"Hold on." Mox wasn't going to stand by any longer. "So We...I...you're just going to trust all these pe-....individuals that you've just met-" He gestures at the surrounding group. "Without knowing a thing about them? Do you even know their names? Their skills? Wether or not they want to stab you in the back?"

Mox got as close to her as he dared, one finger directed accusingly in her direction. "You're too damn trusting. I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it..."

"Sorry but that's actually bullshit." Sam cut in, setting the suitcase aside and looking over with a mildly annoyed expression on his face "Consider the situation: We're in an apocalyptic hellscape where lava monsters are trying to kill us and we've got no idea how we got here. All these people are clearly not with the monsters or they'd be made of lava too. I'll conceit the not openly for the sake of the argument, but at least they aren't hostile.

"Which leaves two groups in place them in:" He continued, holding up two fingers for illustration "Fellow combatants who could help you, or civilians who you're supposed to protect anyway. And judging by how twitchy you are you'd have shot anyone you seriously suspect of being an infiltrator in the head as soon as possible, so the fact that you haven't already calls you out on your own bullshit.

"I'm sure this kind of behaviour is rational from your point of view but right now you're being both an asshole and a danger to the general continued survival so get your common sense out of your ass and back in your head."
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Vile snorted, just preventing himself from doubling over with laughter. "Trust? TRUST? HA! If you think I trust anyone here, you're deluded. I've never once entertained such thoughts! I can't speak for this green girl," He pointed his thumb at the Ork. "Or that green guy, but I feel we understand each other fine enough, so I'll say this. We probably just acknowledge it's smarter to work together with strangers in this hellhole until we can figure out how to get out of here. If anyone ends up proving to be dead weight or treacherous, I can crush them then. For now, I plan to use the advantages of cooperation to their fullest, even if I don't need them. If you disagree, then take off. I won't stop you."

"Smart move. I won't need refueling for a while, but it can't hurt to get something just in case. There's a chance that the Fortress the human mentioned has supplies, but I'm not sure how we could get there. The boat isn't exactly large enough for this entire group, after all. I can go underwater, but... well. We should figure out if we have anything else to do before discussing these things deeply."
Luna stared at the man who was pointing at people, a sort of bemused look on her face. "You know, you're kind of an asshole. Just thought you'd like to know that."
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Luna stared at the man who was pointing at people, a sort of bemused look on her face. "You know, you're kind of an asshole. Just thought you'd like to know that."
Vile just shrugged. "Maybe you could call me that. Still, I've killed everyone who got in my way before now, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I've just become a little more generous on what counts as 'in my way', that's all." He turned and walked towards Luna, shoulder cannon locked in forward firing position. When he stood before her, he looked down straight at her, cannon pointed in her direction. "Come to think of it, I've never directly killed a human before. I wonder what it would feel like." Abruptly, he straightened back up and had his cannon return to its neutral, upwards pointing position. "Well, I'm sure I'll find out at some point. Either way, think whatever you want to think."
Vile just shrugged. "Maybe you could call me that. Still, I've killed everyone who got in my way before now, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I've just become a little more generous on what counts as 'in my way', that's all." He turned and walked towards Luna, shoulder cannon locked in forward firing position. When he stood before her, he looked down straight at her, cannon pointed in her direction. "Come to think of it, I've never directly killed a human before. I wonder what it would feel like." Abruptly, he straightened back up and had his cannon return to its neutral, upwards pointing position. "Well, I'm sure I'll find out at some point. Either way, think whatever you want to think."
The girl stared down the cannon, her cocky grin never leaving her face. "You'll have to wait then, it'll take a lot more than a cannon to the face to kill something like me. Which, despite how cute I might be, am distinctly non-human."

Perhaps the reason that she was so cocky was indeed the fact that she didn't exactly have internal organs, so getting her head blown off would be irritating, but not deadly.
Vile just shrugged. "Maybe you could call me that. Still, I've killed everyone who got in my way before now, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I've just become a little more generous on what counts as 'in my way', that's all." He turned and walked towards Luna, shoulder cannon locked in forward firing position. When he stood before her, he looked down straight at her, cannon pointed in her direction. "Come to think of it, I've never directly killed a human before. I wonder what it would feel like." Abruptly, he straightened back up and had his cannon return to its neutral, upwards pointing position. "Well, I'm sure I'll find out at some point. Either way, think whatever you want to think."

