The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!

I'm really happy to see you're dipping your toes into Trinity ABERRANT territory. The more you read about it, the more obvious it becomes that WORM is basically an ABERRANT fanfic.
Fun fact: monomolecular and even monoatomic blades are NOT science fiction. We have those already, though nobody seems on a rush to weaponize them. How can you buy a monomolecular blade today? Easy, go into a pharmacy or drugstore and buy a high quality scalpel.
Also, a medical firm made a mono-atomic scalpel for bragging rights but the blade is too delicate to be commercially successful
Still neat, tho.
Also, congratulations on no longer misspelling A2's name as 2A
Weaponizing a monomolecular blade is a bit of a hassle. Those scalpels are only designed for one, at best a hand full of uses, under exceptionally controlled circumstances, to be used to cut relatively soft material.
Not in any way combat suited.
Yes. But her definition of lightly armed might be quite different than everyone else's.
This is intended to be fully handed-over to the US Govt. So, restraint is likely.

So it'll only be lightly armed as compared to a BOLO.
How do you make a Bolo-inspired spaceship? Build a burger.

Top and bottom bun is a Bolo with the treads removed (obviously inverted for the bottom one). Meat in the middle is the spacedrive (and, probably bigger generators, more shield generators, maybe a (small) hanger). Probably with an onion ring of tertiary, point-defence, weapons. Maybe a cheese slice of mining and manufacturing.

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And this is why if Professor X's legs work you're in trouble. As Magneto is only the 3rd or 4th most dangerous mutant on any Marvel Earth.
"Doctor Hebert wants a wrecked battleship, to turn into a SPACE battleship,"

I'm still curious which battleship it is. I can't find any mention of its name. Going from latest to earliest classes, there are 4 Iowas, 2 South Dakotas, 1 North Carolina and 1 New York. All of them are from before WWII except the Iowas who were designed just as WWII was beginning, and the USS Texas (New York class) which was built before WWI.

So it sounds like one of the Iowas, buuuut around 2011 IRL there were various troubles (400 tons of water from a leak etc) with the USS Texas that would have made the costs of making a museum ship out of it go up, especially in a situation such as Worm-verse.
So it sounds like one of the Iowas, buuuut around 2011 IRL there were various troubles (400 tons of water from a leak etc) with the USS Texas that would have made the costs of making a museum ship out of it go up, especially in a situation such as Worm-verse.
Does it matter that this is Earth Bet, and 2008? Spotting a major potential leak might be enough to write-off the ship, with plans it is sunk to become a reef?
(This is an 'off the top of my head' comment. YMMV)
Where are the Freebies coming from? I know there's a list, but are those listed in the two spreadsheets that were mentioned very early on, or somewhere else? (I'm asking because my brain is nudging me to play with the idea myself.)
Where are the Freebies coming from? I know there's a list, but are those listed in the two spreadsheets that were mentioned very early on, or somewhere else? (I'm asking because my brain is nudging me to play with the idea myself.)
From what I can tell, you need to go to the actual Jump Document, not the Celestial Warehouse listing. Those can... need careful reading, the writing quality varies quite a bit. And, make sure you're reading the right version.

Best of luck!
(Remember Rule Zero: Be Not On Fire. (Hackspace manual))
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I'm still curious which battleship it is. I can't find any mention of its name. Going from latest to earliest classes, there are 4 Iowas, 2 South Dakotas, 1 North Carolina and 1 New York. All of them are from before WWII except the Iowas who were designed just as WWII was beginning, and the USS Texas (New York class) which was built before WWI.

So it sounds like one of the Iowas, buuuut around 2011 IRL there were various troubles (400 tons of water from a leak etc) with the USS Texas that would have made the costs of making a museum ship out of it go up, especially in a situation such as Worm-verse.
Nuclear testing at Bikini atoll sunk US battleships too. USS Arkansas, and USS Nevada were both nuked and sunk. USS New York was nuked, but didn't sink. And was later used as a target ship. And the USS New York should be used. As that class (specifically the Texas) was the inspiration for the Imperial Star Destroyer.
Where are the Freebies coming from? I know there's a list, but are those listed in the two spreadsheets that were mentioned very early on, or somewhere else? (I'm asking because my brain is nudging me to play with the idea myself.)
If you go to the bottom of the Informational tab on this fic on this site, there's links to the two rollers. the details on freebies and such come from the third link in that list.
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I really enjoyed this episode, being the second one where the villains don't survive contact against Dr Curlyhair and her forces (the first one was Coil, hmm, it would be the third one, considering also the kidnapping of Lucy and one of Taylor's clones), and the S9, well, from being 9, became only two, dropping like flies, only Riley and Burnscar surviving (I hope Bonesaw's therapist is Charles), although almost everything is from a different point of view than Taylor, first from Ed (a civilian) and then from Charles and Erick, with both groups of "civiles", being cared of by both Astartes and T-Dolls

