You just going to ignore the fact that I pointed out that we can shape shift to a minor degree and negated one if your points against that plan?
I am against Butcher's plan because it requires us to enter an enclosed space, where all the advantages are on the opposing team and we can't fight as effectively, against enemies we have little effective counter to except sheer force, where our primary attack, explosives, would hurt ourselves as well, and give up any element of suprise.
Hm. You know, if we can channel fire, and compressed air balls count as wind-elemental, I may have come up with a way to massively ramp up its damage for a quite reasonable hike in cost.

Take an object, preferably metal, or something else that will produce shards, then channel fire into it,?and throw it at the enemy.? Hit it with a Compressed Air Ball and it should probably become a more energetic flaming version with shrapnel in.

If channeling costs around 20 per second, we're probably looking at three seconds max, so this would merely double its cost.
Hm. You know, if we can channel fire, and compressed air balls count as wind-elemental, I may have come up with a way to massively ramp up its damage for a quite reasonable hike in cost.

Take an object, preferably metal, or something else that will produce shards, then channel fire into it,?and throw it at the enemy.? Hit it with a Compressed Air Ball and it should probably become a more energetic flaming version with shrapnel in.

If channeling costs around 20 per second, we're probably looking at three seconds max, so this would merely double its cost.
The general inverse of my idea. My worry was that fire was more volatile than wind/force/pressure and would destabilize the object before you could blow it up.
The general inverse of my idea. My worry was that fire was more volatile than wind/force/pressure and would destabilize the object before you could blow it up.
Remember that channeling is more along the lines of the pine resins and weapon buffs from Dark Souls- a coating over the target. Channeling fire onto something is thus likely more or less equivalent to setting it on fire, and is unlikely to cause problems for our use of it unless maybe we channel it into an accelerant.

But the main reason that this is currently superior is that we already have a ranged AOE wind attack (I think), but have none for fire.

And I don't want to set off a fire-air explosion anywhere near myself.

Edit: this should be something we can do right now, with no dev time, is what I'm getting at.
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Our mentor is right there, and we have a little time left. Would it be possible to get that OOC and add the question to the next update, so as to streamline things?
In this particular case, yes. But only if a majority of you agree that would be the best course of action. That would guarantee its place in the next update, which is similar enough to making it part of the vote that I would at-least want a "go for it" from the others.

To understand my place here, imagine if I allowed acts that weren't agreed on into the post in... other, situations.
Well, that, and because it was the only way to stop a high-int-low-str great weapon build from winning. :V
Not vetoing that immediately when I saw it was gaining ground and starting to make the other voters more desperate, is one of my greatest regrets.
What sorts of processes do we currently have control over, as far as explosive generation goes?
Differs from skill to skill, though I guess I could give you the basic blueprint of both the "Control" and "Power" version of the compressed air ball.
(If I could draw I would draw it.)
The basic process there is to channel a large quantity of raw SP into the air in front of you, and then force it into a sphere significantly smaller than itself as you convert it directly to take on the component of wind. The problem here is that wind nature SP is chaotic beyond control, and it just won't stay put. Attempts to do so result in wind SP being lost into the air around, and actually forcing the SP to move in a manageable way is just a broken idea.

So you don't, you allow the wind to stay in its natural, chaotic form. Instead, you form a sphere barrier around it, and then compact it even further and make the ball smaller, until it is in the manageable form in front of you that you're used to. When shot off your control of the barrier around it is gone, and the barrier degrades until it bursts. Similar to a balloon popping, but with a massive force multiplier.

At-least, that was your first attempt.

The second one refined this idea by cutting out many of the unnecessary steps.
One, the sphere barrier is made pre-wind, so that the whole process is streamlined.
Second, the energy inside is made wind SP from the get go, so there's no conversion process.

The major aspects of the ability that remain the same are the barrier, and the chaotic energy just waiting to be released.

This skill is majorly inefficient as it is, as a lot of the SP usage is actually focused on the barrier, causing it to cost significantly more for the same damage payload that a skill without the barrier would require. However, that is what makes it so portable, and how you keep it from blowing up in your face as of this moment.

This skill levels up(gains exp) as you get used to both compressing more energy into the same space, and powering the barrier further to match it.
The "small" version of the skill is a "control" skill instead of a power.