Sam's eyebrow skyrocketed, after which he quickly scrambled into his khaki shorts and fished out his phone.

Then he let his tunes do the speaking for him. "Seriously. What is wrong with these people? Sure a bit of bloodlust is to be expected in warriors but this goes beyond lust to fullblown boners!" He thought, suddenly very concerned with the mental state of the company he was in. He could probably survive a mass brawl and he'd get a kick out of it, sure, but that really wasn't the point right now.
The girl stared down the cannon, her cocky grin never leaving her face. "You'll have to wait then, it'll take a lot more than a cannon to the face to kill something like me. Which, despite how cute I might be, am distinctly non-human."

Perhaps the reason that she was so cocky was indeed the fact that she didn't exactly have internal organs, so getting her head blown off would be irritating, but not deadly.
Vile chuckled. "Well, you're fleshy and you look the part. That's close enough. But hey, if it came down to a fight, I wouldn't complain. Longer survival means more chance for me to unload all guns onto something that's alive. Still, I doubt it'll end like that. It won't if you know what's good for you, at least."
Sam's eyebrow skyrocketed, after which he quickly scrambled into his khaki shorts and fished out his phone.

Then he let his tunes do the speaking for him. "Seriously. What is wrong with these people? Sure a bit of bloodlust is to be expected in warriors but this goes beyond lust to fullblown boners!" He thought, suddenly very concerned with the mental state of the company he was in. He could probably survive a mass brawl and he'd get a kick out of it, sure, but that really wasn't the point right now.
Vile considered the tune before him, analyzing his internal databanks. "Hmm. Crawling in my Crawl. Heh, that's an infamous one in the music community. Nobody agrees on how accurate it is as a reconstruction of a song lost during the digital part of the Wily Wars. Last I heard, the faction that said it was inaccurate was generally winning, but I'm not sure. Not that interested in music." He paused. "Judging by your fashion, you're from that time. I guess if I ever go back, I can answer that question. That was how the song was originally after all. Huh."
Vile considered the tune before him, analyzing his internal databanks. "Hmm. Crawling in my Crawl. Heh, that's an infamous one in the music community. Nobody agrees on how accurate it is as a reconstruction of a song lost during the digital part of the Wily Wars. Last I heard, the faction that said it was inaccurate was generally winning, but I'm not sure. Not that interested in music." He paused. "Judging by your fashion, you're from that time. I guess if I ever go back, I can answer that question. That was how the song was originally after all. Huh."

"Yeah, funny story that one." Sam said as dead pan as he could manage, which no easy feat given the grin creeping up on him "Crawling in my Crawl is a remix of Crawling in my Skin, which had become a mockery song towards edgelords and the like."

"The remix was made to mock them even harder." He added as his shit-eating grin finally broke trough and he turned up the volume.

Mugman slowly hopped out of his plane, although considering what had been happening lately he kept it out instead of putting it away. He listened to the others talk, about things looking degraded, about it maybe being another world. Wouldn't be that surprising, nothing looked right after all. After a few more moments of listening in, when he heard Carol mention 'coordinates' he drew a blank on what she meant for a bit, until he remembered the nautical term. Did space have things like that too? Oh gosh, he hoped his friends would be able to find out where he went. He was sure the Professor would have an idea or two after Mugman and his brother saved his soul.

Mugman wasn't sure how big space was, but he hoped his friends would be able to find him, no matter how far he was.

He sighed to himself silently as he thought about things, leaning against the now quiet engine of his plane.

He recognized the 'not actually a wrestler' wrestler women from earlier and started to walk over. About halfway there he had the awkward feeling he never asked for her name.

"Sorry about running off earlier, I didn't want any of my new friends getting hurt, you know?" He says, bashfully as he kicks at the ground awkwardly.

