"...Never heard of this Carribean place, but it sounds nice," The woman replied, even as Kerry stopped the boat and got out to begin tying it up.

"Tropical islands around the equator." Sam clarified, noting that the planet he was on wasn't some alternate earth as he had hoped. Probably meant his money was useless too...
"Notable Islands include Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Santa Prisca... Jamaica? I think...?" Luna turned towards Sam, the only other person who seems to have an idea, "Jamaica is part... right?"
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Having heard the direction, Carol smiled. "Hey, thanks!"

Lilac quickly stepped forward, leading the way. Time to meet that commander and get a feel of the mess in which they got themselves. She have the odd feeling that it's going to be quite the mess...
"Notable Islands include Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Santa Prisca... Jamaica? I think...?" Luna turned towards Sam, the only other person who seems to have an idea, "Jamaica is part... right?"

"Honestly I just slap all islands in that part of the world with the label Carribean, so if Jamaica doesn't count despite being there then that would be news to me too." Sam said with a shrug before an expression of 'ah fuck it' crossed his face and he asked her a question in return.

"So what's it like to work for the Justice League? They're a big deal and Batman is looking over your shoulder even more than usual; I imagine that must be stressful."
"Honestly I just slap all islands in that part of the world with the label Carribean, so if Jamaica doesn't count despite being there then that would be news to me too." Sam said with a shrug before an expression of 'ah fuck it' crossed his face and he asked her a question in return.

"So what's it like to work for the Justice League? They're a big deal and Batman is looking over your shoulder even more than usual; I imagine that must be stressful."
The girl just sort of groans, " I wish I could tell you, but the Batman doesn't think I'm ready for field work yet. I was supposed to be getting a test in a couple of days to see... something, I dunno. And if I passed I was going to be shipped off to Jump and put under his brat's command in the Titans. Which was probably going to suck, because Miss Harley hates him or something, and if I'm there in Jump, I won't be around to make sure that she stops pushing herself too far during her physical therapy."
The girl just sort of groans, " I wish I could tell you, but the Batman doesn't think I'm ready for field work yet. I was supposed to be getting a test in a couple of days to see... something, I dunno. And if I passed I was going to be shipped off to Jump and put under his brat's command in the Titans. Which was probably going to suck, because Miss Harley hates him or something, and if I'm there in Jump, I won't be around to make sure that she stops pushing herself too far during her physical therapy."

Sam stroked his beard thoughtfully while he listened to her and made a decision. "I've got a hunch why Harley Quinn may have beef with the Bat-fam, but let me ask this first: How much do you know about her background? Or your mentor Poison Ivy's for that matter?"
Sam stroked his beard thoughtfully while he listened to her and made a decision. "I've got a hunch why Harley Quinn may have beef with the Bat-fam, but let me ask this first: How much do you know about her background? Or your mentor Poison Ivy's for that matter?"
Luna sighed, nodding slightly. "I know that she used to be a villain. Hell, I know that prior to the Joker killing Catwoman and the death of the Swamp Thing that Ivy used to be a villain too. I..." She paused, looking down. "I'm not really sure I should be mentioning any of this to you... I mean, I know that the near destruction of Atlantis by the Blue was on the news all over the world... but..."
Luna sighed, nodding slightly. "I know that she used to be a villain. Hell, I know that prior to the Joker killing Catwoman and the death of the Swamp Thing that Ivy used to be a villain too. I..." She paused, looking down. "I'm not really sure I should be mentioning any of this to you... I mean, I know that the near destruction of Atlantis by the Blue was on the news all over the world... but..."

"See, that's why I asked. Their status as villains I already knew but all that other stuff is news to me." Sam begun to explain with an understanding smile "It may not seem like it, but we're from different versions of Earth. Back with me there isn't a single superhero or villain in the world. Just a bunch of weirdos who could pass for them scattered around the globe. Maybe you know about them or me somehow, if you do then the names Solid Snake and Big Boss should ring a bell, but we're likely not to be real.

