The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

[x] Fled in the face of unexpected force.
[X] [PROJECT] A canteen of water which washes away enchantments, which refills itself from the Elemental Plane of Water. It allows for pressure adjustment.
[X] [MAGIC] Save XP

Unless I'm misunderstanding, we're just 12 points away from getting another ultimate/special skill, since we can spend anything on them like generics. (At the very least I don't see anything preventing it in the OP) Getting another one of those would be massive.

Turns out you can't actually do no partition with tasks, oops. Block vote is the way to go next time you do a group-project-style vote.
[X] Pressed onward.

The World Anew would not retreat. Not while evil yet stood before her, thinking itself untouchable. Astrea charged, once more like a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky. One moment she was right beside Wrath, and the next her lance was on a collision course straight with The World Anew's face. This time though, she saw it coming. One hand, safely encased in her armor moved smoothly to bat the blade aside, the other grasped towards Astrea as she drew upon Savagery and sprouted vicious claws. The counter attack should have been smooth and unavoidable, the lance harmlessly extending past her as she caught Astrea's charge. But she had sorely underestimated the council member. With uncanny nimbleness, she twisted and the claws only scraped against the leather she wore uselessly as Astrea used her slight change in direction to again graze The World Anew opening up yet another red line along the side of her face as Astrea was carried past her by her own momentum.

The World Anew took it in stride. These were powerful foes, and she should expect no less. She grinned as Astrea's speed carried her far from her target. Wrath was alone for the moment, and it would take Astrea a few seconds to turn and charge again. She ran forward, caution and hesitation thrown aside now, as she bellowed a challenge at the demon.

"Stand and fight!"

A slow curl of his lips and a slight raising of his black cane was all he had time for before she was upon him, feral claws replete with death as she struck. Even so much as a scratch could spell his doom with the force of the divine power she wielded. Just before she connected however, a hellish glow came from his cane as he brought it up and just barely deflected her attack, though he was pushed back from the sheer force of the blow he had blocked. She almost dived in for the kill, but again she had that premonition of a lightning bolt and dived to the side just in time as a hail of arrows tore through the space she had previously occupied. Astrea stood at the entrance of the massive room now, a slim black bow in her hands, lance on the ground beside her.

The World Anew paused for the barest fraction of instant, unsure of which target to go after, and small though it was, the hesitation cost her. Wrath pointed his cane and barked a word- with a deep red glow, chains sprang from the floor around her. Though she evaded them easily, Astrea quickly followed up with more arrows, driving her back farther.

She was on the back foot, that much was clear.

...Then, she supposed, there was no point doing anything but committing fully. She stopped all of a sudden and with a fierce effort summoned her divine armor fully. Where before her head had been uncovered, leaving a clear vulnerable point, and her armor had seemed like something made for her, now she... it. Was little more than a glowing figure, all distinguishing features vanished, subsumed by the invulnerable shell of divinity as it was. The World Anew would be stymied no longer, as it charged headlong through a hail of arrows, binding chains, great gouts and walls of flame- it seemed all the spite of hell itself was turned against it as it moved, previously invisible sigils in the ground unleashing fierce magics as it rushed heedlessly past it all. It had eyes for one thing only. It's target. Wrath made a complicated series of gestures and stepped back with a smile, before a look of shock covered his face. There would be no escape.


It wasn't Wrath The World Anew finally struck. At the last moment Astrea interposed herself, dead eyes looking at where The World Anew's face should have been, a sardonic and deeply amused smile on her face as jagged claws of light ran her through. Her hands wrapped tightly around her killer's form. In another situation, it might have seemed like a comforting hug. The World Anew tried to pull back but was held fast as Wrath fled quickly on foot.

"Shh. None of that now." Astrea's voice carried some deep irony as she spoke, seeming unconcerned with the fact that her blood was very quickly leaking out from her body.

It tugged again, as if the second attempt would somehow differ from the first and it would get free.

Astrea spoke again, in the same amused and mocking tone of voice, slightly wracked now by involuntary coughing fits.

"Shouldn't you of all people know the kind of power someone willingly sacrificing themselves for another has? No, I'm afraid that you're going nowhere at all until Wrath is far away. I need him around you know. Not much of a fighter, but he has his uses." Astrea continued speaking absently, no longer bothering to even acknowledge The World Anew's attempts to get free.