"By the way miss, I never really asked your name earlier." He says awkwardly as he scratches the back of his mug.
Xan looked up from resting her head against the bike's console, breathing deeply as she stared at the kind but strange little guy. Despite her months of harshness... well, she still had some sense of manners, "...Xantara... or Xan."

Xan looked up from resting her head against the bike's console, breathing deeply as she stared at the kind but strange little guy. Despite her months of harshness... well, she still had some sense of manners, "...Xantara... or Xan."
"Hi Xan, I'm Mugman." He says, smiling, glancing back a bit at what Vile had been saying, gosh, seems he guessed right about him being a creep.

"What a creep." Mugman says, referring to Vile, and then chuckling at Sam's mockery.
"Yeah, funny story that one." Sam said as dead pan as he could manage, which no easy feat given the grin creeping up on him "Crawling in my Crawl is a remix of Crawling in my Skin, which had become a mockery song towards edgelords and the like."

"The remix was made to mock them even harder." He added as his shit-eating grin finally broke trough and he turned up the volume.
Luna perked up, "Oh hey! Linkin Park! Do you have Hands Held High on there? Or Shadow of the Day?"
There was only enough surviving roof for one foot to stay on. Your other foot ended up on the wall.

"Clearly." Growled Mox, trying not to wonder why this of all places was where the man decided to choose to vacation. That said, the man(?) could clearly handle himself, and was ludicrously proficient with a katana. Faceless wouldn't pull off complicated maneuvers like that, so he might be some sort of augmented human...or something else entirely.

Sometimes Mox hated not being able to trust anyone.

"That tells us nothing." Mox spat. "Do we look like we're from around here?" His weapon was only half lowered. If the man was a faceless, or some other horrible shape-changing eldritch monstrosity plotting to murder them all, then it was taking its sweet time. That said, maybe it was really patient horrible shape changing monstrosity.

The worst kind.

If it weren't for his helmet, the look Mox gave the....thing, would have likely earned himself a slap across the face.

"Aliens? I can tell you right now that there are such things as aliens. I'm looking at one." Pratal sneered. "And I'm partially one."

"Hold on." Mox wasn't going to stand by any longer. "So We...I...you're just going to trust all these pe-....individuals that you've just met-" He gestures at the surrounding group. "Without knowing a thing about them? Do you even know their names? Their skills? Wether or not they want to stab you in the back?"

Mox got as close to her as he dared, one finger directed accusingly in her direction. "You're too damn trusting. I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it..."
Vile snorted, just preventing himself from doubling over with laughter. "Trust? TRUST? HA! If you think I trust anyone here, you're deluded. I've never once entertained such thoughts! I can't speak for this green girl," He pointed his thumb at the Ork. "Or that green guy, but I feel we understand each other fine enough, so I'll say this. We probably just acknowledge it's smarter to work together with strangers in this hellhole until we can figure out how to get out of here. If anyone ends up proving to be dead weight or treacherous, I can crush them then. For now, I plan to use the advantages of cooperation to their fullest, even if I don't need them. If you disagree, then take off. I won't stop you."

Aleksandr Kasanov
"Mox, I know you're old and crotchety, but the asshole has a point. We don't need to trust them, but we should at least try to make them think we won't shoot them in the back at the first opportunity. If they're Faceless, or other types of infiltrators, we can murder them then. But for now, you should play nice. Or at least take a hint of subtlety from the Reapers." Alex muttered into his comms, shifting to a more comfortable position. His Shadow Lance dropped from his shoulder, but he was ready to bring it back up for a shot on any of the targets he could see should the need arise.
"Clearly." Growled Mox, trying not to wonder why this of all places was where the man decided to choose to vacation. That said, the man(?) could clearly handle himself, and was ludicrously proficient with a katana. Faceless wouldn't pull off complicated maneuvers like that, so he might be some sort of augmented human...or something else entirely.

Sometimes Mox hated not being able to trust anyone.

"That tells us nothing." Mox spat. "Do we look like we're from around here?" His weapon was only half lowered. If the man was a faceless, or some other horrible shape-changing eldritch monstrosity plotting to murder them all, then it was taking its sweet time. That said, maybe it was really patient horrible shape changing monstrosity.

