Oh hey, I guess it's my time.
Hello folks, I'll be your lovely First Round Spirit. Arrisee the Pure, Voice of the Jungle, at your service! Adapted into Ari'See, as you can see.
Hope there's no hard feelings, I promise to have and to hold and to cherish and to squish his widdle cheeks and pinch his bum an- ahem. Yeah. Anyway, I'll take good care of him and I swear I won't eat him. Promise. I swear to me.
Well, she likes long walks through nature, swimming, humming under her breath, glaring at people instead of speaking because words shouldn't be wasted, occasionally demanding ritual sacrifices, making her people happy and healthy, and getting hitched! Oh, yeah, and babies!
Ayyyyyyy, if you can't beat 'em, seduce 'em!
To be fair, the only person who could've stopped me... is now probably gonna help me, so....
(Awww my bb, you'll always be my number one <3)
I like you. You? I like a lot.
*takes notes*
Hello friend! Itsa me, your new Queen!