"You're right. It's insane. We stand no chance." she said. "Taking on this guy with our current resources, with the info we have, can't be done. And as much as Lilac may be a heropants, she learnt the hard way that you are right. If we charge in blindly, with the resources we have, we will die. If we prepare, we will still likely die."

She paused for a moment, staring at Mox. And then she got awfully, dreadfully serious, actually glaring intensely at him. "We ARE facing a foe who is controlling the environment, who is preventing all attempts at leaving this world. If you want my honest opinion? We're gonna die. All of us. We don't stand a chance. Not even remotely."
"At least we agree on something." Snarled Mox. He was about to continue, hand half raised in preparation, before he was cut off.
"... Carol... look... I..."

Carol walked away, stumbling a bit and then, just sat down on the floor, face in her hands, sighing deeply. "... just... forget it."

Lilac sighed, scratching the back of her head. Well, that... had been a thing. "Look..." she said slowly, clearly embarassed and disturbed by what had happened. "Can you please excuse her? It's... been a long day. She's not usually like this. Carol tend to act weird under pressure..."

"Oh and by the way, my name's Lilac. Carol had a slip of the tongue." She added, a second later. That last note caused Carol to sigh deeply a second time.

As the conflict carried on, Mox began to slowly give up on the idea of interjecting anymore. He didn't know either of their stories, and half of what they said made no sense to him, but there was something there. Something...human almost.

Perhaps more human than...

No, no that was impossible.

It was thinking like that that had gotten Tal killed.

Doing his best not to think to hard, Mox snarled at himself and re-donned his helmet, returning to a world viewed safely behind a tactical display.

"Mox." He grunted in reply finally, not really looking at anything. "Pratal Mox."

Mugman had felt, awkward about the argument that had spawned from the odd looking soldier's comment. He... Didn't really think about how close they probably came to death, and it reminded him of how close him and his brother had gotten to death. But his brother gambling away their souls wasn't the first time he'd gotten them into trouble, heck, most times it was Mugman that got his brother out of trouble, or at least jumped into the hole after him to drag him out. He sort of glossed over the fact that they were apparently criminals, a lot of his friends were criminals of some sort, but he'd never heard of anyone that was as supposedly despised as they were. Heck, aside from King Dice and the Devil he'd never heard of anyone being so universally reviled.

Mugman didn't really know what to think, but he felt a lot of sympathy for Carol, after all, she wasn't the only one who nearly died because of a close friend's repeated bad habits.

Mugman stared at his feet in thought, a thoughtful expression on his face as he thinks on all this.

Even though he hates how Cuphead routinely got them into trouble, he still loved him, and he was sorry more often than not about it. Mugman wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it if his brother acted like Lilac about his mistakes though... Or is it Sash? Carol mentioned it, and it sort of sounds like lash, and considering Lilac's whip like hair it wasn't too far off of a name to him.

He thought back to a conversation he had with the Sacred Chalice at the party before he came here while his brother was drinking some other partiers under the table. They'd been the first two people in generations to beat back the devil so thoroughly, she had prayed for our success but she hadn't expected us to do so astonishingly well.

'It really goes to show, that hope always finds a way.'

Mugman hummed to himself in thought. Did it really matter if he was going to fail? No, not really, he knew that he'd fight anyways. Even if he couldn't win against the Devil going full throttle, having taken over the world and converted it into a Hell on Earth, he didn't have to give him the satisfaction of laying down and dying.

He crossed his arms resolutely. He wouldn't just give up just because the challenge is daunting and nigh on impossible, not before he gave it a few hard tries.
Luna watched the two strangers argue back and forth, and despite herself, she couldn't help her lip twitching upward just a little.

"I uh... don't really want to train on your parade or anything..." The giggle that slipped out of her seemed to argue the opposite however. "But the thing is that I, uh, am. A superhero..." The girl seemed might proud of that statement, before wilting just a little. "In training at least. But I know the stories of the League, of the dangers that they faced, times when victory was impossible, when all they had were the clothes on their backs as they battled against worlds of hatred and of rage. As dark gods wrecked havoc across my world and it was all that they could do to hold the line."

"But they Held the Line. They pushed their bodies to the breaking point and beyond as they fought for each breath. They clawed and dragged themselves through the pain, and the loss, inch by inch until they stood tall. They held the line, and they walked forward on their own two feet. Each step they moved forward was a step that the line moved forward. And in the end, Gods, demons, even the forces of nature laid at their feet, defeated. Maybe this Iblis isn't the one of my Mythology studies, maybe it is. In the end it really doesn't matter if it's a god or not, it has twisted and warped and burnt the world around us. The air is cloyed thick with ash, the lands salted and the seas boiled. Demons of fire walk the land, they swim the seas and soar through the skies, and I say let them." The girl allowed her mind to uncoil, reaching out to the tattered remnants of the GREEN that the world had to have. "I want these creatures to know that we are coming, to go back and warn their dread master. Because with every breath I take, I can feel the air fill my lungs, I can feel the flow of life through my veins, and I know that I am not dead yet."

The girl drew on her power, allowing the energies of the green to make her eyes shine with emerald light. "So long as there is life in my body, I will not stop fighting, and neither should any of you. We might not have a chance, we may all be destined to die against this creature. But if there is one thing that I have learned during my time as a Child of the Green, an Avatar of the World, it is one simple thing."

"Fuck Destiny. If I have to drown the fires of this world is a unending tide of fucking Kudzu, I will make the bastard who did this to this world regret fucking with the GREEN."

...Luna vaguely realized that she had sort of gotten off topic, but she hoped that the speech had it's intended peppyness that a Peptalk was supposed to have.
The fox studies you for a few moments, before nodding to herself and getting up, pocketing the gun before walking over to you. "Then let's get some food into you," She says, voice low and soft as she begins leading you away from the room. "The kitchen will be preparing dinner now - they should have some ham or beef available."
Xan shuffled after the fox, uttering a weak 'thanks' along the way. She was still shellshocked from the talk about the god destroying the world, and couldn't help but have her mind drift to two horrid scenarios.

Haruka would die because of that insane, drunken red bastard... or, if she wasn't roasted by that thing or it's spawn, she'd wind up killing or infecting what was left of humanity.
Luna watched the two strangers argue back and forth, and despite herself, she couldn't help her lip twitching upward just a little.

"I uh... don't really want to train on your parade or anything..." The giggle that slipped out of her seemed to argue the opposite however. "But the thing is that I, uh, am. A superhero..." The girl seemed might proud of that statement, before wilting just a little. "In training at least. But I know the stories of the League, of the dangers that they faced, times when victory was impossible, when all they had were the clothes on their backs as they battled against worlds of hatred and of rage. As dark gods wrecked havoc across my world and it was all that they could do to hold the line."

"But they Held the Line. They pushed their bodies to the breaking point and beyond as they fought for each breath. They clawed and dragged themselves through the pain, and the loss, inch by inch until they stood tall. They held the line, and they walked forward on their own two feet. Each step they moved forward was a step that the line moved forward. And in the end, Gods, demons, even the forces of nature laid at their feet, defeated. Maybe this Iblis isn't the one of my Mythology studies, maybe it is. In the end it really doesn't matter if it's a god or not, it has twisted and warped and burnt the world around us. The air is cloyed thick with ash, the lands salted and the seas boiled. Demons of fire walk the land, they swim the seas and soar through the skies, and I say let them." The girl allowed her mind to uncoil, reaching out to the tattered remnants of the GREEN that the world had to have. "I want these creatures to know that we are coming, to go back and warn their dread master. Because with every breath I take, I can feel the air fill my lungs, I can feel the flow of life through my veins, and I know that I am not dead yet."

The girl drew on her power, allowing the energies of the green to make her eyes shine with emerald light. "So long as there is life in my body, I will not stop fighting, and neither should any of you. We might not have a chance, we may all be destined to die against this creature. But if there is one thing that I have learned during my time as a Child of the Green, an Avatar of the World, it is one simple thing."

"Fuck Destiny. If I have to drown the fires of this world is a unending tide of fucking Kudzu, I will make the bastard who did this to this world regret fucking with the GREEN."

...Luna vaguely realized that she had sort of gotten off topic, but she hoped that the speech had it's intended peppyness that a Peptalk was supposed to have.
Rene Petit
Rene shrugged. "Good for you! You seem to have that locked down. Despite how I hate that I'm agreeing with Pratal Mox, well, perhaps we can have a plan first? Or food. Food sounds good. Let's get food."

They should elect him Duke King Eternal President. He was such a good communicator. He even had a chainsaw in his bunk. It wasn't an entendre, as an ADVENT assult team found out to their dismay when they attacked the Avenger.