It focuses on the same ideal, while working less on raw force, and attempting to deal in subtlety instead.

The amount of energy is focused to remain a chaotic constant in a smaller space. With the lesser amount of energy and the lesser barrier requirements, the most taxing part is simply maintaining it. As that is rather easy, level ups in this skill work by increasing your ability to maintain and form the barrier with more stability and speed.

Note: Both abilities passively boost each-other as relevant. As per result of "core" and "sub" skill/ability status.
1) Do we have reason to believe that Nixus actually has technical knowledge on explosion generation, or is he liable to just make shit up like in other things.
Aeternam is under the belief that Nixus knows what he is doing, as he has yet to steer her wrong.

Though she does worry if Cecillia has compromised him somehow.
2) What elements can we currently channel?
You have only practiced dark, but Sieg "told you" that you can channel all elemental energies you know how to make with varying power and effectiveness per SP spent depending on your ability with that SP type. And you trust him.

These include as of this moment: Raw, Holy, Fire, Wind, Dark.
3) Do we know if we need touch to channel into stuff?
So far you've only done it through touch, but it stands to reason that there is no reason you shouldn't be able to by forcing the SP through the area until it hits your target, and then melding it to your will.

Aeternam is not sure how this would work in practice, but it stands to reason it should definitely be possible. Though it also stands that it would be harder from longer distances, due to the nature of ambient SP.
I was considering two means of making the spell work. The first would be to conjure a thing and stick it to the walls, able to be molded in any way we choose, much like C4 putty. The second was to simply go Kimbley on it.
You are so descriptive, I know exactly how you would do that in every way!

It's ok, it's optional to give me the blueprint for a reason.
Remember that channeling is more along the lines of the pine resins and weapon buffs from Dark Souls- a coating over the target. Channeling fire onto something is thus likely more or less equivalent to setting it on fire, and is unlikely to cause problems for our use of it unless maybe we channel it into an accelerant.
Well, I mean. Unless you WANTED to channel it into something instead of around it. I can't guarantee how that would work OOC, but I assure you that you could definitely try. (*Cough* Sever *Cough*)
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Differs from skill to skill
You misunderstood me, but gave me a partial answer anyway. I wanted to know what processes we had in our repertoire, out of which to build skills.

Basically, if you want us to explain how we want stuff to happen, we need to know what those explanations need to be in terms of, and where the point is at which we no longer need to explain stuff.

Eg: "make it go boom" -> "pressurised wind SP" -> "Make an SP barrier an fill it with wind SP" -> "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit!"

Off the top of my head, the list seems to include:
  • Channeling SP.
  • Creating/converting elemental SP.
  • Forming barriers out of unelemental SP (could we use Elemental SP also?)
  • Throwing or otherwise imparting motion to SP.
  • Mixing SP.
  • Coating stuff in SP, and/or shoving it into stuff.
  • Whatever the fuck Shockwave does
  • Maybe some other stuff.
A more comprehensive list like the above would be damn useful in coming up with new techniques.

So, some thoughts on techniques (will weigh in on vote later):

Could use right now
Crude FAE (Fire-Air Explosive): As described above, channel fire energy into/onto a hard thing throw at enemy, hit with Compressed Air Ball. Fiery shrapnelly blast of doom.

Crude Fuck Your Thing: Channel fire and air, or holy and dark directly into target object or creature, one through either hand, using split shield to protect your idiot self from the consequences of your actions. Inefficient, but should pack a punch.

Crude Infusion Charge: Channel something (maybe holy or dark) into something and pay the costs to keep maintaining it until you need to use it, and then hit it with its opposite. Exorbitant.

Could develop with training
FAE (Fire-Air Explosive): Similar to Compressed Air ball, but with two lobes, one filled with fire SP, one with air SP. Seems likely to increase yield much faster than the cost of generation and containment, if the last elemental annihilation is any indication.

Elemental Annihilation: Fire and holy get on fine, and I suspect that Air and Dark do too. I wonder what happens if you mix holy in with the fire in a FAE, and dark with the wind? My guess? A big fuck-off explosion, larger than the sum of its parts.

Lesser Fuck Your Thing: If one element (probably wind) proves to be enough to make things explode when channeled into them, channel it into something and use an integrated and calibrated barrier to ensure that the resulting shrapnel is not your problem. I'm sorry, did you think that was a weapon you were carrying? Actually it's more like a point-blank frag grenade pointed at you somehow.

