Voting is open
I'll re-ask what I was curious about

Did the probe get any soild readings on the state of the Star, and if so, dose it show any significant difference from other stars of the same stellar class? I mean, there has to be a reason the precursor stations were studying the star.

and add the latter quote that made what I was thinking clearer.
more spicifily, now that I did a bit of dumpster diving into the wiki, I am wondering if this star is like
I'll re-ask what I was curious about

Did the probe get any soild readings on the state of the Star, and if so, dose it show any significant difference from other stars of the same stellar class? I mean, there has to be a reason the precursor stations were studying the star.

and add the latter quote that made what I was thinking clearer.

Nothing exceptional.
For what it's worth, he isn't voting for multiple plans, which is where it gets ugly and is the actual problem with approval or strategic voting.

Wait what? No, that's the entire point of approval voting, with the intention of avoiding strategic/tactical voting. Under approval voting, which we're using, you get to vote for as many plans as you like - that is the sole defining feature of the system. The purpose of this is so that you can vote for the thing you want most, even if it's losing, without throwing your vote away - so you don't have to tactical-vote by switching to the plan that looks least bad of those likely to win (since you can just also include it in your initial vote).

So like...if someone votes for multiple plans under approval voting, (a) that's not the same thing as normal tactical/strategic voting and (b) the system is working as intended.
What a conundrum. On one hand, I think Backlash is a waste of an option, on the other, I also don't want to lock all our military actions next turn.
The leading plans have us adopting Quarian tech...
Without trying to diplomance the Quarians.


Actually, we don't really adopt the quarian tech with this option -- or at least in a way that actually shows that we stole it. If you double check the actual description:

[ ] Quarian Tech Adoption: You have sliced a huge amount of data from the 3rd's databanks. Now it's time to go through it and see what's there. Figuring out how to use it without making it blatantly obvious that you stole from the Republic is another matter, but let's...just...leave that for when you actually have all of these lessons learned, shall we? Time: 3 years. Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Run through the mass of data you acquired and sort out what you already know, what you can use, and what's out of your reach, and how you'd go about applying all three.

You can see that it's just reviewing and sorting the data, with a side order of how we'd integrate it if we end up wanting to -- which we probably will.
Oh, they'll meet our demands to the least extent they can get away with, and they'll act nice, but I don't think they'll really change unless they truly understand that yes, this isn't a bluff, that we're actually ready to commit to a war. They need to well and truly understand that this is the last attempt at diplomacy we're going to make if they don't start dealing with us in good faith.
While this is true I think you are underestimating the effect that cutting off trade will have.

The only reason they trade with us at all is that they are not physically capable of making all the things they need. They just don't have the population or infrastructure. This has been exacerbated by them trying to build a fleet. Without trade they are looking at A) a massive economic crises and B) their fleet falling apart from lack of spare parts within a year or two.
Canon Omake: Milk Run
Also, because Jamar Kurik can't have all the fun.


VWS Cartographer, Explorer Corps
Log Date <REDACTED>, GS 495
Captain: Veddan Banar

Captain Banar stepped onto the 'bridge' of his little vessel to little fanfare, receiving simply a nod from his technical officer and a raised hand from the pilot. Wasting no time with formalities, he cut straight to the chase.

"Lieutenant Raow, the communication?"

"Aye, sir. From way above the top brass. Ministry of Intelligence, actually."

That would explain why the salarian had been averse to talking to him about it over the ship's PA.

"Alright, put it through to my dataslate."

The message that appeared on his screen was brief, terse, and to the point - exactly the kind of mission briefing he liked. For all he hated spooks, they knew how to keep things concise.

"Alright, crew, looks like we're following up on the VWS Explorer's little trip to Sikel. Swoop in, snatch the probe, bail. Then deliver back to Virmire, operational security, yadda yadda, whatever." He shrugged and put the dataslate down on the edge of his console. "Helm, plot course for Sikel."