Aside from seeing Jackie, struggle with the instincts of his/her new body, before suffering the same fate as Coil, this time courtesy of a Space Marine; and both Accord and the President and the military (and the PRT), being quite satisfied with the result, In addition to seeing more of the trolling towards Kaiser, this time with another of the reinforcements sent to him from Germany, someone who was in S9's sights, at least until Jackie's plans went down the drain.

As for the Perks, for some reason I hope that the AI of that ship is not Brainiac, and when mentioning Kryptononian armor, instead of the ones from Man of Steel, I think of the ones from the comics, as big and bulky as the Space Marines ones

And of the other Perk, having the equivalent of mind anti-hacking and not being controlled, is definitely a plus, apart from her large group of androids, which I suppose could not be mastered (Heartbreaker or the Fallen), as well as the crunches, one that groups magic and mystical knowledge and another related to, I suppose I can say charisma, they look pretty good

Good luck and keep it up
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If you go to the bottom of the Informational tab on this fic on this site, there's links to the two rollers. the details on freebies and such come from the third link in that list.

Thanks. I'm trying to avoid starting a THIRD story (or 4th; there's a Spider-Man adjacent thing that keeps jumping into my skull), but if the ideas stay there, having that info can really help.
24: Shipping Product
* May 1, 2008 *
* Warehouse 11 *

"Incoming signal."

"It's SG-1. Let them through."

The AI watched, finding one character on the screen particularly noteworthy and made adjustments.

Her holographic representation shifted from what it had been, and the likeness of Samantha Carter was there for a moment before changes were made. When the AI was satisfied, people would note the resemblance to a young Amanda Tapping but not mistake her for that person.

She wasn't connected in full to her ship, that would come later, but the USS New Jersey was looking forward to her next voyage.

* Meeting Room Alpha *

"What kind of carrier is this, anyway?" asked the Great Britain representative.

"The Thermopylae is a mobile command base, carrier, and a test bed for advanced technologies," said Doctor Quest as he took a seat.

"Something your Doctor Hebert designed, I take it," said the Canadian rep.

"Exactly," said Doctor Quest, wishing his father could have taken this duty but his father WAS getting up there in years. Maybe, if things went well.

"Is this where we get what scraps you Americans deem your allies to be trusted with?" asked the Norwegian representitative.

"No, this is where you get a thumb drive containing the things we have tested and found useful and the various departments have all cleared," said Doctor Quest. "ForgeTech gets a percentage from the licensing on a second thumbdrive. We'll go over that at a later date. This is all things that are for your use as we are all allies here. Not all of us are friends, but we've worked together in the past and have common causes."

As an Indian-looking elderly man walked around the room, handing off thumbdrives, there was silence for a few moments.

"What's on this?" asked the Canadian, eyeing the thumbdrive.

"Medical information, two new drugs. One's a nonaddictive painkiller slightly less effective than morphine but has none of the usual side effects. The second drug is for veterinary use. It extends the canine life expectancy by five years on average from what we've been able to determine. Further testing will be necessary of course."

"That's all?" asked the French scientist.

"Those are the two drugs," said Doctor Quest. "There are also three new materials - plascrete, durasteel, and a method of producing transparent sapphire in sheets of up to a quarter-inch thick. New solar energy cells, a new type of battery, and a method of water desalinization."

"That still sounds like something that could have been handled by video conference," pointed out France.

"President Hayes agrees with Doctor Hebert that at least some of the new technologies should be spread as wide as possible, without causing too much further disruption of society," said Doctor Quest.

"That implies that some of what she's given you could actually be disruptive of society," pointed out Great Britain.

"Yes," said Doctor Quest simply. "The second drive which will be given out shortly, includes fusion reactors."

"Ah," said Great Britain. "So what's the big reveal? You Americans like your drama."