The worst kind.

If it weren't for his helmet, the look Mox gave the....thing, would have likely earned himself a slap across the face.

"Aliens? I can tell you right now that there are such things as aliens. I'm looking at one." Pratal sneered. "And I'm partially one."

"Hold on." Mox wasn't going to stand by any longer. "So We...I...you're just going to trust all these pe-....individuals that you've just met-" He gestures at the surrounding group. "Without knowing a thing about them? Do you even know their names? Their skills? Wether or not they want to stab you in the back?"

Mox got as close to her as he dared, one finger directed accusingly in her direction. "You're too damn trusting. I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it..."
"Sorry but that's actually bullshit." Sam cut in, setting the suitcase aside and looking over with a mildly annoyed expression on his face "Consider the situation: We're in an apocalyptic hellscape where lava monsters are trying to kill us and we've got no idea how we got here. All these people are clearly not with the monsters or they'd be made of lava too. I'll conceit the not openly for the sake of the argument, but at least they aren't hostile.

"Which leaves two groups in place them in:" He continued, holding up two fingers for illustration "Fellow combatants who could help you, or civilians who you're supposed to protect anyway. And judging by how twitchy you are you'd have shot anyone you seriously suspect of being an infiltrator in the head as soon as possible, so the fact that you haven't already calls you out on your own bullshit.

"I'm sure this kind of behaviour is rational from your point of view but right now you're being both an asshole and a danger to the general continued survival so get your common sense out of your ass and back in your head."
Rene Petit
Rene stepped in between Mox and the other man. "Ah, bup bup bup," he brightly said, pushing Mox away from the other. "Very sorry sir, but Mox here? He gets grumpy whenever..." he casted around, trying to find a good pint of reference. "Well, he's always grumpy. Sad state of affairs. Don't let it get into you."
Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."
Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."
Aleksandr Kasanov
"Did... Did you guys just see that?" Alex asked over comms, his rifle going slack in his hands. "Because that ain't normal."

@Dust and echoes @Laplace

Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."

Mugman jumped in surprise fear at the Green man's sudden painful looking disappearance.

"Gee Golly Gosh!" Mugman yelled out in surprise, he had never seen someone vanish like that before, was this what it had looked like to Cuphead? Suddenly vanishing out of nowhere for no reason at all when everything was calm and quiet?

Mugman feared this happening again in the future.

"Hi Xan, I'm Mugman." He says, smiling, glancing back a bit at what Vile had been saying, gosh, seems he guessed right about him being a creep.

"What a creep." Mugman says, referring to Vile, and then chuckling at Sam's mockery.
Xan nodded quietly, though she hadn't really been paying attention to anything the others had said in the last few moments.

Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."
Her head snapped up at the strange crackling happning over the green, monstrously muscular humanoid before it popped away. She could only stare silently as her lips tightened, wondering if that was connected to whatever had brought them here...

...Or if whatever had caused this world to go to Hell just made their first move.
"Yeah, funny story that one." Sam said as dead pan as he could manage, which no easy feat given the grin creeping up on him "Crawling in my Crawl is a remix of Crawling in my Skin, which had become a mockery song towards edgelords and the like."

"The remix was made to mock them even harder." He added as his shit-eating grin finally broke trough and he turned up the volume.
"Huh. I'll keep that one in mind." Vile neutrally said.

He paused for a moment before replying. "You know, if you want to have a go, you can just ask me and I'll-"
Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."
"You're right, it doesn't." The Reploid said, now sounding far more grim and dour. "But no. I doubt any of us did that."
Luna perked up, "Oh hey! Linkin Park! Do you have Hands Held High on there? Or Shadow of the Day?"

"Nah. Not too big a fan of them, to be honest. Just got these ones for the memes. I'm more of a 70's and 89's guy myself." Sam replied, glad to know that the superheroine was at least from a comparable timeframe. Having only truly foreign people around him would be a bit lonely.

Rene Petit
Rene stepped in between Mox and the other man. "Ah, bup bup bup," he brightly said, pushing Mox away from the other. "Very sorry sir, but Mox here? He gets grumpy whenever..." he casted around, trying to find a good pint of reference. "Well, he's always grumpy. Sad state of affairs. Don't let it get into you."