Greater Fuck Your Thing: Basically Sever with a simultaneous holy equivalent and enough shielding to survive it.

Infusion Charge: It may be possible to make a version of channeling that infuses an element into an object in a stable or semi-stable fashion for low or no continuing SP cost. If so, we could infuse something, then hit it later with the opposite element/let enemy element users trigger it/allow it to lose cohesion and explode on its own/etc.

Things we could do if we had the right gear. Canned Grenade: Form a compressed Air Ball (or its better cousins) in a contained metal object like a box or can, throw at a motherfucker. Probably needs less bland SP to contain the air SP, and adds shrapnel, increasing efficiency from both ends. Probably needs dev time to perfect, but could be used on the fly.

If we could get some gear that could stand up to our explosions, we could do some interesting stuff. Just getting a largeish shield would do wonders for our ability to cast near ourselves.

Recoilless Rifle: we get a tube that can stand up to our explosives, put a projectile in one end, then explode it, and we have a cannon with no recoil. (Mind the backdraft!)

Explosion weapon: A weapon with a cavity, permitting a blast to exit in only one direction. Explosions in the cavity can either be used to focus the force of the blast on a target or propel the weapon at great speed and force. Can be used to deliver an explosion and spin around, using its force to deliver a powerful blow. A hollow-headed hammer or similar would likely be best, as the force would naturally be pointing perpendicular to the shaft, making it quite trivial to turn it into a spinning attack.

Nova Hoop: get a hoop of a metal around your waist, with a lip on its top and bottom forming an enclosure. Fill it full of wind energy or something fancier if it can take it, then let it loose. If the ring is rigid, and strong enough, and you distribute the SP evenly, there should be no net force or ill-effects on you, while a ring of death expands outwards from you.
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You misunderstood me, but gave me a partial answer anyway. I wanted to know what processes we had in our repertoire, out of which to build skills.

Basically, if you want us to explain how we want stuff to happen, we need to know what those explanations need to be in terms of, and where the point is at which we no longer need to explain stuff.

Eg: "make it go boom" -> "pressurised wind SP" -> "Make an SP barrier an fill it with wind SP" -> "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit!"

Off the top of my head, the list seems to include:
  • Channeling SP.
  • Creating/converting elemental SP.
  • Forming barriers out of unelemental SP (could we use Elemental SP also?)
  • Throwing or otherwise imparting motion to SP.
  • Mixing SP.
  • Coating stuff in SP, and/or shoving it into stuff.
  • Whatever the fuck Shockwave does
  • Maybe some other stuff.
A more comprehensive list like the above would be damn useful in coming up with new techniques.

Oh, I guess I could reference the blueprints individually in my spreadsheet and come up with a list like that. Going to be a while though, see you in like, an hour probably.
Oh, I guess I could reference the blueprints individually in my spreadsheet and come up with a list like that. Going to be a while though, see you in like, an hour probably.

I'd say it's not urgent, but if the ease bonuses of having a clear idea from top to bottom of how a new technique is supposed to work are large enough, trying to come up with new techniques on the fly may not actually be obscenely stupid, and thus might be a viable tactic in the current fight.

I'd say it's not urgent, but if the ease bonuses of having a clear idea from top to bottom of how a new technique is supposed to work are large enough, trying to come up with new techniques on the fly may not actually be obscenely stupid, and thus might be a viable tactic in the current fight.

Well one of the major reasons on the fly DRs are hard is because they require testing, trial and error, and an understanding of what the hell you're trying to do beforehand for any measure of success.

Aeternam has to figure this shit out, so the DR accounts her actually managing to do that right (in the amount of time given) into the mix.
As voters, you guys (kind of) act as a secondary brain. Her actions between votes are of course her own, though influenced by your actions as they have had an impact on her personality so far.
But your votes are, in a way, absolute. You're (kind of) her secondary thinking resource. It's why the votes almost always get called when she has a moment to think, and never in the moment.

So if you can give me a well thought out idea on what exactly you want to do, and how to do it? It obviously works better than if you're just like "make a fucking laser!"

