"That Golem is mine." Sam hadn't done it often, but he had taken down a Metal Gear or two before. The battles with them were some of the most exhilarating things he'd ever done. He'd gone way too long without utterly destroying a huge monster on his own. Time to acquaint this world's foodchain with Murasama.
Mugman's mind immediately focused on the leader she mentioned, a huge golem that controlled them all, was tanky, and usually took focused fire to kill? Finally something Mugman was familiar with!

"A boss? Gosh, something I know how to handle. Don't worry chief! I'll take it down!" Mugman says with confidence, won't be the first time he's fought a giant monster supported by minions before, considering the landscape, he'll probably need to use his plane.
"If you wish to try and take it down, go right ahead," the woman shrugged. While she probably doubted you could do it, she was noticably not writing off the possibility you two could.
"Heavy weapons? Aerial assets?" Rene noticed that he was dropping words. "You mention old-tech energy weapons. What do they entail?" He paused. A wide open space. Hordes of enemies. This, he decided was Not His Day.
"Three old-tech plasma launchers, with a miles worth of range. Payload area of effect around the area of the fortress. Mounted on the roof near the AA," She replied. "No aerial support yet."
"Where's the killzone?" Lilac asked quickly. "If we can lure the enemies into splitting up or snipe at the leader, it should ease on your forces' burden and give us a greater chance of getting through."
"As you should remember, outside the wall we have a mile's worth of clear space - with no cover the enemy can use. I wouldn't recommend leaving the walls though - that would be suicide."
"At least I can hold a rifle asshole." Mox half-heartedly punched the fellow soldiers shoulder. "So thats something..." He trailed off.
"If you two need any of our weapons, you can ask Vess, she'll get you suited up."
"If you two need any of our weapons, you can ask Vess, she'll get you suited up."
Rene Petit
His gut was acting up again. And the last time his gut acted up was three hours before the crazy Assassin bitch opened up said guts and left him to bleed out in the battlefield. Okay, okay, perhaps correlation does not equal causation, but shit, that stood out to him. "I don't need a rifle," Rene thought out loud, "I need more grenades." He blinked. He should probably justify that. "Look, I'm not the best shooter. But I can throw a boom rock with the best of them."
Rene Petit
His gut was acting up again. And the last time his gut acted up was three hours before the crazy Assassin bitch opened up said guts and left him to bleed out in the battlefield. Okay, okay, perhaps correlation does not equal causation, but shit, that stood out to him. "I don't need a rifle," Rene thought out loud, "I need more grenades." He blinked. He should probably justify that. "Look, I'm not the best shooter. But I can throw a boom rock with the best of them."
"Luckily, we have grenades, so you'll be well set up on that front. Vess?"

Somehow giving off the impression of rolled eyes when there were none, the fox hopped off the platform and sprinted away, only to return at a sedate walk carrying a decently large crate of grenades.

"You'll have to share them with anyone near you, of course, but still."

At that remark, Mugman snaps his fingers with a hand and pulls his plane out of his pocket, quickly expanding it.

"You do now!" He says cheerfully.
The commander blinked. She blinked again. And then, with nary a sigh, she accepted that this was a thing now.

"Capabilities of the plane?"
"Luckily, we have grenades, so you'll be well set up on that front. Vess?"

Somehow giving off the impression of rolled eyes when there were none, the fox hopped off the platform and sprinted away, only to return at a sedate walk carrying a decently large crate of grenades.

"You'll have to share them with anyone near you, of course, but still."
Rene Petit
"Danke. Arigato. Bien. Xiexie. Gracias." Rene nodded, walking forward and taking the crate from Vess. Immediatly, he plonked it down and looked. Yeah. Yeah, this should do. This should do nicely.
Lilac and Carol looked at one another and for a moment, the two of them smirked.

"A mile of free space? Got it. As for a suicide mission... wouldn't be the first time we did something qualified as such." Lilac said before turning to Pangu. "Are all systems operational?"

"Affirmative. Platform on stand-by."

Lilac walked up to the blue squid-like robot and jumped on top of it. "Activate."

