The Amber Age: Pantheon Edition (Collaborative)

And even if you do view death as evil, like me, we that doesn't necessarily mean we have to be evil... as a death god, we COULD try to save people from the cruel fate of oblivion. Maybe reincarnation with memories intact, or just 'graduating' to a different, possibly better, form. Maybe an ageless volcanic ash entity (I wanted to say golem, but that conjures the image of something bulky and stupid, whereas they would retain their intelligence and have the agility of a morphing being of ash).

Ashen Heralds? I like this idea. Beings formed from the volcanic ash, animated with the souls of the faithful...
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on Apr 24, 2018 at 9:42 PM, finished with 306 posts and 17 votes.
... You assumed it would be evil. It was never specified it would be. This is just you complaining about your own preconceptions.
Okay, actually, new plan. Here's an idea. A genius loci formed out of a blind crevice in a mountain, disguised by the slope itself, which people and animals often stumble into and find themselves trapped, injured, and starving to death. A naturally occurring open-air grave.

[X] Very Young
[X] Plan Death Mountain
-[X] Death
-[X] Creation Sphere: Toiler 1, Loremaker 2
-[X] Secrets Sphere: Ritual 1, Mysticism 1, Magi 1

When the thing that is part of the vote is the villain of a diseny movie, I think my preconceptions are right on the mark.
Isn't it unsustainable? Gods who rule by fear have typically been supplanted by ones that promise good things historically. The rare exceptions might be Mesopotamia and.... Ancient Greece?
Nope, Powerofmind had a previous quest where we did very well as a Fear Spirit and eventually Fear Goddess.

Looking at its predecessors, RL history is not going to take place here. Especially as fear spirits can actually do stuff here
So... you're doing this for mechanical reasons rather than thematic or narrative?
People are more likely to look down upon it if I gave thematic or narrative reasons I learned from past experiences.
If you would like a story about a fear god, I can recommend you an excellent tale of a crazy motherfucker with too many domains.

Personally I find some questers desire to only ever play villains and to look down upon those who want to play heroes to be annoying. There is nothing in the previous vote that is inherently evil, unless you view death itself as evil.
Yes and I can give a counter one with Gaerig who was the previous quest from this QM.

Also @Powerofmind you should probably add this to your signature.
StellarMonarch is currently Inspired.

When StellarMonarch has the status effect inspired, one of three effects may occur:


StellarMonarch crafts 1x Poor-Quality Artwork.

StellarMonarch crafts 1x Common-Quality Omake.

The status effect may be manually cancelled by reading Poor-Quality Writing.

Timer: ???
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Nope, Powerofmind had a previous quest where we did very well as a Fear Spirit and eventually Fear Goddess.

But... Isn't it also interesting to try and be a different archetype?

People are more likely to look down upon it if I gave thematic or narrative reasons I learned from past experiences.

And yet we're operating as the impetus for a story. If we act solely under decision making via mechanic utility, it's not a character, nor is it (at least to me) an engaging story.

Why would anyone look down on it?
At least partly because the Eliezer Yudkowsky-ite has annoyed me. Death is sad but by no means is it evil.

Contrary to what you may believe, Eliezer Yudkowsky didn't invent having a problem with death or wanting to be immortal. Transhumanism, utilitarianism and a variety of other ideals that Eliezer supports in some form or another have been around long before him. And how can something be sad but not evil? For death to be sad implies a negative thing. I suppose "evil" is the wrong word as it implies a capacity for choice and thought that death does not have, being a concept, but you yourself admit that death is sad and that it's terrible when someone dies, and I believe that it's the right thing to do to minimize the occurrence of terrible things.
When people dissagre on narrative it can get messy.
Example Christianity Church's.

I... I don't understand.

We're creating a spirit based on the concept of death. Some people want to be a benevolent psychopomp, while others want to be a fear-mongering CE deathbringer. Why would discussing thematic and narrative advantages get messy when real-life religious doctrine does not necessarily have anything to do with it?
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on Apr 24, 2018 at 9:54 PM, finished with 317 posts and 19 votes.
I do really like the idea of ash constructs controlled by the souls of very special humans is a great idea. And it can even work with the reincarnation god deal people seem to like.

My idea was that this wouldn't simply be very special humans, but ALL humans. Sure, they'd be weaker as a result, but why should only the most special get to continue to have an impact on earth?
My idea was that this wouldn't simply be very special humans, but ALL humans. Sure, they'd be weaker as a result, but why should only the most special get to continue to have an impact on earth?
Well I want the rest to be reincarnated after a cycle in the afterlife wiping their memories and experiences away to allow them to be born anew. We'll just keep the very special or powerful spirits.
To save power, it could be a smaller number of hosts that are rotated between souls. Or literally have the hosts be smaller in stature, with hosts that have greater accomplishments being larger.
Well I want the rest to be reincarnated after a cycle in the afterlife wiping their memories and experiences away to allow them to be born anew. We'll just keep the very special or powerful spirits.

Can't say I agree, but I'm willing to compromise on having the ashen heralds only be the ones who do SOMETHING to earn it if you're willing to compromise on everyone else having their memory wiped. I'd rather they retain their memory and have the chance to continually improve forever. If I was in the position of one of the followers, I know I'D rather retain my memory.
Can't say I agree, but I'm willing to compromise on having the ashen heralds only be the ones who do SOMETHING to earn it if you're willing to compromise on everyone else having their memory wiped. I'd rather they retain their memory and have the chance to continually improve forever. If I was in the position of one of the followers, I know I'D rather retain my memory.

But that's what the provision would be there for. in reincarnation, some people wouldn't want to remember. A lot of people who have led objectively painful lives, for example.
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on Apr 24, 2018 at 10:01 PM, finished with 322 posts and 20 votes.