Because Danny Hebert is a law abiding man, by and large. He has a daughter to raise, had a wife who loved him, and work which he felt needed to be done. Then his wife died, and Danny shut down in a bid to cope with the loss. But now they have made themselves a clear and present threat. I suspect the kids gloves are coming off, cause the Heberts are going to war.
If he is a Vet, means that he has the patient for them to give themselves a FUBAR situation they can't escaped?
I mean what happens if Danny Hebert got his hand on a CAR-15/M4?
He might not be a vet from the military either, if we're right about his family tree. He seemed rather chill about Taylor spending a few years fighting through hell. So it could be that the family has a history of members going on unplanned trips to fight aliens/demons/nazi.
He might not be a vet from the military either, if we're right about his family tree. He seemed rather chill about Taylor spending a few years fighting through hell. So it could be that the family has a history of members going on unplanned trips to fight aliens/demons/nazi.
So in WWII Great Grandpa found himself leading a Resistance Group in Europe.
Grandpa found himself fighting Demons or Aliens.
Danny Hebert found himself fighting Demons or Aliens....
Talylor is proven have been fighting Demons...
"There's a saying you humans have. 'War is worse than hell, for in Hell, the innocent are spared.' It's not accurate, we find innocence to be a delicacy."

*terrified whimpering*

"Do you know what is worse than War?"


"When SHE gets annoyed... Do not annoy the Queen."
Waggles hand

Sorts. If Japan had caught the American carriers in Pearl like their ops plan called for then we would have been fubar. Maybe we could have held Pearl after that, but what we would not have been able to do was project power like we needed to, at the times we needed to. Would we have won eventually, yes, but the war would have likely taken another 5 or so years because we would have put off the Pacific until after we had dealt with Europe.

5? years, nope 1 or 2 max.

In the 4 years of war the US added 27 full sized aircraft carriers to its navy (the latest twice as big as the first ones), 70 light ones (that were pretty able to go against the IJN, as the Leyte Gulf battle demonstrated), 5 battleships (with 12 more "refurbished"), and a frigging thousand cruisers, frigates and destroyers to cover those capital ships ... and that is without the ones that were built for the Brits and French for convoy duty, mostly.

They could have ended the war with the Japanese before defeating Germany, if they have ignored the Philippines, as the Navy wanted ( MacArthur wanted to keep his promise to return and won that "fight" in Washington ).

Aand, sorry, that has nothing to do with the Taydoom. So I drop this right now. If any one want to keep this theme, lets go to another thread or PM...
Speaking of Growling Demons and all, why do I have the image of Brian finally deciding to man up and make his way back to the Bay to grab Aisha before making a run it, only to find that Aisha somehow became a "priestess" for a bunch of Demons and is teaching them how to survive living on Earth-Bet?

Priestess Aisha: Alright, class, now this is a Nazi. What do we do with Nazis?

Demon Hoard: Kill!! (Hoard of Demons fall on poor, poor Nazis)

Brian: On the one hand, she's teaching them true life skills. On the other hand, their Demon's and she's a priestess to the Queen of Hell...
I've often wondered, how much rewriting or re-imagining of a story do these threads cause? Because, some of the ideas that come up are just fascinating. :D
I've often wondered, how much rewriting or re-imagining of a story do these threads cause? Because, some of the ideas that come up are just fascinating. :D
You have to realise that, A) The author is a Troll, and B) Any ideas used will be stylishly resprayed and have the serial numbers lovingly filed off. :)
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This story has gone so far into the Rip, Tear, Blood, Gore Horror and Tragedy area that it has come back around into Comedy. Humor that is filled with things exploding, Taylor raging, etc., but still (very dark) comedy.
This thread has gone completely off the rails for the past few pages, so in a foolhardy attempt to get it back on topic before mod/amicus attention is required...

Regardless of whether or not Danny is Doomguy or Commander Keen or just a properly raised Blazkowicz, it leaves a plot hole and-slash-or very important question:
Why does Brockton Bay still have any nazis at all?

I mean... He pretty handily displays how easy of a time he would have in exterminating most if not all of them by himself, shredding Cricket in the blink of an eye with a regular shotgun. Better weaponry than that is easily and readily available in the U.S., even without the bevy of connections a union hiring manager in what was once a busy port would potentially have. And it's certainly not an ethical or moral dilemma regarding nonviolence... So why hasn't Danny ever declared open season and gone a-huntin'? What has kept his hand?
Because Danny Hebert is a law abiding man, by and large. He has a daughter to raise, had a wife who loved him, and work which he felt needed to be done. Then his wife died, and Danny shut down in a bid to cope with the loss. But now they have made themselves a clear and present threat. I suspect the kids gloves are coming off, cause the Heberts are going to war.
I'm going to call it as he promised Annette he wouldn't go doing that again unless he or his family was personally threatened. Allfather likely knew what he was getting into if he poked that particular bear and decided not to go there. I'm willing to bet that Kaiser on the other hand, at best considers the legend of the Blazkowicz's the Nazi equivalent of the south's 'lost cause' narrative. But after what happened to Taylor, he's got no reason to just stand aside anymore. She can clearly take care of herself, and she got hurt despite his standing aside in the face of evil. All that means his promise is discharged.
He might not be a vet from the military either, if we're right about his family tree. He seemed rather chill about Taylor spending a few years fighting through hell. So it could be that the family has a history of members going on unplanned trips to fight aliens/demons/nazi.
That would be a hell of a frustrating family tradition now wouldn't it? I mean, how do you explain that to your kids until they go through it themselves? Who would believe you before Parahumans? Who is going to believe you now even?