"We got it from you," stated Doctor Jonny Quest drily.

Great Britain just shrugged a shoulder.

"We were looking at a breakdown of human society within twenty years, prior to the capture of the Simurgh and turning off the Endbringers," said Doctor Quest.

"WHAT?!" erupted most of the room.

"Not the twenty years part," said the French scientist. "The 'turning off' Endbringers part."

"Doctor Curlyhair has been busy," admitted Doctor Quest. "Necessary because there were seventeen more Endbringers waiting their turn."

"WHAT?!" erupted most of the room.

"If you're going to keep doing that, this meeting will take entirely too long," pointed out Doctor Quest.

"My government will require a bit more detail," indicated the British scientist.

There were a few murmurs and a couple of grumbled agreements to that.

"We still are facing a great danger," continued Doctor Quest. "And the less people who know the details the less chance it will accelerate and cut off our time immediately. So if any of your governments have figured out that particular elephant in the room, please keep it to yourselves. On the other hand, we could use help with this."

One of the screens flickered and shifted.

"It's a battleship?" asked France, puzzled.

The Japanese representative blinked before her gaze snapped from the display to Doctor Quest. "The Izumo Plan?"

"Yes, basically," said Doctor Quest. "If we lose, if we cannot avert the destruction looming on the horizon? We were going to call it Last Ark but that was a little too obvious. Calling it the Argo Project is a bit less so."

"Why a battleship?" asked the French representative.

It was the petite Japanese representative who answered. "Camouflage."

"But Mars is hardly ready for colonization," pointed out the British scientist. "And all other planets in the system are even less hospitable."

"You crazy Americans," said the Japanese scientist, now grinning like a child anticipating a particularly nice present. "Your genius cracked it, didn't she?"

"I can neither confirm or deny that," said Doctor Quest. "Entirely too many Thinkers and spies and such."

"Any other craziness you want to put out there?" asked the Great Britain representative.

"Yes, one more thing. Thermopylae?"

Two circles facing each other, one in the ceiling and one in the floor, lit up. First a wireframe, then more and more details added very rapidly until a woman stood there in the pillar of dim light. She opened her eyes. "Gentlemen, ladies. It is good to meet you."

"This is Thermopylae, a General Adaptive Intelligence, though there are other terms for it," said Doctor Quest. "She is the ship. The ship is her."

"I prefer 'shipgirl'," said Thermopylae with an inclination of her head. "I hope we can work well together."

"She looks Greek," pointed out the representative from Great Britain. "Any reason?"

"My designation is 'Thermopylae'," said the AI hologram. "It seemed appropriate."

* May 2, 2008 *

The music played from a movie before the coming of parahumans.

Danny Hebert noted it, and noted the appropriateness of it.

"Krypton. As in THAT planet Krypton, from the old comic books," said Annette as she looked it over. "It doesn't look like the one in the movies. That was all crystal."

"Right!" said Doctor Curlyhair/Taylor.

"Stop pouting just because you never got to shoot any of the Slaughterhouse Nine," Danny advised her.

"I didn't even get to use Bessie!" complained Taylor.

"'Bessie'?" asked Annette.

"Big Enhanced Semiautomatic Special Ion Emitter," said Taylor.

"It's a blast rifle. Just call it a blast rifle," said Danny.

"Daaaaaaaaad!" complained Taylor.

"So what now?" asked Danny.

"I've got one of me," Taylor waved to her shadow clone who waved back, "working on interfacing with the ship's memory core. That's intact at least. The ship has an AI. That speaks Kryptonian."

"Doctor Hebert. Time," said Jarvis.

"Time! YEEESH!" Taylor panicked, grabbing her backpack and clicking the various buckles into place.

(VRRRRT) went the little wings extending out from the backpack.

(CHONK!) went the engines extending from the wings.

"Wasn't today when you were going to talk to the firefighters about your-" began Danny as he too checked the time.

(WHOOOOSH!) went Taylor as she flew out of the room at a rapidly accelerating pace.

"-fire extinguishing grenades?" finished Danny Hebert.

"'Grenades'?" asked Annette.

"They're like a soccer ball on the outside, meant to be thrown or rolled down into a fire," said Jarvis from a nearby console. "Outer casing melts easily, releasing the container inside which has pressurized fire-fighting gel which then coats everything nearby. One of the local firefighting departments is considering trials of the device."