The more in depth you can make it, the less she has to think, the lower the "thinking" part of the DR is.
As I said before, a lot of the DRs in this game are based on common sense.
Well one of the major reasons on the fly DRs are hard is because they require testing, trial and error, and an understanding of what the hell you're trying to do beforehand for any measure of success.

Aeternam has to figure this shit out, so the DR accounts her actually managing to do that right (in the amount of time given) into the mix.
As voters, you guys (kind of) act as a secondary brain. Her actions between votes are of course her own, though influenced by your actions as they have had an impact on her personality so far.
But your votes are, in a way, absolute. You're (kind of) her secondary thinking resource. It's why the votes almost always get called when she has a moment to think, and never in the moment.

So if you can give me a well thought out idea on what exactly you want to do, and how to do it? It obviously works better than if you're just like "make a fucking laser!"

The more in depth you can make it, the less she has to think, the lower the "thinking" part of the DR is.
As I said before, a lot of the DRs in this game are based on common sense.

If it comes to it, something like this seems liable to work:

Uncompressed Fire Ball: Use burst of flame and enclose the flame in a barrier like you would use for a compressed air ball. Don't try to pump in more fire to increase the density, but regulate it if you can, while smoothing and strengthening the barrier to contain the flames.

If we want to deliver a holy and/or fire attack at range before learning a tech for it or finding something channel-and-toss-able, that is probably our best bet.

As far as Aeternam can tell/knows or whatever.
Compressed Air ball-Is a large ball of air about two to three times the size of her outstretched hand. It's chaotic, freaking out, and held together by a heavy layer of Aeternam's Soul Power. The main trick is that far more air is compressed into it than should be possible given the density of air. This reacts by fighting back. Hence the need for the layer holding it together.
Upon leaving her hand, her control starts to slip, until either it reaches a certain distance away, or it hits something, causing the force within it to be unleashed in an explosion.
Aeternam has never seen it in action on a normal environment she can observe, and therefore does not know it's approximate power beyond "fucking boom."

Small Compressed air ball- It's basically the same as above, but far smaller. It contains less power, needing less of a barrier, which means it requires less SP.
It is enough to blow a normal person's head clean off, but probably not much more.

Shockwave- This could only be described as a force of pure carnage. The only time Aeternam has done it, she was so busy being sent flying to really observe it. From her knowledge of the skill from using it, and from the aftermath though, she is pretty sure it's overpowering, and is like a wave of destruction.
The high SP cost has to do with the raw force conjured.

Burst of Flame-She's honestly not sure of the theory behind this one, but basically? It calls upon her inner flame, and turns her SP into flames.
The only real occasion of using them leads her to believe they may have a holy attribute, but there's no way to know that for sure as of the moment.
It is her only skill at the moment that deals in fire. She's not sure if it acts like normal fire, but she assumes it would.

Grinding Sphere-It honestly takes more control than raw power, chances are the power will increase as the amount of SP required either stabilizes or goes down, as she gets more practice with it.
She summons the equivalent of a Compressed Air Ball in her palm, but saturates the insides with her power as well, turning the winds into something she can control slightly. She then spins the fuck out of them in multiple directions, and after she's sure she has it stable, she lowers the barrier around it and smashes her target with it at close range. It acts like a drill, plowing through her target if possible.

If disrupted somehow, or she loses control, it will explode in her hand. The energy dissipates as it's used though, so the longer it goes, the smaller that explosion would be.

Sever- This ability is a twisted work of an unholy nature.
She gathers energy into her palm, and then injects it forcefully into her target. Then, as quickly as she can, she forces the energy inside the target to integrate with the SP network, or throughout the target if inanimate. From there, the target's SP attacks hers, and she destabilizes hers forcing it to explode. This explosion feeds on the energy caused from the target's SP fighting it, and chain reactions the explosion.

She feels that with higher training and use, she could probably learn to use it from other parts of her body, or have more raw power. Though from what she's seen, she's not sure if raw power is needed at the moment.
That information may be accurate, or inaccurate. However, no matter what it is definitely what Aeternam thinks. And she at-least knows enough to have used the ability..
This information being threadmarked or otherwise easily available would be useful.

If it comes to it, something like this seems liable to work:

Uncompressed Fire Ball: Use burst of flame and enclose the flame in a barrier like you would use for a compressed air ball. Don't try to pump in more fire to increase the density, but regulate it if you can, while smoothing and strengthening the barrier to contain the flames.