Ha. Easy for her to say. Harder to do. Granted, psi powers or whatever the flying fuck she could do helped, but against this Iblis, he'd rather break his own knees with a hammer. Those were some bad odds and fuck it, fuck this mauldin navel gazing where the hell is the food.
Xan shuffled after the fox, uttering a weak 'thanks' along the way. She was still shellshocked from the talk about the god destroying the world, and couldn't help but have her mind drift to two horrid scenarios.

Haruka would die because of that insane, drunken red bastard... or, if she wasn't roasted by that thing or it's spawn, she'd wind up killing or infecting what was left of humanity.
And as you ruminated on such dark thoughts, the lieutenant led you downstairs several floors to the ground floor, before guiding you through another door to a wonderfully smelling kitchen, filled with the hustle and bustle of cooks preparing a shitton of meals for everyone. The smell of cooking pork, beef and chicken drowned out all the scents of man around you, letting you focus on something you could actually eat for once as Vess pulled over one of the cooks. A short whispered situation, and you were sat down at a table and a nice large slab of roasted pork was slid over to you for you to enjoy.

Meanwhile, as the argument began before her, Commander Kamera Andonov resisted the urge to rub her forhead to stave off the slight headache forming at the screaming. She wasn't sure if this sort of argument was something young ones used to do in front of their seniors, but the way they were yelling about heroics somewhat reminded her of her youth.

Silver would have an interesting reaction to this argument, she thought with an internal chuckle, before focusing upon the task at hand as it wound down.
Rene Petit
Rene shrugged. "Good for you! You seem to have that locked down. Despite how I hate that I'm agreeing with Pratal Mox, well, perhaps we can have a plan first? Or food. Food sounds good. Let's get food."

They should elect him Duke King Eternal President. He was such a good communicator. He even had a chainsaw in his bunk. It wasn't an entendre, as an ADVENT assult team found out to their dismay when they attacked the Avenger.

Ha. Easy for her to say. Harder to do. Granted, psi powers or whatever the flying fuck she could do helped, but against this Iblis, he'd rather break his own knees with a hammer. Those were some bad odds and fuck it, fuck this mauldin navel gazing where the hell is the food.
"Yes, you haven't eaten yet have you?" she rhetorically asks, moving away from the window and toward the door. "And we'll need to prepare bunking, and find out preferences and diseases and all that fun stuff... hm, seems Vess has wandered off with your friend," she notes, moving to and poking her head out of the door. "Probably went down to the kitchen on the ground floor - they'll be preparing dinner around now. It'll be a big dinner as well, due to the supply ship from Angel Island arriving tomorrow morning. Now, I need to go talk to Vess," she concludes, stepping out of her office. "You all should follow along - easier that way."

@Dust and echoes
And as you ruminated on such dark thoughts, the lieutenant led you downstairs several floors to the ground floor, before guiding you through another door to a wonderfully smelling kitchen, filled with the hustle and bustle of cooks preparing a shitton of meals for everyone. The smell of cooking pork, beef and chicken drowned out all the scents of man around you, letting you focus on something you could actually eat for once as Vess pulled over one of the cooks. A short whispered situation, and you were sat down at a table and a nice large slab of roasted pork was slid over to you for you to enjoy.
Xan quietly devoured the slab, trying to hide the fact she wanted to practically swallow the thing after the first bite.

Slowly, the nauseating hunger melted away, along with the overwhelming anxiety blasting through her after the... the 'lore dump' her old friends would have called it.

Even before finishing her meal, she knew it wouldn't keep her satisfied for long, but as she considered asking for more, she paused. The thought of being greedy in a situation such as this was just wrong. Who knew how long what supplies they had would last? What if every scrap was already divvied up?

For a moment, she pondered the possibility of hunting - the way Haruka and her had survived in the United States wilderness so long - but considering how utterly blasted things were... she had to find something to distract herself.
"Yes, you haven't eaten yet have you?" she rhetorically asks, moving away from the window and toward the door. "And we'll need to prepare bunking, and find out preferences and diseases and all that fun stuff... hm, seems Vess has wandered off with your friend," she notes, moving to and poking her head out of the door. "Probably went down to the kitchen on the ground floor - they'll be preparing dinner around now. It'll be a big dinner as well, due to the supply ship from Angel Island arriving tomorrow morning. Now, I need to go talk to Vess," she concludes, stepping out of her office. "You all should follow along - easier that way."
Vile stopped quietly chuckling to himself at all the anger and heroic proclamations that had been flying about in the room to follow along as asked. He didn't strictly speaking need anything, of course, but reactor fuel never hurt. He'd make do with regular water in a pinch, but if he wanted to practically refuel then he'd need some proper tritium and deuterium. Not that he would run low any time soon, not since he'd jury-rigged X's own micro-fusion core and reserve tank to his own as a trophy of victory and also to double power output, but if they were going on a campaign to slay some world-ending demon? Well, he wouldn't say no to any help he could get. Of course, it might not be a direct campaign, but in the end their task was clear, and even if everyone else disagreed he'd just fight that thing on his own. He couldn't ask for a better end to his existence than beating up a planet-slayer.

"Yes, you haven't eaten yet have you?" she rhetorically asks, moving away from the window and toward the door. "And we'll need to prepare bunking, and find out preferences and diseases and all that fun stuff... hm, seems Vess has wandered off with your friend," she notes, moving to and poking her head out of the door. "Probably went down to the kitchen on the ground floor - they'll be preparing dinner around now. It'll be a big dinner as well, due to the supply ship from Angel Island arriving tomorrow morning. Now, I need to go talk to Vess," she concludes, stepping out of her office. "You all should follow along - easier that way."
Mugman relaxes his stance, he didn't eat supper after all, as he follows the older lady he whistles an idle tune, after a short time though a thought occurs to him as he skips ahead to walk beside her.

"Excuse me, ma'am? I have some good alcohol on me, and as you folks have done nothing but be good and polite to us I wanted to ask if you'd be alright with me sharing them with the good people basing here." Mugman asks, requesting permission from the women in charge here before he accidentally makes a faux pass. It was only polite to at least ask if they wanted anything after all.

When he reaches the kitchen, if the gentlewomen commander gave permission of course, he'd start taking his shots out and asking one of the kitchen staff he there was any place he could set up so he could start pouring out drinks. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, it was the fact that he bought these bottles with his hard earned gold, and he wasn't planning on losing them anytime soon. Besides, it wasn't like they'd run out of fluid anytime soon. He could probably fill up over a hundred more mundane bottles a piece before they started to get finicky about giving out the goods for a few days.

And of course, he wouldn't be charging a hay penny. These folks were fighting for their lives, for their families, and for their country! What kind of Cup would Mugman be if he didn't help them?
Lilac and Carol had been so wrapped in their argument that shortly after, as the others begun to react, they kind of realized the obvious. Namely, that they had made a scene in front of everyone.

It was amazing, really. One moment the duo took center stage and was impossible to ignore, the next they are practically hiding the corner, trying to make themselves as unnoticeable as possible. As they were led downstairs, they actually didn't say anything, just trying to compensate for the argument they had caused earlier ; they were obviously not proud of that outburst.

They had thought that their friendship was stronger than it obviously is. And well, it made the two realize that while they did move forward, working together, learning from their mistakes, they still have a long way to go. No wonder Spade still sigh when he see the two of them...

Still, they had to get energy and move on from the earlier drama so they did.

The two sat in a corner, making sure they wouldn't make a scene again. It was just so odd. It had been years since they begun doing missions in the Outer Nations and occasionally off-world and it still felt weird, eating actual food. It was just so odd, moving from a place where food was a luxury to places where it was essential. Then there was the talk about other things...

Hopefully, Lilac had her mind strictly focused away from this and so did Carol. Right now, they needed to clear their minds and think ahead. They were, yet again, in another insane stupid impossible-sounding situation with minimal info and resources. Yet again, their resolve and skills are being tested. Then there was the talk of a superhero... Carol scoffed internally. The world doesn't need heroes, just hardworking people. Heroes go and get themselves killed in a blaze of glory. What you need is someone who knows what is his or her duty and will perform it to their ability. Of course, one might argue that such a person might be a hero... but that is only a side-effect of following a noble cause and even then, not every duty can be glamorous.

Sometimes, things happen because they must, not because they're right or because anyone deserve them. And that leaves her best friend, Lilac.

Lilac has held up quite nicely since the Brevon Crisis. To be fair, therapy helped as did training and the reduced stakes of subsequent missions. A stable financial situation that demanded only minimal criminal activity was also good for their combined ego. Their ninja background also being shoved back into the shadows, where they belong, also helped. But now, here they are, in another global crisis affecting an entire world, up against an impossibly tough enemy. Will Lilac be able to hold it together or will her self-hatred and obsessive desire to prove herself better than Corazon cause her to go nuts again? And if she does go crazy again... will she be able to stop her best friend before things can collapse around them?