The asari at the helm twisted in her chair to look at him. "Sir, isn't Sikel in the Lystheni border zone? That's a bit of a grey area, right?"

Banar nodded. "Technically, the probe's not in the Sikel system - not anymore, anyway. According to these data logs, the probe should have performed a slingshot around the sun and now be well beyond the effective border of the system. All we need to do is retrieve it and return it to Virmire space, and that won't technically necessitate us entering Lystheni systems."

"Technically," Raow interjected, "Sikel isn't our end destination. According to the calculations made by the Explorer when it launched the probe, our end destination should be…"

The salarian paused for a moment before bursting into action, his fingers just a red blur as he keyed in the relevant data. "Here. I'm sending the waypoints to your terminal now."

"Remember," Banar reiterated, more for his helmsman's benefit. "We go in, get the probe, and leave. No detours, no stunts, no sightseeing trips through the upper atmosphere of Tessavar. Understood?"

"Aye, captain," Abayle said dejectedly, turning back to the viewport. "Plotting a boring course to Lystheni territory so we can do boring spook work, on the double."

Raow snickered. Banar shot him a withering four-eyed glare to shut him up and turned his attention forward. "Alright, helm. You may jump to FTL when ready."


Banar considered it a point of pride that, despite running a ship that was loose on regulations and light on discipline, his crew were just as capable of being professional when push came to shove, and that despite the easy going atmosphere not one of them had let their skills slip even slightly since he'd taken command.

Arriving at the estimated intercept point for the probe, it was only a matter of time before Raow picked up the badly damaged device on sensors and mere minutes later the Cartographer was drifting lazily alongside it, Abayle holding the ship perfectly steady whilst two other members of the ship's crew EVA'd out to recover the probe.

"Cartographer, EVA-2. Mag clamps are secure, jetting it over to you now."

"Copy that, EVA-2," Raow replied, eyes darting between screens as the two crewmen dragged the device to the Corvette's waiting cargo hatch. "We're holding steady. Maintain your course."

Banar could hardly blame his subordinate, since he was currently doing the same thing, quickly flicking between the exterior docking camera and his first officer's EVA suit camera. Keeping his eyes on his spacewalking crew, he tapped his communicator. "Engineering, status."

"Cargo bay sealed, fingers on the toggles," Chief Engineer Kadeb replied. "Ready when you are, sir."

"Alright, then. All hands, brace for zero-G. Fire away, Engineering."

When one spends long periods of time on a spaceship, there are sounds you become accustomed to. The buzzing of wires, the hissing of pipes. And the ever present thrum of artificial gravity. It's a little thing, the sort of thing you find hard to notice until it's suddenly not there anymore.

Even though he was expecting it, Banar felt slightly unsettled as the sound cut out, and the tug of gravity faded to nothing, weightlessness overtaking him.

"Raow, open the hatch."

The salarian complied wordlessly. On his screens, Banar watched as the cargo door opened and his First Officer dragged the probe inside, gingerly pressing it to the deck in a way that seemed mostly stable. Once done, the salarian turned to the cargo bay's interior camera and flashed Banar a thumbs up. "Alright, captain, probe's aboard and so are we."

"Good to hear, Paet. Raow, seal the cargo bay. Engineering, restore artificial gravity."

Once again the crew of the Cartographer complied quickly and quietly, the thrum of artificial gravity soon reasserting itself.

"Given the probe was nowhere near where intel said it would be and the last minute switch from Bikks to Tem'valla due to hardsuit failure, I'd say that was a pretty fast op." Abayle observed as the ship's FTL drive engaged with a characteristic shuddering whine.

Banar couldn't help but agree. "Nicely done, all round." Once again he glanced at the probe sitting in the hold. The salarian and asari who'd gone EVA were still in the hold, tying down the probe as neatly as they were able given its badly scorched and disfigured surface.