"Anyway, when you mentioned Ivy I did know who you meant. Problem is that there are so many versions of her, let alone some others, and that I'm not the most well-read person on the subject that I wasn't sure what her personality would be like. I mean as far as I know she usually tries to kill humanity so forgive me for being a bit apprehensive at your mentioning her being your mentor. But thankfully she seems to be better adjusted here. Actual justice as opposed to 'Justice'." he concluded, emphasizing the difference with air quotes.
The wolf guy nodded. "Gotcha."
Getting everyone through the minefield was a relatively easy affair, all things told. Once the wolf guy had guided everyone through, he proceeded to press a less-painted spot on the wall, causing a door to slide open with a soft click.

Inside, one found themselves in a massive compound, stacks of supplies beneath wooden platforms and powered off searchlights pointed at the sky. On top of the massive, blocklike building, you could see the ends of anti-air weapons poking out. Around fifty feet away was a massive pit of some sort, lined with metal and with clamps evenly spaced over it's 300 feet by 50 feet size.

Looking at the bricklike building taking up the right side of the compound that wasn't the massive pit, you all noticed it lacked viable windows, though there were a few balconies and doors protruding from it. The entire building was perched on concrete pillars as tall as a man. A set of stairs lead into the building, which had great sliding steel doors that were wide open at the moment. People and animal-like people hurried too and fro, some in uniform and a few not. An air of bustling alertness mixed with quiet despair filled the fortress.
One of the humans carrying a crate pauses for a moment. "In there," He grunts, jerking his head toward the building. "Commander's in there, and he always talks to newcomers."

Everyone in the fortress was sparing the group a glance, before going back to their jobs. Not much more than that, however.
And thus, you remained outside.

The woman starts for a second at the sight of Mugman, but waves back all the same.

If the woman noticed your tension, she didn't react. Kerry did, however, if the way he tensed momentarily at your tension meant anything.
"...Never heard of this Carribean place, but it sounds nice," The woman replied, even as Kerry stopped the boat and got out to begin tying it up. "You'll be wanting to meet with the Commander," she continues, addressing the whole group. "He prefers to meet new arrivals personally."
"No, but thanks."
Mox perked up at the mention of "Commander". Not the commander, surely, but a commander at least. It was something, and would at least tell him a bit about the operation going on here. It seemed well defended, but only half way, being nigh-completely defenseless from air and water attacks. And it also seemed allied with....non-humans, which was worrying. Time to see who was really in charge.

Mox shot a glance at the man- apparently named "Kerry"- and keyed his mic.

"3-2 this is 3-1. Nearly no sign of mounted defenses in here either. Confirmed alien presence as well, stay alert. Work to see if you can find a way inside, or at least to the area where you can see inside the walls. How copy?"

@Lt Darkhound

After a moment, Mox frowned beneath his helmet, and pulled Rene aside.
"Do me a favor and ask the civ over there-" He gestured to the pale woman. "-If they've got a place here for us to restock our ammo. Theres too many aliens here for one not to turn on us eventually, and I want to be ready whe-...if the do. I'm going to go talk to this 'commander', try to figure out where we are..."

"Do me a favor and ask the civ over there-" He gestured to the pale woman. "-If they've got a place here for us to restock our ammo. Theres too many aliens here for one not to turn on us eventually, and I want to be ready whe-...if the do. I'm going to go talk to this 'commander', try to figure out where we are..."
Rene Petit
The Templar took Mox by his arms, and said, "my friend, I will always stand by your side to remediate your many defeciencies. Off you go!" He turned and walked to the pale woman, and said, "hey! Sorry to bother you, but you have ammunition stores, yes? Well, me and my compatriats were wondering if you possibly had anything for plasma."
And thus, you remained outside.
"3-2 this is 3-1. Nearly no sign of mounted defenses in here either. Confirmed alien presence as well, stay alert. Work to see if you can find a way inside, or at least to the area where you can see inside the walls. How copy

