* May 6, 2008 *
"I did not vant to be der supervillain, you know."
"Uh huh."
"I vaz un school teacher, ja? The class vas just so unruly. Den I Triggered. It was vurst day un my life. Given me another."
Assault nodded and put a couple of bills on the counter. "And?"
"It was so easy," confessed Grammar Nazi. "Mine power is rule-enforcement. Someone break the rule, I can hand out ze penalty. A command."
"Haven't you had enough already?" asked the guy behind the counter, pushing her drink forward.
"Nein!" declared Grammar Nazi.
"So why the uniform?" asked Assault.
"I like the style," said Grammar Nazi. "You going to kinkshame me?"
"Wasn't planning on it, but that and the name kind of lead people to certain expectations from you," pointed out Assault.
After that, Grammar Nazi's full attention was on her drink.
Then it was on the floor.
"Did you?" asked Assault, gesturing at the woman on the ground and the glass.
"No. Standard chocolate malt with whipped cream," said the shop owner. "Maybe the sprinkles were too much?"
"Weird," admitted Assault. "Convenient though."
* May 7, 2008 *
"Not exactly a Birdcage candidate," noted Armsmaster.
"No, and some of it is compulsions from her power," stated Daphne Morrow, the PRT Transport Coordinator speaking from the videoscreen.
"Enough about Grammar Nazi," said Director Emily Piggot. "We have a cape passing through our territory?"
"Captain Canuck," said Armsmaster. "He's on vacation though so it's just that he's staying overnight and will be heading down to the Virginia Beach area tomorrow."
"Uh huh," said Emily Piggot. "And the real reason?"
"Escort duty for technology developed by ForgeTech and assembled at the shipyards in Norfolk," said Armsmaster.
"No sign of his 'designated foe'?" asked Emily Piggot.
"Last seen in Iqaluit in the far North of Canada," answered Armsmaster as he'd immediately checked that himself. "Though what Major Impact is doing up there is unclear."
"We're setting down now," said Daphne Morrow, "be ready for prisoner transport in five."
After the screen blanked, Emily Piggot glanced at it. "I'd honestly forgotten she was still in the conference."
"She has that effect," noted Armsmaster. "Not a parahuman though."
"Do we know what tech Captain Canuck is transporting?" asked Director Piggot.
"Classified, but all things considered it's probably a shield generation coil," said Armsmaster. "Those can be quite heavy and are well within the Captain's ability to lift and fly with."
"Oh, and I noticed your requisition of parts for a giant transforming mecha," said Director Piggot. "No. That is not in our budget and I genuinely don't see the need for one."
* May 8, 2008 *
Dragon landed her suit on the directed landing pad, walked it off to the side so that the pad was clear, then hit the switch.
There were the sounds of the parts opening up - latches clicking open, hydraulics hissing, servomotors whining. Then she left the power armor behind and saluted the guard before taking off her helmet and going through the hatchway.
It hadn't been that long she'd had this body, so it was still all very strange. Also thrilling and exciting. The body she'd ended up with as her public-face was largely lab-grown tissue that could stand up to a very extensive analysis. It was considerably less average-looking than she would have preferred but Doctor Curlyhair had been quite insistent.
Short thick hair, slender but athletic build, and with the inherent grace of her internal systems would have no trouble being a model on some fashion runway. Not that she would do that, or wear those sorts of things.
Instead she wore a nearly form-fitting body armor that had a few junctions and protrusions she didn't actually need to connect to a computer system. They were 'for show', to be precise. It was, as was most of Doctor Curlyhair's work, very nice and thematic with a scale-pattern evocative of some armored pseudo-reptile.
Of course she was scanned several times as she made her way through the corridors of the Rig, but she was expected and her biometrics were on file by now.
"Dragon, good to see you," said Armsmaster, meeting her at the junction.
"You as well, Colin," said Dragon, holding up the item.
"Is that it?" asked Armsmaster.
"Yes, best Chinese take-out on the East Coast," said Dragon.
"Excellent," said Armsmaster, "come on, I'll show you what I've been working on."
She was looking forward to this. She'd never had Chinese food before.