The green feline was not happy with those thoughts, with having to juggle and consider them. But she must. She learnt that if she doesn't face them, no one else will do it for her. Yes, Lilac's mistakes were her own... but she should have acted when Lilac started acting crazy, not when it was way too late.

Thankfully, she was not the only one considering the situation. It seemed like a simple affair at first glance. Do what's right, save a world, get home. But then, Torque lied to her about Brevon, claiming that he was simply a supervillain when he was on a journey to save his world. She had jumped to conclusions regarding Coral's death and Spade's involvement. She had assumed the best of people just because they looked trustworthy and then had assumed the worst of suspicious people because they looked as such. She lost her love, her adoptive family, her job, her honor, and almost her life because she wanted the world to fit neatly into good or evil labels. On one hand, the Brevon Crisis did eventually give her a happy ending...

... but it wasn't until she endure being tortured halfway to death, witnessing all her friends almost dying because of her, and having her pride and worldview thoroughly smashed up. She claimed for so long that she was not 'Sash', that she was not the assassin she had been trained to be. Yet, it was that way of thinking, those skills, those instincts that allowed her to prevail. And then there is the lesson she learnt from her ancestors, about how lying to themselves destroyed their lives and it was only by accepting their place that they became able to live with themselves.

She want to do what's right. But can she? She can't just discard her reluctance to use her assassination combat style or all of the tricks and ways of thinking she used to have. If she starts killing wantonly... she may end up like Brevon, like Corazon. That... wouldn't be much better. But then, she did act insane during the Brevon Crisis.

She looked over everyone. How do people like Coral and Shadow manage it? Carol's sister was a paragon of perfection, one who almost certainly saved the world several times. And she bet that this 'Shadow' guy on this world never had so many difficulties figuring out what's right...

Maybe... she just isn't cut out for this, like Carol said. But then, as Carol said, they're yet again stuck on a world in peril with no one else able to give help. She can't abandon all of the others, she won't. She can't, actually.

Once the meal is done with, it's time for everyone to meet up. She may not be able to figure what's right but she can help lead this group into surviving this crisis. Sure, the odds are insanely bad and Carol did point it out... but if they stand together, they may stand a chance. And the first part of this will be to figure a solid plan of action. She's sure Carol, Mox, Mugman, Vile, and all the others will have input of their own.

She smiled to herself. Things were already getting simpler ; sure, the situation is complicated. But once a situation has been boiled down to a plan, it become only a matter of execution.

While Lilac was planning ahead, Carol eventually got bored with staying in the corner and having finished, decided to do her thing. Namely, sneaking about. With surprising speed, she weaved her way between the chairs, not disturbing anyone, and eventually moving toward the kitchen. She thought of talking with Mugman but before that... she decided to stop by Vile.


"Hey." she went, hands joined behind her head as she smiled. "How are you holding up? Oh and by the way... awesome arm cannon you had there. Reminds me of the arm cannon that a friend of mine. You got a Variable Weapon System on it too or single ammo type?"
"Yes, you haven't eaten yet have you?" she rhetorically asks, moving away from the window and toward the door. "And we'll need to prepare bunking, and find out preferences and diseases and all that fun stuff... hm, seems Vess has wandered off with your friend," she notes, moving to and poking her head out of the door. "Probably went down to the kitchen on the ground floor - they'll be preparing dinner around now. It'll be a big dinner as well, due to the supply ship from Angel Island arriving tomorrow morning. Now, I need to go talk to Vess," she concludes, stepping out of her office. "You all should follow along - easier that way."
Rene Petit
The Templar followed the old woman. She wasn't horrible, she supposed, compared to the Commander, but perhaps he was being a bit harsh, as it was a running theory that the Commander was two hops and a skip from ascending into phyiscal godhood and smiting the aliens in his glorious golden form. But still, she promised food.

In the cafiteria, Rene was assulted by cooking meat. This was of course unacceptable. Was the food pyramid some forsaken artifact? Did they instead follow the food pyramid with a giant bulge? Geh. Could be the smell, but he immediatly went to the cooking areas and started to look for greens and stuff.
"Hey." she went, hands joined behind her head as she smiled. "How are you holding up? Oh and by the way... awesome arm cannon you had there. Reminds me of the arm cannon that a friend of mine. You got a Variable Weapon System on it too or single ammo type?"
Vile had been quietly leaning against a wall in the corner, 'drinking' a glass of water using a straw through a nozzle in his chest. He had just about finished when Carol came up next to him. He looked at her, then the glass, and contemplated crushing it, before just walking over to a table and putting it down and returning to Carol.

He chuckles after she'd finished. "Holding up fine. Really, I should be asking you that question. And thanks. Usually people notice the Front Runner first, but this is just a big a part of my arsenal. It's VWS-compatible, since it's a Buster-derivative, but it actually didn't start out that way. Since I had other weaponry, they decided to not overbuild me and just leave me with a Cherry Blast module." All of Vile's previous antagonism had mysteriously (and temporarily) vanished as he dived into describing his own significant armaments. "See, I was a prototype warbot, or should I say the only Reploid designed solely for war ever produced, which is slightly misleading but trust me it's true. Anyway, they didn't know how to build me, so kept it simple, but since they were working with a lot of budget they actually left a lot of empty space, which allowed me to improvise. So underneath this plating is a lot of systems I looted from Sigma's lieutenants, which are used to create alternate fire modes. For instance, I slotted in a rocket booster in my arm so I could rocket punch people." He twisted a metal circle on his wrist several notches, clicking into place. Then, a voice came out of Vile, not his own, announcing the change. "Egoistic Pill".

"As you can see, I'm not really meant to change weapons, so my internal systems like to be stubborn about it, and announce it with randomly generated names and cause my systems to lock up for a moment, leaving me vulnerable." He then tapped his shoulder cannon. "Same deal up here, although that's more a case of ammo then actually changing the weapon." He then tapped the ammo belt going into it. "I think that's just for show though, since I fire energy rounds instead of physical shells. No clue who put that there. Maybe it's supposed to be a backup if I end up running on low power, can't say."

He then adopted a cocky body language, and leaned in as if imparting some great secret to Carol. "And that's not all. If some idiot thinks they can outmaneuver me, I have my surprise for them." The front of one of his knees cracked open, revealing a nozzle of some kind. Gas faintly emanated from it, instantly causing the surrounding armor to frost over and notably lowering the temperature of the area. "Flamethrowers, or freezethrower in this case, energy blasts and some real powerful flash-fabricated bombs down here. Started with bombs, looting upgraded my options. Sure, I'm no X, but I quite like what I've done with it. Plus I still have more versatility than him even with his 'superior' VWS access. Hah, shows what Sigma knew about us."

He paused for a moment, realizing he'd just gone on a small rant in answer to a single question. "So, uh, no. I have multiple ammo types. If you have time, what about your equipment? If I'm remembering correctly, you used a motorcycle or something. Anything special there?"
Following after the small cupperson, Luna waits for him to finish asking his question before stepping up besides her and asking her own. "So... where do you get the majority of your food? I've got a bit of a green thumb, if I do say so myself," she chuckles at the statement, "And I'd love to try and help out with the food situation, it's the least I can do for the people here."
Vile had been quietly leaning against a wall in the corner, 'drinking' a glass of water using a straw through a nozzle in his chest. He had just about finished when Carol came up next to him. He looked at her, then the glass, and contemplated crushing it, before just walking over to a table and putting it down and returning to Carol.

He chuckles after she'd finished. "Holding up fine. Really, I should be asking you that question. And thanks. Usually people notice the Front Runner first, but this is just a big a part of my arsenal. It's VWS-compatible, since it's a Buster-derivative, but it actually didn't start out that way. Since I had other weaponry, they decided to not overbuild me and just leave me with a Cherry Blast module." All of Vile's previous antagonism had mysteriously (and temporarily) vanished as he dived into describing his own significant armaments. "See, I was a prototype warbot, or should I say the only Reploid designed solely for war ever produced, which is slightly misleading but trust me it's true. Anyway, they didn't know how to build me, so kept it simple, but since they were working with a lot of budget they actually left a lot of empty space, which allowed me to improvise. So underneath this plating is a lot of systems I looted from Sigma's lieutenants, which are used to create alternate fire modes. For instance, I slotted in a rocket booster in my arm so I could rocket punch people." He twisted a metal circle on his wrist several notches, clicking into place. Then, a voice came out of Vile, not his own, announcing the change. "Egoistic Pill".