"Understandable. Not everyone can be as well adjusted." The samurai said, noting that this military man was considerably more pleasant.

"Huh. I'll keep that one in mind." Vile neutrally said.

He paused for a moment before replying. "You know, if you want to have a go, you can just ask me and I'll-"

Sam's grin just grew, keeping delightfully silent.

Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."

That... was sudden. And regrettable. It was weird, but somehow Sam knew the Ork would be sorely missed by the world.
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Carol joined her hands behind her head as she looked at this whole nonsense.

"Is it just me or is Vile making a lot more sense than a lot of people here?" she went, going with a nonchalant tone as to hide her annoyance. "Trust is nice but overrated. You never know when a dagger is going to be plunged in your back or when you'll have to do that and frankly, it doesn't matter. What does matter is working together to survive an obviously dangerous place filled with scary things that want to kill us. I mean, that's just basic survival instinct there. I want to live, you want to live, we will live longer together than separately. Simple."

Well, this was before the green man thing popped out of existence. This definitely spooked Carol and caused Lilac to actually boost over there.

"... what happened here?"

Lilac was silent as she approached the spot where the ork used to be. "... no idea. I got a feeling we won't be seeing him again..."

The dragoness sighed before turning to the person they had rescued earlier. "Show us the way to the Fortress. We have to get going."

Despite the fact that the Ork's fate had obviously caused a reaction, judging by Lilac's and Carol's expressions, the two didn't seem nearly as shocked as one would expect from young beings like them. In fact, they seemed to be shrugging it off quickly, as though it wasn't the first time they were seeing something akin to that...
"Sorry but that's actually bullshit." Sam cut in, setting the suitcase aside and looking over with a mildly annoyed expression on his face "Consider the situation: We're in an apocalyptic hellscape where lava monsters are trying to kill us and we've got no idea how we got here. All these people are clearly not with the monsters or they'd be made of lava too. I'll conceit the not openly for the sake of the argument, but at least they aren't hostile.

"Which leaves two groups in place them in:" He continued, holding up two fingers for illustration "Fellow combatants who could help you, or civilians who you're supposed to protect anyway. And judging by how twitchy you are you'd have shot anyone you seriously suspect of being an infiltrator in the head as soon as possible, so the fact that you haven't already calls you out on your own bullshit.

"I'm sure this kind of behaviour is rational from your point of view but right now you're being both an asshole and a danger to the general continued survival so get your common sense out of your ass and back in your head."
"Wars are more complex than that idiot." Max growled, his voice reaching gravely depths that the human vocal system was not accustomed to. "Theres more than two sides. Keep thinking like that, a faceless, or changeling, or whatever is going to eviscerate you, and I will laugh." He took a step closer, the optic of his helm burning into Sam. "Talk to me like that again though, and I'll eviscerate you-"
Rene Petit
Rene stepped in between Mox and the other man. "Ah, bup bup bup," he brightly said, pushing Mox away from the other. "Very sorry sir, but Mox here? He gets grumpy whenever..." he casted around, trying to find a good pint of reference. "Well, he's always grumpy. Sad state of affairs. Don't let it get into you."
Mox briefly considered ripping the Templars head off, but somehow the annoying little man had cemented himself as the mediator of the group. And that was going to be useful in the future.


Giving a grunt and an annoyed, sharp curse in the alien language, Mox turned on one heel, and began moving away.

"Tell our ally to watch his tone, Templar."
"Is it just me or is Vile making a lot more sense than a lot of people here?" she went, going with a nonchalant tone as to hide her annoyance. "Trust is nice but overrated. You never know when a dagger is going to be plunged in your back or when you'll have to do that and frankly, it doesn't matter. What does matter is working together to survive an obviously dangerous place filled with scary things that want to kill us. I mean, that's just basic survival instinct there. I want to live, you want to live, we will live longer together than separately. Simple."
"Theres a difference between allies of convenience and random aliens who pretend to be friendly." Spat Mox. "I have regretted meeting every Alien I've ever encountered. The fact that you haven't tried to kill me yet means that you're smarter than most, and that scares me." Hissed Mox. He was about to continue when-

Before Kerry could answer the orc, Gormaw found himself glowing blue and crackling. His hands went limp, the gun clattering to the ground... before he suddenly popped away.

