The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

I cannot permanently kill you. I can, however, make it not worth the time to kill me.

Especially since Flowey doesn't have the firepower to destroy this:
So will destroying whatever surface they are on kill them? And do they have emotions? If either of those, or better yet both, are true, dealing with it is simple.

While I can't permanently kill Flowey because DETERMINATION OP plz nerf, he can't do much to me without human souls because hurting my soul is rather difficult given that I've weaponised it. And sure, getting 6-7 human souls will allow you to fuck with time/space/reality/GOD OF HYPERDEATH/etc, but as soon as you get one, I can find you if you're within half a mile and then you're dead.
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I probably could win against one Lucario, as Omega Zero. If necessary, I just transform and stall for time until you despawn. Also, since Omega is a robot/android, he doesn't have any life energy to sense.
Well Aura isn't just life energy. It's also got emotions and hostility in the mix. Also, Lucario is still a half-mile range mind-reader, and I'm pretty sure Omega Zero has thoughts. That said, yes you absolutely could. That form you mentioned with ludicrous regeneration would do the trick.
Well Aura isn't just life energy. It's also got emotions and hostility in the mix. Also, Lucario is still a half-mile range mind-reader, and I'm pretty sure Omega Zero has thoughts. That said, yes you absolutely could. That form you mentioned with ludicrous regeneration would do the trick.
Do you think I should post Omega's other forms on this thread?

Because I think no one else has any idea of what we're talking about.
I'd say go right ahead. That way when someone is inevitably confused about what you can do, you can point back to that post instead of having to rehash it yet again.
Eh, okay then.

This is verbatim from our conversation:
This is where it gets interesting.

Assuming that he only has this form at his disposal, he really doesn't have much of a counter to your strategy. Mainly, when he's fighting someone on his own level, it's in an enclosed space, like a room.

However, this is Omega Zero. And Omega has three other forms.

This is his first form:

However, since he has the Dark Elf, you are more likely to be fighting this:

In this form, he sacrifices speed and range for defense and ridiculous levels of regeneration. As in, he no selled the attacks of Sage Harputia, who is able to fight on the level of X and Zero.

He's not invulnerable, though, and is ridiculously slow, as this form was designed to be a mobile command center for Dr. Weil's armies.

Finally, we have this:

This form is possibly his most destructive form ever. It is unknown just what its capabilities are, but its activation causes incredible destruction, it seems to have a ridiculous amount of ranged attacks, and have you seen the size of that Sword?

It also, however, seems to have its own weaknesses. First off, once it transforms, it seems to be rooted to the spot. Also, the face is a huge weakness, and will go down under constant attack.

So yeah. Any ideas?
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Eh, okay then.

This is verbatim from our conversation:
This is where it gets interesting.

Assuming that he only has this form at his disposal, he really doesn't have much of a counter to your strategy. Mainly, when he's fighting someone on his own level, it's in an enclosed space, like a room.

However, this is Omega Zero. And Omega has three other forms.

This is his first form:

However, since he has the Dark Elf, you are more likely to be fighting this:

In this form, he sacrifices speed and range for defense and ridiculous levels of regeneration. As in, he no selled the attacks of Sage Harputia, who is able to fight on the level of X and Zero.

He's not invulnerable, though, and is ridiculously slow, as this form was designed to be a mobile command center for Dr. Weil's armies.

Finally, we have this:

This form is possibly his most destructive form ever. It is unknown just what its capabilities are, but its activation causes incredible destruction, it seems to have a ridiculous amount of ranged attacks, and have you seen the size of that Sword?

It also, however, seems to have its own weaknesses. First off, once it transforms, it seems to be rooted to the spot. Also, the face is a huge weakness, and will go down under constant attack.

So yeah. Any ideas?
DEATH STAR TO THE FACE! (I love being on the defensive with literally 30 milliseconds before my planet-buster fires)
still does not explaiin what uef is
In this case, it actually stands for United Earth Federation. Think post-scarcity UNSC with giant robots, energy shields, plasma cannons, and the ability to build stuff in the field in a matter of moments thanks to RTS bullshit. Oh, and they have armor that can protect against weapons that warp the fabric of reality just in order to function. My avatar is their flag.
In this case, it actually stands for United Earth Federation. Think post-scarcity UNSC with giant robots, energy shields, plasma cannons, and the ability to build stuff in the field in a matter of moments thanks to RTS bullshit. Oh, and they have armor that can protect against weapons that warp the fabric of reality just in order to function. My avatar is their flag.

If it's just a flag, I laugh and proceed onward with my life.

If it represents the entire UEF, I kiss the world goodbye. Not much I can do about it.
Lucario versus dapper unchained ZeedMilleniummon. My only hope is to distract him by asking if he'd like to have some form of meal at my house. Hopefully, he'll have enough manners to wait until after to kill me, and I might be able to stretch it into, I don't know, an all-night garden party or something.

...Yeah, I'm boned.
Fighting/Steel type? Yeah, I'm boned, since I'm very out of shape, though I do know a little jujitsu.

As my avatar? Well, looks like we can only decide this with a Smash battle! :D

But sticking to mechanics, the fact that Ness and Paula both know powerful psychic abilities is going to hurt quite a bit. Especially PK Fire.
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True. Though again, since I don't know Ness or the other person's actual capabilities beyond what I know from SSBB, I'm going to stick with my usual strategy of 'fire the most powerful, buffed-up Aura Spheres I can manage at them from a half-mile away.' Roughly how effective would you say that is?
True. Though again, since I don't know Ness or the other person's actual capabilities beyond what I know from SSBB, I'm going to stick with my usual strategy of 'fire the most powerful, buffed-up Aura Spheres I can manage at them from a half-mile away.' Roughly how effective would you say that is?
Well, assuming Pokemon mechanics and that Ness and Paula are Psychic types, about half the damage it would otherwise be. Assuming Earthbound Mechanics, if Lucario's faster than Paula, then he'd inflict non-elemental damage based on how much he'd charge it up, and the spheres may or may not produce splash damage when they connect. If Paula's faster, her PSI Shields would reflect the damage and either dissipate it or return to sender at half-damage. Assuming Smash mechanics, Aura Spheres would be at the damage they'd normally inflict, depending on how long you charge up.

And FYI, Paula is the one who taught Ness all those PK skills, so she'd act similarly in Smash tourneys, save with PK Freeze instead of Flash and maybe stronger Shielding.
Well, assuming Pokemon mechanics and that Ness and Paula are Psychic types, about half the damage it would otherwise be. Assuming Earthbound Mechanics, if Lucario's faster than Paula, then he'd inflict non-elemental damage based on how much he'd charge it up, and the spheres may or may not produce splash damage when they connect. If Paula's faster, her PSI Shields would reflect the damage and either dissipate it or return to sender at half-damage. Assuming Smash mechanics, Aura Spheres would be at the damage they'd normally inflict, depending on how long you charge up.

And FYI, Paula is the one who taught Ness all those PK skills, so she'd act similarly in Smash tourneys, save with PK Freeze instead of Flash and maybe stronger Shielding.
My Avatar's perfect for her, then.
Small, stealthy, melee and mindless.
This is starting to seem more and more like an avatar fight rather than an avatar going to kill me fight.
Either way I just get on a plane and wait for you to fall in the ocean.