The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

We have put in an impressive showing, but now she is out for blood. Being principled is good, but in moderation. Zealotry is not the objective here.
No, that's the thing. We're not the underdog if we whip out our nigh-invincible summoning magic. Not now, not for the rest of the year, not for our entire life. We'll always be the noble stooping and pretending to be a commoner, bragging that he knows how hard it is for everybody who can't get saved by a magical army if the going gets tough.

We're not going to die.*Losing to her is preferable to losing to ourself. *Probably.
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No, that's the thing. We're not the underdog if we whip out our nigh-invincible summoning magic. Not now, not for the rest of the year, not for our entire life. We'll always be the noble stooping and pretending to be a commoner, bragging that he knows how hard it is for everybody who can't get saved by a magical army if the going gets tough.

We're not going to die.*Losing to her is preferable to losing to ourself. *Probably.
Ok so in other words you want him to die? cause it is a very good possibility. She is not a underdog.
Ok so in other words you want him to die? cause it is a very good possibility. She is not a underdog.
An, and no. We are. We. Him. Henry. That guy with the introducing himself thing.

That guy who's vehemently against using his family's magic because it's such ludicrous cheating and he actually wants to exist as something other than a continuation of the line.
We'll be fiiiiiine. *Waves hand dismissively*
... right and wasting time to stop the one thing that will try to keep us from dying against a girl who we have truly pissed off in a fight were someone dying is a wanted outcome by the important members of the thous who are watching the fight, said girl who we just drop an rock big enough to break her bones and who we acted high minded against. likely hood of death is not small at this time....
[X] Stop the Blackreach Guardian from summoning itself

I don't honestly believe that Ruby will kill Henry, there are other schools, and I don't believe the Archmage ever stated that losing the fight means you're out. He said he'd be using the fights to gauge who he is going to drop, which means none of the named characters are likely in much danger of dropping out.

[X] The Archmage

I just like him and suspect his POV will be most pragmatic and accurate in terms of assessing people.

I wonder if Ruby considers Saphira to be the true underdog here, given Saphira's circumstances.

Regarding the talk of underdogs or whatever- I'm not sure why it's unclear. Even if Henry refuses to use his super-special lineage power, he HAS it and a background in magic and various talents, and this makes him pretty clearly not the underdog to anyone who pays attention. An underdog is somebody who you'd never expect to win. Ruby, for all her favor, does seem pretty typical with magic beyond countermagic.

On that note, Saphira is absolutely not an underdog, she's the Dimensional Magic TA's pet and as Henry stated basically everybody knows that. An actual underdog would be the poor guy the Archmage singled out on the first day, who presumably has not made an Elemental Pact or made many friends.
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Regarding the talk of underdogs or whatever- I'm not sure why it's unclear. Even if Henry refuses to use his super-special lineage power, he HAS it and a background in magic and various talents, and this makes him pretty clearly not the underdog to anyone who pays attention. An underdog is somebody who you'd never expect to win. Ruby, for all her favor, does seem pretty typical with magic beyond countermagic.

On that note, Saphira is absolutely not an underdog, she's the Dimensional Magic TA's pet and as Henry stated basically everybody knows that. An actual underdog would be the poor guy the Archmage singled out on the first day, who presumably has not made an Elemental Pact or made many friends.
Well, he's shaping up to be more like some kind of villain, so not really...
Personally, I find being beaten to a bloody pulp, persevering and going all out, only to have the opponent concede the match for whatever reason to be incredibly insulting and condescending. 'I could have beaten you, but decided not to. Have this victory.' All the more so since Ruby, unlike Henry, is using powers that go beyond her training.

Well, he's shaping up to be more like some kind of villain, so not really...
What makes you say that?

Regarding the talk of underdogs or whatever- I'm not sure why it's unclear. Even if Henry refuses to use his super-special lineage power, he HAS it and a background in magic and various talents, and this makes him pretty clearly not the underdog to anyone who pays attention.
I am not sure why it's unclear either. The status of the underdog only has meaning in comparison. Henry says that against the Dragon's pet, he has little hope of competing. For one, because he can't even really dish out all the big guns - the Dragon would punish him harshly for damaging her property.

To Ruby, the idea of her being the 'top dog' is ridiculous, since it implies she has any sort of power, when she is but a tool, and has little power to call her own. They are talking past each other, because they are talking different things.

The point is moot anyway since we never meant what we said, admitting to being outmatched only to lure her into a trap.

...well, okay, maybe it was a half-truth. Besides that gambit, we really didn't have anything.
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Closing the vote innnnn.... Let's call it an hour. I can probably find time to at least start the update over lunch.
[X] Let the Blackreach Guardian summon itself
Poor Henry, who will never be free of his family's shadow.