Once again Banar leaned over the comms. "Paet, I want you and Bikks to look the probe over when you've got a minute, get an assessment of how damaged this thing is. I'd hate to get home and find out it was all wasted effort."

On screen Banar saw the salarian raise a finger to the communicator tucked over his brow. "Sir, I can take a look if you want, but a preliminary evaluation suggests most of the damage is to the maneuvering thrusters and external communications arrays. Unless they seriously changed how the innards of these probes work, the computer should be…"

Paet stepped around to the less-damaged side of the probe and tapped a finger on the surface. "Somewhere under here. And by the looks of things, totally undamaged."

"Excellent. Check anyway, I want to be able to give the MoI a preliminary damage report on their probe as soon as we re-establish contact."

"Aye, captain."

Shutting off his microphone, Banar leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on his console. "Destination, Virmire. Helm, you may jump to FTL when ready."
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Feb 15, 2018 at 9:56 AM, finished with 10642 posts and 42 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kan it
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Backsplash: 30,000: 1 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X]Plan Nutcracker
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Marine Expansion: 30,000: 2 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X] Plan Overlord
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backstab
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    -[X] Knowledge Exchange
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Administrative Overclocking
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Barrier Miniaturization
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
    -[X] Personal Attention (Knowledge Exchange)
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?
    [X] Logistics II
    [X] Backstab
    [X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    [X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    [X] Colony Equipment
    [X] Administrative Overclocking
    [X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets..
    [X] Board of Shareholders
    [X] Dietary Supplements
    [X] Prothean Examination
    [X] Personal Attention: Backstab
    [X] Commit Hero Unit (Kurik, Board of Shareholders)
    [X] Personal Attention: Administrative Overclocking
    [X] Plan Kan it
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Backsplash: 30,000: 1 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X] Plan Covering Bases
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backsplash
    -[X] Lystheni (Making Demands)
    -[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Economic Review
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Dietary Supplements
    -[X] Prothean Examination
    -[x] Personal Attention: Lystheni (Making Demands)
    -[X] Personal Attention: Economic Review
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
Also, because Jamar Kurik can't have all the fun.


VWS Cartographer, Explorer Corps
Log Date <REDACTED>, GS 495
Captain: Veddan Banar

Captain Banar stepped onto the 'bridge' of his little vessel to little fanfare, receiving simply a nod from his technical officer and a raised hand from the pilot. Wasting no time with formalities, he cut straight to the chase.

"Lieutenant Raow, the communication?"

"Aye, sir. From way above the top brass. Ministry of Intelligence, actually."

That would explain why the salarian had been averse to talking to him about it over the ship's PA.

"Alright, put it through to my dataslate."

The message that appeared on his screen was brief, terse, and to the point - exactly the kind of mission briefing he liked. For all he hated spooks, they knew how to keep things concise.

"Alright, crew, looks like we're following up on the VWS Explorer's little trip to Sikel. Swoop in, snatch the probe, bail. Then deliver back to Virmire, operational security, yadda yadda, whatever." He shrugged and put the dataslate down on the edge of his console. "Helm, plot course for Sikel."

The asari at the helm twisted in her chair to look at him. "Sir, isn't Sikel in the Lystheni border zone? That's a bit of a grey area, right?"

Banar nodded. "Technically, the probe's not in the Sikel system - not anymore, anyway. According to these data logs, the probe should have performed a slingshot around the sun and now be well beyond the effective border of the system. All we need to do is retrieve it and return it to Virmire space, and that won't technically necessitate us entering Lystheni systems."

"Technically," Raow interjected, "Sikel isn't our end destination. According to the calculations made by the Explorer when it launched the probe, our end destination should be…"

The salarian paused for a moment before bursting into action, his fingers just a red blur as he keyed in the relevant data. "Here. I'm sending the waypoints to your terminal now."

"Remember," Banar reiterated, more for his helmsman's benefit. "We go in, get the probe, and leave. No detours, no stunts, no sightseeing trips through the upper atmosphere of Tessavar. Understood?"

