The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

I'm torn. It makes more sense for Henry to take the bait and leave, but I like Henry and want him to stick around. Why have you done this, @Wander? :cry:

[x] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
[X] Viola. You spot her on your to your room, and can't resist asking her about Ruby. It shouldn't be out of place considering she already knows you're Ruby's friend.

Best to check up on Ruby before going around thanking people, dangerous conversation or not.

Ah well. No excuse to expel the Dragon's pet, but he would call it even after the broken bones. No sense pushing things too far, he had just needed to make it clear that he wasn't going to be pushed around in his own college. Though he had to admit, seeing the Dragon clucking over her pet's injuries like a mother hen was terribly amusing.

It was also terribly amusing to avoid her other pet trying to track him down for a conversation about something he was entirely sure he didn't care about. It was pathetically easy. The absence she carried with her was so easy to sense she might as well have been sending up constant flares. Still, he had to give her credit, she didn't give up easily. Of course, her methods lacked elegance; brute force teleportation and dimensional lockdowns appearing in her wake as she divided the campus into sections, spreading her absence thin to cover as much ground as possible while maintaining a useful density. Entirely uninspired, no originality at all.

He wondered how upset the Dragon would be if he avoided the conversation entirely. Hmm hmm. Probably not worth it. But then, perhaps it was worth doing just to be contrary? Eh. He elegantly slipped through the cracks of one of the brute's barriers, humming as he went. Honestly, why did she even bother?

He paused as a wind of magic carried the faint sound of a horn to him. It was unwoven in seconds, a spell of seeking, hunting, stalking prey- elegantly woven, far too elegantly for the brute. An artifact he was unfamiliar with no doubt. He rolled his eyes. Well, if she insisted. A step sideways and forwards and he was in front of her, a delicate wooden horn at her lips.

"Yes?" He asked, in an appropriately condescending tone of voice. He doubted she was intelligent enough to notice unless he laid it on extra thick.

She looked annoyed. This fact brought him large amounts of pleasure.

"My Lady sent me to speak to you on her behalf, as she is currently busy tending to Ruby's injuries."

"Yes yes, I'm sure you have a number of terribly dull things to talk to me about. Get on with saying them so I can get on with my day please."

She didn't respond immediately, instead intensifying her antimagic field and pulling out some bauble. Lead, iron, more chiseled than carved with runes for the five senses. Some potent anti eavesdropping artifact? He was offended that she apparently doubted his ability to stop someone from snooping on one of his conversations. He wondered if killing her over the slight was an overreaction. Mmmm. Probably. Maybe another tough opponent for that Ruby next week, someone who would do something really painful. No. The Dragon would have her much more protected by then.

"-are you even listening to me?"

"No," he said absently.

"Diana thinks there's a traitor on the City Council."

He has to admit, that one makes him blink for a bit.

"Why?" If there was one thing about the Dragon he actually respected, it was her paranoia. He admired her history of always being the first rat to jump off a sinking ship. Truly, she was an inspiration to cowards everywhere. And the brute was hesitating to answer that question. He narrowed his eyes.

"She... Has a feeling."

"A feeling."


"Is this... a magical feeling of some kind? Perhaps the kind of feeling where the Sands of Time or the Mirror of Fate are hinting towards dark futures?"


"Please, any ancient artifact that's mysteriously gone missing is bound to end up in her treasury. Sometimes I think she's more magpie than dragon."

She glares and he smiles pleasantly.

"Whatever. No. Sort of. They're acting strangely, predicting something new every other second."

He frowns. That was worrying. It would take serious power to obscure the sight of artifacts like those. And not just obscuring them, but showing the future in such flux... Worrying.

"What are we going to do about it?" Worrying enough to cooperate even.

"Beef up our defenses, get ready for the storm, and then try to draw them out. Provide tempting targets of opportunity to different members of the council. Whoever takes the bait is our traitor."

"What do you suggest for bait then? It would have to be very tempting for the traitor to risk exposure."

"It's a work in progress. We're trying to figure out who could gain something by betraying the city to narrow down the candidates a bit first."