There were so many flavors and scents after all, and she'd spent a considerable time cross-referencing the data on the subject to find the best one.
* Senate Committee Room 12 *
"I still feel it is the height of irresponsibility to allow a twelve year old to dictate terms to the United States Government."
"Senator Blatherspite, exactly what do you want to do about it other than waste more time in more complaints about the situation?"
"We could classify her patents as a matter of national security! Lock everything up until she learns to play ball!"
"Uh huh. Right." Several of the others gathered in the room exchanged glances, followed by the rolling of eyes.
"What has she done for the US anyway?"
"Given us six new materials for use in construction, allowed for mass production of carbon nanotube fibers, given us antigravity and reinforcement field technologies, has put fourteen new medicines up for investigation," said Senator Whiffle.
"Including a very promising one for Lou Gehrig's Disease," said Senator Standish.
"Seven new types of weaponry, cold fusion, superconductive materials, a new type of electrical generator," continued Senator Warhawk.
"New batteries, new solar power collectors, new types of servomotors, quantum computing," added Senator Whiffle.
Senator Blatherspite slapped the table. "She's playing with dolls!"
"General Adaptive Intelligences," said Senator Standish. "I've met a couple. They're still a bit robotic, personality-wise. Very focused on their duties and set purposes."
A smile played over Senator Warhawk's lips as she glanced over at Standish. "And they're easy on the eyes?"
"Some of them seem awfully young for being linked to weapons," admitted Standish. "Though I understand that the good doctor is twelve and that may explain why so many of these GAI are female and attractive."
"What about these 'shipgirls'?" asked Senator Blatherspite. "Artificial Intelligences in charge of weapons systems? Tell me that nobody else has likened it to Skynet and those Terminator movies?"
"Do I need to remind you how all of those movies start?" asked Senator Standish. "Because someone freaked out and tried to kill them all."
"Yeah, I remember how that went in 'Rings of the Masters'," said Senator Whiffle.
"I could never get past all the weird sex stuff in that," mentioned Senator Standish.
Senator Blatherspite slapped the table again, followed by waving his hand around because he hadn't meant to use quite that much force.
"Paul?" asked Senator Whiffle. "Why the hell are you up in arms about that girl again? She's the freaking golden goose, you don't cook the goose that's giving you those lovely golden eggs."
Senator Warhawk stubbed her cigar out in an ashtray. "Honestly? I've met Thermopylae. We spoke for about three hours, comparing notes on historical battles and tactics. I rather enjoyed myself. If I hadn't known better, I wouldn't have known I was speaking to any kind of Artificial Intelligence."
"What?" asked Senator Paul Blatherspite. "I'm sure that's what the AI wanted you to think before she plans how to kill us all!"
"Or not," said Senator Warhawk. "Look, I have disagreements with the current administration too. Only reason I'm here. Giving away some of this tech to our allies? We need to keep it in-house to keep America strong!"
"Right!" said Senator Blatherspite.
"Though if I'm agreeing with Blatherspite, I'm suddenly having doubts about the correctness of my opinion," admitted Warhawk.
"Look, I'm only attending because I want to keep track of what this can do for my constituents." Senator Standish leaned back in his chair and considered the ceiling. "How much of these technologies can be brought to MY area?"
"You're in Idaho. I don't see what any of this has to do with potatoes," stated Warhawk.
Senator Standish scowled at the frequent jab.
"Don't suggest drought-tolerant or disease-resistant crops," grumped Senator Whiffle. "You know how many warehouses of grain we send overseas to famine spots that then let them rot?"
"That was a couple of years ago, the rate of throw-away on those projects is down to 20% now," said Senator Standish. "Still, that's tons of food."
"We have to take something to our territories," said Senator Whiffle. "I've got it."
"It's not contagious, is it?" asked Senator Blatherspite.
"She's working with medical technologies," said Senator Whiffle, ignoring Blatherspite. "We all have research hospitals and similar facilities."
"So we demand that she lets our people test this stuff, we deliberately fail them, and then we have leverage against her?" asked Blatherspite.
"Paul? Take your meds," said Senator Whiffle. "We go to DARPA and petition them for the chance to study these things."