There was a loud roar and the machine begun to rise up, emitters activating. Sheets of hard light begun to form up, like scales, interlocking holograms forming up a complicated, spiraling pattern. Giant horns formed up, massive tendrils, a long, serpentine form, one that was all blue and white, like one of the ancient legends from eastern lands. Soon enough, Pangu was now a massive eastern dragon, literally made of hardened light, easily being the length of a skyscraper's height and its jaws massive enough to hold a tank in its jaws. Red, glowing eyes shone upon Lilac's allies as she stood on top of the machine.

Laying down upon the dragon's head, she willed it to rise. It did so and rose up in the air, curling up into a coil-like stance. The dragoness smiled as she looked down at her allies and the commander.

"So, should I shoot anywhere in particular?"

Carol rolled her eyes and mumbled. "Show-off."

The commander blinked. She blinked again. And then, with nary a sigh, she accepted that this was a thing now.

"Capabilities of the plane?"

Mugman pauses for a moment as he thinks of all the things it can do.

"Oh, uh, it has machine guns, bombs, it's pretty agile, and once I charge it up I can shoot chomp missiles, a bunch of self guided missiles, or drop an extra large bomb." Mugman explains it, or, at least, tries to. It's kind of hard to explain what 'Charging' means in terms of how his EX shots and Super works to someone without context for it, but still.

Lilac walked up to the blue squid-like robot and jumped on top of it. "Activate."

There was a loud roar and the machine begun to rise up, emitters activating. Sheets of hard light begun to form up, like scales, interlocking holograms forming up a complicated, spiraling pattern. Giant horns formed up, massive tendrils, a long, serpentine form, one that was all blue and white, like one of the ancient legends from eastern lands. Soon enough, Pangu was now a massive eastern dragon, literally made of hardened light, easily being the length of a skyscraper's height and its jaws massive enough to hold a tank in its jaws. Red, glowing eyes shone upon Lilac's allies as she stood on top of the machine.

Laying down upon the dragon's head, she willed it to rise. It did so and rose up in the air, curling up into a coil-like stance. The dragoness smiled as she looked down at her allies and the commander.

"So, should I shoot anywhere in particular?"

Carol rolled her eyes and mumbled. "Show-off."

Mugman on seeing the gigantic dragon show up, looking like it was being painted in on the spot, he let out a long impressed whistle.

"Hot dawg, ain't that a sight." He says.
If you two need any of our weapons, you can ask Vess, she'll get you suited up."
Mox shifted uneasily, and grunted, but said nothing else. His eyes were locked on the field.
Rene Petit
His gut was acting up again. And the last time his gut acted up was three hours before the crazy Assassin bitch opened up said guts and left him to bleed out in the battlefield. Okay, okay, perhaps correlation does not equal causation, but shit, that stood out to him. "I don't need a rifle," Rene thought out loud, "I need more grenades." He blinked. He should probably justify that. "Look, I'm not the best shooter. But I can throw a boom rock with the best of them."
"Try not to bring a structure down on us this time." He chided, thought he jab felt flat. "Don't think I didn't hear the stories about Operation Shuddering Fist. What was it...a gas station?"

Carol smirked at Mugman's reaction. "Isn't it? It may not have that sweet rate of fire that your plane's guns got but that thing's energy beam is something to behold! It's awesome!"

She cracked her fingers and then, unsheated her Mech-Blade. "You intend to fight in the air with Lilac? Or you'll stay on the ground and join me, Sam, and Vile? We're going to give the baddies a warm welcome of the shooty, stabby kind."
Lilac and Carol looked at one another and for a moment, the two of them smirked.

"A mile of free space? Got it. As for a suicide mission... wouldn't be the first time we did something qualified as such." Lilac said before turning to Pangu. "Are all systems operational?"

"Affirmative. Platform on stand-by."

Lilac walked up to the blue squid-like robot and jumped on top of it. "Activate."

There was a loud roar and the machine begun to rise up, emitters activating. Sheets of hard light begun to form up, like scales, interlocking holograms forming up a complicated, spiraling pattern. Giant horns formed up, massive tendrils, a long, serpentine form, one that was all blue and white, like one of the ancient legends from eastern lands. Soon enough, Pangu was now a massive eastern dragon, literally made of hardened light, easily being the length of a skyscraper's height and its jaws massive enough to hold a tank in its jaws. Red, glowing eyes shone upon Lilac's allies as she stood on top of the machine.