"And you want my help." A statement of fact. She nods. He does too after a moment. For the sake of the college, he would put aside just a tiny bit of pride and stoop to working with someone who was not quite his equal.

"Let's get started then."
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The Archmage is certainly my favorite authority figure in this setting.

I wonder how long the flux has been going on? Might the Lady of Conquest be able to do something like that?
What a wonderful individual. I am proud to study under him. :lol

Best to check up on Ruby before going around thanking people, dangerous conversation or not.
It would be quite interesting if the first thought Saphira has is 'thank my superiors for a curb-stomp battle they rigged in my favor'. I am fairly certain the blessing of the Goddess of War is for overcoming great odds in the face of adversity, not for bullying weaklings into submission. We only asked to be placed apart from Ruby... being handed the victory on a plate is something TA came up with on her own. While I understand her reasoning, and the fact that she invested a lot into us, I am not sure this exact aspect is something to be thankful for.

Though I see a lot of common ground between us and the Archmage if we lean that direction. :D

As for Henry... eh, we are playing as Saphira, so I don't care too much what becomes of him. But I'll probably lose a lot of respect for the man if he continues playing dumb and being a hypocrite. It is perfectly possible for him to control what his brother can - or rather, can't do, - he only needs to get out of his brother's reach. That is in his hands. Either go somewhere where you can be your own man, or stop whining, acknowledge the power you have been granted and take responsibility for what comes with it.

Now, both paths are possible for him. But if he stays, I hope he comes around rather than continues his play-pretend rebellion.
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[X] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
[X] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
Alright. Changing Viola to Sammy.

[x] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
[x] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
Vote Tally : Original - The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest) | Page 23 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[x] The TA. You should thank her for handling the fight scheduling and getting you such an easy opponent.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] If you can't find your independence here at the college, then you'll just have to find somewhere else. (Henry leaves the college, will show up again later in the plot)
No. of Votes: 6
[X] You can't control your brother. You'lljust have to stay the course. (Henrystays at the college, does college things)
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Talk to Sammy. She hadn't been very forthcoming about the blessing you had received before the fight, but maybe afterwards she would be more willing to talk.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Viola. You spot her on your to your room, and can't resist asking her about Ruby. It shouldn't be out of place considering she already knows you're Ruby's friend.
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 15

Looks like I'm going to need a tie breaker between Sammy and the TA before I start writing.

Edit: And on whether Henry stays or leaves, though that doesn't need to be quite settled yet.
You hesitate between seeing the TA to thank her or try to get some answers out of Sammy. Ultimately curiosity wins out however; she did say that there were things she wasn't telling you and you very much want to find out what they are.

The library only has a few students still studying in it when you get there, which you suppose makes sense. Even if it's not yet that late, it being the weekend and the tournament meant a lot of them probably had something else to be doing. Sammy... does not materialize in front of you when you enter. Huh.

You stand there awkwardly for a second, waiting for her to show up, but after another moment she still hasn't appeared. You think for a moment, then head to the closet where you had been blessed on a hunch. Sure enough, there was her ghostly armored form kneeling in front of the same complex arrangement of candles, some symbol drawn in melted wax before her. Wait- she couldn't move candles herself could she? You didn't think so. Another look shows the truth; that the candles had melted and the wax had flowed into... you think it's the shape of a gauntlet. That seemed unlikely to be a coincidence. Hmm. Judging from the slope of the floor and positioning of the candles it seemed unlikely that the wax would do that by itself.

"Uh, Sammy?" You try to get her attention after she doesn't comment on your examination of the candles and wax.

"Shhh!" She hisses at you. You blink at her, then decide to wait until she was done with whatever she was doing.

A few minutes later, she finally stands up and looks your way.

"So what was that you were doing?" You ask.

"Praying." You're pretty sure she's raising an eyebrow at you from behind that helmet. You flush.

"Well obviously. What I mean was-"

"If my prayers are less one sided than those of most people?" She interrupts.


She makes a thoughtful noise.

"What did you come here to ask?" She asks instead of answering the question.