"Aye, captain," Abayle said dejectedly, turning back to the viewport. "Plotting a boring course to Lystheni territory so we can do boring spook work, on the double."

Raow snickered. Banar shot him a withering four-eyed glare to shut him up and turned his attention forward. "Alright, helm. You may jump to FTL when ready."


Banar considered it a point of pride that, despite running a ship that was loose on regulations and light on discipline, his crew were just as capable of being professional when push came to shove, and that despite the easy going atmosphere not one of them had let their skills slip even slightly since he'd taken command.

Arriving at the estimated intercept point for the probe, it was only a matter of time before Raow picked up the badly damaged device on sensors and mere minutes later the Cartographer was drifting lazily alongside it, Abayle holding the ship perfectly steady whilst two other members of the ship's crew EVA'd out to recover the probe.

"Cartographer, EVA-2. Mag clamps are secure, jetting it over to you now."

"Copy that, EVA-2," Raow replied, eyes darting between screens as the two crewmen dragged the device to the Corvette's waiting cargo hatch. "We're holding steady. Maintain your course."

Banar could hardly blame his subordinate, since he was currently doing the same thing, quickly flicking between the exterior docking camera and his first officer's EVA suit camera. Keeping his eyes on his spacewalking crew, he tapped his communicator. "Engineering, status."

"Cargo bay sealed, fingers on the toggles," Chief Engineer Kadeb replied. "Ready when you are, sir."

"Alright, then. All hands, brace for zero-G. Fire away, Engineering."

When one spends long periods of time on a spaceship, there are sounds you become accustomed to. The buzzing of wires, the hissing of pipes. And the ever present thrum of artificial gravity. It's a little thing, the sort of thing you find hard to notice until it's suddenly not there anymore.

Even though he was expecting it, Banar felt slightly unsettled as the sound cut out, and the tug of gravity faded to nothing, weightlessness overtaking him.

"Raow, open the hatch."

The salarian complied wordlessly. On his screens, Banar watched as the cargo door opened and his First Officer dragged the probe inside, gingerly pressing it to the deck in a way that seemed mostly stable. Once done, the salarian turned to the cargo bay's interior camera and flashed Banar a thumbs up. "Alright, captain, probe's aboard and so are we."

"Good to hear, Paet. Raow, seal the cargo bay. Engineering, restore artificial gravity."

Once again the crew of the Cartographer complied quickly and quietly, the thrum of artificial gravity soon reasserting itself.

"Given the probe was nowhere near where intel said it would be and the last minute switch from Bikks to Tem'valla due to hardsuit failure, I'd say that was a pretty fast op." Abayle observed as the ship's FTL drive engaged with a characteristic shuddering whine.

Banar couldn't help but agree. "Nicely done, all round." Once again he glanced at the probe sitting in the hold. The salarian and asari who'd gone EVA were still in the hold, tying down the probe as neatly as they were able given its badly scorched and disfigured surface.

Once again Banar leaned over the comms. "Paet, I want you and Bikks to look the probe over when you've got a minute, get an assessment of how damaged this thing is. I'd hate to get home and find out it was all wasted effort."

On screen Banar saw the salarian raise a finger to the communicator tucked over his brow. "Sir, I can take a look if you want, but a preliminary evaluation suggests most of the damage is to the maneuvering thrusters and external communications arrays. Unless they seriously changed how the innards of these probes work, the computer should be…"

Paet stepped around to the less-damaged side of the probe and tapped a finger on the surface. "Somewhere under here. And by the looks of things, totally undamaged."

"Excellent. Check anyway, I want to be able to give the MoI a preliminary damage report on their probe as soon as we re-establish contact."

"Aye, captain."

