Nice words!
Now I wonder what would happen if our entrepid lead would wander into Helltaker tho. :cool:
A withered corpse lies amidst a pile of silken pillows and sharply dressed succubi.
Doom!Taylor: "So... This guy actually came down here willingly, knowing exactly what he was getting into, and decided that fucking succubi was totally worth getting his soul eaten and his flesh turned into a demon?"
*Succubi nod*
*Withered corpse nods*
Doom!Taylor: "Right then." *Ominous hum* "Time for Mister Death."
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... what would happen if Doom!Taylor was to meet Sergeant Schlock?
Considering Schlock managed to achieve Dark Matter Apotheosis and has his own Core Generator?

Intergalactic decimation.

You just know that Doom!Taylor would plug Mister Death into the Core Generator, and it would work.
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Taylor: 3 Sunnydale: 0
Taylor: 5. The two initial vampires and the three down the alley after she finished adjusting the plasma rifle power.
And if you kill a fluffy bunny and the Doomslayer finds out, well... you might get just enough time to regret doing that...
Right, no more following SlackAttack and his bunny killing Skyrim videos.
Also what happened to the judge? Did they eat him, or induct him into their cult, or what?
The Judge was exploded.
Into a fine rain of meaty giblets.
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The DOOM slayers weapons cannot be regular weapons, the barrels would have worn thin enough to be used as sheet metal if that was the case. If you play the games you never see any maintenance, cleaning or repair happen to the weapons. The closest you get is when you upgrade the weapons.

Either the weapons manufacturers in the Doom verse have cracked some sort of totally amazing metal that can withstand friction for literally hundreds of thousands of shots or the slayer reinforces the weapons he picks up with some of the energy he steals from demons.

If there is a new alloy for use in weapons I would imagine that most companies would use the added capability to increase chamber pressure and projectile velocity and thus wear out the barrel in about as short a time period as before or use the stronger metal to decrease cost of manufacturing by using very little of it and simply using lead ballast near the shoulder stock to decrease recoil, would make for a jittery weapon for most people though.
The DOOM slayers weapons cannot be regular weapons, the barrels would have worn thin enough to be used as sheet metal if that was the case. If you play the games you never see any maintenance, cleaning or repair happen to the weapons. The closest you get is when you upgrade the weapons.

Either the weapons manufacturers in the Doom verse have cracked some sort of totally amazing metal that can withstand friction for literally hundreds of thousands of shots or the slayer reinforces the weapons he picks up with some of the energy he steals from demons.

If there is a new alloy for use in weapons I would imagine that most companies would use the added capability to increase chamber pressure and projectile velocity and thus wear out the barrel in about as short a time period as before or use the stronger metal to decrease cost of manufacturing by using very little of it and simply using lead ballast near the shoulder stock to decrease recoil, would make for a jittery weapon for most people though.
Orrrrr, much more likely, the developers thought that including item degradation and maintenance in a game about ripping demons limb from limb with your bare hands wasnt really necessary? Just a thought.
The DOOM slayers weapons cannot be regular weapons, the barrels would have worn thin enough to be used as sheet metal if that was the case. If you play the games you never see any maintenance, cleaning or repair happen to the weapons. The closest you get is when you upgrade the weapons.

Either the weapons manufacturers in the Doom verse have cracked some sort of totally amazing metal that can withstand friction for literally hundreds of thousands of shots or the slayer reinforces the weapons he picks up with some of the energy he steals from demons.

If there is a new alloy for use in weapons I would imagine that most companies would use the added capability to increase chamber pressure and projectile velocity and thus wear out the barrel in about as short a time period as before or use the stronger metal to decrease cost of manufacturing by using very little of it and simply using lead ballast near the shoulder stock to decrease recoil, would make for a jittery weapon for most people though.

Consider the time the games were made. Also consider that modern shooters still don't include weapon degradation yet you are suppose to be using bog standard firearms. Likely ones that weren't even properly maintained when you acquire them.

The timeline for Doom goes as follows:

Doom: Doomguy is a marine being disciplined for insubordination, he's left behind with only a single pistol to 'guard the exit' when his squad is sent to deal with an emergency. They all die. In this game his weapons are bog standard guns, for the most part. The plasma gun and BFG are pretty much the only ranged weapons that aren't normal firearms that use normal ammunition. He has to find ammo stashes to restock on bullets. The chainsaw is an exception in that it never runs out of fuel, but also doesn't insta-gib almost everything. It's basically an improved melee weapon. Speaking of which, if you run out of ammo you can use brass knuckles. Not the best idea, but it shows that none of the demons are immune to mundane weapons. The game ends with him stepping out of a portal from hell, and finding him self outside Sidney. This is where he learns his pet rabbit Daisy has been killed by demons.

Doom 2: Probably follows someone else. In this game, which is suppose to take place right after the events of Doom, you play as a marine who also had been stationed on Mars, who has just arrived via drop ship from Mars following the events of Doom. He's one of the few survivors of the incident. Once again your weapons are bog standard kinetic weapons with a couple energy guns. Don't know if the chainsaw is in this game, but probably was.

