneath me without notice.
Out there, dressed in the most elegant street clothes I had ever seen, not a crumple along the sleeves, or a wrinkle down her black silk pants, was the one who always got away.
You see, I had known from the moment I saw her flaming hair, and her fiery eyes, pure like porcelain, and yet more driven in their path than a river upon the notice of her target product. That I had to pledge my service to whatever world-shaking cause she had for being here this time, and yet, every time I had tried thus far someone else had gotten to her first. Perhaps it was coincidence, or perhaps some of my well meaning colleagues had noticed my stares and thought it would be better to keep me from her. It is well known that I can go overboard when excited, after-all. Regardless, the end was the same. No matter how quick I reacted, how desperately I attempted to bridge the gap between us, the others would quickly find themselves in my way.
Not this time though, I saw her first, the others unaware. Without missing a heartbeat, my blood scorching my skin from the inside, I dashed out of the break-room and made my way to her.
It wouldn't do to assault her with my presence though, no, I would have to find a way to subtly ambush her with my aid before she even truly realized I was there. But where I wondered, until I saw the perfect spot. She was heading for the frozen goods aisle, and I knew my greatest aid was there. He was a kind man, one who knew of my quest to aid this woman, he would surely lead her to me.
I ran to the edge of the aisle, and knelt, my right leg laying on the ground beneath me as my left was used to support my position. I took great care in crossing my right arm along my chest as my left took position behind me. My eyes took in the tile I knew she would stand on, and I noted that one actually does need to be cleaned. I blew the tainted thought away as I waited.
Then I heard it. "Is there anything I can help you with miss?" Yes, I knew he had her, she was far too polite to shrug him off.
I heard it, her voice, like the gleeful sound of a siren's song, it graced us with its benevolence. "I am looking for a man who should work here, I've seen him a few times but haven't yet managed to speak with him due to rather annoyingly persistent blockers. Blond hair, eccentric,-" With that my thoughts stop, the idea that she is looking for me is an overload, my shattered mind does not even pick up the footsteps as she's led to me. And I can only be glad I am already in position as I see her more than likely rather expensive leather shoes step on the dirty floor I had just been griping to myself about. For I am stunned, unable to breathe let alone formulate a proper action and response, even as I see her foot tap in impatience after a full minute passes, I can't help but be stunned.
Slowly, I take my eyes off her shoes and look up to her eyes, glaring down at me as if I'm another wasting her time, which much to my own emotional detriment, I currently am.
I barely manage a stutter, my words caught in throat as if they had been captured by webbing. "I-, I am," no, I cannot speak. I am a failure, a knight without a blade. My voice has left me, even as the harshness leaves her eyes and her hand goes to her mouth in an attempt to stifle a laugh that sets my heart ablaze.
"Fear not, Sir knight, I have been sent to this order to request your services directly in my own quest." My mind crashes again, unsure of how to respond to such a statement. In all my years I have never been in this situation, still stuck on the simple fact that she had been looking for me for some reason.
I sputter, harshly forcing my body to respond and give my oath. "I am the knight of this superstore, taken into service many years ago by an older lady much older than yourself, and yet with eyes not unlike your own." I see the token of amusement in her eye, and I worry she might laugh at me, but quash such worries after a quiet gulp.
I am stunned back into the inability to move when she outstretches her hand towards me. "I am aware, hero, now take my hand and show me what the legendary knight even the children talk of has in him, show me you've earned your position."
I can tell even my ally is confused, but this is perhaps what I have been waiting years for. Without hesitation I take her hand, knowing in my heart, that perhaps my work is not as in vain as I once feared. Perhaps, my reputation isn't as sour as I had begun to believe. If this girl was a force of the heavens, and I just an earthly knight, than for this moment alone, I am heaven's knight.