If we want to deliver a holy and/or fire attack at range before learning a tech for it or finding something channel-and-toss-able, that is probably our best bet.

This information being threadmarked or otherwise easily available would be useful.
  • Connecting two spaces of reality through a pre-existing(or newly made ehem) hole. (Currently Restricted to Land of Deaths)
  • Noticing specifics in between differentiating signatures in the souls of others, and comparing them to pre-existing knowledge or fresh knowledge.
  • Keeping track of said specific signature difference despite distance by allowing your own SP to stretch thin and follow it. (The hell you think sensing is?)
  • Using your own soul's essence (SP) to reinforce, or otherwise cover another existence in a way deemed ordinance to your will. (Channeling)
  • Extracting the specific compound of your soul from the mix, to 'create' or otherwise use it in its purest form. (Elemental SP)
  • Enforcing your will onto the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul,
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto already existent ambient compounds in the air. (Split Shield)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto already existent hostile compounds of another's. (Sever-Practiced compound Dark)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto the reality in front of you by filling in the contents in between the pockets of space in the form of a semi-solid under your control. (Split Shield, and other barriers) (Yes you can use other elements than Dark or Raw, the effectiveness is modified by affinity level though so be careful)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound or compounds of your soul in a way that enforces the laws of motion, either through physical, spiritual, or other effort.
  • Soul Chemistry(Basic)- The art of mixing compounds of the soul in an effort to achieve a reaction previously unavailable through the compound in its lone pure form.(Learned through trial by holy fire *boom* style)
  • Enforcing the will of the 'Wind' compound of your soul in its purest most chaotic form without restraint away from yourself to create a suitably destructive force of nature. (That's what Shockwave does)
  • Enforcing your will onto a compound, or compounds in a way that forces increasing spherical velocity for a short time.
  • Forcing multiple wills of a compound, or compounds of your soul, in a way to achieve results that could normally not be accomplished lone. (Basic Multitasker-Passive gained from life trait: Ditz)
  • Forcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, in a way that can pierce the will of another. (Sever)
  • Reinforcing or taking away from the wills of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way to increase or reduce stability. (Sever, pretty much everything else)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way as to physically manifest a pure yet stable form, that can be used to interact with the universe around it.(Conjure blade)
  • Enforcing the will of the purest compound (raw) onto the universe around you, in such a way as to work with or detract from physical laws such as friction, or gravity.(Death Flight)
  • Enforcing your will through the use of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way as to physically manifest a physical alteration to yourself, or other under your will. (Masquerade)
  • Enforcing the will of the purest mixture of the soul (the soul) to create and stabilize a new inhabitable structure. (Second Wind)
I THINK that's the basic gist of it.
@Skewfiend Any glaring ones I'm missing?
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So what I've wanted to do is basically: use our SP to reinforce an object with fire affinity. Then throw a shockwave at it so they interact violently and blow up.
  • Connecting two spaces of reality through a pre-existing(or newly made ehem) hole. (Currently Restricted to Land of Deaths)
  • Noticing specifics in between differentiating signatures in the souls of others, and comparing them to pre-existing knowledge or fresh knowledge.
  • Keeping track of said specific signature difference despite distance by allowing your own SP to stretch thin and follow it. (The hell you think sensing is?)
  • Using your own soul's essence (SP) to reinforce, or otherwise cover another existence in a way deemed ordinance to your will. (Channeling)
  • Extracting the specific compound of your soul from the mix, to 'create' or otherwise use it in its purest form. (Elemental SP)
  • Enforcing your will onto the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul,
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto already existent ambient compounds in the air. (Split Shield)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto already existent hostile compounds of another's. (Sever-Practiced compound Dark)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, onto the reality in front of you by filling in the contents in between the pockets of space in the form of a semi-solid under your control. (Split Shield, and other barriers) (Yes you can use other elements than Dark or Raw, the effectiveness is modified by affinity level though so be careful)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound or compounds of your soul in a way that enforces the laws of motion, either through physical, spiritual, or other effort.
  • Soul Chemistry(Basic)- The art of mixing compounds of the soul in an effort to achieve a reaction previously unavailable through the compound in its lone pure form.(Learned through trial by holy fire *boom* style)
  • Enforcing the will of the 'Wind' compound of your soul in its purest most chaotic form without restraint away from yourself to create a suitably destructive force of nature. (That's what Shockwave does)
  • Enforcing your will onto a compound, or compounds in a way that forces increasing spherical velocity for a short time.
  • Forcing multiple wills of a compound, or compounds of your soul, in a way to achieve results that could normally not be accomplished lone. (Basic Multitasker-Passive gained from life trait: Ditz)
  • Forcing the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul, in a way that can pierce the will of another. (Sever)
  • Reinforcing or taking away from the wills of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way to increase or reduce stability. (Sever, pretty much everything else)
  • Enforcing the will of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way as to physically manifest a pure yet stable form, that can be used to interact with the universe around it.(Conjure blade)
  • Enforcing the will of the purest compound (raw) onto the universe around you, in such a way as to work with or detract from physical laws such as friction, or gravity.(Death Flight)
  • Enforcing your will through the use of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way as to physically manifest a physical alteration to yourself, or other under your will. (Masquerade)
  • Enforcing the will of the purest mixture of the soul (the soul) to create and stabilize a new inhabitable structure. (Second Wind)
I THINK that's the basic gist of it.
@Skewfiend Any glaring ones I'm missing?
Let me try to understand the damn thing first.

