The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!

You don't understand how Fiat works in Jumpchain - per the words written, this device can NEVER be in anything classified as a spaceship.

At that point, it's a matter of semantics. The Death Star isn't a spaceship, it's a battlestation. And Atlantis, in Stargate, was a City-Ship, not a spaceship. And the Post-Dated Check Loan is a SuperFortress.

And there are those who consider Earth a Spaceship. Large crew, moving through space, self-contained life support and food generation facilities.... Which definition are we going to use?

Jumpchain's 'rules' are far to lax to try to be a rules lawyer. Each writer uses the powers as prompts, and each jumpchan is only as strict or lenient as the author wants them to be.
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That's exactly how I take things like that. I've been noodling with an idea for when I finish Enterprise (and also Reprise), that would start with the lists, but I might never actually say where I got any given technology from, or even have the scenes with 'spin ... miss' or 'spin ... kachunk' where Taylor obviously gets a new power or something. Just people noticing that she seems to come up with more interesting stuff, and doesn't seem to be showing the usual Tinker bias toward a given thing.

(Part of it is the concept of the Forge/Dojo/Whatever connecting to her while she's Triggering, which alters her Trigger. Not eats it like in Hybrid Hive, but sort of bounces and 'talks' to QA, freeing up QA some, and giving the Forge/Dojo/Whatever ... Ideas.)