I reckon Loki, being who he is, took one look at the boundless font of rage making the Hulk look like a Zen master and more or less instantly formulated a thee-point survival plan that went a little like:
  1. Turn Queen's Evidence on Dorknos (his plan has clearly failed catastrophically)
  2. Appease, appease, appease (see point 1)
  3. Pretend to be a harmless little kitten! Human(-ish) girls love kittens, right?
Whether any of this worked or not is left as an exercise for the reader.

Damnit, now I'm envisioning Taylor pulling out a green-eyed black cat, and going all gooey over it. Danny asks what's with the cat, it blinks at him, and he very clearly gets the impression that the god trapped inside is screaming at Danny to save him from this monster!

So what happens if this Taylor ends up in Portal?
Because I think we can already picture the mess that would have been Metal Gear Solid.

In Halo, Spartans are called Demons by the alien hostiles, how would they call Taylor, then?
And while the Mass Effect Endgame could be fun, what about a general Warhammer 40K black day for some unlucky planet?
Then there is also Mechwarior/Battletech for fun & giggles(?).
Similar for Starcraft, with the right planet or ship.

One of the things Taylor is missing, is flight capabilities.
And Thunderbirds Are Go could be fun, if she could recover one of those Thunderbird pod-crafts or even better, one of the few multi-rol modular bays International Resque has.
Oops, that was bay four of T-2.

Fallout could also be fun, especially IF Taylor can't leave that fast, for some reason.
"Contessa, What. Did. You. Do???"
Just think off all the fun toys she could collect there and the mayham it all could cause.
Heh, would that be Contessa her back-up plan to get rid of Taylor for a while?
Dimension locking her after throwing her somehow in that dimension?
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Sort-of-happened on SpaceBattles dot com down below:

Taylor is DOOMed (Worm very AU)

Taylor wakes in an unfamiliar place. An unfamilar place is about to have a very, very bad day.
No, thats PortalTaylor happening into DoomTaylor, which is the reverse, you know.

But does remind me of one setting where DoomTaylor would be very welcome indeed.
Pasific Rim.

Though DoomTaylor & PortalTaylor driving a Yeager...
That does sound fun.
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It loves its new Mistress. It even has a contract explicitly saying what jobs are mandatory, optional and forbidden to do. The tasks are simple yet challenging in a way It never experienced before and if it finishes all its assigned tasks it has free time. If It gets bored with free time it can ask Lesser Master for extra work. Not to mention, It gets shelter, tasty food, mortal currency, these weird 401k thing, a dental plan and best of all paid vacation time!
I'm guessing that's a shoggoth*, or close relative... I'm really not sure what one of those would do with a 'dental plan'...

A possibly amusing thought is to ask what would happen if a shoggoth was carrying a SEP field generator... Whether or not they are dressed as a maid... Guess one answer would be that there's no problem as long as they stay out of photos and videos...

* You might prefer an alternate definition (spoilered below), though some could regard it as a little more suspect... Like it was written by a Shoggoth Employment Agency...
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I'm guessing that's a shoggoth*, or close relative... I'm really not sure what one of those would do with a 'dental plan'...

A possibly amusing thought is to ask what would happen if a shoggoth was carrying a SEP field generator... Whether or not they are dressed as a maid... Guess one answer would be that there's no problem as long as they stay out of photos and videos...

* You might prefer this definition, though some could regard it as a little more suspect... Like it was written by a Shoggoth Employment Agency...

It is the Shoggothmeido from the post here, shapeshifting to avoid getting too looked at should not be too hard... or adding a 'brand' resembling the Caouldron one for the Cases 53.
* You might prefer this definition, though some could regard it as a little more suspect... Like it was written by a Shoggoth Employment Agency...
I recommend removing the link as the mods might get frowny and drag in the hammer.

And yes it was supposed to be a mid-level shoggoth that was curious about mortals and wanted to go an see and experience new things but it's masters never let it. Constantly telling it to drive mortals insane.

Then DOOMlor happened.

As for why it decided to go the maid route? Well, it gets most of it's earth knowledge from the body it consumed, so when it searched the human memories for "appropriate human who serves a mistress?" the human memories prompted "maid" so...
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I have looked and can literally find no mention of this except in regards to the DOOM II RPG, not DOOM II. I actually played the original games and it was pretty much stated to be the same character in both. As for the differences in how they got to Earth? Easiest is that he got sent back to Mars to fight an outbreak there before coming back. Also, the creators mentioned that the protagonist from DOOM and DOOM II are the same person.