Aleksandr Kasanov
"3-2 copies. I'll give the place a circle before trying to get up if I can't get in. I'm going radio silent. " Alex then turned his comm piece off and left his position. Sticking to the shadows and trusting in both his natural skills and dark attire, the Reaper made his way around the Fortress, taking note of any visible defenses or breaks in said defenses.
"Right then. Where can we meet him?" He asked. Running around like a headless chicken through the base wasn't going to do anyone any favours.
"Inside. You just gotta go through there," she indicated the stairs leading up to a smaller door, "And to your right. The stairs up are on the corner of the main hall; you'll want to head to the very top, and tell Lieutenent Vess that you're new arrivals here to see the commander."
Rene Petit
The Templar took Mox by his arms, and said, "my friend, I will always stand by your side to remediate your many defeciencies. Off you go!" He turned and walked to the pale woman, and said, "hey! Sorry to bother you, but you have ammunition stores, yes? Well, me and my compatriats were wondering if you possibly had anything for plasma."
"You'll need to ask Vess about that. She's the logistics person, so she'd know about this 'plasma' ammunition," the woman replied, shrugging.

And thus, everyone followed her directions inside, finding the stairs exactly where she indicated them- on the very corner of the big hall, filled with all the hustle and bustle of military life. Oh, and you met the others as well there.

Heading up the stairs to the top, you find yourself at the intersection of two hallways, with the one directly in front of you leading to a waiting room with a fox person sitting at a small desk in it.

Aleksandr Kasanov
"3-2 copies. I'll give the place a circle before trying to get up if I can't get in. I'm going radio silent. " Alex then turned his comm piece off and left his position. Sticking to the shadows and trusting in both his natural skills and dark attire, the Reaper made his way around the Fortress, taking note of any visible defenses or breaks in said defenses.
Most of the defenses seemed to be rocket-launcher like weapons mounted on the walls, paired with the large minefield below. Near the ground, you could see machine guns sticking out of slits in the walls, as well as people patrolling on top of the walls.

Seems this place was specced to deal with the lava monsters rather well, but at the cost of other types of defenses.
"Inside. You just gotta go through there," she indicated the stairs leading up to a smaller door, "And to your right. The stairs up are on the corner of the main hall; you'll want to head to the very top, and tell Lieutenent Vess that you're new arrivals here to see the commander."

"Thanks. See you around." The samurai-on-vacation nodded and motioned for the young superhero to follow him. While they walked they could could continue their conversation, if it hadn't fallen dead due to his... revelation? Insight? What even would you call dropping a 'Hey you're fictional where I come from' bomb on someone?
Heading up the stairs to the top, you find yourself at the intersection of two hallways, with the one directly in front of you leading to a waiting room with a fox person sitting at a small desk in it.
Vile decided to take the initiative, and marched straight into the waiting room, artificial musculature hissing as he practically stomped into it, despite walking normally. He moved to right in front of the desk, sharply turned around and looked down directly at the small fox person before him.

"You. Are you that Vess girl? Who am I kidding, it doesn't matter. You're local military, and we're new arrivals. We're here to see the Commander, so you should probably hurry up and tell him he has visitors." He looked around the room, posture indicating that he was a little uncaring of the situation right now, perhaps even outright apathetic. "Commander of what, I'm not exactly sure. Commander of the weak and the damned, maybe." He absentmindedly muttered his last two sentences, but made no effort at all to lower his voice.

And thus, everyone followed her directions inside, finding the stairs exactly where she indicated them- on the very corner of the big hall, filled with all the hustle and bustle of military life. Oh, and you met the others as well there.

Heading up the stairs to the top, you find yourself at the intersection of two hallways, with the one directly in front of you leading to a waiting room with a fox person sitting at a small desk in it.

Mugman had cheerfully walked through the halls, I waved at the group that decided to walk when we met. Although I mostly followed alongside Sam until we saw the fox gal at a desk.

"Howdy! I'm Mugman!" Mugman said cheerfully as he walked up to the desk, the place was super interesting to say the least. He'd never seen so much grey in his life outside of the color filter that old turtle showed him and his brother once, boy was that a challenge! Couldn't tell what was and wasn't Parryable!

