Shit. Their taking of Exodus and opening of Ardat Yaal is terrible for us. They linked their fronts. Previously we could have pushed towards the batarians and potentially linked up with citadel space and cut off a huge potion of Rachni forces. Now... not so much.
Brishak doesn't mean much, but if it leads anywhere we could be in for a world of hurt.
Edit: FWIW we can't afford to hold the Nubian Expanse. It opens up far too many avenues of attack while only closing a single one to Attican, and spreads us across two fronts.
I dunno. If we're
lucky, we may be able to clear the whole "tramline" that runs Phoenix Massing -> Hades Gamma -> Nubian Expanse. The rachni won't be able to hit the tramline except by attacking the Nubian Expanse or Phoenix Massing from the Caleston Rift... which notably means that if they throw a fleet at one end of the tramline they're vulnerable to being counterattacked from the other.
Obviously this hinges on how much success the Terminus Alliance and quarians can obtain, though, and we may have trouble learning the answer to that question. Especially since we're fresh out of comm buoys.
Honestly, with the war situation being what it is, I am
very much in favor of withdrawing our forces from the Kepler Expanse and trying to secure a path to quarian and Terminus space. Sort of the alternate "get help" approach, and it allows us to consolidate our strength and form a unified front that can gradually chew up the rachni from behind.
Judging by their current performance, taking Hades Nexus is a pipe dream. The Terminus has been pushed back to Omega and only took Phoenix Massing with the aid of the Quarians who just effectively lost an entire battle fleet.
Fair point, though the person running the Terminus fleet seems to think they have a chance. Still, you're right that the issue is in doubt.
Both Phoenix and Nubian can be hit from Caleston which is fairly central to all of their fronts. While taking and holding Hades from Nubian and Phoenix would be trivial, holding Nubian and Phoenix along with Attican would not. This is compounded by our fleet doctrine. We just aren't built to take and hold. We are built to raid.
I'll note that a raiding doctrine benefits from being able to hit the enemy along multiple lines of attack. If we COULD hold the Phoenix-Hades-Nubian tramline, the combined allied forces would be threatening Caleston from three directions at once. What this does is create what is known in military affairs as "interior and exterior lines." Namely, the rachni hold a relatively small circuit of territory that can be threatened from many points in a larger circuit of territory held by us.
The rachni get a benefit there from having interior lines, because they can mass a single large defense fleet and hold off three individually weaker enemy fleets at once. But there are also downsides to interior lines, mainly that if you push your forces aggressively in any single direction, the enemy can nip in behind you and cut you off.
Another point is that if the quarians and Terminus forces
do manage to hold Phoenix Massing, and if we can hold the Nubian Expanse even briefly, the rachni forces in Hades Nexus are likely to die on the vine, cut off from rachni space.
You're right that we may not be able to do it, especially not without several military successes that haven't happened yet. But I think if we could, it would do a lot for our chances of survival.
That's the idea, bud. They don't need to hit us, but it makes the Nubian extremely dangerous to take and hold.
I don't know if it's practical to mine a relay, but if we do retreat from the Nubian Expanse, we should mine the HELL out of area around the relay from the Caleston Rift and leave at least a modest covering force.
It seems that Rachni presence is quite heavy in Hades Nexus. If Phoenix Massing is out of Rachni's hands, then the only reason for 3rd fleet to not be able to retreat there from HN is massive Rachni fleet on HN side of HN-PM relay.
About new fronts etc. - it would be ideal for us and our eastern allies to take not only Nubian Expanse and Hades Nexus, but Caleston Rift as well. That would contract our lines greatly - it would make Phoenix Massing, Nubian Expanse and Pylos Nebula safe, while cutting out Brishak Expanse force from reinforcements.
I suspect that by the time we could prepare an offensive to accomplish this feat, the rachni will have built up their defenses in the Caleston Rift vastly, possibly beyond our ability to crack.