Honestly the only reason working with the government is working here is because mc is too op. If you are not too op don't spread your tech or take massive risks giving it away to the government in worm, it wont end well for you.
One of the thing to understand is when it comes to government one of the tenets of sovereignty is the monopoly on violence, a sovereign government can only exist when they have the absolute power over an area, the moment that cease to be the case they lose effectively their sovereignty. Its why vigilantism is so poorly taken, because its an act of defiance on said monopoly, if people can take justice in their own hands it mean they actively take sovereignty over themselves, so governments hates vigilantism because of that, as its their desire to uphold their power over the masses. This would also be applicable to Earth Bet, its why vigilantes are consistently pursued by authorities, because the moment they let someone get away with it they lose power.
The lesson stated by Trek is actually applicable to real life, Earth is Earth no matter what specifics of that setting, the system is liable to work always exactly the same. But yea in this case Taylor is OP for the those in power to be able to go after her, she is an individual which has enough power effectively at her disposition that the US would effectively lose a major challenge on to their authority if they went after her, so they are dependant on her cooperation to retain and enhance their power and thus sustain their sovereignty.
Which make some of the aspects of this chapter ridiculous, it would be completely against the personal interests of those politicians to sell out the golden goose to a foreign power, they'd crave control over her, not giving it up entirely like the ploy would have it in this chapter, its a counter productive move for them to do that, if anything they'd try to have her mastered not send her away, even more so in the particular circumstances of Earth Bet, in a normal superhero world, such a move might have made some vague sense, but Earth Bet has something different, a death sentence, everyone at this point are aware that the sustainability of life on Earth Bet is at risk due to Endbringers, its a fundamental need for the survival of mankind to defeat them, getting rid or endangering any assets that could be liable to defeat Endbringers is effectively to take action against one own survival, which is something no one which isn't completely insane could do, its not like global warming which is a sorta vague threat we face in real life, its a very tangible threat that is undeniable and would be on their minds, so yea their is no way to achieve such a degree of denial on Earth Bet.