Those creatures are surprisingly smart. Frustratingly so actually, Lilac think to herself. They really didn't seem to be that smart when they faced them before. Are they a hivemind of sorts or enhanced by the lead creature? Probable. But right now, there is little time to think about such things.

Pangu spun around, not changing its trajectory and then, the sides of the holographic dragon glowed as it launched a large stream of white fireball-like projectiles at the chasing creatures. Lilac narrowed her eyes and braced herself ; varying on the results of that attack on the small flyers, she will react differently.

Glancing briefly to the sound of the deafening detonation, she see the smoke clear as Mugman unleashed an attack of his own, wiping out many of the enemies that had tried to surround him. Internally, she whistled ; for a machine that was seemingly made of very old technology, that plane of his sure pack a punch! Well, that is a good thing!

Now to focus on her part of the battle.
Some of the creatures are hit, some dodge, and all of them continue firing back at you, keeping you from focusing on the Golem.

Mugman had rode out of the blastwave with a smile and a laugh, before his smile dimmed as he saw the boss having somehow made it's way to the wall already, he'd already taken out a good chunk of the golem, so he could at least try to launch some strafing runs at the giant creature.

Gulping from his straw, he felt his body relax as his confident grin returned before giving a diving strafe from the golem's side, taking care to not fire bullets at the defenders.
You begin your dive, and begin peppering it with bullets, but the air cover protecting it almost immediately cut off what they were doing and began shooting at you - a massive wave of flame, that you could barely pull up and skim. And while you are sure it took a bit of damage from what shots hit it, it was nowhere near as much damage as you wanted to do.

At least you'd killed all those enemies with your nuke earlier.

Now, Vile was more of an expert in fortress offense then defense, but from what he did understand you shouldn't let the battering ram reach the wall. He knew it had been approaching the edge of his range just a moment ago, had he been blasting apart the lesser bugs for that long? Well, he supposed his range wasn't that long, and if it walked at a reasonable pace at its size it would close the gap fast.

"Well, now the fun really begins!" He rapidly began moving, ceasing his heavy bombardment of the regular forces below as he moved over to the Golem, peppering it with shots from the Distance Needler as he closed in. He was stable despite the shaking of the wall from the creature's titanic fists, and soon enough was standing practically right above it.

Assuming the heavy artillery pieces had been laying into it, his peashooter wouldn't be leaving a dent in it, five round burst or no. The minuscule Buster he was shooting would of course do even less still. He had to try a different approach, and see if something slightly different would work.

Well, if this thing was made of magma, maybe cooling it off would do some damage.

The Sea Dragon's Rage was just the weapon for the occasion, launching a stream of freezing gases that could eliminate the average Mechaniloid in no time at all, a powerful cannon to be sure. He put his leg on the edge of the wall, bent down and fired away, the icy flamethrower pointed right at the attacking limbs of the Golem, potentially shifting to its center of mass if any real effect was had.

If this didn't work, then frankly they were running out of options.
The mist-like stream hissed out,, erupting into a massive cloud of steam as heat warred with chill...

And from this angle, you honestly can't tell how much it's hardening. That cloud of steam probably means it is cooling.... at least a little, anyways. Really, really freaking annoying.
Xan's head whipped around as the worms exploded out, belching fire below. She didn't waste a second, or a thought that the others might turn their guns against the worms and thus her as well as she turned and leaped off the scaffolding. On the way down, she twisted the left grip of the strange belt buckle she wore as she snarled out, "AMAZON!"

/\ DELTA! /\

Whatever else the cool announcer spouted was obscured by a sudden burst of flame that erupted from the wiry homeless woman's body. It was hard to tell if she'd been hit or... what, but the backdraft erupted some 10 meters out from where she was. Smoke billowed off something as a darkly colored figure nearly two feet taller than Xan SLAMMED down on top of one Iblis Worm, a black taloned arm lashing out to grab at the mouth splits and just rip them the hell off!
That something, that almost living shadow wrapped in steam, didn't stay still long enough for anyone to get a bead - or even a good look - at it, but the way it proceeded to tear through the worms like a hot knife through butter, splattering lava and sending heads tumbling... well, no-one could argue that it wasn't damn effective.
As the worms emerged, Carol reacted with lightning speed. This was what she had been waiting for after all. She leaped at a surprising, if not ridiculous speed given her size and lack of any obvious speed enhancing technology.