Kerry stared at where he'd been, mouth open and eyebrow raised. "...Did any of you do that? Because that usually doesn't happen."
-The big green one suddenly, and violently, vanished.

Mox threw himself into the nearest cover he could, even if that cover was just a slightly lower hole in the concrete. Raising himself to one knee, he scanned the area, SMG humming softly.

"3-3, this is 3-1 did you see a muzzle flash? A projectile? Where did that come from?"
"Wars are more complex than that idiot." Max growled, his voice reaching gravely depths that the human vocal system was not accustomed to. "Theres more than two sides. Keep thinking like that, a faceless, or changeling, or whatever is going to eviscerate you, and I will laugh." He took a step closer, the optic of his helm burning into Sam. "Talk to me like that again though, and I'll eviscerate you-"

Mox briefly considered ripping the Templars head off, but somehow the annoying little man had cemented himself as the mediator of the group. And that was going to be useful in the future.


Giving a grunt and an annoyed, sharp curse in the alien language, Mox turned on one heel, and began moving away.

"Tell our ally to watch his tone, Templar."

"Theres a difference between allies of convenience and random aliens who pretend to be friendly." Spat Mox. "I have regretted meeting every Alien I've ever encountered. The fact that you haven't tried to kill me yet means that you're smarter than most, and that scares me." Hissed Mox. He was about to continue when-

-The big green one suddenly, and violently, vanished.

Mox threw himself into the nearest cover he could, even if that cover was just a slightly lower hole in the concrete. Raising himself to one knee, he scanned the area, SMG humming softly.

"3-3, this is 3-1 did you see a muzzle flash? A projectile? Where did that come from?"
Luna looked down at the suddenly prone soldier. "I... don't think it came from anywhere... Unless it came from inside of Gormaw... You guys are really twitchy... you know that?"
"Wars are more complex than that idiot." Max growled, his voice reaching gravely depths that the human vocal system was not accustomed to. "Theres more than two sides. Keep thinking like that, a faceless, or changeling, or whatever is going to eviscerate you, and I will laugh." He took a step closer, the optic of his helm burning into Sam. "Talk to me like that again though, and I'll eviscerate you-"

Sam was entitely nonplussed about the man's aggresion, debating wether he should take him up on that dueling offer or start giving the "War has changed" speech to prove that, no you psychotic idiot, I do know how war works and how it's not a field trip.
Doesn't mean you have to be a maniac about everything though.

But the conversation moved on and the reply would never come.
Carol was not impressed by the guy's speech. Her eyes were narrowed and behind her, her tail wagged slowly in obvious annoyance.

She spoke in a total monotone that dripped with sarcasm. "Oh geez! War is more complicated than black and white! Thanks for telling me! I mean, it's like I was totally under the impression that the real world work just like movies."

Then she blinked at the guy jumping into cover. She looked around for a moment...

Of course, the whole exchange also annoyed Lilac. But for a different reason. "Carol! Guys, we really shouldn't antagonize one another. I'm sure we can all get along if we try. And even if we can't, we have places to be. We have to get going."

The green feline stared at the dragoness for a moment and then snapped her fingers. "Oh! Lilac! You arrived at the right time! Say, when you looked over the area after the green guy vanished, did you feel anything odd with your super dragon senses?"

Cue the lavender dragoness glaring at Carol, who either didn't notice or didn't care. "Carol, I don't have the ability to just predict things like Milla."

"So, why did you say you had the feeling we'd never see him again?" asked the feline, crossing her arms.

"I just... feel that we won't see him again. That's all."

The feline blinked a few times, visibly unimpressed by the explanation. "... right."
The dragoness sighed before turning to the person they had rescued earlier. "Show us the way to the Fortress. We have to get going."
"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

@Lt Darkhound
@Dust and echoes