The only point it's possible for someone not to get any angrier is when their rage has solidified into an actual physical presence.
Taylor's should be just shy of that point by the time she gets out of Hell, so I'm expecting Gallant to curl up into a ball and start weeping, Tattletale to start praying for the shadow of death to pass her by, and Lung to turn into a full dragon in the middle of his paperwork without quite realizing why he suddenly felt so threatened.
I mean full 0 to 100, instant godzilla-sized Lung, just add Doomslayer.

'Ugh. I really wish some of the thugs I employed were better at paperwork so I didn't have to *HURF* and now I'm at the level I was after hours of fighting Leviathan. What the FUCK?'
I'm personally imagining Lung talking to some goons, with Oni Lee by his side, then *FOOMP* he explodes like an airbag to dragon form, and Oni Lee is cartwheeling through the air.

Kind of like the guy in fail number 2, I'd imagine.
"Oh girls just wanna have guns," she sang, holding the trigger down and hosing plasma at everything in sight.

BB PRT gathered and watching the helmet cam during a briefing
BATTERY: "You're not supposed to be smiling, Militia."
M.MILITIA: *Cough* "Apologies."
ARMSMASTER: "You're not supposed to be smiling and humming along, Director."
BB PRT gathered and watching the helmet cam during a briefing
BATTERY: "You're not supposed to be smiling, Militia."
M.MILITIA: *Cough* "Apologies."
ARMSMASTER: "You're not supposed to be smiling and humming along, Director."
Haven't you heard about the newest sensation sweeping the nation? Bitches love cannons.
Uh, it's sounding to me like the cross-dimensional transporter functions just like every other teleporter in the DOOMverse in that when you use it, you go to Hell, fight your way to a certain point, then exit at your destination. Which is likely to make Taylor even angrier than the Mars Base has already made her, since she'll not only be up against more demons after she just got done clearing the out the Base, but she'll be fighting them on their fucking home turf.

And don't say that she can't get any angrier than she already is, we all know that yes, she can and will get angrier, and will simply continue to accumulate raw rage long past the point any other organic being would have exploded, just from the sheer bloodlust, fury, and HATEHATEHATE they have bottled up inside their heads. I fully expect Taylor to wrap straight around from "absolute zero calm" to "RIPANDTEAR" several times over before she even gets back to Brockton Bay.

I can't remember Gallant's emotivison having any real range limits, so BB should light up like the sun to him once Taylor arrives. A sun that's gone red giant out of sheer rage and then expanded into an enormous nebula of Fuck You with a neutron star of pure KILL inhabiting the center.
And Doomlor will achieve something only the Angry Marines in 40K have achieved.
She is Literallly to Angry to Die!
I hope Taylor remembered to setup an automated shut down before she left. Granted, when the UAC finally gets back there, to their Mars base, they are really going to be scratching their heads.
What happens when/if Chevalier looks at her?
Hmm. Tough to say. On one hand, she hasn't Triggered, and likely never will, since she's not only far too angry to have the breakdown that necessitates a Trigger, but there's also no Shard I can think of that could survive all the anger she would broadcast through the connection 24/7.

On the other hand, DOOM makes no secret that Doomguy is so angry, pretty much anything with half a brain can sense it on a metaphysical level. Chevy'd probably see something along the lines of a supernova. Or he'd just see Taylor standing there staring at him like a he's a demon, which should be all the Shard needs to do to get Chevy to stay clear of the walking genocide.
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The ending of the latest bit felt very Quantum Leap-y to me. You know, the opening narration where Doctor Whosit steps into the MacGuffin and vanished, each time hoping the next time would be the one that gets them home.

I also feel that many of the comments predict things that feel a bit too dark for an MPpi fic, even if it is based on the iconic gorefest FPS nastybad ultraviolent video game.
It's entirely possible that Gallant might literally fall over dead due to the shard connected to his brain fatally crashing while trying to perceive the rage. It's also possible that it'll temporarily crash and Gallant will be powerless for a month or two while it reboots.
"I don't know what happened. I just sensed this enormous... rage... for a split second, then my powers were gone."
Next stop, Hell itself - she's from Earth Bet's Brockton Bay, so urban Hell should be vaguely familiar to her.
"Weird, it's like home only... full of demons and... nicer? What the fuck?"
Haven't you heard about the newest sensation sweeping the nation? Bitches love cannons.
I wish I could find the video Vel ran across that in, because it included a line by whatsername that went something like: "He's right! Bitches do love cannons!"

I'd thought it was Hellsing Abridged, but apparently not, and I've never been able to find it.
By the time Taylor gets back home, I expect that she'll have accrued so much rage that it qualifies as a singularity (gravity well included).

Alternatively, maybe she'll be so enraged that she becomes equivalent to a Red Lantern Central Battery, which would be fun. Well, fun for her, at least.
Am I screwed up in thinking that the deaths of some stupid teenage kids responsible for what is, essentially, a domestic bioterror incident, along with the people who enabled them is actually not a bad thing in general?
not exactly bad per so - just not good either, I'd say. There's no death penalty on attempted murder after all, and with good reason. And either way, neither Emma nor Madison are likely to do anything even remotely as bad as this again, especially if Sophia is removed.
By this time, just the tea itself is probably something Taylor would be willing to delay a killing spree over, as long as Emma and/or Sophia aren't right there flapping their bitch lips in her face. She's gone how long again without a good tea-time? Really, it's understandable if she's feeling a bit stroppy after dealing with all that and no chance for a proper cup.

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I'm honestly more amused at this entire line of hyperviolent nonsense. I also feel the need to mention that there is very much a non-zero chance of Taylor getting the Angel's blessing like the Doomslayer did.

And really, she's already too angry to die, even without the respawn mechanic she has going. Not to mention the incidental clarktech PhDs and whatever else she probably qualifies for.