Vile decided to take the initiative, and marched straight into the waiting room, artificial musculature hissing as he practically stomped into it, despite walking normally. He moved to right in front of the desk, sharply turned around and looked down directly at the small fox person before him.

"You. Are you that Vess girl? Who am I kidding, it doesn't matter. You're local military, and we're new arrivals. We're here to see the Commander, so you should probably hurry up and tell him he has visitors." He looked around the room, posture indicating that he was a little uncaring of the situation right now, perhaps even outright apathetic. "Commander of what, I'm not exactly sure. Commander of the weak and the damned, maybe." He absentmindedly muttered his last two sentences, but made no effort at all to lower his voice.
Only to be interrupted by the Vile character. Mugman didn't like him, and he showed his contempt by frowning deeply by the fellow, putting his hands on his hip and leaning backwards as he glares up at the man with a name that's more blatantly evil than most of the Devil's minions.

"You know, you don't have to be so rude." He admonished the chap.
"See, that's why I asked. Their status as villains I already knew but all that other stuff is news to me." Sam begun to explain with an understanding smile "It may not seem like it, but we're from different versions of Earth. Back with me there isn't a single superhero or villain in the world. Just a bunch of weirdos who could pass for them scattered around the globe. Maybe you know about them or me somehow, if you do then the names Solid Snake and Big Boss should ring a bell, but we're likely not to be real.

"Anyway, when you mentioned Ivy I did know who you meant. Problem is that there are so many versions of her, let alone some others, and that I'm not the most well-read person on the subject that I wasn't sure what her personality would be like. I mean as far as I know she usually tries to kill humanity so forgive me for being a bit apprehensive at your mentioning her being your mentor. But thankfully she seems to be better adjusted here. Actual justice as opposed to 'Justice'." he concluded, emphasizing the difference with air quotes.
The girl snorts, "Well that's not a sur-" She paused, glancing over at him. "Solid Snake? Like the guy from the video games who wanders around under a cardboard box?" She shakes her head. "But that's not a complete surprise. I don't understand how it all works, but Batman explained it once when another version of Superman got lost in my world or something. Wasn't allowed to know a lot about what was going on. I do know that extra-universal contact is actually something that naturally occurs. Something called the Bleed. It's like... people who can see between worlds. Apparently, my world has a really popular comic series that is written by a Bleed-person."
The girl snorts, "Well that's not a sur-" She paused, glancing over at him. "Solid Snake? Like the guy from the video games who wanders around under a cardboard box?"

"So we're a videogame. Neat." Sam thought, oddly cavalier about the same bomb he'd just been musing on was dropped on himself.
At least that's a good sign, right?

"Try the box before you diss it. It's more powerful a tool than you could ever imagine." Sam counseled "I think I packed one, but if I didn't then we'll have to do some good old POS."

"But that's not a complete surprise. I don't understand how it all works, but Batman explained it once when another version of Superman got lost in my world or something. Wasn't allowed to know a lot about what was going on. I do know that extra-universal contact is actually something that naturally occurs. Something called the Bleed. It's like... people who can see between worlds. Apparently, my world has a really popular comic series that is written by a Bleed-person."

"It's called DC Comics, which stand for Detective Comics because they're idiots. Interesting situation this is..." Sam briefly paused to shoot her a look of understanding. "Also headache inducing. Let's not think about it too hard unless it becomes relevant, eh?"
"You'll need to ask Vess about that. She's the logistics person, so she'd know about this 'plasma' ammunition," the woman replied, shrugging.

And thus, everyone followed her directions inside, finding the stairs exactly where she indicated them- on the very corner of the big hall, filled with all the hustle and bustle of military life. Oh, and you met the others as well there.

Heading up the stairs to the top, you find yourself at the intersection of two hallways, with the one directly in front of you leading to a waiting room with a fox person sitting at a small desk in it.
Xan lowered the collar of her coat slightly as the cloying smell of humanity lessened greatly, but she still looked annoyed at the prospect of more of those weird animal people. Deciding there was nothing else to do, she slipped silently into the room and let the others take initiative on talking to the commander.
After briefly climbing some stairs, the duo stepped forward. While Carol considered the way forward, Lilac crossed her arms as she noticed the waiting room ahead. Soon enough, the green feline noticed her friend's expression and then turned right ahead.

