See, I was under the impression that Mira would in fact be giving input into the final wording of the declaration. The people who wouldn't be giving input are the players.
Speaking purely IC, Mira might have an amount of input that is not
literally nothing, but she's basically giving up her
right to have any input if the Assembly doesn't think she should.
This is a lot more power than most of us originally decided/wanted to give the Assembly. Especially since it
seems as if, by passing this bill, we may be pre-committing to pass whatever the Assembly comes up with.
So we the players may get an unpleasant surprise or three in the declaration of independence that comes out of voting "Pass" here. I don't want that surprise. And Mira, personally, is giving up a lot of her formal authority over what the Assembly decides.
If we wanted it that way, we should have voted to give the Assembly more formal power in the first place. Not created a situation where they immediately 'hack' themselves into more power because we created a system that looked well designed to limit their authority but then gave them an easy "pass a popular bill that says we're gonna pass a bill" hack that lets them get at our root password, which is set to "password."
Yes and no? The players get zero say but Mira have real power in influencing the end result, which is more than reasonable as it was a logical development for giving actual power to the assembly.
My main counter-argument is that this represents a very rapid shift in the balance of power between Mira and the legislature, within no more than a few months of the legislature's creation.
If Mira's veto wasn't supposed to mean "she actually gets to read the bills before deciding whether or not to pass them," then she shouldn't have an absolute veto in the first place. If Mira's veto wasn't supposed to mean "yes, she still gets to veto even if three quarters of the Assembly wants to try this, if you don't like it, vote her out of office at the next election cycle," she shouldn't have an absolute veto in the first place.
Whatever balance of power was designed into Virmire's constitution under the current system, we're shifting it very quickly without a clear idea of who the power players are and how well it's going to work. I don't think that's a good idea.
Lot of times players get scared of doing things,
We are going to declare independencce anyway, If the first turn we can veto something we do?
That's not going to be nice...
I'm not even sure what any of this means.
Bluntly, I'm not one bit "scared" of Virmire declaring independence and I resent the implication that I am. I think it might not be a good idea. But saying there's no difference between "don't do it because it's a bad idea" and saying "don't do it because I'm scared" is like saying "come on, stick a fork in an electrical socket, what are you,
chicken?" It's offensive and foolish.
Even if,
as you say, it is inevitable that Virmire declares independence, I would like us to have some control over the terms on which we do so, and I would like us to actually have a damn clue about the interstellar situation in which we do so. Instead of just voting for it sight-unseen, as a blank check, the first time the issue even crosses our desk. I don't like making blind jumps when it would be this easy to open our eyes.
Plus do you think Citadel is going to come to help if we vote to stay for a bit more?
They wouldn't have left in the first place,
They "left" because the rachni were overrunning every military base and fleet in that part of the galaxy. The rachni were stopped
one cluster short of the Citadel, D. The Council could not possibly have known whether they'd be able to stop the rachni at all, and leaving behind forces to protect Virmire might very well have just meant those forces got cut off and chewed up.
Have you ever heard of "defeat in detail?" It's what happens when you maneuver to subdivide an enemy force into smaller forces, then crush each individual force with your greater numbers. In this way, you can easily defeat quite a large army, while taking few losses yourself. In a serious war, avoiding defeat in detail is one of the top priorities of any military commander.
The Council could not know, when it abandoned Virmire, how many ships it would need to stop the rachni from overrunning Virmire. It could not know how many ships it would need to stop the rachni from overrunning the Citadel itself, or going on to overrun Thessia and Sur'Kesh and other homeworlds. The answer might well be "all the ships we have, with none left over to make a last stand at Virmire." The answer might well even be "more ships than we have, the galaxy is fucked."
While I fully agree that Virmire has every right to declare independence under these circumstances... The Council had its head caught in a vise during the early phase of the Rachni War when Virmire was abandoned. There were
NO good options for the Council, and even if they had considered Virmire very important and valuable, even if they had been good people, they might well have felt forced to abandon it.
Now that we are in a far better position, and have a military that can actually
HELP them instead of just being an extra load on their forces that might force them to split their defenses and lose everything... we are much more likely to get good treatment from them.
No matter what, the citadel isn't going to consider us anywhere near it's priorities.
So if we don't delare the independence we got the same negatives than acception but without the positive part
of being independents.
Then we're all dead because the rachni are going to eat us, because we were
explicitly told "if you do not get reinforcements, you will die" in the setup for this game. So far we've had a good, lucky run of successes against relatively weak rachni forces, a goodly distance from the front lines. But by accomplishing as much as we've done, we've now become a threat the rachni are going to have to take seriously. If we don't at least
try to link up with the Council at some point in the reasonably near future, they can mass a lot more force to squash us than we can mass to stop them.
Plus with our popularity right now our suggestions wil have some weight.
And yet, we are signing away Mira's
right to have weight, and we are signing away
our weight entirely, because Mira's opinions do not reliably represent our opinions. How is this a good idea?