"Oh, and of course you'll have to stay here for the explosion too. I don't really expect it to do much, but you know. It's the principle of the thing." She grinned as if she was imparting some great and dastardly secret. "Even I have my vices."

Wrath's manor collapsed upon the basement seconds later as all the pillars in the room holding it up detonated violently.

[X] [PROJECT] A canteen of water which washes away enchantments, which refills itself from the Elemental Plane of Water. It allows for pressure adjustment.

You've got the project just about planned out at this point. You, Lusca, and Ruby have been reading up on enchantments- well, you and Ruby have been. Lusca you can never really tell with, but last time you were in her room you did see several books on the subject. Regardless, you're going to start with some trial runs fairly soon. Thankfully, you don't have to worry much about the cost of materials as Ruby has been provided with a stipend to be spent on college related needs. When you asked her how large her budget was, she had been vague enough that you suspect it was essentially unlimited.

You were feeling confident with your project. It was maybe more practical than you got the sense Dishevel Vino made his own experiments, but it was definitely ambitious and clearly fulfilled the requirements. Now all that was left was to work on it on the next two weeks and get it ready for a presentation.

And now we're moving to another week long timeskip. I've decided to not allocate any of points yet given the dissent on whether or not people wanted to spend. Also of note, buying enchantment skills will improve the quality of your project. This time ONLY CHOOSE THREE choices for magic and social and ONLY TWO for Special. Just wanted to make that clear.

Edit: Remember, vote by priority for your choices.


[] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[] [Magic] Elemental
[] [Magic] Spiritual
[] [Magic] Countermagic
[] [Magic] Enchanting


[] [Social] Ruby
[] [Social] Henry
[] [Social] The TA
[] [Social] Sammy
[] [Social] Adam
[] [Social] Lusca

Special (Only two choices available)

[X] [Special] Listen.
[] [Special] Get help from the TA on your project.
[] [Special] Get into a fight and dedicate it to the Lady of War
[] [Special] Join a Club
-[] Writein Club
[] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[] [Special] Make a new friend
[] [Special] Try and get to know some of the upperclassmen in the college.
[] [Special] Find out what's going on outside the college
[] [Special] Attempt to talk to someone important at the college
-[] Finius
-[] Dishevel Vino
-[] The Burning Earth
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[1] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[3] [Magic] Countermagic
[2] [Magic] Enchanting

[2] [Social] Ruby
[1] [Social] The TA
[3] [Social] Sammy

[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[1] [Special] Get into a fight and dedicate it to the Lady of War
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[X] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[X] [Magic] Countermagic
[X] [Magic] Enchanting


[X] [Social] Ruby
[X] [Social] The TA
[X] [Social] Sammy

Special (Only two choices available)

[X] [Special] Listen.
[X] [Special] Get into a fight and dedicate it to the Lady of War
One down, five more to go. Vive la révolution! This town is going to be a smoking crater after the World Anew is done with it.

[1] [Magic] Enchanting
[2] [Magic] Countermagic
[3] [Magic] Dimensional Science

[1] [Social] Sammy
[2] [Social] Lusca
[3] [Social] Henry

[1] [Special] Try and get to know some of the upperclassmen in the college.
[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
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[1] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[2] [Magic] Enchanting
[3] [Magic] Spiritual

[1] [Social] Ruby
[2] [Social] Lusca
[3] [Social] Sammy

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Find out what's going on outside the college
[2] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[3] [Magic] Elemental
[1] [Magic] Enchanting

[X] Minor Enchantment (3) You may enchantment an object well suited to enchantment (such as a gem) to cast a spell you know once at a lower rank. (I.E. Apprentice Elemental Control -> Novice Elemental Control.) You may not enchant objects with spells you only have the first rank of.
-[x] Persistent Enchantment (10) An enchantment will be able to activate a number of times or continue persistently for a certain amount of time based on the quality of it's vessel, the caster's total enchanting rank, and the time spent to make it. Requires Minor Enchantment.

[X] Rechargeable Enchantments (5) Any mage with this skill can recharge enchantments made by other mages with this skill after they have been used.

