So just to be clear, this means that if you anywhere except the center of that track, there is a canonical "correct" way of behaving, regardless of your goals.
If you are a spirit at Fear X, then you want to do terrifying actions only, and avoid generous actions. Fear X+1 is strictly better than Fear X or Fear X-1, because you can get from the former to the later for free and generate DE in the process. And of course, the opposite is true for Faith X.
So I guess every spirit has a mechanical incentive to "act its nature", or if it isn't willing to do that, to "cash in" and either stay at Awe or start moving in the opposite direction.
As for the next part, I must say that I find it somewhat backwards that Awe generates Legend while Fear/Faith generates DE. I would have expected the more intense and roleplay-prone Fear/Faith extremes to be better fits for generating and spending Legend.