"I wanted to know about the blessing I received. It worked, but you mentioned that it carried "implications" for me. You said you didn't care to explain them at the time, but what about now?"

"I suppose I can explain at least a few things. First and foremost, having a blessing means that you are, even if only in some small way, an extension of a God's will in the mortal world. And before you think about that too hard, I'll tell you not to worry about it. In your case it just means that the blessing makes thing she approves of happen. For those with blessings greater than yours, that gets more literal though. A God can speak and act directly through a mortal that's been blessed enough, though there are a very large number of restrictions and caveats to that which are incredibly boring."

Sammy pauses as if expecting you to say something, but when you don't she just continues.

"Secondly, there's an aspect of 'picking a side' to receiving a blessing. To people who can sense blessings, you'll be clearly blessed by the Goddess of Conquest specifically, but that's more likely to open doors for you than get you in trouble, so again, I wouldn't worry about it. Oh, and if you were planning on selling your soul any time soon you're probably out of luck. Contrary to popular belief, demons don't actually like blessed souls all that much. Finally... Being blessed means that the Goddess of Conquest is going to be taking note of things that you do, especially if they involve battle. If you want to earn some points in her book, I would suggest saying something like 'I dedicate my coming victory to the Lady of War' before a fight. It doesn't make a huge amount of practical difference, but she appreciates getting mentioned and flashy declarations."

Again, she pauses. "Any questions?"

[] Writein Questions

How does Saphira feel about being blessed by a Goddess now that she's had a chance to think about it?
[] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.
[] Worried. Sammy said not to worry, but you really can't help thinking that it could eventually mean bad things.
[] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?

Tomorrow is Sunday- what will Saphira do before the next week starts?
[] Leave campus and head to a marketplace. You've got a small amount of money saved up, and as a Student of the College you can trust the lawkeepers to actually care if someone tries to mug you for it.

[] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.

[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.

[x] "how common are these blessings? How many people is the Goddess keeping an eye on? Should I worry if I met one?"

[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
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If you want to earn some points in her book, I would suggest saying something like 'I dedicate my coming victory to the Lady of War' before a fight. It doesn't make a huge amount of practical difference, but she appreciates getting mentioned and flashy declarations."

Again, she pauses. "Any questions?"
[X] "And what if I lose the fight?"

Gods do as Gods do. We'll do our best regardless - and if it makes the Goddess happy, all the better.
[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.

Shopping!! The best kind of activity!
[X] Leave campus and head to a marketplace. You've got a small amount of money saved up, and as a Student of the College you can trust the lawkeepers to actually care if someone tries to mug you for it.
[X] "And what if I lose the fight?"
[X] "How common are these blessings? How many people is the Goddess keeping an eye on? Should I worry if I meet one?"

[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?
It's a given that the goddess expects something in return, whatever it may be. But that's just how the world works. Similar to how we responded to the archmage's "welcome" rant.

[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
I cannot think of anything specific to buy.
[X] Worried. Sammy said not to worry, but you really can't help thinking that it could eventually mean bad things.
Right now one of our biggest advantages is that we are skating below the notice of a lot of dangerous actors. This blessing makes that harder.
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?

[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?
[X] Leave campus and head to a marketplace. You've got a small amount of money saved up, and as a Student of the College you can trust the lawkeepers to actually care if someone tries to mug you for it.
[X] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] Happy. Having a Goddess looking out for her in even some small way had to be a good thing, right?
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] "And what if I lose the fight?"
[X] Will she withdraw her blessing if I do anything in particular?
[X] "And what if I lose the fight?"
[X] "How common are these blessings? How many people is the Goddess keeping an eye on? Should I worry if I meet one?"
[X] Will she withdraw her blessing if I do anything in particular?
[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.
[X] "And what if I lose the fight?"
[X] "How common are these blessings? How many people is the Goddess keeping an eye on? Should I worry if I meet one?"
[X] Will she withdraw her blessing if I do anything in particular?
[X] Ambivalent. She doesn't think it makes much difference.
[X] Spend the day in the College. You can thank the TA, do some studying, maybe figure out what exactly your reputation is among the other students.