It might be worse, in that it skips a generation. So your grandfather tells stories, when drunk enough, about the crazy adventure he was dragged into. But then despite all the talent and the bits of training passed on by Taylor's grandpa, Danny lives a (relatively) normal life and figures it was just some eccentric bit of his father's. Sure, it came in handy that one time Annette needed to disconnect firmly with Lustrum's cronies, but that was incidental.

Then this happens and the kid listening on his father's knee of the best way to break a jaw with your hands is suddenly validated. All that time in the back 'yard' shooting cans has a purpose, a higher calling...

No matter what we find out, it's clear Danny is taking this too well for it to fully come from nowhere. The legions of Doom have seen this kind of horror before. Something wyrd is in that family line and now it's come home to roost. And I mean, hay, if your a demon, the new boss giving orders instead of death is a marked improvement over the last Slayer. Progress!
I guess I might admit I've never played 'Doom', nor am I likely to... And, when I see references to 'last Slayer' I might wonder if their name was "Faith", and what she'd be like if you stuffed her in power armour which didn't interfere with her existing abilities... Might be little point in giving her ranged weapons...

I could also imagine her meeting-up with Taylor, them looking each other over, nodding, then getting back to business. :)
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I guess I might admit I've never played 'Doom', nor am I likely to... And, when I see references to 'last Slayer' I might wonder if their name was "Faith", and what she'd be like if you stuffed her in power armour which didn't interfere with her existing abilities... Might be little point in giving her ranged weapons...

I could also imagine her meeting-up with Taylor, them looking each other over, nodding, then getting back to business. :)

To be fair, their are even odds that a Slayer's natural affinity to weapons probably extends to Firearms as well. On one hand probably no genetic/mystical instinct from previous slayers but well mystical empowerment.

Though a core conceit of the Buffy style hell is that most of the Demons near the 'surface' of hell and on Earth are diluted crossbreeds with human blood in them. Fullbreed Demons were fucking terrifying, though with the fact that slayers in the past managed to drive them off earth is rather telling at how badass they could get.

It's kind of questionable how well Doom Taylor would get along with some Slayers. Kendra, who had no life but slaying, would probably get on with the killing of demons. Buffy and Faith, however, are much more casual, quip-like in their interaction and Taylor is just feeling so much rage that either she joins in and they get to demon killing, or they get a BFG aimed at their heads to make them shut up.
To be fair, their are even odds that a Slayer's natural affinity to weapons probably extends to Firearms as well. On one hand probably no genetic/mystical instinct from previous slayers but well mystical empowerment.

Though a core conceit of the Buffy style hell is that most of the Demons near the 'surface' of hell and on Earth are diluted crossbreeds with human blood in them. Fullbreed Demons were fucking terrifying, though with the fact that slayers in the past managed to drive them off earth is rather telling at how badass they could get.

It's kind of questionable how well Doom Taylor would get along with some Slayers. Kendra, who had no life but slaying, would probably get on with the killing of demons. Buffy and Faith, however, are much more casual, quip-like in their interaction and Taylor is just feeling so much rage that either she joins in and they get to demon killing, or they get a BFG aimed at their heads to make them shut up.
Taylor would more than likely not get along with Buffy at all. One of the things that was brought up a few times in the show was Buffy's belief that guns were useless when fighting demons, and in fact only made things worse when used. Even though it was shown that vampires and other lower level demons could be hurt by handguns and the higher caliber stuff was even more effective. Also Buffy had a big thing about not killing humans, or any being she believed had a soul. Whereas Taylor has no issues with any of that.
Taylor would more than likely not get along with Buffy at all. One of the things that was brought up a few times in the show was Buffy's belief that guns were useless when fighting demons, and in fact only made things worse when used. Even though it was shown that vampires and other lower level demons could be hurt by handguns and the higher caliber stuff was even more effective. Also Buffy had a big thing about not killing humans, or any being she believed had a soul. Whereas Taylor has no issues with any of that.

I've not kept up with my Buffy knowledge, but wasn't that fanon? I can't remember her ever actually decrying guns, or modern weaponry. I must admit I always thought it was a combination of access and law that led to them not using modern weaponry. Convenience in other words.

Certainly, they had BOTH sides occasionally using them, and being very effective with them.
it is kind of an assumed mentality since she is a California Valley Girl and has spent a good portion of her high school life dealing with Watchers who tend to teach a melee response to any problem
I've not kept up with my Buffy knowledge, but wasn't that fanon? I can't remember her ever actually decrying guns, or modern weaponry. I must admit I always thought it was a combination of access and law that led to them not using modern weaponry. Convenience in other words.

Certainly, they had BOTH sides occasionally using them, and being very effective with them.
There was an episode in season 6 where she specifically takes a gun away from a guard who was shooting at a demon and tells him guns don't help and only make things worse.
As to them not using modern weapons a lot of it was due to the laws, and the fact that for the first 3 seasons the majority of the characters were underage. Other comments were made by Buffy throughout the series that showed her guns bad mentality.
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I feel that the Watchers could use a lesson or two on proper introductions. Throwing a knife at a girl does not make a good first impression.
I feel that the Watchers could use a lesson or two on proper introductions. Throwing a knife at a girl does not make a good first impression.
I... don't want to imagine what the response from Taylor, the Doom Queen would be to that kind of first impression. I'm not sure I'd be at minimum safe distance from that. (Okay, yes I do, it'd be glorious for the 0.2 seconds before I died.)
I... don't want to imagine what the response from Taylor, the Doom Queen would be to that kind of first impression. I'm not sure I'd be at minimum safe distance from that. (Okay, yes I do, it'd be glorious for the 0.2 seconds before I died.)
She might just do the 'that's not a knife' meme. Of course, unlike Taylor (or a Slayer), the Watcher in question probably won't have the necessary reflexes and response time to catch Taylor's knife when she throws it at him.