Our mentor is right there, and we have a little time left. Would it be possible to get that OOC and add the question to the next update, so as to streamline things?
In this particular case, yes. But only if a majority of you agree that would be the best course of action. That would guarantee its place in the next update, which is similar enough to making it part of the vote that I would at-least want a "go for it" from the others.
To understand my place here, imagine if I allowed acts that weren't agreed on into the post in... other, situations.
Well, that, and because it was the only way to stop a high-int-low-str great weapon build from winning.
Not vetoing that immediately when I saw it was gaining ground and starting to make the other voters more desperate, is one of my greatest regrets.
What sorts of processes do we currently have control over, as far as explosive generation goes?
Differs from skill to skill, though I guess I could give you the basic blueprint of both the "Control" and "Power" version of the compressed air ball.
(If I could draw I would draw it.)
The basic process there is to channel a large quantity of raw SP into the air in front of you, and then force it into a sphere significantly smaller than itself as you convert it directly to take on the component of wind. The problem here is that wind nature SP is chaotic beyond control, and it just won't stay put. Attempts to do so result in wind SP being lost into the air around, and actually forcing the SP to move in a manageable way is just a broken idea.
So you don't, you allow the wind to stay in its natural, chaotic form. Instead, you form a sphere barrier around it, and then compact it even further and make the ball smaller, until it is in the manageable form in front of you that you're used to. When shot off your control of the barrier around it is gone, and the barrier degrades until it bursts. Similar to a balloon popping, but with a massive force multiplier.
At-least, that was your first attempt.
The second one refined this idea by cutting out many of the unnecessary steps.
One, the sphere barrier is made pre-wind, so that the whole process is streamlined.
Second, the energy inside is made wind SP from the get go, so there's no conversion process.
The major aspects of the ability that remain the same are the barrier, and the chaotic energy just waiting to be released.
This skill is majorly inefficient as it is, as a lot of the SP usage is actually focused on the barrier, causing it to cost significantly more for the same damage payload that a skill without the barrier would require. However, that is what makes it so portable, and how you keep it from blowing up in your face as of this moment.
This skill levels up(gains exp) as you get used to both compressing more energy into the same space, and powering the barrier further to match it.
The "small" version of the skill is a "control" skill instead of a power.
It focuses on the same ideal, while working less on raw force, and attempting to deal in subtlety instead.
The amount of energy is focused to remain a chaotic constant in a smaller space. With the lesser amount of energy and the lesser barrier requirements, the most taxing part is simply maintaining it. As that is rather easy, level ups in this skill work by increasing your ability to maintain and form the barrier with more stability and speed.
Note: Both abilities passively boost each-other as relevant. As per result of "core" and "sub" skill/ability status.
1) Do we have reason to believe that Nixus actually has technical knowledge on explosion generation, or is he liable to just make shit up like in other things.
Aeternam is under the belief that Nixus knows what he is doing, as he has yet to steer her wrong.
Though she does worry if Cecillia has compromised him somehow.
2) What elements can we currently channel?
You have only practiced dark, but Sieg "told you" that you can channel all elemental energies you know how to make with varying power and effectiveness per SP spent depending on your ability with that SP type. And you trust him.
These include as of this moment: Raw, Holy, Fire, Wind, Dark.
3) Do we know if we need touch to channel into stuff?
So far you've only done it through touch, but it stands to reason that there is no reason you shouldn't be able to by forcing the SP through the area until it hits your target, and then melding it to your will.
Aeternam is not sure how this would work in practice, but it stands to reason it should definitely be possible. Though it also stands that it would be harder from longer distances, due to the nature of ambient SP.
I was considering two means of making the spell work. The first would be to conjure a thing and stick it to the walls, able to be molded in any way we choose, much like C4 putty. The second was to simply go Kimbley on it.
You are so descriptive, I know exactly how you would do that in every way!
It's ok, it's optional to give me the blueprint for a reason.
Remember that channeling is more along the lines of the pine resins and weapon buffs from Dark Souls- a coating over the target. Channeling fire onto something is thus likely more or less equivalent to setting it on fire, and is unlikely to cause problems for our use of it unless maybe we channel it into an accelerant.
Well, I mean. Unless you WANTED to channel it into something instead of around it. I can't guarantee how that would work OOC, but I assure you that you could definitely try. (*Cough* Sever *Cough*)