The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!

Portable matter destabilization gun? Guaranteed to ruin anyone's day.

More likely, considering where she picked it up, it's a handheld Synaptic Obliterator. That'll make a royal mess of Heartbreaker's already deficient gray matter.
Except I don't think that a hand-held Synaptic Obliterator is the sort of thing most Necrons would disdain but Trazyn would find useful/amusing. The Collector is more interested in things that will help him steal more loot expand his collection.
Dr. Curly hair has a reputation for capturing and subjecting her enemies to SCIENCE! so I believe this to be what Trazyn uses to stuff people into exhibits. Nobody will bat an eye at her developing a smaller version of her endbringer pokeball tech for supervillans. Yes it's necron in origin but they don't know that.
gravity manipulation
To the point of large scale weaponization even. The most common starship weapons other than torpedoes are "gravy guns". Officially that's a shortening of "gravatic pulse weapon". Realistically it's a solder's description of what's left after you sweep one across the occupied deck of an enemy ship.

Admittedly the power supply technology in that world is actually even better, mostly because of that level of gravity control. Power generation is mostly anni-plants. Matter annihilation systems fueled by neutronium kept stable by their gravity tech. Which they can easily scale all the way down to "the diameter of a quarter and fitted into a gauss-coil handgun for use as a military sidearm".

Large scale there's plenty of stuff that can match or beat them. But when it comes to powering personal equipment it's one of the best techtrees out there.

Also instantaneous point to point teleportation on a galactic scale. Can't forget that.
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Large scale there's plenty of stuff that can match or beat them. But when it comes to powering personal equipment it's one of the best techtrees out there.
I thought the floating rank symbols, over shoulders, which turned out (in some people's cases) to be anti-matter grenades... had a certain punch.


Antimatter is a form of mass that annihilates normal matter as well as itself if the two are ever brought into contact. Antimatter can be found in minute quantities in nature, such as the upper atmosphere of planets and certain kinds of radioactive decay, but it is destroyed by the surrounding...

Anti-matter. Which looks like soot (which is basically what the (unpowered) confinement system is...). Going to tell me you don't think that's scary? And, soot=carbon, which can burn using the oxygen in the air, releasing the anti-matter...

Schlock sFx: *ominous hummm* ...
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Oh, she's got she schlocktech public database. The fabber's awesome, of course, but she's got enough stuff that it's not a big deal for her, but the database is good. It's only the public stuff, which means that the military and experimental tech isn't there, but 'just' the public stuff is a massive list. People in this world would probably appreciate the existence of RED-REO nannies. Imagine a spraycan full of nanobots that if you empty it on a person's skin will, after only a short while, back up their brains and memories into their skin and bones, and stick around to keep that person in good health and keep them fully backed up at all times. If any significant part of the body can be found after death and stuck in a regen tank, you can bring them back in their entirety. If it was only low-level lethal damage, the nanobots will just repair it themselves, bringing them back from stabbing, shooting, broken necks, and so on. Of course, it goes without saying that they'll help heal you from other non-lethal injuries too. There's lots of other stuff, but just that would be very much in demand. It's actually a downgrade of highest secret military tech, but it did become publically available late in the series...

To be specific, matter annihilation plants (annie plants) come in all sizes, from pinhead sized capable of powering conformal body armor on par with a vibraanium nanotech Iron Man suit, to 10 kilometer beasts that make the Death Star look puny.

The thing is, the way gravity manipulation inside them works, the bigger they are, the more efficient they are.

By the time you get up to about 20 meters, they're better at energy production than E=mc^2.
I just assumed it would break that connection and remove his power.

Despite the many weapons she has access to (and how much he deserves them) I doubt she would go for the violent ones herself.
This is Taylor (sorry, 'Dr. Curlyhair'). Far, far, more likely there's a slurping sound, and his entire shard ends-up as a tiny blue crystal, in Taylor's possession.
You don't understand how Fiat works in Jumpchain - per the words written, this device can NEVER be in anything classified as a spaceship.
I think... it's more likely to be Washu's opinion that counts. If she wants a cabbit wrapped around one of those, it'll happen. And...

"All your Carrots are Belong to Us." :)
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