[X] The Archmage
Because I just like him.
Things Continue
[X] Stop the Blackreach Guardian from summoning itself

When you have an opportunity to look back on it, you're not sure if it was instinct or something more than that when you stopped the Blackreach Guardian from summoning itself. Certainly you can come up with any number of ex post facto justifications. Maybe if you had been given any time at all to think about it you would have chosen otherwise and it was pure habit that stopped the Guardian from intervening. Regardless, the Guardian isn't summoned and you thankfully spend only a moment in pain from Ruby's first blow before she knocks you out cold with the second.

You wake up.

Surprisingly, you feel fine. You must-


Your elder brother. You would attempt to pretend you're still unconscious, but you know it's pointless. With a sense of resignation, you open your eyes and sit up on the bed you had been lying on. A quick glance at your surroundings shows that you're in your dorm room. He raises an eyebrow at you, but you stubbornly refuse to be the one to start this conversation. He's wearing a fancy tuxedo as usual, classic black and white. You'll never understand his obsession with the article of clothing. You try to get a sense of where this conversation is going to be going, but his expression is as hard to read as always. Or at least you hoped so. His poker face was 'smug asshole' so you very much hoped that it still was a poker face. Regardless, he seems to be unbothered by your refusal to speak first and begins the conversation himself.

"I see you're as stubbornly hypocritical as ever. Holding onto your little 'vow' like it means anything when you still rely on the family name for everything."

He shakes his head and clucks his tongue mockingly.

"Oh? What supposed hypocrisy have I committed now Marcus?"

"Why being healed and getting to stay in the College of course! Not just anyone can have their brother go have a word with the Archmage you know, and while most of the people at this academy could afford a healer, very few could afford one as good as I."

"What you choose to do has nothing to do with me," is your only reply. Marcus just smirks.

"I think not. Here you are, still relying on the family for everything. Getting your way because of your family name." He shakes his head and lets out a short laugh. "Honestly, I'm enjoying your rebellious phase. It makes it much easier to get under your skin."

"I never asked for any of that!"

"Hah! But I'll give it to you all the same, purely because we're family. Doesn't that just gall you?"

He gets up before you have a chance to think of a good retort.

"See you around dear brother."And with that, he walks out the door.

You grit your teeth and clench your fists.

[] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)

[] You can't control your brother. You'll just have to stay the course. (Henry stays at the college, does college things)

You're lucky your opponent for the fight was so lackluster considering how much of your thoughts were occupied by Ruby and Henry's fight. They had both gotten hurt pretty badly. You hoped they were okay...

You wondered what would happen to Henry now that he had lost. Would he be expelled? And Ruby, you had no idea how the Dragon of Wealth would react to her getting hurt like that. You really hoped she didn't pull her out of the college or something.

You shake your head. You had been having the same thoughts for the past few hours, and you were honestly a bit tired after the stress of worrying about Ruby and Henry while waiting for your own match. Still, before you went to bed, there was one thing you wanted to do.

[] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.

[] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.

[] Viola. You spot her on your way to your room, and can't resist asking her about Ruby. It shouldn't be out of place considering she already knows you're Ruby's friend.​
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[x] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
"I think not. Here you are, still relying on the family for everything. Getting your way because of your family name." He shakes his head and lets out a short laugh. "Honestly, I'm enjoying your rebellious phase. It makes it much easier to get under your skin."

"I never asked for any of that!"
Ha. But you would still acquiesce to using it all the same. Or won't you?

[X] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)

The reason we aren't relying on our summoning powers is because we want to do without familial backing. We can't have it both ways.

It's a shame, because I don't particularly agree with Henry's stance. The power is already there, it's what you make out of it that matters. As long as you do not allow yourself to be controlled, it is fine to use it.

[X] Viola. You spot her on your to your room, and can't resist asking her about Ruby. It shouldn't be out of place considering she already knows you're Ruby's friend.
[X] You can't control your brother. You'lljust have to stay the course. (Henrystays at the college, does college things)
[X] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
[X] You can't control your brother. You'lljust have to stay the course. (Henrystays at the college, does college things)
[X] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
[X] You can't control your brother. You'll just have to stay the course. (Henry stays at the college, does college things)
Henry can't control the actions of his family, it is pointless to let worry over them. He can only decide his own actions and that he has.

[X] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
Anything but Viola tbh. That is a quite potentially dangerous conversation.
[X] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
[X] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
I'll refrain from voting for Henry at least for the time being.

[X] Viola. You spot her on your to your room, and can't resist asking her about Ruby. It shouldn't be out of place considering she already knows you're Ruby's friend.
Viola specifically because it sounds dangerous.
[X] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
[X] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)

When Henry's been needled specifically about this very point, I think he'd go quite far to prove his brother wrong.

[X] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
[X] You can't control your brother. You'll just have to stay the course. (Henry stays at the college, does college things)
[X] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
[X] You can't control your brother. You'lljust have to stay the course. (Henrystays at the college, does college things)
[X] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
[x] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
[x] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
He will leave but return more powerful then ever before, Also Deity things should be check up on.