Shutting off his microphone, Banar leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on his console. "Destination, Virmire. Helm, you may jump to FTL when ready."
Awesome. :D Have yourself a Sidestory threadmark.
So, just to be clear, because apparently I didn't elucidate this clearly enough in my explanation...
My plan does everything @uju32 's plan does. Hell, uju, you even said you might have chosen it:
Lemme address my objections in detail:
Yes, I initially considered Backsplash initially; I wrote the budget just before going to bed. I changed my mind, but didn't say what

1) The Quarian question.
If the GM characterizes putting the 3RWF on the borders as highly provocative, it's a good bet that other countries will too.
Especially the Quarians who are predisposed to think the worst of foreign governments anyway.

Intentionally putting their military forces in the path to set off a military confrontation will materially impact our diplomacy once we get back into contact with Rannoch.

2) We have an evolving situation on Amalinya.
An evolving military situation that has the on-site staff requesting the deployment of multiple divisions.
I do not want to instigate two brushfires at the same time.

3)The lystheni are a tar baby. Having to react to them may be necessary, but it's already cost us 40k in trade income just this year, and if your budget wins, 1 Military Slot. Having to deal with them militarily will cost us more income and slots to prevent the situation from festering and going septicemic..
It's in our best interests to avoid this coming to a military confrontation while we're juggling the Rachni.

I mean, the lystheni are paranoid and secretive. Not stupid.

They KNOW how many capital ships we have, and a fair idea of how many other ships we're supporting; all it requires is an optical telescope to keep an eye on Virmire's orbital shipyards from their embassy or merchant ships. Even if unaware of our sensor network on the border, they know how badly their military is outmatched.

Conflict is unlikely to involve anything as straightforward as conventional military action.
Neither an insurgency nor sabotage nor civil disobedience requires they match our naval resources.
Heck, simply claiming Salarian Union citizenship as something they never abandoned puts us in a legal pickle

With those options in play, the only way things come to blows is if we panic them too much too quickly for rational thought.
By putting a major fleet on their borders all of a sudden, say.

4) We remain in a war with the Rachni. They aren't going on vacation while we dally with minor states.
Military and Intrigue Slots expended on the Lystheni costs us in the long run.
(And yes, I'm glad we agreed to hand all Outposts over to the FDO for building, because having to pass up a Military Outpost would just compound the issue)

Seriously, I find it strange I'm having to defend the lystheni, but it behooves me to point out that their paranoia doesn't necessarily hide hostile military intent.

They're the nation-state equivalent of feral children or those backwoods preppers, who fled into this part of space decades ago, and have no experience dealing with others. Given salarian lifespans, the entire generation we're looking at were born and raised well after they left the Citadel, and we're probably the first set of non-Lystheni they've ever encountered.

Doesn't mean that they shouldn't be smacked if they do shit worthy of smacking. But we should be careful not to overreact.
Or to caricature them as an excuse to Hard Man them.
Yes, it is more provocative; however, we are backing them into a corner with your plan anyway and I would much rather not sequester our martial options for two years.
One of the reasons I voted for Trade Sanctions is because, among other things, choking their economy throttles military spending HARD.
All that stuff you could import for relatively cheaply due to economies of scale, you now have to mine or build on your own. Which takes people and equipment.

And furthermore, it chokes whatever operation they're running in the buffer zone of funding, forcing them to stop whatever mass experiments they are doing; mass exposure of people to this shit

What ARE the lystheni? We never actually got a clear answer, and Shurna should be able to give us at least an overwiew of what we're dealing with.
Are they a religious/personality cult like the Scientologists? An ethnic minority? Salarian!Survivalists? Bitcoin evangelists? Fellow ideologists?Racial supremacists?

What do we know? What keeps them together? What was their immigration policy like?
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What ARE the lystheni? We never actually got a clear answer, and Shurna should be able to give us at least an overwiew of what we're dealing with.
Are they a religious/personality cult like the Scientologists? An ethnic minority? Salarian!Survivalists? Bitcoin evangelists? Fellow ideologists?Racial supremacists?