Laying down upon the dragon's head, she willed it to rise. It did so and rose up in the air, curling up into a coil-like stance. The dragoness smiled as she looked down at her allies and the commander.

"So, should I shoot anywhere in particular?"

Carol rolled her eyes and mumbled. "Show-off."
To the credit of the commander, she doesn't visibly react.

The shouts of surprise and gasps of awe from the natives... were another matter entirely.

"...How powerful are it's attacks?" The commander finally asked.
Lilac smiled from atop the holographic dragon. "Its primary weapon is extremely powerful, graded against advanced shielding and deployable armors. Its sub-weapon is a rapid-fire spread shot involving energy projectiles, each one similar to a modern missile at the very least. During the Brevon Crisis, I led Pangu into an air battle with an armada of alien starfighters and state-of-the-art Shuigang fighter jets supported by a flying fortress about the size of an apartment block. I managed to come out on top."

She lost her smile. "I'm not saying I can beat the entire invasion force by myself, far from it. But I'm confident, especially with Pangu's mobility, that I'll be able to make a difference."

Mugman mulled over the thought in his head, but just because she had a huge amazing dragon didn't mean she could be in two places at once with it.

"It isn't like her dragon can be in two places at once, I'd be more useful in the air supportin' where I'm needed." Mugman replies as he leans over and starts up the rotor for his aeroplane.
Lilac smiled from atop the holographic dragon. "Its primary weapon is extremely powerful, graded against advanced shielding and deployable armors. Its sub-weapon is a rapid-fire spread shot involving energy projectiles, each one similar to a modern missile at the very least. During the Brevon Crisis, I led Pangu into an air battle with an armada of alien starfighters and state-of-the-art Shuigang fighter jets supported by a flying fortress about the size of an apartment block. I managed to come out on top."

She lost her smile. "I'm not saying I can beat the entire invasion force by myself, far from it. But I'm confident, especially with Pangu's mobility, that I'll be able to make a difference."


Mugman mulled over the thought in his head, but just because she had a huge amazing dragon didn't mean she could be in two places at once with it.

"It isn't like her dragon can be in two places at once, I'd be more useful in the air supportin' where I'm needed." Mugman replies as he leans over and starts up the rotor for his aeroplane.
"I see," the commander replied, nodding. "In that case, hold off on taking off for now - wait until the enemy gets a little closer, so you can work with our artillery and our anti-air. They're still forty minutes away, after all."


Forty Minutes Later

@Dust and echoes


For those who hadn't chosen to go to sleep for the past forty minutes, the wait... hadn't been the best. Everyone, from the people inside the walls to the people on top of the walls, could feel the air of nervousness as the beasts got closer... and closer... and closer...

Until something *beeped* on the commander's lapel as she stood on the walls, and she grunted. "They're in range. Artillery, begin bombardment; air, take off now," she commanded.

On top of the building, the three large, railgun-like weapons, obviously really old by any sane standard, crackled as energy built up within them... then unleashed their packets, at a steady pace of one every three seconds. The guns slowly swiveled on turntables pushed by soldiers, carpet-bombing the area where the monsters were.

One could see them in more detail, as well - the normal monsters, seeming to cover the near distance as they charged through the large domes of exploding energy, as well as the Iblis Takers steadily getting closer. Several of them seemed to be incinerated by a premature explosion that filled the sky with it's light, but overall they dodged most of the artillery shots with ease, seeking to cover the airspace of the fort.

For those who hadn't chosen to go to sleep for the past forty minutes, the wait... hadn't been the best. Everyone, from the people inside the walls to the people on top of the walls, could feel the air of nervousness as the beasts got closer... and closer... and closer...

Until something *beeped* on the commander's lapel as she stood on the walls, and she grunted. "They're in range. Artillery, begin bombardment; air, take off now," she commanded.

On top of the building, the three large, railgun-like weapons, obviously really old by any sane standard, crackled as energy built up within them... then unleashed their packets, at a steady pace of one every three seconds. The guns slowly swiveled on turntables pushed by soldiers, carpet-bombing the area where the monsters were.