"Oh right!" went the feline. Hey, it's never a bad time to consider escape and ambush routes, right?


The duo stepped in the waiting room, Lilac speaking up first. "Hello. If I may, where can we find the commander of this place? We're new around here and have been directed here."

While Lilac did the talking, Carol looked over the fox carefully...
While Lilac did the talking, Carol looked over the fox carefully...
Said fox was wearing a modest, plain khaki military uniform, loose enough to allow ease of movement while being covering enough to protect against the elements, like burning ash. On her shoulder was an upside-down pentagon patch with the top squished and the bottom elongated, with colored bars pinned inside it. Her fur was a brownish-orange, and her eyes were a greenish-grey color.
"You'll need to ask Vess about that. She's the logistics person, so she'd know about this 'plasma' ammunition," the woman replied, shrugging.
Rene Petit
"Are you Vess, then?" he asked the anthropomorphic fox. Still not a viper, and prettier than Mox besides. "I've a gun that uses plasma. My 'friends,'" he pronounced with some distaste, "also. Do you have ammunition for such a weapon?"
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Heading up the stairs to the top, you find yourself at the intersection of two hallways, with the one directly in front of you leading to a waiting room with a fox person sitting at a small desk in it.
Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Mox carefully scanned the new area, before catching sight of the...thing behind the desk and tensing up again.

Another one. By the commander, how many of them were there?

Edging towards the back of the group, the former soldier did his best to place his back against the wall. Rene seemed to be taking it in stride, but Rene was also stupid, so no surprise there. Seeing nothing else for him to do at the moment, Mox took to standing at the back of the room, shifting uncomfortably and looking for all the world like that one introverted kid at his first school dance.
@Dust and echoes
"You. Are you that Vess girl? Who am I kidding, it doesn't matter. You're local military, and we're new arrivals. We're here to see the Commander, so you should probably hurry up and tell him he has visitors." He looked around the room, posture indicating that he was a little uncaring of the situation right now, perhaps even outright apathetic. "Commander of what, I'm not exactly sure. Commander of the weak and the damned, maybe." He absentmindedly muttered his last two sentences, but made no effort at all to lower his voice.
The fox girl blinked. It was a long, slow blink, filled with a certain level of dislike and contempt for you and your rudeness. Not even the sight of the mug person could completely blunt that.
The duo stepped in the waiting room, Lilac speaking up first. "Hello. If I may, where can we find the commander of this place? We're new around here and have been directed here."
At Lilac's far more polite question, she raised a hand to push a button on the desk. "Commander Andonov? Eight new arrivals to meet you."

"Send them in," an aged voice crackles through. The door clicks, the lock on it disabling itself.
"Are you Vess, then?" he asked the anthropomorphic fox. Still not a viper, and prettier than Mox besides. "I've a gun that uses plasma. My 'friends,'" he pronounced with some distaste, "also. Do you have ammunition for such a weapon?"
This makes Vess blink however. "You're carrying around shipboard artillery?" She asks, confusion evident.

Once everyone heads in, you find yourself in a simple room, with bookshelves built into the walls. Skimming the titles of the books filling them would reveal records of fortresss upkeep with such books such as Reflections on The Century of Darkness, The Tale of The Gold, and Reflections of Chaos.

Right by the far wall sat a decently large desk, behind which sat an old human lady. Physically, she looks around 80 years and rather short and wrinkled, but the way her eyes twinkle from their sockets are at conflict with her wizened state. "Well, you certainly are an interesting group," She finally says after a long few seconds, voice high and strong. "What you brings you to this fortress on the edge of this dead continent?"

Lilac glanced at Vile and gave him a glare as he snarked at the fox girl. She was annoyed and wished to say something about that but thankfully, Mugman expressed for them what everybody thought of Vile's attitude.

Hearing the thwack of Mugman's hit on Vile caused Carol to bring her hands to her mouth, suppressing a giggle. One that was audible anyway.