"As you can see, I'm not really meant to change weapons, so my internal systems like to be stubborn about it, and announce it with randomly generated names and cause my systems to lock up for a moment, leaving me vulnerable." He then tapped his shoulder cannon. "Same deal up here, although that's more a case of ammo then actually changing the weapon." He then tapped the ammo belt going into it. "I think that's just for show though, since I fire energy rounds instead of physical shells. No clue who put that there. Maybe it's supposed to be a backup if I end up running on low power, can't say."

He then adopted a cocky body language, and leaned in as if imparting some great secret to Carol. "And that's not all. If some idiot thinks they can outmaneuver me, I have my surprise for them." The front of one of his knees cracked open, revealing a nozzle of some kind. Gas faintly emanated from it, instantly causing the surrounding armor to frost over and notably lowering the temperature of the area. "Flamethrowers, or freezethrower in this case, energy blasts and some real powerful flash-fabricated bombs down here. Started with bombs, looting upgraded my options. Sure, I'm no X, but I quite like what I've done with it. Plus I still have more versatility than him even with his 'superior' VWS access. Hah, shows what Sigma knew about us."

He paused for a moment, realizing he'd just gone on a small rant in answer to a single question. "So, uh, no. I have multiple ammo types. If you have time, what about your equipment? If I'm remembering correctly, you used a motorcycle or something. Anything special there?"

Carol was actually pleasantly surprised. And that was the other thing ; she was not horrified by his show-off of military hardware. If anything, he would clearly see the shift in body language... she went from more casual to a mix of squee-ing and actually paying attention deeply. As he finished, she was grinning slightly... her gaze surprisingly sharp and focused.

"Sure! I got time!" she went, breaking her own stance for a second before resuming. It was odd, her tone went back to its normal bubbly for a second... and now, all of a sudden, it's sharp, the words quickly said, lacking its usual intonations. "Emphasis on reliability and durability over pure versability. Lack of individual versability is compensated by arsenal of weapons. Intimidation factor in play, psychological weaknesses exploited by clear military design esthetics. Emphasis on killing blows with primary weapons, secondaries for disabling. Pure destructive power is sacrificed for battlefield control. Unit might operate best as a support unit, not a frontline combatant ; psychological effects very effective if paired with conventional soldiers."

After doing her little analysis, she grinned, her serious look vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. "Quite interesting, really! As for me? Weeeell..."

She unsheated her claws, letting them glister a bit from the ambient light. "Ancient dragons performed a lot of genetics engineering and we've used a lot of creative interbreeding and selective breeding through the ages, cultivating beneficial traits when possible. I may not be as tough as a dragon but my skeletal structure is mildly reinforced, meaning that I can shrug off and survive hits that would pulp a more normal person, like Milla. Frankly, that is actually a minor detail since I prefer not getting hit and if I do need to tank stuff, well, that's why I got a shield generator. The real use for the genetics enhancement is THIS."

She took out a small metal sphere and then, thrown it a bit. She slashed it with her free hand... cleaving it neatly into five halves which she then caught. "Genetically enhanced claws! Mixed with my training, both in terms of my body and my techniques, I can rend steel armor with my bare hands. I don't have the sheer kinetic power of Lilac's tendrils but then, being attached to my hands instead of the back of my head, they're faster and more efficient. Get me in close range and I'll cut almost anything to ribbons."

That comment, despite noit having been loud, caused Lilac in the distance to actually glared in Carol's direction. Given the green feline wasn't currently paying attention to her, the dragon narrowed her eyes, rolled her eyes, and then went back to whatever she was doing. The feline never noticed that little incident.

The claws vanished and she motionned to the Mech Blade strapped to her back. "My other really notable piece of equipment is that beauty, over there. Mech Blade, reverse-engineered off a family heirloom that the dragons gifted my bloodline with. This thing is capable of shapeshifting, normally being a huge buster sword perfect for crushing heavy armor and bust through uncooperative doors. If the need arise, I can turn it into a motorcycle for mobility or into smaller blades for combat or other uses. I love the thing, it got nearly an infinite number of uses! Lockpicking stuff with the smallest blades, using some of them as climbing picks to scale vertical surfaces, setting up traps or distractions... a lot of stuff."

"I've been considering getting a gun like big sis used to have but well..." she shrugged. "Never got the opportunity. I also got a bunch of other things but frankly, I think they aren't really that special. I may expand my arsenal later, if the opportunity and need arise."

She paused and then brought a hand to her chin. "On another hand... you do have a shield generator, right?"
Carol was actually pleasantly surprised. And that was the other thing ; she was not horrified by his show-off of military hardware. If anything, he would clearly see the shift in body language... she went from more casual to a mix of squee-ing and actually paying attention deeply. As he finished, she was grinning slightly... her gaze surprisingly sharp and focused.

"Sure! I got time!" she went, breaking her own stance for a second before resuming. It was odd, her tone went back to its normal bubbly for a second... and now, all of a sudden, it's sharp, the words quickly said, lacking its usual intonations. "Emphasis on reliability and durability over pure versability. Lack of individual versability is compensated by arsenal of weapons. Intimidation factor in play, psychological weaknesses exploited by clear military design esthetics. Emphasis on killing blows with primary weapons, secondaries for disabling. Pure destructive power is sacrificed for battlefield control. Unit might operate best as a support unit, not a frontline combatant ; psychological effects very effective if paired with conventional soldiers."

After doing her little analysis, she grinned, her serious look vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. "Quite interesting, really! As for me? Weeeell..."

She unsheated her claws, letting them glister a bit from the ambient light. "Ancient dragons performed a lot of genetics engineering and we've used a lot of creative interbreeding and selective breeding through the ages, cultivating beneficial traits when possible. I may not be as tough as a dragon but my skeletal structure is mildly reinforced, meaning that I can shrug off and survive hits that would pulp a more normal person, like Milla. Frankly, that is actually a minor detail since I prefer not getting hit and if I do need to tank stuff, well, that's why I got a shield generator. The real use for the genetics enhancement is THIS."

She took out a small metal sphere and then, thrown it a bit. She slashed it with her free hand... cleaving it neatly into five halves which she then caught. "Genetically enhanced claws! Mixed with my training, both in terms of my body and my techniques, I can rend steel armor with my bare hands. I don't have the sheer kinetic power of Lilac's tendrils but then, being attached to my hands instead of the back of my head, they're faster and more efficient. Get me in close range and I'll cut almost anything to ribbons."

That comment, despite noit having been loud, caused Lilac in the distance to actually glared in Carol's direction. Given the green feline wasn't currently paying attention to her, the dragon narrowed her eyes, rolled her eyes, and then went back to whatever she was doing. The feline never noticed that little incident.

The claws vanished and she motionned to the Mech Blade strapped to her back. "My other really notable piece of equipment is that beauty, over there. Mech Blade, reverse-engineered off a family heirloom that the dragons gifted my bloodline with. This thing is capable of shapeshifting, normally being a huge buster sword perfect for crushing heavy armor and bust through uncooperative doors. If the need arise, I can turn it into a motorcycle for mobility or into smaller blades for combat or other uses. I love the thing, it got nearly an infinite number of uses! Lockpicking stuff with the smallest blades, using some of them as climbing picks to scale vertical surfaces, setting up traps or distractions... a lot of stuff."

"I've been considering getting a gun like big sis used to have but well..." she shrugged. "Never got the opportunity. I also got a bunch of other things but frankly, I think they aren't really that special. I may expand my arsenal later, if the opportunity and need arise."

She paused and then brought a hand to her chin. "On another hand... you do have a shield generator, right?"
"Right, right." Vile said as she finished, preparing to take things in order. "This is the first time I've been told that I'm a support unit, but I see your logic. In fact, I think I'm impressed by it." He tilted his head, and let out a simple 'hmph'. "But you're assuming I work with others at all. Normally, I'm really more of a solo operative, and that changes the perspective of all those points you've raised. The ability to lay down a wide variety of shot types in varying situations, the multiple weapon systems active at once to allow for differing approaches to problems in the moment as well as laying down a heavy field of fire against significant concentrations of enemy force. The emphasis on being able to operate for extended periods by having an all-terrain reactor and heavy, redundant armor. I'm something of a one-man army when I'm alone, which is really more often than not."

"And so you're also a close range fighter. I've seen it before, and it can actually be quite effective. Usually it's some powered weapon though, I recall Sigma making use of a plasma saber himself."