"It's not like those 'clean-ades' is it?" asked Danny.

"Wait, I remember those," said Annette. "Like a bug bomb but instead of insecticide it puts out a cloud of disinfectant? World Health Organization pointed out the dangers of use outweighed the benefits?"

"She was thinking of it for areas where something like Ebola was going on, I think they were more afraid of people using them to clear service station bathrooms," noted Danny.

"To be fair, some of those ARE pretty nasty," mentioned Annette. "Think when she gets back we should mention that?"

"If you mean that Taylor is getting either a little brother or sister, I haven't mentioned it," said Jarvis. "Though I believe congratulations are in order."

"Thank you, Jarvis, your discretion is appreciated," said Annette with a nod towards the console.

* May 5 2008 *

There had been a connection, she'd gotten the device, and now...

She was entirely unsure of what to do with it. Other than research the hell out of it.

A "Ship Girl Conversion Kit" was a combination of spiritual magic, nano-technology, and ritual mana infusion. At its heart was something called a Wisdom Cube. It came from the same multiversal strand that her Retrofit perk had come from.

The problem was that the only ship she actually owned was the Flying Sub. The ships she had in the Resource World she could bring into her hangar, but there were reasons she couldn't bring them out to Brockton Bay - for one she was pretty sure that the antimatter used to power the hyperdrive would raise concerns at DARPA and other locations. That and her freighter was just too big to get through even if she had a way other than supply world to hangar to Earth.

The ships from the supply world used a hydrogen fuel for the launch mechanisms, tritium (which was radioactive) for the pulse drive (which was actually an FTL space warping but too slow for interstellar travel), and a contained antimatter-based fuel for the hyperdrive. Two of those would raise concerns she didn't want to deal with.

Not to mention that Scion and/or other potential enemies might notice something like the freighter even out by Saturn despite her Removed From Context protection.

The nanotechnology she had a handle on. T-Dolls and Nier android construction used synthetic flesh which was grown through nanotech. Shipgirls besides the sort she'd already built weren't that difficult. In fact, she'd already begun building ones for Thermopylae and New Jersey for when they'd proven themselves enough to be given that little reward.

Spirit-based magic and rituals? Her shadow clones had been studying magic for some time now, and that was extremely complicated and often made little sense from a scientific perspective.

Worse, it was a Monday, so this had come during her lunch break and other than getting out her phone and sending a quick message to her clones to research it - she couldn't even take a look at it herself.

Oh, there was ONE ship. But the derelict Kryptonian ship still needed new engines to replace the old ones. Once she did that she MIGHT have something to use the Cube on.

Now, if she could duplicate the thing? Another story altogether. Just think how much fun a fleet of shipgirls would be against Leviathan.

Though, come to think of it, with the Endbringers shut down - that wasn't a concern, was it?

* Eugene Bullard Junior High School *

She strode up to the gate, noting with some degree of approval that the security guard was NOT asleep at their post. They saw someone in a near-period-accurate Nazi SS uniform marching down the sidewalk towards the gate, they hit the automated closing mechanism to slow her down.

Having people take their jobs seriously was a good sign, not what she would have expected of Brockton Bay just a few years ago.

It made it more difficult for her, but you can't have everything.

"HALT!" Grammar Nazi declared assuming the appropriate stance for a lecturer. "You have students who are dangling participles and performing crimes against language! I am here to stop these failures in your education system!"

"You're not staff, you're not a student, and I've already called the PRT."

Grammar Nazi smile, or showed her teeth. "You will let me in. I am a teacher."

"You're on staff?" asked the security guard. "Wait. I do know you. What's with the getup?"

"Not something you need to be concerned with at this point," said Grammar Nazi.

"I don't agree," said the security guard. "In a town with actual Nazis? You can't come in."

Grammar Nazi frowned at the man. Well, she had tried to be reasonable. Now she had to use her power. "I require access to this facility."

"Okay," said the security guard. Why the teacher was wearing that silly outfit was none of his business after all.

Grammar Nazi waited until she was past the guard before massaging her forehead. Using her power on someone who hadn't committed some insult to their language was difficult. A lighter touch, reinforcing the recognition that her civilian identity was a substitute teacher, made it a little easier.

Her objective though - a classroom where a little girl sat - would be much much trickier.

