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It'll probably stir up a Pro us faction that follows whatever we throw our support behind. We haven't steered things wrong yet, so why doubt us?
huh... that actually makes sense...
So its a loyalist party in the sense that its loyal to us.
that sounds damn fine, its the start of the next stage of our legend i guess...
Now all we need is a few more examples of this and we would be worshiped as a saint
really? :(
i thought Nat 100's were supposed to be good things :cry:

edit: Unless i was wrong and everyone wanted to stay with the Citadel?
I thought we just said NO because we wanted to do it ourselves?
Not many want to stay with the Citadel. Some wouldn't mind doing it if we got a good deal from them. Many want independence.

Loyalist to Mira certainly. Virmireans will follow the Citadel because Mira told them to.
In that case we can at least screw things back down by actively promoting independence, should we desire to do so.
In the turn it is 50 someone messed up.
No, I was saying it was fourth because @PoptartProdigy used the minister bonuses to reduce the required rolls (so it went from need 51+ to 40+). Then when you factor in Mira's Bonus, because she's personally intervening, you can say that reduces the overall dc by another 17 to a total of 23+. So if I had rolled a 23 or better the action would have passed, but I rolled a 15 which is a bare failure.
Okay, so we get Normandy-level heroes on Ultimate Critical Success, which are when the roll and modifiers equal to over 100 of the original DC. We MIGHT get a Shepard-level if we get a natural 100 with no modifiers. We don't qualify for the first, but we do qualify for the second.


Does the natural 100 at least guarantee the Normandy-class hero?
Today is the 387th annual election and Madam Mira have won with a landslide as forecast in the polls leading up to the election. Experts attributed the accuracy of polls done by reputable medias "Virmire Daily", "Victory Post", and "La Reine du Peuple" to improvements in areas of data collection and statistical reading. The Ministry of Free Election reported no miscounts nor misconducts in the campaigning period. :ogles:
I'm definitely... interested in seeing how that Nat 100 turns out...

Really, our greatest saving grace is probably that we also did it at the same time as we investigated just what the Secessionists actually wanted... So hopefully the two combine effects to some extent. A sort of 'I vetoed it yes, but that's because I wanted a clear answer on why and how we would secede from the Council. Which is why I've gone to the effort of talking with the Secessionists to work that out so we can work together on a future document meeting those goals...'
I think it would be a good idea for Mira to meet with the leaders of the secession movement in private to explain why she vetoed the bill.
For the PR thing, the option explicitly states that it comes with increased loyalist sentiment:
While the primary aim is to help your numbers to recover, it will likely also increase loyalist sentiment.
Perhaps if we rolled really with the Separatists as well, it might have been a "loyal to Mira" instead, but as it is, I definitely think Virmire just became pro-Council.
For the PR thing, the option explicitly states that it comes with increased loyalist sentiment:

Perhaps if we rolled really with the Separatists as well, it might have been a "loyal to Mira" instead, but as it is, I definitely think Virmire just became pro-Council.

On the other hand, it's displayed as a side effect. It's possible the crit could strip that away as a 'success without side-effects' kind of thing.
Today is the 387th annual election and Madam Mira have won with a landslide as forecast in the polls leading up to the election. Experts attributed the accuracy of polls done by reputable medias "Virmire Daily", "Victory Post", and "La Reine du Peuple" to improvements in areas of data collection and statistical reading. The Ministry of Free Election reported no miscounts nor misconducts in the campaigning period. :ogles:
The Empress protects!
The people of Virmire will put all their effort into researching advanced Medical tech to keep their God Empress alive until the events of the Trilogy.
If our PR campaign succeeded too well, it may have some of the side-effects of failure; I don't actually want a pro-Council majority and would hate to have to take a second action to partly undo the effects of a booming success on our first action. :p
I doubt that will be the issue.

@PoptartProdigy generally seems to base Mira's thoughts upon the thread discussion and consensus. Our PR campaign will likely be about why we chose not to support the independence issue and our thoughts on it. The fact remains that we are generally pro-independence. We just did the smart thing and waited until we knew what the fuck was up.

But I guess we are politically untouchable now. (Again)

Personally I want Marae or Mira to gain some extra diplo points over a new hero or something.
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