One could see them in more detail, as well - the normal monsters, seeming to cover the near distance as they charged through the large domes of exploding energy, as well as the Iblis Takers steadily getting closer. Several of them seemed to be incinerated by a premature explosion that filled the sky with it's light, but overall they dodged most of the artillery shots with ease, seeking to cover the airspace of the fort.

Mugman's plane buzzed into life and took off quickly, orientating himself quickly in the air, he let loose and started firing with his twin machine guns at the oncoming airborne hoard, his bullets buzzing through the air at them. They have to maintain their airspace, if they lose it their defenses would be decimated.

"This fight's gonna be red hot." Mugman mutters to himself as he let's his guns blaze.
Rene Petit
Rene was placing the box of grenades on the wall when the first artillery shot fired. Slowly, he straightened. He stared out of the walls. A red tide, glowing from the hot lava, surged to meet them.

How the hell did anyone think that they could live? The armaments of the fortress suggested that this place was built to resist assults of smaller magnitude. He picked up a grenade and attached it to his belt, laughing quietly and hollowly.

Unless God came down with a few nukes he wasn't seeing a way out of this. Hell, Winter went dark! And someone catching that sneaky bugger was...

Damn. He picked up another.

Psionic energy played around his temples as he grabbed another.
Sash waited patiently for the signal and once the enemy got into range...

Pangu let out a recorded roar, stretching out. Then, after coiling itself, it shot out into the skies. Instantly, Sash led Pangu toward the west, as to not get in the way of the cannons as she lined her own shot. The jaws of the hard light creature opened and then, light gathered within. Then, a second roar was unleashed, mixed with the deafening mecahnical roar of a cannon firing.

A massive beam, blue-white in color, was fired from the holographic dragon. The electro magnetic beam was one of the ancient dragons' deadlier weapons, an energy-based weapon that disrupted the weak links in atomic structures and caused the targets to shake themselves apart. Visually, the weapon vaporized whatever it struck, slashing deep and seeping through every gap in the target of whatever it struck. It was a weapon that did not care for one's element or nature and just vaporized everything it touched ; in fact, the beam was not actually a result of the weapon proper but rather, the air around the beam glowing as it was effectively vaporized, creating a short-lived column of vacuum on the way to the target.

Pangu would do a horizontal sweep with the beam, not concentrating it proper, instead trying to spread the damage as to take down weaker creatures and taunt the group into noticing it.

On the ground, Carol looked to see if any defensive positions were unmanned ; she may not be used to using rifles but she can operate cannons and until the lava things get in range of her Mech Blade, she may as well contribute to thinning out the approaching horde.
"I see," the commander replied, nodding. "In that case, hold off on taking off for now - wait until the enemy gets a little closer, so you can work with our artillery and our anti-air. They're still forty minutes away, after all."


Forty Minutes Later

@Dust and echoes


For those who hadn't chosen to go to sleep for the past forty minutes, the wait... hadn't been the best. Everyone, from the people inside the walls to the people on top of the walls, could feel the air of nervousness as the beasts got closer... and closer... and closer...

Until something *beeped* on the commander's lapel as she stood on the walls, and she grunted. "They're in range. Artillery, begin bombardment; air, take off now," she commanded.

On top of the building, the three large, railgun-like weapons, obviously really old by any sane standard, crackled as energy built up within them... then unleashed their packets, at a steady pace of one every three seconds. The guns slowly swiveled on turntables pushed by soldiers, carpet-bombing the area where the monsters were.

One could see them in more detail, as well - the normal monsters, seeming to cover the near distance as they charged through the large domes of exploding energy, as well as the Iblis Takers steadily getting closer. Several of them seemed to be incinerated by a premature explosion that filled the sky with it's light, but overall they dodged most of the artillery shots with ease, seeking to cover the airspace of the fort.

Rene Petit
Rene was placing the box of grenades on the wall when the first artillery shot fired. Slowly, he straightened. He stared out of the walls. A red tide, glowing from the hot lava, surged to meet them.

How the hell did anyone think that they could live? The armaments of the fortress suggested that this place was built to resist assults of smaller magnitude. He picked up a grenade and attached it to his belt, laughing quietly and hollowly.

Unless God came down with a few nukes he wasn't seeing a way out of this. Hell, Winter went dark! And someone catching that sneaky bugger was...

Damn. He picked up another.