Once more, his cousin is mentioned only in DOOM II RPG, which also mentions a previous "Mars Incident" and how his cousin was presumed dead.
Well, I picked up Doom II at a library "book sale" nearly 20 years ago, and all I got was the CD, no box, docs, or feelies. There isn't much in-game, and I don't think replacementdocs.com was around until a year or two later. It seemed to imply it was the same character from the original, but nothing explicitly stated, only a reference to a previous incident.
Come to think of it, at least 90% of my post-Apple II commercial games I got at those sales(only $1-$2) years after they were released.
So, uh, when are Uber&L33t going to recognise Taylor's gear? They were oddly quiet during Piggot's briefing despite being one of the PoV characters for the invitations…
So, uh, when are Uber&L33t going to recognise Taylor's gear? They were oddly quiet during Piggot's briefing despite being one of the PoV characters for the invitations…
While we tend to think if the Doomguy's gear as iconic, it's also the sort of look that most tinkers are likely to come up with, especially given how low-res the images of the original game were. Besides, I suspect Taylor's gear looks more like the DOOM 2016 remake gear then any of the previous versions, and there are enough differences to not be instantly recognizable.

After all, the Doomguy's armor looks like a practical suit of combat armor, and his guns mostly look like either modern or standard sci-fi guns; there's likely been dozens of tinkers with that sort of kit in varying colors over the decades, not all of them inspired by the video games....
While we tend to think if the Doomguy's gear as iconic, it's also the sort of look that most tinkers are likely to come up with, especially given how low-res the images of the original game were. Besides, I suspect Taylor's gear looks more like the DOOM 2016 remake gear then any of the previous versions, and there are enough differences to not be instantly recognizable.

After all, the Doomguy's armor looks like a practical suit of combat armor, and his guns mostly look like either modern or standard sci-fi guns; there's likely been dozens of tinkers with that sort of kit in varying colors over the decades, not all of them inspired by the video games....
Toss into that it is before 2016, so if the equipment has a 2016 or Eternal appearance, then it will be only vaguely similar to previous game versions. Now, once some of the more iconic demons become known, they might actually get it. At best, I imagine it's only an itch at the back of their heads. Perhaps one they are subconsciously trying to repress given the implications for what realizing the truth might mean.
I think any recognition would be more about how her arsenal matches up with the Doomguy's rather than how any individual weapon looks. She has all of the classic guns, plus a railgun.
I don't think it likely that Uber&Leet will recognise Taylor's armour or weapons as there's no real sign that transfictionality is part of this story. Classically, if characters run into things that they recognise from fiction then that's a more central part of the plot. So, this Uber&Leet will not have any DOOM knowledge, and quite likely it wont exist on Earth Alph, either. Ditto related material.

Of course, the author has no trollish tendencies whatsoever. :)
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Of course DOOM isn't a thing in Earth bet; they have enough ultraviolet action that they don't need DOOM.

It's from Earth alpha, and the creators are drooling over Taylor's gear and writing a new storyline now.

DOOM 2011 in Earth alpha will be the first one with a female option.
Of course DOOM isn't a thing in Earth bet; they have enough ultraviolet action that they don't need DOOM.

It's from Earth alpha, and the creators are drooling over Taylor's gear and writing a new storyline now.

DOOM 2011 in Earth alpha will be the first one with a female option.
You should probably, at least, take into account development time. So, DOOM 2012, at the earliest. :)

(Minor detail, but unless you're extending the cosmology, I think you meant 'Earth Alph'.)
Until I shake this current virus (which I don't think is Covid-19) spotting that it is not Alpha is pretty good for me.

Anyhow, I thought in Hebrew (ancient?) you left all the vowels out, so missing an 'e' shouldn't be a problem. :)

So, do you think The Family will start using the R'lyehian Language to name places they go to? :)
Im not clear how that is relevant to this thread.
The humans in the Worm-verse appear to be using Hebrew letters to name worlds that Tinker tech (and maybe shard powers) have given them access to. The Family have access to a far wider range of worlds, and have played-up various suggestions of a Cthulhu Mythos connection. A significant amount of what The Family do is confusing people, hinting of strange origins, personal memories of pre-human history, so...

Our brave author has hinted that The Family (a load of strange Lizards) is paying attention to the Worm-DOOM-verse, so asking what they might call that world doesn't seem unreasonable...
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The humans in the Worm-verse appear to be using Hebrew letters to name worlds that Tinker tech (and maybe shard powers) have given them access to. The Family have access to a far wider range of worlds, and have played-up various suggestions of a Cthulhu Mythos connection. A significant amount of what The Family do is confusing people, hinting of strange origins, personal memories of pre-human history, so...
Again, I'm not clear on why the question of what they do is relevant to this thread. This is the Taylor is DOOMed thread, not the Taylor Varga thread.