[X] Mutable Enchantment 1 (20) An enchantment created by you does not have to perfectly mimic the effects of the spell it copies. You can create variations along similar themes such as a wand that opens planar portals not to nowhere, but between two designated places on the same plane. At this rank, the change to the original spell cannot be very large, and will likely have heavy constraints placed upon it.

Not sure if we will get enough points to buy all of them, but if we do I want them all. If we have to drop one then I guess Mutable Enchantment.
[3] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[1] [Magic] Spiritual
[2] [Magic] Countermagic

[3] [Social] Ruby
[2] [Social] Sammy
[1] [Social] Adam

[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[1] [Special] Find out what's going on outside the college
[3] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[2] [Magic] Countermagic
[1] [Magic] Enchanting

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Find out what's going on outside the college
[1] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[3] [Magic] Countermagic
[2] [Magic] Enchanting

[2] [Social] Ruby
[1] [Social] The TA
[3] [Social] Sammy

[1] [Special] Try and get to know some of the upperclassmen in the college.
[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[1] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[2] [Magic] Enchanting
[3] [Magic] Countermagic

[1] [Social] Ruby
[2] [Social] Sammy
[3] [Social] The TA

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Get into a fight and dedicate it to the Lady of War
[2] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[3] [Magic] Countermagic
[1] [Magic] Enchanting

[3] [Social] Ruby
[1] [Social] The TA
[2] [Social] Lusca

[1] [Special] Get help from the TA on your project.
[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[1] [Magic] Spiritual
[2] [Magic] Enchanting
[3] [Magic] Elemental

[1] [Social] Lusca
[2] [Social] Sammy
[3] [Social] Henry

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Get into a fight and dedicate it to the Lady of War
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[1] [Magic] Enchanting
[2] [Magic] Elemental
[3] [Magic] Dimensional Science

Tactical vote solely to get Enchanting higher in standings.

[3] [Social] Henry
[2] [Social] The TA
[1] [Social] Lusca

I'm not yet sold that Lusca is worth the social effort given how prickly/awkward she seems to be but Saphira is also kind of awkward so maybe it'll work out and I want to give it a fair chance.

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Find out what's going on outside the college
[3] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[2] [Magic] Spiritual
[1] [Magic] Enchanting

[1] [Social] Henry
[3] [Social] Sammy
[2] [Social] Lusca

[1] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.
[2] [Special] Attempt to talk to someone important at the college
-[2] Dishevel Vino

I'm guessing that wasn't really much of a setback for the World Anew all things considered. Too bad really, I'd actually prefer that she fail at what she's trying to do.
She didn't off anyone. That's slowing rebellion waifu down a little, at least. Unrelatedly, why d'you want to talk to Dishevel, out of curiosity?
We've heard him mentioned and alluded to so often I think it'd be interesting to meet the man himself. Plus, he is the head of the Dimensional Science department, so there's bound to be something interesting we could learn from him.
Okay, thanks.

So, lots of interesting things in this update. Is Astraea dead? Or does she have some master plan? And why isn't Wrath good at fighting?

[1] [Magic] Dimensional Science
[2] [Magic] Enchanting
[3] [Magic] Countermagic

[1] [Social] Sammy
[2] [Social] Lusca
[3] [Social] The TA

[1] [Special] Attempt to talk to someone important at the college
-[1] Dishevel Vino
[2] [Special] Follow up on that interdimensional creatures club.

Reasoning: Dimensional Science is Saphira's bread and butter, and we've been neglecting it lately. (Look at that 3 cost spell! Look at it!). Saphira's got an Enchanting project, and wants to do well on it - so Enchanting. And Countermagic for bonding with Ruby and useful for shutting down stuff we can't handle.

Regarding Social: I'm giving up on Adam for this vote. We should talk to Sammy because of Listen (ugh), and the TA will probably want to make sure Saphira is okay with the DS enchanting project, even if she doesn't need the help. Ruby can wait a week (and Saphira will see her anyway because project), so let's invest a bit in Lusca.

Special options are just things I'd like to see.

@tricholysis, @Aoinfinity, @BunnyLord, @zinay, @notgreat, i.e., all the people who voted to save - which of the shinies are you interested in, and why? I think @BunnyLord is the only one who has gone into it in detail.
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