The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

Oh look Flowey. To bad he can be beaten with some one with more determination. Which Natsu has more then enough.

(I on the other hand would be killed just saying.)
Oh look Flowey. To bad he can be beaten with some one with more determination. Which Natsu has more then enough.

(I on the other hand would be killed just saying.)
Bah, bloody shonen protagonists, how about we just skip the pleasentrys of me getting my baseline human ass kicked and get to the part where the asshat wih the personality of wonder bread gets flattened by an endless tide of nigh-indistructible giant combined-arms robots.
So, two people with Time Travel. The difference is I know when people turn back time, and I can turn back time even after death.

Good luck with killing me. I won't stay dead.
Oh look Flowey. To bad he can be beaten with some one with more determination. Which Natsu has more then enough.

(I on the other hand would be killed just saying.)
The difference is your character doesn't have enough DETERMINATION to literally alter reality. I, on the other hand, do.
Bah, bloody shonen protagonists, how about we just skip the pleasentrys of me getting my baseline human ass kicked and get to the part where the asshat wih the personality of wonder bread gets flattened by an endless tide of nigh-indistructible giant combined-arms robots.
You know, nobody mentioned if Morality was active. Anyways, Infinite chances, you're a single commander, and you have five minutes max before I manage to eat seven souls and ascend to godhood.

Unless you assume you're the entire faction, that would be just silly.
If their history is retconned into the world then that means The Doctor is floating about and Me as Flowey is totally willing to play nice, unlike a Dalek.
What could I have possibly done to earn your ire little flower. I believe I will survive if only because of my ability to move away from your chosen soil.
What could I have possibly done to earn your ire little flower. I believe I will survive if only because of my ability to move away from your chosen soil.
Somehow, as a gun-owning citizen of Alaska, a state who's population is about 50% methheads, 25% serial killers, 15% millitary personel and about 10% everyone else, I fail to be intimidated by a catgirl. (The UEF would probably just ignore you, their adverage citizen is an incredibly strong superhuman)
Somehow I suspect that neither myself nor my avatar - a glorified battlecruiser in human form - can do anything against the combined might of the UEF.

(Note: my avatar is basically HIJMS Kongo reincarnated as a young woman who somehow has the same capabilities as an actual warship - don't ask how.)
Somehow I suspect that neither myself nor my avatar - a glorified battlecruiser in human form - can do anything against the combined might of the UEF.

(Note: my avatar is basically HIJMS Kongo reincarnated as a young woman who somehow has the same capabilities as an actual warship - don't ask how.)
Xander cannot beat Kongou. Siegfried is a great blade, and Xander a master swordsman, but cannons trump all of that. :V
I have a feeling that Mickey and Oswald would ruin Xander's day something fierce, what with their wanting to stop ongoing wars and their ability to blatantly ignore reality for laughs.
Xander cannot beat Kongou. Siegfried is a great blade, and Xander a master swordsman, but cannons trump all of that. :V
... Is a shotgun good enough, 'cause I feel like people who consider the Mechmarine, a machine that's the equivalent of Metal Gear Rex on rocket-powered rollerskates, to be so pathetically weak as to barely be worth fielding (even the light tanks can oneshot it), are probqbly overkill.
... well, it's more like an antiquated warship being"disguised" as a not-schoolgirl...

Still doesn't change anything. I Iose.
Eh, sorry. I get wound up about such things. And when I get wound up, I make cheap shots at the poor art quality of the averadge anime (seriosly though, what do the animatorts have against noses and reasonaly proportioned eyes?)
Homura pre-killing Madoka vs an anthropomorphic catbattleship... if it were her older self there's a good chance Murderhomu would easily curbstomp, but as it is Moemura needs to rely on timestop and prayers that a shipgirl tanks less firepower than an actual ship for whatever reason, or else she runs out of explosives and bullets and golf clubs and bugs the fuck out.
Homura pre-killing Madoka vs an anthropomorphic catbattleship...
Not a catbattleship. You must have confused Kongou's signature radar headband for cat ears.
if it were her older self there's a good chance Murderhomu would easily curbstomp, but as it is Moemura needs to rely on timestop and prayers that a shipgirl tanks less firepower than an actual ship for whatever reason, or else she runs out of explosives and bullets and golf clubs and bugs the fuck out.
You'll have that black tea and you'll like it. :V
I can paradox you out of existence.
I retconned the species that made me before without ceasing to exist. And even then, because of how this thread is designed you can't time travel to prevent "And then they arbitrarily appear X Distance away from your current position". Because there's nothing to prevent.
I retconned the species that made me before without ceasing to exist. And even then, because of how this thread is designed you can't time travel to prevent "And then they arbitrarily appear X Distance away from your current position". Because there's nothing to prevent.

You're dealing with a Time War Era Dalek (with Kamina Glasses).

You might be able to change the savefile, but I can fuck with the source code.