A couple of questions:
  1. What exactly do you mean by "compound"/"compound of your soul"? You seem to use it to mean "form of elemental soulpower", but you seem to mean much more than that, especially since you keep talking as if they were things with independent wills. I confess I am somewhat disturbed by this revelation, if so.
  2. Was there a reason for all the borderline purple prose?
  3. Is any actual meaning lost in changing "Enforcing the will of the 'Wind' compound of your soul in its purest most chaotic form without restraint away from yourself to create a suitably destructive force of nature." to "Expel unrestrained wind SP."?
  4. What exactly do you mean by "spherical velocity"? Do you mean angular velocity? As in making things spin?
  5. Reinforcing or taking away from the wills of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way to increase or reduce stability. (Sever, pretty much everything else)
    Does this imply that we have to be careful to use our elements equally, lest they fall into imbalance and cause problems?
  6. Enforcing your will onto the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul,
    Does this just mean "use the various types of SP", or something deeper?
To be frank, readability is something of an issue here, both with the apparently unneeded repetition and the unexplained terms.
To be frank, readability is something of an issue here, both with the apparently unneeded repetition and the unexplained terms.
It's hard to read because it is just impossible to explain such concepts in a way that is easy to understand without some jargon. I was expecting anything that confused to either be asked, or instantly understood because awesome.
Enforcing your will onto the will of a compound, or compounds of your soul,
Does this just mean "use the various types of SP", or something deeper?
SP is the will of your soul given manifestation through 'compounds'. This means to enforce your own will on that will, instead of that will enforcing itself on you.
What exactly do you mean by "compound"/"compound of your soul"? You seem to use it to mean "form of elemental soulpower", but you seem to mean much more than that, especially since you keep talking as if they were things with independent wills. I confess I am somewhat disturbed by this revelation, if so.
Compounds are the purest form of the different ingredients used to make up SP. They enforce their will in the form of quite a few factors, but the main are the elements, and the most pure form, "raw."
Compounds do have a type of will. The base, the one you start with, is "Raw." It is "you."
This "will" is more like a manifestation of "traits" and "Desires." These are normally easy to keep in check.
For simplicity sake, Fire is passion, and the want to spread that passion to others.
Dark is sacrifice, and the willingness to do what must be done. Almost all Deaths have an ok affinity with this at-least.
Wind is the need to explore, the drive to pierce the blockers of your path.
This hasn't been explained in full because advanced SP manipulation besides "Raw" isn't normal for rookies. At all. Your natural inclination towards "wind" in the beginning was ignored as a quirk of Nixus, it happens. But your new overwhelming affinity for Dark is drawing attention, as seen in Butcher's latest side story.