Psionic energy played around his temples as he grabbed another.

Mox had been doing what he could to help. Which turned out to be little, but it was better than doing nothing. A few pointers to some of the defenders here, a suggestion for a better fire lane there. Not that it would change much, he quickly realized, as their foe came into sight.

Except that it wasn't a foe. It was a sea. A wall. A wall that hated them, and everything they stood for.

He muttered something under his breath in alien.

Eventually he noticed Rene, the man almost mechanically grabbing grenade after grenade.

"Leave some for the others, hm? No need to be selfish." He said flatly, trying to ignore the thumping of artillery behind him.

Mugman's plane buzzed into life and took off quickly, orientating himself quickly in the air, he let loose and started firing with his twin machine guns at the oncoming airborne hoard, his bullets buzzing through the air at them. They have to maintain their airspace, if they lose it their defenses would be decimated.

"This fight's gonna be red hot." Mugman mutters to himself as he let's his guns blaze.

Sash waited patiently for the signal and once the enemy got into range...

Pangu let out a recorded roar, stretching out. Then, after coiling itself, it shot out into the skies. Instantly, Sash led Pangu toward the west, as to not get in the way of the cannons as she lined her own shot. The jaws of the hard light creature opened and then, light gathered within. Then, a second roar was unleashed, mixed with the deafening mecahnical roar of a cannon firing.

A massive beam, blue-white in color, was fired from the holographic dragon. The electro magnetic beam was one of the ancient dragons' deadlier weapons, an energy-based weapon that disrupted the weak links in atomic structures and caused the targets to shake themselves apart. Visually, the weapon vaporized whatever it struck, slashing deep and seeping through every gap in the target of whatever it struck. It was a weapon that did not care for one's element or nature and just vaporized everything it touched ; in fact, the beam was not actually a result of the weapon proper but rather, the air around the beam glowing as it was effectively vaporized, creating a short-lived column of vacuum on the way to the target.

Pangu would do a horizontal sweep with the beam, not concentrating it proper, instead trying to spread the damage as to take down weaker creatures and taunt the group into noticing it.

On the ground, Carol looked to see if any defensive positions were unmanned ; she may not be used to using rifles but she can operate cannons and until the lava things get in range of her Mech Blade, she may as well contribute to thinning out the approaching horde.
The Takers immediately fixated upon the two of you, even as your attacks struck home and obliterated and knocked down many a creature. Hissing like teakettles, they began unleashing fireballs at the two of you - fireballs easily avoided or tanked by the holo-dragon's exterior, as they seemed to lack any real solid substance to them.

More importantly, the beasts were ignoring the fortress entirely, even as their ground-bound companions got within firing range of the rifles... and entered the mine field.

The sight of such explosions eradicating a good number of the creatures brought a spark of joy to the hearts of the defenders... even if they could se the large, lumbering creature in the center of the horde, who had yet to enter the minefield.

Mox had been doing what he could to help. Which turned out to be little, but it was better than doing nothing. A few pointers to some of the defenders here, a suggestion for a better fire lane there. Not that it would change much, he quickly realized, as their foe came into sight.

Except that it wasn't a foe. It was a sea. A wall. A wall that hated them, and everything they stood for.

He muttered something under his breath in alien.

Eventually he noticed Rene, the man almost mechanically grabbing grenade after grenade.

"Leave some for the others, hm? No need to be selfish." He said flatly, trying to ignore the thumping of artillery behind him.
Rene Petit
Rene laughed, a bitter hollow sound. "You're the one to talk. So, oh great commander. Do we have a plan? Or are we gonna sit here on our asses and hope the artillery works?"

The Takers immediately fixated upon the two of you, even as your attacks struck home and obliterated and knocked down many a creature. Hissing like teakettles, they began unleashing fireballs at the two of you - fireballs easily avoided or tanked by the holo-dragon's exterior, as they seemed to lack any real solid substance to them.

More importantly, the beasts were ignoring the fortress entirely, even as their ground-bound companions got within firing range of the rifles... and entered the mine field.

The sight of such explosions eradicating a good number of the creatures brought a spark of joy to the hearts of the defenders... even if they could se the large, lumbering creature in the center of the horde, who had yet to enter the minefield.