He instantly perked up when he realized the time had come to talk about Carol's Mech Blade, standing that much straighter and sounding actually quite enthused. "And then your sword! I don't know what these dragons are, but hell, it sounds like they were great at their jobs. That's some incredible technology, to be able to combine and split apart at will while remaining durable enough to be used continuously as a heavy sword, and it doubles as a Ride Chaser in a can at the same time? I think I need one of those. Upsize it a little and I could bring about my Ride Armor with me wherever I go, while expanding my own close quarters options at the same time. Might have been useful when X tried to hit me with that final Charged Shot, that was too close for comfort. I'll admit, I think I might be a little jealous of that."

At her final question, he hummed thoughtfully. He tapped his chin for a moment before simply shaking his head. "Not really, no. Where I come from, energy shield technology is actually rare. Only non-physical shield I can think of is what X used during our final battle, think his VWS got that from Armored Armadillo. Either way, it helped him a little, but I had the firepower to break through it. I just rely on a lot of armor to take hits. Reinforced skeleton, reinforced plates, multiple thin ice layers that help quite a bit against plasma fire, reinforced motivators, I'm not sure I have anything that's not reinforced. But no, no shields, we could never really get them to work. Is that more tech from your dragons?"
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"Right, right." Vile said as she finished, preparing to take things in order. "This is the first time I've been told that I'm a support unit, but I see your logic. In fact, I think I'm impressed by it." He tilted his head, and let out a simple 'hmph'. "But you're assuming I work with others at all. Normally, I'm really more of a solo operative, and that changes the perspective of all those points you've raised. The ability to lay down a wide variety of shot types in varying situations, the multiple weapon systems active at once to allow for differing approaches to problems in the moment as well as laying down a heavy field of fire against significant concentrations of enemy force. The emphasis on being able to operate for extended periods by having an all-terrain reactor and heavy, redundant armor. I'm something of a one-man army when I'm alone, which is really more often than not."

"And so you're also a close range fighter. I've seen it before, and it can actually be quite effective. Usually it's some powered weapon though, I recall Sigma making use of a plasma saber himself."

He instantly perked up when he realized the time had come to talk about Carol's Mech Blade, standing that much straighter and sounding actually quite enthused. "And then your sword! I don't know what these dragons are, but hell, it sounds like they were great at their jobs. That's some incredible technology, to be able to combine and split apart at will while remaining durable enough to be used continuously as a heavy sword, and it doubles as a Ride Chaser in a can at the same time? I think I need one of those. Upsize it a little and I could bring about my Ride Armor with me wherever I go, while expanding my own close quarters options at the same time. Might have been useful when X tried to hit me with that final Charged Shot, that was too close for comfort. I'll admit, I think I might be a little jealous of that."

At her final question, he hummed thoughtfully. He tapped his chin for a moment before simply shaking his head. "Not really, no. Where I come from, energy shield technology is actually rare. Only non-physical shield I can think of is what X used during our final battle, think his VWS got that from Armored Armadillo. Either way, it helped him a little, but I had the firepower to break through it. I just rely on a lot of armor to take hits. Reinforced skeleton, reinforced plates, multiple thin ice layers that help quite a bit against plasma fire, reinforced motivators, I'm not sure I have anything that's not reinforced. But no, no shields, we could never really get them to work. Is that more tech from your dragons?"

She smirked quite a bit when he brought up the Mech Blade and his comments on it. "Awesome, isn't it? Before you get too excited, they were never mass produced and they're very difficult to reverse-engineer. And even if you were able to get one, wielding one is dangerous. You're effectively swinging around a weapon that change shape and weight distribution mid-swing. If you're not careful, you can easily crush most of your own body or even kill yourself trying to wield one. Given that most people who try to wield one without training end up killing themselves, they never really got popular. Incredibly awesome and useful if you can manage it, though!"

"As for shielding, yep, gift from the dragons. In fact, ever since I got on this world, my shield been working to keep the volcanic stuff in the air out of my lungs. I don't know how they work exactly but they create a nearly impenetrable energy shield around the user that can be customized elemental-wise. For example, when facing those lava things, Lilac switched her shield to fire-elemental, allowing her to hit them without burning herself."

She paused and then, decided to explain a bit about shields. "Shields are based off the five 'ki' elements that dragons made central to their technology. Wood, stone, metal, water, and fire. Wood govern biological processes and allows the user to regenerate whle blocking off radiation and poisons. A Stone shield will greatly reduce kinetic damage and reflect most forms of projectiles that aren't energy-based. It also allow the user to manipulate magnestism to some level. Metal give protection from piercing and slashing-type kinetic strikes as well as most forms of energy. It won't block plasma but pure electric-type energy will fail to penetrate. Water block off most forms of low temperature strikes and supply an endless amount of oxygen to the user. Finally, Fire allow the user to withstand extremely high temperatures and will block stuff like plasma. It also encase the user in what is effectively low grade plasma flames, burning anything the user is in contact with."

With that said... "As for being solo, surprising, actually. Do you have sneaking skills or abilities related to that? Or maybe enhanced mobility? The problem with trying to be an one-man army is getting ganged up upon, especially when your target got access to artillery. If you can't maintain momentum, or ensure you can dive in and out of cover, that would make you vulnerable to someone feeding your coordinates to an artillery crew or being ambushed from multiple directions."
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He sat at a kind of sort of small table with a line forming next to it, a stack of tin cups beside him as he poured drinks one after the other for anyone that came by. He'd just finished pouring someone a shot of Charge Moonshine with their Water when he noticed that Lilac was sitting alone in the corner, Carol talking with Vile. Mugman frowned slightly, Vile's been pretty nasty around him, but Mugman figured that he couldn't be all bad if he can get along with Carol.

Mugman asked an older gruff looking soldier if he could handle the drinks while he visited a friend, and headed towards the Dragon dame with a pair of cups, one with regular ol' Soda Water in case she's not much into alchahol, and a cup of Spreadshot Cider.

"You look like you could do with some company. Cider or Soda Water?" Mugman asks politely as he sits across from her, setting the cups down between them, the Cider a deep red and the Soda Water bubbling crystal clear. The Cider wasn't that strong, the hardness only adding a tint to the deep apple taste instead of overwhelming it, Mugman always appreciated beverages that didn't taste like straight moonshine. Sure he never got drunk because, well, he was a Cup, and Cup's don't get drunk unless it's the really, really hard stuff. He remembered an old Witch that offered him and Cuphead some of her Granny Ogg's Moonshine, and boy, 200% Pure Alcohol knocked them right on their behinds.

"I don't much know what you and Carol were talkin' about earlier, but I feel you've had an earful for today, so I won't ask." He commented, heading off any question about that sort of thing. He'll listen if she wanted, but he didn't feel like butting into someone's personal relationship.
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She smirked quite a bit when he brought up the Mech Blade and his comments on it. "Awesome, isn't it? Before you get too excited, they were never mass produced and they're very difficult to reverse-engineer. And even if you were able to get one, wielding one is dangerous. You're effectively swinging around a weapon that change shape and weight distribution mid-swing. If you're not careful, you can easily crush most of your own body or even kill yourself trying to wield one. Given that most people who try to wield one without training end up killing themselves, they never really got popular. Incredibly awesome and useful if you can manage it, though!"

"As for shielding, yep, gift from the dragons. In fact, ever since I got on this world, my shield been working to keep the volcanic stuff in the air out of my lungs. I don't know how they work exactly but they create a nearly impenetrable energy shield around the user that can be customized elemental-wise. For example, when facing those lava things, Lilac switched her shield to fire-elemental, allowing her to hit them without burning herself."

She paused and then, decided to explain a bit about shields. "Shields are based off the five 'ki' elements that dragons made central to their technology. Wood, stone, metal, water, and fire. Wood govern biological processes and allows the user to regenerate whle blocking off radiation and poisons. A Stone shield will greatly reduce kinetic damage and reflect most forms of projectiles that aren't energy-based. It also allow the user to manipulate magnestism to some level. Metal give protection from piercing and slashing-type kinetic strikes as well as most forms of energy. It won't block plasma but pure electric-type energy will fail to penetrate. Water block off most forms of low temperature strikes and supply an endless amount of oxygen to the user. Finally, Fire allow the user to withstand extremely high temperatures and will block stuff like plasma. It also encase the user in what is effectively low grade plasma flames, burning anything the user is in contact with."

With that said... "As for being solo, surprising, actually. Do you have sneaking skills or abilities related to that? Or maybe enhanced mobility? The problem with trying to be an one-man army is getting ganged up upon, especially when your target got access to artillery. If you can't maintain momentum, or ensure you can dive in and out of cover, that would make you vulnerable to someone feeding your coordinates to an artillery crew or being ambushed from multiple directions."
"Even so, the ability to take your transportation with you alone is worth something for your better units. Although I can understand why you never made a lot of them, that tech can't have been easy to manufacture. Mechashifting isn't something we got anywhere with, ignoring Busters. Unless you count that weird armor X had, don't know what's up with that, but the bot always had his mysteries."

