The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

If the bat person thing is just on par with a regular human aside possibly from flight I'll do fine. If it's some sort of ancient god whose powers are incomprehensible to man and it laughs at mortals who attempt to grasp the magnitude of its existence (I honestly feel like this happens a lot with furry ask blogs) then I guess I die or worse.
Okay, the main thing here is to stay out of punching range. Easy enough with Mako, as long as I've got a fast car and watch for missiles, but Jotaro would be much trickier, since I can't actually see Star Platinum. Since that's Part 4 Jotaro, I'll also have to watch out for time stops, which could let him close the distance much quicker than expected. On average, I'll get beaten down, but with enough of a head start, I could probably get far enough away to wait it out.

...Unless he calls on the Speedwagon Foundation to shut down all international flights, and then charters a plane. Then I'm still dead.
Myself: Die quickly. GG no re.

Mickey and Oswald: Depends on if the UEF can break physics even harder than Toons do on a regular basis.

I'll propose a spell card battle; if they win, they can kill me. If I win, they stop trying to kill me. I'd lose immediately; I'm bad danmaku.

Satori though... she'd defeat them by talking them down. Demoralisation seems to be effective against cartoon characters. Some.
I don't know who that is, but your location data is Gensokyo which is, IIRC, some type of bullet hell thing so I'd assume I lose.

N, though, has a Legendary dragon at his disposal. And that whole 'friend to the animals' thing, which is much less useful when they aren't walking WMDs. I figure N has a shot at victory as the hero of either Truth or Ideals.
Me: To the airport! Oh wait, Reshiram/Zekrom managed to beat me to it. Uh oh...

Homura: Time stop + Dakka, aimed directly at N.
I die of a fright-induced heart attack. As my avatar, the combined might of the galaxy's Adeptus Arbites stands supreme.
Witches. Witches everywhre throughout the Imperium.

But if it's just little ol' me, yeah, the Arbites are gonna slaughter me with ease.
I'm doomed.
So long as I don't do any pacts, I think I can survive... I think. maybe?​

Edit: Ninja'd​

I win. Just let me fetch good old Ferghus....​
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Witches. Witches everywhre throughout the Imperium.

But if it's just little ol' me, yeah, the Arbites are gonna slaughter me with ease.
Assuming Kyubey shows up alone without Meguca support, I probably squish him or something, then he probably decides not to send another drone since it'd be a waste of resources. Webber and Muffet probably get studied.

If Coobie brings Meguca support I'm dead.
I'm doomed.
So long as I don't do any pacts, I think I can survive... I think. maybe?​
Can't say, not familiar with the character. Hopefully she's from a slice of life and not some powerful magical girl anime so I can just force her out of my house and lock the door.
Can't say, not familiar with the character. Hopefully she's from a slice of life and not some powerful magical girl anime so I can just force her out of my house and lock the door.

Nope. She's a (potentially) sadistic mind-reader who picks your mind and brutally shoves your weaknesses in your face and trigger your traumas for the sake of it. Oh, and she has hypnosis and can imitate whatever skills you use.

---on to topic.

(as Satori) I can perhaps utterly crush your morale by talking you down. All your weaknesses laid bare and open for me to take full advantage of.
As me: I'm dead. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

As Omega Zero: No-sell your mind reader stuff with the Dark Elf, and then hack you to bloody pieces with my lightsaber while laughing like the bloodthirsty God of Destruction I am.
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