This will probably be explained in the future IC anyway, I just felt I should answer.
Was there a reason for all the borderline purple prose?
Simply the easiest way to word it without losing meaning.
Is any actual meaning lost in changing "Enforcing the will of the 'Wind' compound of your soul in its purest most chaotic form without restraint away from yourself to create a suitably destructive force of nature." to "Expel unrestrained wind SP."?
If you understand what SP is, that you mean "chaotic" by unrestrained, and by "expel" you get that you don't mean "push away from" but "generate outwards."
Then no.
What exactly do you mean by "spherical velocity"? Do you mean angular velocity? As in making things spin?
Yep, I suck at remembering the right terms for that shit. So I was just like "velocity... but like, in a sphere. Ahh, got it!"

Reinforcing or taking away from the wills of a compound, or compounds, of your soul, in such a way to increase or reduce stability. (Sever, pretty much everything else)
Does this imply that we have to be careful to use our elements equally, lest they fall into imbalance and cause problems?
It doesn't mean that, but that certainly is slightly true, yes. (Though overspecializing eventually does have some neat bonuses, and you get used to the negatives and learn to compensate.)

What it means is, given SP is the will of your soul given manifestation through 'compounds', that you can add power or take away power from SP constructs through the focus of it. Whether they be barriers, explosions, or swords.

(Edit note: Now that I think about it, I probably could have just explained some of those terms at the bottom and then used their more layman term versions to effectively 10th that list in words XD)
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Hm. @Sendicard, I think the main reason it seems so confused and confusing is that you kind of awkwardly intermingle the descriptions of what we can do with descriptions of what that fundamentally means.

For present purposes, only the former is of much concern, and in any event, the latter is better explained IC.

If you wanted to keep both in the explanation, I'd put it in a format like:

SP explanation:
SP is a manifestation of your soul, made up of a mixture of 'compounds', which are confusingly analogous to elements in chemistry, and...
The compounds of your soul determine, and are determined by your personality, and you have a measure of control over them as a death...
Something something imposing wills something something...
other stuff...

Things you can currently do with SP:
  • Force it into things
  • Reinforce stuff with it
  • make barriers and shields
  • etc...
I think that would be a hell of a lot easier to follow.

Thanks for taking the time with this stuff, but the way.

and by "expel" you get that you don't mean "push away from" but "generate outwards."
Then no.
Expel doesn't ever mean the former, to my knowledge.
Expel doesn't ever mean the former, to my knowledge.
Really? Only medium I like ever hear that word used is with demons and exorcists XD
Which normally means "go, the fuck, away."
I think the main reason it seems so confused and confusing is that you kind of awkwardly intermingle the descriptions of what we can do with descriptions of what that fundamentally means.

For present purposes, only the former is of much concern, and in any event, the latter is better explained IC.
Ahh, yes. I could definitely see that. Yes, that makes sense. Alright, let's try that list again real quick.

  • Warping (Limited to Land of Deaths for now)
  • Identifying individual energy Signatures
  • Keeping track of said specific signature through the use of "feelers" of SP.
  • Channel SP into, or onto stuff.
  • Form elemental SP.
  • Control SP
  • Creating solid platforms for means of defense or other, (are not necessarily forced to follow normal physical laws like gravity)
  • Take over and manipulate the SP of others through your own.
  • Move SP.
  • Soul Chemistry(Basic)- The art of mixing different SP types to achieve abnormal effects.
  • Expelling Wind energy in its purest form.
  • Spin the SP.
  • Cast multi-part "spells"
  • Invade another's body/soul with your SP forcefully
  • Regulate SP concentrations, even after a "spell" is cast through the same "feelers" as tracking.
  • Temporarily create shit with SP, currently only 'good' with Dark.
  • Use SP to fight normally constraining laws of physics.
  • Use SP to physically alter things, including yourself. Target must be willing, or inanimate.
  • Create a new inhabitable body if absolutely needed, for a price.
In this particular case, yes. But only if a majority of you agree that would be the best course of action. That would guarantee its place in the next update, which is similar enough to making it part of the vote that I would at-least want a "go for it" from the others.

To understand my place here, imagine if I allowed acts that weren't agreed on into the post in... other, situations
I agree
And with that the number is three. The presence of the command:
[X]Ask Forgotten what happens if we use the environment to kill them instead of doing it ourselves directly.
In the next update has been sealed.
Do we get kills if they occur as a consequence of our actions? Say, somehow we crush and kill everything in the castle with this strategy, and anything that escapes is killed by sunlight (but not our partners). Does that count as a kill we can draw power from?
Living creatures have a physical and spiritual existence, and as such their energy is called mana.
When a living creature dies, every part of them that was physical is converted into a pure spiritual existence, called Soul Power, or, SP.
Regular souls go crazy with this conversion, their minds cannot handle it. This is why Death Killers retain their minds while others do not, they've already converted.