He paused, ruminating on what to say about the Ki spiel. He just nodded along when the original explanation came along, and frankly he didn't quite understand it. Well, it wasn't like 'elemental' abilities were unknown to him, and if Variable systems could alter based on demand, often utilizing chips in general, then it made sense enough that these dragons did the same, choosing five basic effects to modify an array of equipment. Standardization, effectively. "That sounds a tiny bit like magic, but I think I see what they did. Still, quite impressive." He said truthfully.

Finally, it came time to talk about himself again. "Not subtle, but I do have maneuverability. First of all, there's my dash boosters. They give me a higher burst speed on the ground, and also allow me to climb fully vertical walls when combined with the standard Reploid enhanced mid-air maneuverability package. Now, secondly, while we don't have shields, we do have teleporters. They're actually very finicky, with a lot of restrictions, but they do allow me to insert onto the enemy's doorstep. It's decades old tech, actually, barely changed from the days of the Wily Wars. They relied on a beacon network though, so I can't use it here. Plus, artillery was out before, since my main fights were either against individual rogue machines, or inside hostile bases. There was an Abandoned Missile Base somewhere on one of the poles, a Subterranean Base accessed aquatically, the insides of a Prototype Weapons Plant, a New-type Airport and Sigma's Fortress itself, just to name a few. Can't exactly shell me very effectively when I'm inside a large complex that you own. That's not to say they didn't try at all, but it wasn't very effective or common. And artillery's usefulness is a little diminished if you're fully immune to shrapnel. Multiple direction ambushes in tight space are harder to get around, for those I used a combination of my dash boosters, armor, area or sweeping weapons and especially the Necro Burst if I had it active."

He gave Carol a quick look up and down, deciding to turn the tables once again. After a moment of wondering about it to himself, Vile asked his own question. "Well, now that I've got your analysis of me, what about you? What's your place on a battlefield? I have a few ideas on what it might be, but I think I want to hear it from you."
Rene Petit
The Templar followed the old woman. She wasn't horrible, she supposed, compared to the Commander, but perhaps he was being a bit harsh, as it was a running theory that the Commander was two hops and a skip from ascending into phyiscal godhood and smiting the aliens in his glorious golden form. But still, she promised food.

In the cafiteria, Rene was assulted by cooking meat. This was of course unacceptable. Was the food pyramid some forsaken artifact? Did they instead follow the food pyramid with a giant bulge? Geh. Could be the smell, but he immediatly went to the cooking areas and started to look for greens and stuff.
As Rene began making his way over to the Salad bar, Mox intercepted him, putting a hand on his shoulder and half-dragging, half guiding him over to one wall, away from the tables. The soldier frowned over his shoulder at the others, then returned his attention to his companion.

"The humans here, what do you make of them? They've got a resistance movement like we do, but none of the resources." He sharply motioned at some of the bases soldiers nearby. "Ballistics. You saw how many plasma rounds those things took, ballistics aren't going to do anything."

He grunted, pulling a pair of XCOM MRE bar's out of one of his pockets, and offering one to Rene.

"I don't know what they've got on that Angel Island of theirs, but if its the same as what they've got here, I don't see much of a chance. Though-"

Mox once more removed his helmet, continuing his tactics analysis.

"-that depends on the range of the...what were they called? Iblis? Whatever, the flying things. If those things can get across the ocean- however big it is- in any sort of numbers they should be in trouble. So, my question is-"

He pointed a finger at Rene, taking a bite of his own meal ready to eat as he did so.

"Why aren't they? Why aren't these walls surrounded by hordes of those things? Why aren't the minefields expended?"

He continued unabated, taking another bite, thinking out loud.

"Which means it must be a numbers problem. But how do you have a problem with numbers with lava monsters, and why hasn't this been exploited yet? And even then-"


He sat at a kind of sort of small table with a line forming next to it, a stack of tin cups beside him as he poured drinks one after the other for anyone that came by. He'd just finished pouring someone a shot of Charge Moonshine with their Water when he noticed that Lilac was sitting alone in the corner, Carol talking with Vile. Mugman frowned slightly, Vile's been pretty nasty around him, but Mugman figured that he couldn't be all bad if he can get along with Carol.

Mugman asked an older gruff looking soldier if he could handle the drinks while he visited a friend, and headed towards the Dragon dame with a pair of cups, one with regular ol' Soda Water in case she's not much into alchahol, and a cup of Spreadshot Cider.

"You look like you could do with some company. Cider or Soda Water?" Mugman asks politely as he sits across from her, setting the cups down between them, the Cider a deep red and the Soda Water bubbling crystal clear. The Cider wasn't that strong, the hardness only adding a tint to the deep apple taste instead of overwhelming it, Mugman always appreciated beverages that didn't taste like straight moonshine. Sure he never got drunk because, well, he was a Cup, and Cup's don't get drunk unless it's the really, really hard stuff. He remembered an old Witch that offered him and Cuphead some of her Granny Ogg's Moonshine, and boy, 200% Pure Alcohol knocked them right on their behinds.

"I don't much know what you and Carol were talkin' about earlier, but I feel you've had an earful for today, so I won't ask." He commented, heading off any question about that sort of thing. He'll listen if she wanted, but he didn't feel like butting into someone's personal relationship.

Lilac had been thinking, planning, and trying to cheer up. Which to be fair, she had been succeeding with, though she chose to remain in her corner. But thankfully, she did not have to be alone for long. She smiled at Mugman's offer.

"Soda water." Then, as he finished his comment... "It's okay. To be fair, we're not usually loud like this. We're a bit freaked out about our current situation and that comment earlier brought out old wounds."

She leaned in her seat for a moment, joining her hands behind her head. "I hope that scene we made earlier won't cause problems down the line. My current stock of crystals won't last forever and I'll need to recharge my Chargers soon. And well, it would be best if we can get all of us working together as a team as fast as possible."

"So! How about you? You got some really interesting and unique abilities. Almost like you're from a world that functions like a cartoon."

"Even so, the ability to take your transportation with you alone is worth something for your better units. Although I can understand why you never made a lot of them, that tech can't have been easy to manufacture. Mechashifting isn't something we got anywhere with, ignoring Busters. Unless you count that weird armor X had, don't know what's up with that, but the bot always had his mysteries."

He paused, ruminating on what to say about the Ki spiel. He just nodded along when the original explanation came along, and frankly he didn't quite understand it. Well, it wasn't like 'elemental' abilities were unknown to him, and if Variable systems could alter based on demand, often utilizing chips in general, then it made sense enough that these dragons did the same, choosing five basic effects to modify an array of equipment. Standardization, effectively. "That sounds a tiny bit like magic, but I think I see what they did. Still, quite impressive." He said truthfully.

Finally, it came time to talk about himself again. "Not subtle, but I do have maneuverability. First of all, there's my dash boosters. They give me a higher burst speed on the ground, and also allow me to climb fully vertical walls when combined with the standard Reploid enhanced mid-air maneuverability package. Now, secondly, while we don't have shields, we do have teleporters. They're actually very finicky, with a lot of restrictions, but they do allow me to insert onto the enemy's doorstep. It's decades old tech, actually, barely changed from the days of the Wily Wars. They relied on a beacon network though, so I can't use it here. Plus, artillery was out before, since my main fights were either against individual rogue machines, or inside hostile bases. There was an Abandoned Missile Base somewhere on one of the poles, a Subterranean Base accessed aquatically, the insides of a Prototype Weapons Plant, a New-type Airport and Sigma's Fortress itself, just to name a few. Can't exactly shell me very effectively when I'm inside a large complex that you own. That's not to say they didn't try at all, but it wasn't very effective or common. And artillery's usefulness is a little diminished if you're fully immune to shrapnel. Multiple direction ambushes in tight space are harder to get around, for those I used a combination of my dash boosters, armor, area or sweeping weapons and especially the Necro Burst if I had it active."

He gave Carol a quick look up and down, deciding to turn the tables once again. After a moment of wondering about it to himself, Vile asked his own question. "Well, now that I've got your analysis of me, what about you? What's your place on a battlefield? I have a few ideas on what it might be, but I think I want to hear it from you."

"Sure does, isn't it?" Carol said, as a reply to his comment on magic. "We technically have what many species may consider magic actually. Of course, it's not really magic since it's based on technology and that whole 'ki' thing but we do have something akin to that. Before you get too excited, manipulating the world with just your mind is hard, even with dragon tech and genetics engineering. Neera and Milla can do it without amplifiers but then, they're Oracles. Myself? Bare minimum standard to all Avalicians. You won't see me shooting big lasers from my hands anytime soon or predicting the future or anything fancy like that."