What do we know? What keeps them together? What was their immigration policy like?
You never got an answer, and have yet to find one.
Lemme address my objections in detail:
Yes, I initially considered Backsplash initially; I wrote the budget just before going to bed. I changed my mind, but didn't say what

1) The Quarian question.
If the GM characterizes putting the 3RWF on the borders as highly provocative, it's a good bet that other countries will too.
Especially the Quarians who are predisposed to think the worst of foreign governments anyway.

Intentionally putting their military forces in the path to set off a military confrontation will materially impact our diplomacy once we get back into contact with Rannoch.

2) We have an evolving situation on Amalinya.
An evolving military situation that has the on-site staff requesting the deployment of multiple divisions.
I do not want to instigate two brushfires at the same time.

3)The lystheni are a tar baby. Having to react to them may be necessary, but it's already cost us 40k in trade income just this year, and if your budget wins, 1 Military Slot. Having to deal with them militarily will cost us more income and slots to prevent the situation from festering and going septicemic..
It's in our best interests to avoid this coming to a military confrontation while we're juggling the Rachni.

I mean, the lystheni are paranoid and secretive. Not stupid.

They KNOW how many capital ships we have, and a fair idea of how many other ships we're supporting; all it requires is an optical telescope to keep an eye on Virmire's orbital shipyards from their embassy or merchant ships. Even if unaware of our sensor network on the border, they know how badly their military is outmatched.

Conflict is unlikely to involve anything as straightforward as conventional military action.
Neither an insurgency nor sabotage nor civil disobedience requires they match our naval resources.
Heck, simply claiming Salarian Union citizenship as something they never abandoned puts us in a legal pickle

With those options in play, the only way things come to blows is if we panic them too much too quickly for rational thought.
By putting a major fleet on their borders all of a sudden, say.

4) We remain in a war with the Rachni. They aren't going on vacation while we dally with minor states.
Military and Intrigue Slots expended on the Lystheni costs us in the long run.
(And yes, I'm glad we agreed to hand all Outposts over to the FDO for building, because having to pass up a Military Outpost would just compound the issue)

Seriously, I find it strange I'm having to defend the lystheni, but it behooves me to point out that their paranoia doesn't necessarily hide hostile military intent.

They're the nation-state equivalent of feral children or those backwoods preppers, who fled into this part of space decades ago, and have no experience dealing with others. Given salarian lifespans, the entire generation we're looking at were born and raised well after they left the Citadel, and we're probably the first set of non-Lystheni they've ever encountered.

Doesn't mean that they shouldn't be smacked if they do shit worthy of smacking. But we should be careful not to overreact.
Or to caricature them as an excuse to Hard Man them.

One of the reasons I voted for Trade Sanctions is because, among other things, choking their economy throttles military spending HARD.
All that stuff you could import for relatively cheaply due to economies of scale, you now have to mine or build on your own. Which takes people and equipment.

And furthermore, it chokes whatever operation they're running in the buffer zone of funding, forcing them to stop whatever mass experiments they are doing; mass exposure of people to this shit

The thing is, Uju, I agree with all of this, bar one caveat.

I don't think we have a choice in whether or not this goes hot if we take any action against the Lystheni. While I'm willing to drag them to the table and make the attempt, I don't trust them to deal with us in good faith. I'm expecting that with trade embargo and the espionage lockdown, we're creating a cornered dog, and that dog will bite.

Whether it's now or in two years or five, it doesn't really matter. It will happen, and we will still be fighting the rachni, and there will still be a dozen other things we would rather do and not tie up our resources. Personally, I think it will happen sooner, rather than later, and even if it's provocative I'd rather keep our options flexible and our guard up.

Even if that guard will do little against, say, a briefcase nuke, it does leave us flexible.

Edit: I suppose a very rough parallel could be drawn with 1940's Japan. While there were many other factors, one of the major reasons for the Japanese declaring war on the US was the US oil and gasoline embargo.
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Voting is open