[] Plan juggling fire
[ ] Military Outposts: You've identified a few systems in Sentry Omega suitable for the establishment of dedicated military outposts. Setting up a base in one of them would establish extremely thorough ship basing and provide a secure basing point for your military deeper into the cluster. Time: 1 year. Cost: 40,000 credits. Chance of Success: 75%. Effect: Establish a permanent military presence in a system of your choice (sub-vote to follow for which). This provides a secure base within the cluster for your ships to use and provides excellent ship basing quickly. Certain systems will also provide passive benefits to background military reforms. Will provide enough docks to hold the 3rd RWF.
-[] SO13
its close and gives us a bonus
[ ] Take Over the Explorer Corps: The MotS is busy, and a lot of the problems you face this year are best solved by them. The EC is at the point where the military could plausibly take over the project to finish up, and the Corps' experience in the Nubian Expanse will help with that. This would free the MotS to address some of your other issues, without dropping the EC altogether. Time: 1 year. Cost: 20,000. Chance of Success: 85%. Effect: Explorer Corps option finished by MoW. On fail, the EC option still transfers to the MoW, but does not complete and remains locked for another year as the transition is bungled.
we can take these over freeing up a learning action.
[ ] Investigate the Secessionists: You do not want to commit to a course of action without a full understanding of the situation. These Secessionists have one obvious goal, but there may be more, or creative approaches to solving their problems. It turns your stomach to treat with a political party, but you need information, and you doubt that they would refuse to speak with you; they're not hostile yet. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 72%. Cost: 15,000 credits. Effect: Approach Secessionist party leaders to get a better read on their exact wants and needs, and how your policy decisions might interact with them.
lets get information before going forward
[ ] Knowledge Exchange: To an extent, your shipyard workers will uncover a lot of information about quarian shipbuilding just by working on the ships, but there's more you'd like to know. Doctrine, logistics, tactics and strategy -- all of these things are valuable to a military power, and the Republic has institutional traditions here that could serve you well. The issue is convincing Admiral Malan -- all of those things are doubtlessly classified, and sharing them will weigh against him back home when you contact the Republic. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 35%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Gain access to quarian military doctrine and a more complete picture of their shipbuilding methods and technology. Problems for Malan later down the line.
[ ] Rebalance Food Production: Dextro-levo incompatibility is not complete, and honestly it's more a mining canary for a whole host of other issues than the core problem with quarians and levo food. Some -- a very limited some, mind -- of the foods you produce here on Virmire are edible to quarians, and if you scrape deep through the records of last year's yields, you can just barely hit, "nutritionally-complete diet," by some miracle of chance. It would mean one particular arrangement of not-very-well-coordinated foods for every single meal over the entire duration of the quarians' stay. It won't be tasty, and it'll get boring. Morale may very well become an issue eventually, but it'll feed your guests in the short term, and absent a disaster, you know you can do it. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 30,000 credits. Effect: Subsidize and reserve yearly batches of crops and animals that the quarians will be able to eat, solving the food crisis at the cost of making them long for the halcyon days of stale MRE's.
Highest chance of success
[ ] Expand the FDO: With a couple of success stories under her belt, and proof that she's willing to play ball with your objectives as well as hers sitting in orbit over the colony prospect in Assilia, Director Virani feels confident enough to request that you allocate her office additional resources. She's asking for you to double her budget, in fact, citing the immense pressures of the military expansion, the colony effort, and the ongoing medical effort as her reason for why she needs the resources to pick up the rate on your expansion. With the arrival of the 3rd RWF, her requests have grown only more pointed. She has a point; you've often run deficits, and you need to keep expanding the economy to fuel your war machine. You've also considered a more general expansion of her responsibilities given her office's demonstrable expertise. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: -35,000 yearly income. Effect: Authorize a budget expansion for the FDO and review the extent of their remit.
we need to industrialize the planet even more.
[ ] Digging For Receipts: It's impossible to build a warship without leaving a paper trail, and Virmirean merchants have been generating a lot of paper in deals with the Lystheni of late. Odds are that the metal going into the Lystheni's brand-new warships came our of Virmirean mines. Use your SIGINT network and your record of transactions with the Lystheni to figure out a lead, and try to see if you can find somebody who will talk. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 32,000 credits. Effect: Trace the connections, find a rat, and make them squeal. Trace the evidence trail until you find out what the Lystheni have built for their navy.
I don't trust the Lystheni and want to find out more.
[ ] Databanks: While the quarians have no choice but to accept your help in rebuilding their ships, thus far they have insisted on handling anything to do with ship computers themselves. Not unreasonable, but you'd rather see what's on those computers. Insisting would be impolitic, so...better if the other person never even knows the you might even want to ask forgiveness, yes? Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 25,000 credits. Effect: Get people to slice into the quarians' ship computers while you're repairing their vessels, recovering massive amounts of sensitive information.
Of course I want to steal there data.
[ ] Dispense the Fun Coupons: Make it fucking rain. Drench the medical field in money until it can hardly spend it fast enough. Found new schools. Run massive propaganda campaigns. Bleed credits until Virmire's medical schooling network achieves modernity. Time: 5 3 years locked, 10 8 years to effect. Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: -50,000 yearly income until effect. Effect: Completely renovate Virmire's medical schools through the vector of oceans of cash money. Completely solves doctor crisis. 2 of 3 years.
lets finish these critical success
[ ] Emergency Response: The 3rd RWF is critically low on crucial medical supplies. With many crew members still in need of urgent medical attention, the MotS absolutely needs to divert all available resources to the matter of figuring out how to synthesize those medicines using only materials from an incompatible biosphere. This is...not going to be fun. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 50,000 credits. Effect: Divert medical funding to make a brand-new branch of your pharmaceuticals industry appear overnight; address quarian medical problems.
[ ] Personal Attention:
Knowledge Exchange
Emergency Response
Commit Hero: Kurik, Intrigue, Databanks