Mugman's brows were tightly furrowed as he focused on evading the enemy attacks, vanishing into a tiny form to get out of the occasional tight spot, he fired relentlessly. It didn't matter too much if he actually killed the beasts, what mattered was that he held them up, made them a non-threat to the people down in the fort. He couldn't focus fire on the golem yet, the skies were too clogged to give him a good opportunity and it was too early to be able to put out his nuke.

So, with resolution, he grit his teeth and kept firing, doing his best to stay out of the AA's line of fire.
Well, that was exactly what she expected. Thankfully, fireballs could only fly so fast and frankly, compared to trying to shake off the target locks of multi-mach missiles and energy weapons firing beams that travel at a speed significantly close to the speed of light, this was an absolute cakewalk. The massive dragon made of light suddenly became as a blur as Pangu's emergency acceleration systems activated. Lilac held on, Pangu ensuring that she was anchored correctly. Her superior draconic physiology allowed Lilac to shrug off the G forces as Pangu went from a lazy flight speed to over mach-5.

She remembered the lessons from the Brevon Crisis ; don't stand and fight. Any large force will crush a single individual given time. Maneuver them, lead them, don't allow them a solid lock, let them smash into one another and try to aim at her through one another.

With all of the baddies on her tail, she also noticed the Golem and given what the Commander had said, quickly put two and two together. "Nice escort you got there." she muttered, smirking to herself. "Would be a shame if they went ahead chasing some nice lookin' dragoness's tail!"

The holodragon released a flurry of white fireballs, all toward the mob of lava monsters. Of course, while they looked like fireballs, they were truly unstable energy projectiles. Upon impact, each one would detonate violently, consuming all nearby energy and reducing to dust anything it collide with directly. Larger lava monsters would likely receive minor damage but smaller ones would be shattered, if not reduced to dust.

Compared to the magnetic beam, it was far less likely to deal much damage but then such wasn't the intent ; with the enemy's attention caught, Lilac intended to drive the enemies into a frenzy and then get them to try and pursue her.

Of course, she had no intention of standing and fight ; the moment the volley was launched, Pangu took off to the other side, flying erratically. With some luck, the enraged flyers will try to fly through one another and hit one another as they try to keep up.

As she passed by Mugman's plane, she called to him, Pangu using its speakers to ensure that the dragoness would be heard. "Let's get them to split up! Let's see if we can strip the big guy of his escorts and give our friends a clear shot at him!"

Back on the ground, Carol couldn't help but feel annoyed. She was so antsy. She tried to keep her focus until the time was right and even then, she still hated it.
Rene Petit
Rene laughed, a bitter hollow sound. "You're the one to talk. So, oh great commander. Do we have a plan? Or are we gonna sit here on our asses and hope the artillery works?"
Mox gave the man a sidelong glance.

"Is sitting on our asses and hoping the artillery works not a plan?"

It would have been funny, if he wasn't being serious.

"I don't know, Rene. What do they expect us to do? Even if I perfectly used one bullet to kill each enemy, I'd run out. Even if we all did, we wouldn't have enough ammo. The minefield'll help, sure but..."

He paused.

"...I don't know..."
Mox gave the man a sidelong glance.

"Is sitting on our asses and hoping the artillery works not a plan?"

It would have been funny, if he wasn't being serious.

"I don't know, Rene. What do they expect us to do? Even if I perfectly used one bullet to kill each enemy, I'd run out. Even if we all did, we wouldn't have enough ammo. The minefield'll help, sure but..."

He paused.

"...I don't know..."
Rene Petit
He could only shrug. "Eh, fuck this gloomy shit. As I call it, sitting here on our asses and watching the artilery guys do their thing isn't that bad, eh?"

Left unspoken was: if they get to the wall...
Rene Petit
He could only shrug. "Eh, fuck this gloomy shit. As I call it, sitting here on our asses and watching the artilery guys do their thing isn't that bad, eh?"

Left unspoken was: if they get to the wall...
Mox Grunted. Considering the situation, the onrushing horde, the insane stunts of the others, the uncaring masses, the gun in his hand.

He shifted uncomfortably, lowering his voice.

"Why are we even here, Rene? We owe these people nothing. Half of them are likely aliens, the other half are sympathizers. What are we doing?"