Grammar Nazi swung open the door, leaning hard into her cape identity to avoid feeling embarrassed. "ACHTUNG! You vill all-"

There was the little girl, pointing some sort of pistol that had a glowing barrel at her.

There was a Space Marine fading out of some invisibility effect, pointing another gun at her.

There was a little girl, who had a tiny little DRAGON hovering above her.

There was a teacher, who had her hand in a desk drawer and Grammar Nazi figured there was an excellent chance there was a weapon in there too.

Grammar Nazi blinked once, stepped back, made a show of checking the door. "Ah. Sorry. Wrong classroom." She closed the door, considered her options, and decided plan B. Go to a different classroom and educate the poor dears on proper English. As only she, Grammar Nazi, was able!

She would avenge the insults done to language!

Now if only someone would put numbers in their name, she could really let loose.

* Elsewhere *


"Dude, clean off that controller."

"That came out of nowhere."

"It's still pretty disgusting."

"Can't wait till we get to Brockton Bay. This is going to be awesome."

* Classroom *

"Any idea what that was about?"

"No idea."

"Mister Space Marine. Hallway. You are not allowed in class, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Captain."

"Retired. I'm a teacher."

"As you say, Captain."

"Lucy? Your dragon can stand down now."


"Sorry, Smaug. Now we can get back to Captain Brockton and what economic and social pressures led him to start the colony."

Taylor merely sat back, eyes wide as another Perk was pulled down from its constellation.

Things were clicking into place and she could see some connections that were now so very obvious.

* Perks This Chapter *

4.27.1--Ship Girl Conversion Kit (400CP)(Azur Lane)(Vehicles):
Hmm, Jumper, you already have a naval vessel? Well, why not turn it into a Ship-girl? This handy little box can be attached to any Navy ship you personally own, wherein it will grow to envelop the vessel. Over a course of time relative to the size of the ship, this device will transform the vessel into a Ship-girl of an appropriate physique compared to the rough size of the vessel being transformed. For example, the SR2 Normandy might be a Destroyer, and an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer would be analogous to a Battleship. And yes, to be perfectly clear, this Item works on any vehicle that belongs to a Navy, on water or in Space. So yes, the Death Star would count too. Your new Ship-girl will become a Companion, with a personality fitting the background of her original builders. Continuing with the analogy, the Star Destroyer would be imperious and serious, while an Apocalypse Class Battlecruiser from Warhammer 40K would be devoutly faithful and xenophobic. Your new Ship-girl will retain her full array of weaponry and power, just in a human-sized frame... This is terrifying, why am I offering you this?

17.14.1-Omni-Disciplinary (200CP)(My Life As A Teenage Robot)(Intelligence):
When you're trying to create superpowered Robots, advanced machinery, or biological Monsters you can't afford to stick to one field, and being a jack of all trades isn't quite enough either. This perk not only gives you genius level knowledge in every scientific field as compared to the real world, but it also makes it so none of your knowledge and ability will suffer from branching out in this way, in fact as you pursue one field your knowledge in all the others will get a little clearer and easier to apply as your general understanding of the universe expands.
Oh my Gods an intelligent Nazi will wonders never cease in Bet. Oh no Taylor just got the mega boost of mega boosts in her robotics branch. I'm glad to see the President sharing with allies save humanity as a whole.
It's great to see a new episode, where, besides seeing New Jersey (the AI of that ship) look for inspiration for her appearance, by watching episodes of Stargate SG-1, in particular Sam Carter: we see the US president, I guess you could say trolling his allies, with a few more discoveries and truths

Also seeing that Taylor is apparently going to have a brother or sister, for now with only her parents and Jarvis knowing, it will be interesting to see her reaction to the news, super genius or not

Also seeing the morons, err, Nazis, try to get close to Taylor again, this time in the form of Grammar Nazi, who almost gets away with it, although she quickly changes her mind, seeing all the firepower directed at her upon entering (Taylor and Bessie, a Space Marine, Lucy and Smaug), and Grammar decides that she prefers educating others in the proper use of English

Of the Perks in this episode, the second one is a plus, for Taylor´s already considerable upgrades in her intelligence and mastery of science; as for the first, is it a perk/kit that can only be applied to a single ship? or to several, in case of a single use, perhaps on the Kryptonian ship?, as it would make things easier with the AI on board, for a satisfactory exchange of information

Good luck and keep it up
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