She then listened to his own maneuverability and the whole thing about Wily Wars and what not. Sounded quite interesting... Then, as he asked her, she grinned.

"Myself? Well, I'm not quite at the level Coral was, yet..." she then added as a whisper for herself alone: "Not remotely..." but then she continued aloud, as if she hadn't said that. "... but I've grown quite versatile. With my claws and the Mech Blade, I can scale almost any surface at any angry! I'm also adept at being really quiet, blending in with my surroundings, and knowing how to get lost in crowds. As a whole, more of a stealth person but my mobility was really useful during the end of the Brevon Crisis. Brevon's combined army with Shuigang's threatened to overwhelm Shang Tu's and Shang Mu's so Lilac whipped up a little plan to get around that. Given Brevon was kinda obsessed with us at that point, we boarded vehicles and then caused as much noise as possible. Once we had his attention and had Brevon's goons running after us, we disembarked and led them on a wild chase through the frozen wastes. Kept funnelling them in choke points and smashing them up. Whenever they'd try surrounding us or adapting, we were already way ahead of them. Eventually, Brevon got frustrated and tried to ram us with his personal shuttle ship thingy. We smashed it up. It was cool!"

She paused and then, dialed down on the boasting, becoming a bit serious. "I'm more about infiltration and frankly, while I'm pretty good with direct combat, we ran into problems in the Brevon Crisis whenever we needed to fight something one-on-one. I'm pretty awesome with my combat techniques but fighting dedicated massive war machines on foot kinda sucked. Likewise, ran into problems because my old motorcycle, while allowing for mobility, limited my offense. Given the flaws in my combat style and the lack of versability in open combat, I took up on the Mech Blade to fix that. As I said earlier, I am seriously considering picking up grenades and a gun. Lilac is afraid of what I might do with a gun but then, I think I'm mature enough not to kill people randomly and I've run into enough situations where I wished I had one to consider picking one up. Even Coral carried one, even if she never used it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." She rebecame a bit silly, smirking proudly. "Oh! And I think I'm also starting to make some real progress with my bloodline's famous mobility-offensive technique. They call it the Spindash!"

She grinned widely. "Our family perfected this awesome technique! You curl up, like a ball, then you channel energy, spinning really fast. Then, you release the energy and BAM! Like a living buzzsaw, shooting forward and cutting through anything in your way! It sounds silly but believe me, I've been trying to pull it off ever since I saw Coral take out a bunch of combat bots by sawing straight through them that way. Mix it up with the Mech Blade? Can you say 'whirlwind of destruction'? If we get into a fight, I got to show you!"
OOC - SV vs. Sonic '06 | Page 9

Lilac had been thinking, planning, and trying to cheer up. Which to be fair, she had been succeeding with, though she chose to remain in her corner. But thankfully, she did not have to be alone for long. She smiled at Mugman's offer.

"Soda water." Then, as he finished his comment... "It's okay. To be fair, we're not usually loud like this. We're a bit freaked out about our current situation and that comment earlier brought out old wounds."

She leaned in her seat for a moment, joining her hands behind her head. "I hope that scene we made earlier won't cause problems down the line. My current stock of crystals won't last forever and I'll need to recharge my Chargers soon. And well, it would be best if we can get all of us working together as a team as fast as possible."

"So! How about you? You got some really interesting and unique abilities. Almost like you're from a world that functions like a cartoon."

Mugman took a sip of his cider while he listened, he set it down when she asked about his home.

"Well gosh, that's what I am! When I was younger the Elder Kettle told me a story about how the Inkwell Isles were formed when God spilled his inkwell while he was painting." Mugman says before taking a sip of his Cider, thinking back on the Elder Kettle's lessons, Cuphead wasn't all that studious really, but Mugman could never do anything but listen with rapt attention to the Elder Kettle's lessons.

"My shots aren't the usual really," He says, creating a flicker of fire with a charge shot, after a few moments there's a clicking noise and it gets brighter before shaking it off by swapping to his other equipped shot "the Elder Kettle gave me the first one not long ago today from a magic potion he brewed, although I don't think it'd work too well for folks not from the Inkwell Isles." He explains, after a moment another thought occurs to him.

"Technically it's the bottles that are magical, they produce the liquor that sort of contains the energy for the shots. I'm not really all that sure on it, we haven't covered that part of the lessons on how magic works really. When I was working as a debt collector I fought a bunch of folk that were really good at it though, this one dame, Sally Stageplay. She was a pain to fight because of how good she was at using it with her parasol. Me and Cuphead must have gotten kicked out of her theater at least five times before we actually beat her. Then there's Rumor Honeybottoms, now there was a painful bee to fight, Cuphead and I fought her in her office building, and about half way into our fight with her she turned into a plane. Of course it's not all magic back home, Werner Werman's giant mechanical cat and Dr. Kharl's building sized robotic monstrosity can attest to that. Sure me and Cuphead are pretty strong with our shots, but I wouldn't want to fight most of the folks on Inkwell Isles unprepared." Mugman said, giving a few examples from his home, really, now that he's thinking about it he's honestly quite impress with himself as he remembers all that he's been through.

"Honestly, being able to shoot, jump, dash and duck aren't all that impressive in comparison to what I've seen you and your friend do." He comments as he takes a pause to drink from his cider.
And as you ruminated on such dark thoughts, the lieutenant led you downstairs several floors to the ground floor, before guiding you through another door to a wonderfully smelling kitchen, filled with the hustle and bustle of cooks preparing a shitton of meals for everyone. The smell of cooking pork, beef and chicken drowned out all the scents of man around you, letting you focus on something you could actually eat for once as Vess pulled over one of the cooks. A short whispered situation, and you were sat down at a table and a nice large slab of roasted pork was slid over to you for you to enjoy.

Meanwhile, as the argument began before her, Commander Kamera Andonov resisted the urge to rub her forhead to stave off the slight headache forming at the screaming. She wasn't sure if this sort of argument was something young ones used to do in front of their seniors, but the way they were yelling about heroics somewhat reminded her of her youth.

Silver would have an interesting reaction to this argument, she thought with an internal chuckle, before focusing upon the task at hand as it wound down.
"Yes, you haven't eaten yet have you?" she rhetorically asks, moving away from the window and toward the door. "And we'll need to prepare bunking, and find out preferences and diseases and all that fun stuff... hm, seems Vess has wandered off with your friend," she notes, moving to and poking her head out of the door. "Probably went down to the kitchen on the ground floor - they'll be preparing dinner around now. It'll be a big dinner as well, due to the supply ship from Angel Island arriving tomorrow morning. Now, I need to go talk to Vess," she concludes, stepping out of her office. "You all should follow along - easier that way."

@Dust and echoes

While they walked and milled about the cafeteria, Sam was uncharacteristically quiet. Not even the relief he felt at dodging millitary rations was visible on his face, a very serious and grave look of heavy thought obscuring all other emotions.

"You know," he finally began after he'd been poking his food a bit "It just damned on me that the multiverse theory is in effect and nothing I said back there has even the slightest chance of being true." In fact the Samurai know it wasn't true because if Shadow existed by Sonic didn't then shit was different by one hell of a margin. "So for all our sakes let's just forget ehat I said and go into this with an open mind, okay"

Not long after making his proposition he begun to vehemently curse under his breath while shovelling his food in, realizing he'd just confirmed to himself that his vacatuon had bern postponed by having moral responsibilitiee. Again!
All things considered, for a fort on the edge of a blasted wasteland, the food was actually quite good! There was a lot of meat for some reason, but enough greenery and various baked goods that everyone could find something they could, if not enjoy per se, at least eat.

From the buzz of gossip filling the area, it was obvious that this sort of feast was somewhat uncommon - but the discerning ear could pick out the reason such a feeding was happening, for near where Mugman and Lilac were talking they could hear two chef's assistants talking - apparently, the resupply ship from Angel Island would be arriving at midnight! Which, according to them, was the exact worst time it could arrive, but whatever.

@Dust and echoes
"Sure does, isn't it?" Carol said, as a reply to his comment on magic. "We technically have what many species may consider magic actually. Of course, it's not really magic since it's based on technology and that whole 'ki' thing but we do have something akin to that. Before you get too excited, manipulating the world with just your mind is hard, even with dragon tech and genetics engineering. Neera and Milla can do it without amplifiers but then, they're Oracles. Myself? Bare minimum standard to all Avalicians. You won't see me shooting big lasers from my hands anytime soon or predicting the future or anything fancy like that."

She then listened to his own maneuverability and the whole thing about Wily Wars and what not. Sounded quite interesting... Then, as he asked her, she grinned.