"I don't like to take my meds, they taste bad," complained Senator Blatherspite.
"That might work," said Senator Standish. "And it doesn't mean going to Doctor Hebert."
"Scared of a twelve year old girl?" asked Senator Warhawk.
"You're a girl, and you're scary as hell when you've got a mood going," pointed out Senator Standish.
"Point," acknowledged Senator Warhawk.
"Besides, she's an acknowledged genius, and I'm not," continued Senator Standish. "I'm not so afraid of what she'd do as what the press would do if they got wind of any attempt to manipulate her."
* Monday, May 19, 2008 *
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
Watching her daughter practicing various spells from the Harry Potter series of books, Annette couldn't help but wince at some of the phrases. She was an English professor after all.
"So she got this Etching Pen and it came with a Harry Potter wand?" asked Danny.
"Lumos! Nox!"
"That seems to be the case," admitted Annette.
"I really need to watch the movies again," said Taylor as she looked around for other targets for her practice.
Pulling the card out of the wand case, Danny looked it over and the materials it was made from before shaking his head at the strangeness of all this. "So... this means that somewhere in another world there's something like 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'?"
"Hopefully the adults there aren't as much idiots as they are in the films," said Annette. "The books were better."
"Usually are," admitted Danny.
"Oh, by the way, Taylor. You'll be getting a little brother or sister soon," said Annette.
There was a brief clatter as a wand dropped from nerveless fingers.
"Well, at least you timed it so she wasn't casting a spell at that point," observed Danny.
Oddly enough, Danny Hebert would come to quickly realize it wasn't shock that had effectively paralyzed his daughter. It was the plans for all the devices that she would build to make sure the littlest Hebert was well taken care of.
* Tuesday, May 20 2008 *
The streamer of energy had melted the metal to a liquid which then went into the mold prepared for it.
Rare materials, but not quite up to the Uru metal which she itched to work with. Mithril had proven quite handy, being lighter and tougher than steel, but this was a step up in difficulty.
Adamantite. It was orders of difficulty and rarity greater than mithril, and a necessary step along the way to even greater materials.
If this turned out well, she'd go on to the next thing. Vibranium. If THAT turned out well, and the shield she planned on making her father with it turned out as good as she hoped - then eventually working with Uru would be possible. And beyond that?
Her hardsuit, made of much more mundane materials, was necessary to protect her from the heat and to supply the strength necessary to work the metal even as it was still near-molten.
Runes, painstakingly duplicated into the mold, were reinforced as she sung them while using her Etching Tool to further strengthen them and the metal she was working on.
First she had to build the tools after all, and fashioning her own tools was part of the process to lead her into making things that would form legends on the order of Excalibur or Gae Bolg or Mjolnir. She would get there eventually and eventually those very things could be used to bring down a god.
She had a very specific god to bring down after all. Right now he might be in Ontario rescuing a cat in a tree, but now that she knew he would eventually destroy the world?
Yeah, she had to build up to being able to take on THAT level of challenge.
Which meant that when the Forge gave her something new, she didn't even notice until much later.
* Perks This Chapter *
6.6.1-Etching Pen (100CP)(A 'Happy' Harry Potter Fanfiction)(Toolkit Magical):
A specialized etching tool that can carve stone, wood, metal, or other hardened surfaces like a hot knife through butter or switch to a regular pen that can write on any softer surfaces such as rice paper. The tool is capable of erasing any damages it causes, reversing inked mistakes, and even absorbing certain fluids like blood, acid, ink, or venom to write with. The tool will always be sharp and never run out of whatever fluid it has currently Absorbed. FREE: Wand. FREE: Books: Ancient Runes Made Easy, Tales of Beedle the Bard, Runecrafting For Beginners by Mister Black.
27.45.1-Animojo(600CP)(Ben 10)(Biotech):
When it comes to genetics you're one of the best in the universe. Not only can you manipulate the DNA of living things to change them to suit your purpose, but you can even bring long dead species back to life. On top of all this, you also possess the knowledge to build the equipment you need from components you would find at your local electronic and home repair stores.