What is important here is that conversion process. This process is what causes the 'ghouls' and such you've met so far. And the abominations.
The only way to stop this, is to kill the creature through SP. You see, normally when a Mana or SP creature is killed through SP, it is destroyed entirely.

This is why Deaths are special. Their SP is hungry. No matter their element, no matter their personality, a Death is faced with an endless hunger inside their soul.
This hunger is both the source of their power, and what sets them as gods above the others.
A Death's SP will devour a portion of the soul during the conversion process, or simple death if it has already converted. And then send the now "purified" soul to the celestial planes.
This is how Deaths gain power.

However, here is where things get tricky.
If you kill a Mana or SP creature through something other than SP to sever the soul, it has differing results.

An SP creature will simply reform.
A Mana will convert.
If you kill them through a means other than your SP, they will get back up in a frenzy to devour you, before you devour them.
And with that the number is three. The presence of the command:
[X]Ask Forgotten what happens if we use the environment to kill them instead of doing it ourselves directly.
In the next update has been sealed.

Living creatures have a physical and spiritual existence, and as such their energy is called mana.
When a living creature dies, every part of them that was physical is converted into a pure spiritual existence, called Soul Power, or, SP.
Regular souls go crazy with this conversion, their minds cannot handle it. This is why Death Killers retain their minds while others do not, they've already converted.

What is important here is that conversion process. This process is what causes the 'ghouls' and such you've met so far. And the abominations.
The only way to stop this, is to kill the creature through SP. You see, normally when a Mana or SP creature is killed through SP, it is destroyed entirely.

This is why Deaths are special. Their SP is hungry. No matter their element, no matter their personality, a Death is faced with an endless hunger inside their soul.
This hunger is both the source of their power, and what sets them as gods above the others.
A Death's SP will devour a portion of the soul during the conversion process, or simple death if it has already converted. And then send the now "purified" soul to the celestial planes.
This is how Deaths gain power.

However, here is where things get tricky.
If you kill a Mana or SP creature through something other than SP to sever the soul, it has differing results.

An SP creature will simply reform.
A Mana will convert.
If you kill them through a means other than your SP, they will get back up in a frenzy to devour you, before you devour them.
That appears to contradict what we were shown, albeit OOC, about the results of the "kill them all" vote in the first mission.

Despite killing them all with overpowered SP, they reformed as hungry ghosts ready to kill us.

Unless I am misreading or misrecalling, there seems to be a contradiction there.
That appears to contradict what we were shown, albeit OOC, about the results of the "kill them all" vote in the first mission.

Despite killing them all with overpowered SP, they reformed as hungry ghosts ready to kill us.

Unless I am misreading or misrecalling, there seems to be a contradiction there.
Actually we let them shoot each other to death.
about the results of the "kill them all" vote in the first mission.
I very distinctly recall you guys letting them shoot each-other to death.

And I certainly don't recall doing an Omake about it. Wait, I might have done Din.
Dude, that was so non-canon I quoted Zelda. I just thought it would be cool.

Rose's Omake is 'canon' though.
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I very distinctly recall you guys letting them shoot each-other to death.

And I certainly don't recall doing an Omake about it. Wait, I might have done Din.
Dude, that was so non-canon I quoted Zelda. I just thought it would be cool.

Rose's Omake is 'canon' though.
Alright, re-read it. I can certainly see where the confusion is coming from.
I only changed a few random things because "fuck it."
And that means almost all of it is on point and giving you true info. Ya... That would be confusing. I would smack earlier me for that, as I have grown to see how stupid that shit is, but to be fair? That was probably Earlier me's like, first or second Omake, ever, for anything.
Note: It should also be noted in the past year I have generally put three hundred times the effort into this Quest, balancing, an proper logic, than I did the first month or so.

So if you see something from the first month that completely and utterly contradicts the now?
Either, in the case of an omake and it was non-canon, and we say "omake dude."

Or we retcon the shit out of it XD
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