"Myself? Well, I'm not quite at the level Coral was, yet..." she then added as a whisper for herself alone: "Not remotely..." but then she continued aloud, as if she hadn't said that. "... but I've grown quite versatile. With my claws and the Mech Blade, I can scale almost any surface at any angry! I'm also adept at being really quiet, blending in with my surroundings, and knowing how to get lost in crowds. As a whole, more of a stealth person but my mobility was really useful during the end of the Brevon Crisis. Brevon's combined army with Shuigang's threatened to overwhelm Shang Tu's and Shang Mu's so Lilac whipped up a little plan to get around that. Given Brevon was kinda obsessed with us at that point, we boarded vehicles and then caused as much noise as possible. Once we had his attention and had Brevon's goons running after us, we disembarked and led them on a wild chase through the frozen wastes. Kept funnelling them in choke points and smashing them up. Whenever they'd try surrounding us or adapting, we were already way ahead of them. Eventually, Brevon got frustrated and tried to ram us with his personal shuttle ship thingy. We smashed it up. It was cool!"

She paused and then, dialed down on the boasting, becoming a bit serious. "I'm more about infiltration and frankly, while I'm pretty good with direct combat, we ran into problems in the Brevon Crisis whenever we needed to fight something one-on-one. I'm pretty awesome with my combat techniques but fighting dedicated massive war machines on foot kinda sucked. Likewise, ran into problems because my old motorcycle, while allowing for mobility, limited my offense. Given the flaws in my combat style and the lack of versability in open combat, I took up on the Mech Blade to fix that. As I said earlier, I am seriously considering picking up grenades and a gun. Lilac is afraid of what I might do with a gun but then, I think I'm mature enough not to kill people randomly and I've run into enough situations where I wished I had one to consider picking one up. Even Coral carried one, even if she never used it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." She rebecame a bit silly, smirking proudly. "Oh! And I think I'm also starting to make some real progress with my bloodline's famous mobility-offensive technique. They call it the Spindash!"

She grinned widely. "Our family perfected this awesome technique! You curl up, like a ball, then you channel energy, spinning really fast. Then, you release the energy and BAM! Like a living buzzsaw, shooting forward and cutting through anything in your way! It sounds silly but believe me, I've been trying to pull it off ever since I saw Coral take out a bunch of combat bots by sawing straight through them that way. Mix it up with the Mech Blade? Can you say 'whirlwind of destruction'? If we get into a fight, I got to show you!"
"Sounds like you caused a lot of mayhem back then. I quite like the sounds of that. Infiltrator or not, if what you're saying is true then you do know how to put on a hell of a show for yourself. I think I can appreciate that." He paused, comparing it to his own 'adventures' back home. Yeah, this one was fine with him, at least for a... not human but she was basically a human, just faster and also with animal features.

"As for your Spindash, it sounds familiar..." He thought for a moment, and came up with two answers. "Actually I can think of two rolling spiked balls. The self-propelled spike strip and barricade reinforcing Mechaniloid type people like to call 'Spiky', and Armored Armadillo's Armored Roller. The former... did not work in a real fight, but AA could put up a good fight. That said, he worked because his plating could shrug off a direct hit from a small artillery piece. We custom built a gun to test on him, I think, and he just laughed once the smoke cleared. He did know how to leave an impression sometimes. Real shame about the stick up his ass. Anyway, how do you deal with that issue? The one where you're moving in a straight line as a still reasonably sized target, I mean. Don't you get shot?"
All things considered, for a fort on the edge of a blasted wasteland, the food was actually quite good! There was a lot of meat for some reason, but enough greenery and various baked goods that everyone could find something they could, if not enjoy per se, at least eat.
"Also, shouldn't you be getting food about now? Pretty sure you need to eat, and I may have taken up enough of your time with this actually enjoyable conversation."
OOC - SV vs. Sonic '06 | Page 9
Mugman took a sip of his cider while he listened, he set it down when she asked about his home.

"Well gosh, that's what I am! When I was younger the Elder Kettle told me a story about how the Inkwell Isles were formed when God spilled his inkwell while he was painting." Mugman says before taking a sip of his Cider, thinking back on the Elder Kettle's lessons, Cuphead wasn't all that studious really, but Mugman could never do anything but listen with rapt attention to the Elder Kettle's lessons.

"My shots aren't the usual really," He says, creating a flicker of fire with a charge shot, after a few moments there's a clicking noise and it gets brighter before shaking it off by swapping to his other equipped shot "the Elder Kettle gave me the first one not long ago today from a magic potion he brewed, although I don't think it'd work too well for folks not from the Inkwell Isles." He explains, after a moment another thought occurs to him.

"Technically it's the bottles that are magical, they produce the liquor that sort of contains the energy for the shots. I'm not really all that sure on it, we haven't covered that part of the lessons on how magic works really. When I was working as a debt collector I fought a bunch of folk that were really good at it though, this one dame, Sally Stageplay. She was a pain to fight because of how good she was at using it with her parasol. Me and Cuphead must have gotten kicked out of her theater at least five times before we actually beat her. Then there's Rumor Honeybottoms, now there was a painful bee to fight, Cuphead and I fought her in her office building, and about half way into our fight with her she turned into a plane. Of course it's not all magic back home, Werner Werman's giant mechanical cat and Dr. Kharl's building sized robotic monstrosity can attest to that. Sure me and Cuphead are pretty strong with our shots, but I wouldn't want to fight most of the folks on Inkwell Isles unprepared." Mugman said, giving a few examples from his home, really, now that he's thinking about it he's honestly quite impress with himself as he remembers all that he's been through.

"Honestly, being able to shoot, jump, dash and duck aren't all that impressive in comparison to what I've seen you and your friend do." He comments as he takes a pause to drink from his cider.

Hearing about the story about spilled ink, it made Lilac smile. Certainly reminded her of old legends. Every world had its own legends, after all. Still, listening, she found what he said quite interesting.

"Magical, huh? Well, that's quite impressive! I got a friend, called Milla, who also has magic. She was born with those powers though and they take the form of powerful psychic blasts. She can also predict the future. If our worlds can remain in contact after we're done with this adventure, it might be nice to compare notes." Then after hearing about some of the abilities, she whistled. "Well, that sure sounds impressive! Seems your world got more advanced magic than ours does. And it really sounds like you had quite a bunch of tough fights. I'm impressed, really!"

"Sounds like you caused a lot of mayhem back then. I quite like the sounds of that. Infiltrator or not, if what you're saying is true then you do know how to put on a hell of a show for yourself. I think I can appreciate that." He paused, comparing it to his own 'adventures' back home. Yeah, this one was fine with him, at least for a... not human but she was basically a human, just faster and also with animal features.

"As for your Spindash, it sounds familiar..." He thought for a moment, and came up with two answers. "Actually I can think of two rolling spiked balls. The self-propelled spike strip and barricade reinforcing Mechaniloid type people like to call 'Spiky', and Armored Armadillo's Armored Roller. The former... did not work in a real fight, but AA could put up a good fight. That said, he worked because his plating could shrug off a direct hit from a small artillery piece. We custom built a gun to test on him, I think, and he just laughed once the smoke cleared. He did know how to leave an impression sometimes. Real shame about the stick up his ass. Anyway, how do you deal with that issue? The one where you're moving in a straight line as a still reasonably sized target, I mean. Don't you get shot?"

"Also, shouldn't you be getting food about now? Pretty sure you need to eat, and I may have taken up enough of your time with this actually enjoyable conversation."

Carol nodded. "Yep, we sure did! That's also the thing. A true ninja is versatile, able to become invisible whenever. More exactly, it's all about manipulating the battlefield and it's not because you're in plain sight that your skills become irrelevent. In fact, as my sis used to say, the really skilled ones can blend in while being in plain sight. And sometimes, that involve making the bad guys look where you want them to and listen to what you want them to."

Listening about Armored Armadillo and about the shot thing, she grinned confidently. "Oh, that one's easy! You don't go in a straight line. If you're predictable, you're gonna get shot indeed. So you dive in and out of cover, you move in an erratic, hard to predict pattern. You keep throwing off the bad guys' aim. You give a lot of contradicting signals and what not. The more confusing the situation, the better! Oh and of course, you make the baddies shoot one another."

She paused. "Still, would be nice. I COULD get a recharge later... but then, I have no idea when I'll get another opportunity for food." She ceased to be boastful for a second. "Hmmm... still feels weird for food to be so... common outside of the Three Kingdoms. Or how it surprise people when I tell them I and Lilac can survive simply through pure energy infusions, not bothering with food."

She waved goodbye to Vile for now. "Well, guess I'll get a bite then, while I have the time. Was REALLY nice speaking with you. Hope I'll get to see all of those cool weapons you have in action next time we're on the field!"