Doom 64: This time the game follows the Doomguy from the original game, and has him returning to Mars when a new hell invasion begins. Once more he uses bog standard weapons, and needs to find mundane ammunition or he'll run out. Game ends with him closing the hell portal from the other side, trapping himself in Hell. He's still pissed about Daisy being killed, and has declared War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt on demons.

Doom 3 is an alternate timeline that retells the events of Doom 1 while expanding the story a great deal

Doom 2016/Doom Eternal: The original Doomguy, now known in hell as The Doomslayer is still alive and still a major threat to demons. In yet another timeline he's found trapped in a sarcophagus after the demons eventually managed to capture him. At some point between Doom 64 and Doom 2016 he was given the ability to absorb the essence of demons to restore his own health and vitality. In this specific timeline the weapons he manages to rearm himself use solidified argent energy (or hell energy) instead of normal bullets. This was changed to explain how he can restock on ammo by taking enemies out with a chainsaw. It's also why you can restock all ammo types from a single (glowing blue) ammo stash instead of having to find ammo stashes of specific types of ammunition. Also at some point between the two games his armor was upgraded from standard (and honestly kind of flimsy) Marine Armor to his Praetor Armor seen in Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.

According to Doom Eternal, Argent Energy is merely refined hell energy. It's refined via the torture of human souls in Hell.

I think the argument about DOOMlor vs DMC is getting a bit out of hand here...

To resolve it (at least partially) (I hope...) I would like to know what Mppi has to say about it.
I've occasionally been half-tempted to brew my coffee with bourbon, but that would be both expensive and probably hideous.
Cold brew steeping in liquor is probably easier and more likely to keep the alcohol content.

Most commonly it's done with vodka to make things like gummy bear vodka or coffee vodka.

Or you could do some SCIENCE! and make Black Blood of the Earth. (Less Mad Science is Homemade Cold Brew) ((Somewhere I have a great tumblr post about after seeing *that* post someone made a much less intense triple brewed cold brew based on Black Blood of the Earth.))
I've occasionally been half-tempted to brew my coffee with bourbon, but that would be both expensive and probably hideous.
Alcohol is terrible at extracting the caffeine from the beans. The boiling point of alcohol is far lower than what you would want for percolated, drip, or espresso. It might be okay for cold brew, but the alcohol is going to bind to the flavor compounds in the beans much harder than water and the water in the bourbon is not going to have as much opportunity to extract the caffeine. It'd be an interesting experiment, I grant you, but I'd definitely recommend a light roast or maybe even un-roasted beans. Otherwise, you'll just get a bitter, weird extractive.
This sounds like something that someone, somewhere, must have tried before and documented the experience on the internet.
I confess to being partial to Irish Cream, in terms of adding alcohol to coffee. I also imagine that using alcohol as the base for drip coffee would result in much disappoint.
A nice snippet, but it bugs me that even in an omake to a fanfiction that doesn't even feature him, angel somehow *still* has plot armor!

From Taylor's perspective, he's one if the local vermin/predators preying on humans, why would she not kill him?

Also what happened to the judge? Did they eat him, or induct him into their cult, or what?
That is why it is called plot armour.

Taylor is here to have fun. She had more fun repeatedly smashing him into the wall than she would have had by splattering him across it.

They lit him on fire and watched him burn.

Edit:This is why I should refresh before posting.
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I suppose you could use instant coffee... but why?

Well, a quarter teaspoon if Instant Coffee is an optional ingredient in my Brownie Recipe, and amps up the chocolate flavor a fair bit...

Oh, wait, you mean to Drink? Sorry, but I'm not that sort of masochist. Besides, unless it's Cold Brew, I really don't care for coffee; I'll take tea any time instead.

Though I do wonder.... I've had cold brew iced tea on more then one occasion. I wonder if things would turn out acceptably if I cold brewed green tea using a Neutral Grain Spirit like Vodka instead of water to make a "hard" tea that actually contains tea unlike Long Island Iced Tea......
Hard Tea is the most British thing I have ever heard of.
Having done a bit of research since my last post, it seems to be more a Southern U.S. thing; I found several recipes for Sweet Tea Vodka, that are basically cold brewed tea in Vodka, with a warning that you don't want to go for more then about 2 1/2 hours or else it will become bitter, then sweetened with either sugar or simple syrup.

That said, I'm half surprised Giles doesn't have a jar of concentrated, unsweetened Tea Vodka for making Hot Toddies with.......
Because that would be a sacrilege to the almighty Tea. He complains enough that Americans don't understand what tea is.

EDIT: Serously. The only ones who take tea more seriously then the British are from China and Japan.
I like both, depending for what I need them.

Thea for the days my intestine and stomach decide to be rebellious or when I whant to make a quick dinner (thea and sandwiches are the best when you do not want to spend too much time on the stove), coffee for the quick moments.

Yes, I'm Italian, why do you ask?