Lilac, who was dealing with the situation, gave the fox girl one of her winning smiles. A smile that she didn't have to fake much given Vile's predicament was kinda funny. Though she knew that she probably shouldn't be too amused by that.

"Don't mind him. We had a rough day. Thank you for your time. C'mon guys!" Lilac said in a gentle tone before motionning for Carol and the others to follow her into the office, accepting the invitation they were given.

Lilac walked in, soon followed by Carol. Lilac carried herself tall and confident while Carol was more relaxed, hands joined behind her head, glancing about.

Well, time to see who's in command!
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The fox girl blinked. It was a long, slow blink, filled with a certain level of dislike and contempt for you and your rudeness. Not even the sight of the mug person could completely blunt that.
Vile would have smirked if he had a mouth. He turned back to the fox girl when they'd passed on their way to the door. His right hand vanished, showing his Buster, which he pointed at the Lt and made an exaggerated recoil motion with his arm in time with the first word of his next sentence. "Pow. No more Speedster Fox. Heh."
"You do not threaten a lady like that you balled up bimbo. I have had an earful of your baloney!" Mugman says, pissed off to hell and back as he roughly kicks the massive goof in the shin before walking on if he has nothing to say.
There was a resounding clang of ceramic on metal as Mugman kicked the armored annihilator. Vile felt the force, before compensating for it, not missing a beat. A decent kick, actually, but I've walked through worse. He just chuckled in response. Ah, ye of little faith. In a way, it was nostalgic. You can't just threaten innocents this and unneeded collateral damage that, it reminded him a little of the days where he still cared about Hunter regulations. At least on paper. Well, they'd see his true power eventually, he wasn't in a hurry.
Right by the far wall sat a decently large desk, behind which sat an old human lady. Physically, she looks around 80 years and rather short and wrinkled, but the way her eyes twinkle from their sockets are at conflict with her wizened state. "Well, you certainly are an interesting group," She finally says after a long few seconds, voice high and strong. "What you brings you to this fortress on the edge of this dead continent?"
"We're not from around here." Vile said, turning back to see the old woman. "We all came from other worlds through portals, and joined up in an abandoned city a bit away. We found a soldier of yours called Kerry in a boat, and he suggested we come back here. Well, not like we have anywhere else to go, so we accepted. We came here because we were told that's what new arrivals do.

Also, I think that your base and troops..." Here he paused for a few more seconds than needed. "Are well organized considering the circumstances. You've done a good job as leader, my congratulations."
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"Huh, you think that was diplomacy? It was more a demand." He turned back to the fox girl when they'd passed on their way to the door. His right hand vanished, showing his Buster, which he pointed at the Lt and made an exaggerated recoil motion with his arm in time with the first word of his next sentence. "Pow. No more Speedster Fox. Heh."
Mugman, needless to say, was deeply unhappy with Vile to say the least.

"You do not threaten a lady like that you balled up bimbo. I have had an earful of your baloney!" Mugman says, pissed off to hell and back as he roughly kicks the massive goof in the shin, the kick giving out a metallic clang before he walked on.

The Vile character is by far one of the worst people Mugman has ever met, heck, he'd even say he's worse than the Devil. And that's saying something. Mugman never knew he'd meet someone worse then the Devil himself, especially not in the same day as meeting said Devil.

Alright, he'd admit that the Devil is probably still worse, but Vile is definitely more aggravating!

He was broke from his internal musing when he caught Carol's giggle, reminding him that he was in a group after all. He felt a mild blush as he faced away from Vile, trying to not make himself feel embarrassed.

Right by the far wall sat a decently large desk, behind which sat an old human lady. Physically, she looks around 80 years and rather short and wrinkled, but the way her eyes twinkle from their sockets are at conflict with her wizened state. "Well, you certainly are an interesting group," She finally says after a long few seconds, voice high and strong. "What you brings you to this fortress on the edge of this dead continent?"

Mugman wasn't too sure how to interact with the older women, so he begrudgingly let the other's take the lead.
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