She spun like a buzzsaw, hints of flames curling and flowing around her as her shield systems protected her against extreme heat. Then suddenly, there was a sudden, loud, metallic noise as she slashed with the claws from both hands.

Wild Claw. A move that transformed the sheer speed and inertia of the Super Sonic Spin attack into pure kinetic power. The attack is exceptionally violent, able to rend even advanced armor latices to ribbons as if they were nothing. Of course, given the nature of her foes, Carol had ensured her shields were active and set to Fire element to make sure that she wouldn't burn or melt herself after attacking.

She also kept track of her surroundings. She does not need to be blindsided while she's taking care of foes in front of her. Likewise, if Vile or Sam need support, she'll need to do something about that. Of course, if nothing's wrong with the others, she'll focus on the issue at hand.
Not to say Carol didn't reap her fair share of heads; these things were by no means durable, and both your attacks and the attacks of Xan were...

Well, if these were actual living creatures, let's just say there'd be a lot of blood everywhere and leave it at that.
Rene Petit
Rene did not want to deal with it. At all. In fact, Rene would have preferred to turn tail and run. He and XCOM were angry terrorists without compare, not a stand up, knock down military force. He grabbed Mox's shoulder and said, "well, o fearless leader. Your recommendation? Because this would be where we would call Firebrand to pick us up."

"Yeah..." Grunted Mox, swaying slightly as he fought to keep his balance on the shuddering wall. "But we don't have firebrand."

This was not their fight. By all means, they should have found a way to pull out by now. But by god there were people here, and their backs were against the wall. Pratal Mox would not go down without a fight.

He grimaced. "Let the heavy hitters take the big guy, help me neutralize the worms. They don't need that return fire messing them up." He grunted flatly. A good a day to die as any he supposed as he slammed another magazine home, raised his weapon and continued firing.
However, even as the worms inside the walls suddenly met a gruesome end, a sudden outcry within the walls brought forth worse news - the Golem had managed to make a hole inside!

And had... paused...?
"Right, time to cut in." Once again Murasama shot forth from its sheathe, launching the samurai into a pirouette of deadly, red winds. Once he was sure he would be unaccosted for a while, he came to a sudden halt and sheated his blade in preparation for his ploy in one smooth motion. His arms were spread wide in a boastful come-at-me gesture and a for the first time in this world's history the full power of the shit eating grin was unleashed.

"HEY, FATSO!" Sam yelled over the din of battle, clearly heard by all present "Yes, I'm talking to you, you melting-pot bellied pile of rocks! I thought Golems were supposed to be human imitations, but you'd look bad even in a political cartoon! You do make a fine chicken or pussy imitation though, with how you're avoiding me and sending those weaklings at me to die first!"
Not a single hostile was around you as you unleashed your patented Jestream SmileTM​, and as you unleashed it...

The Golem, fist recently having managed to enter the wall, pauses.

And then, it turns its front toward you, almost disbelievingly. If it had a face, you're pretty sure it's expression would be a fusion of "Are you kidding me?" and "Oh, it is on, motherfucker."

And then, it removes it's fist from the wall, and completely turns to face you.
The mist-like stream hissed out,, erupting into a massive cloud of steam as heat warred with chill...

And from this angle, you honestly can't tell how much it's hardening. That cloud of steam probably means it is cooling.... at least a little, anyways. Really, really freaking annoying.
Vile just sort of stared as the creature turned away to face a certain very brave (or perhaps very foolish) swordsman, but didn't let his mild surprise at this turn of events get in the way of his continuing assault. He kept utilizing the Sea Dragon's Rage on the Golem even as it ponderously turned, not letting up in his attacks on the titanic creature. The weapon was more than capable of eliminating robots by itself, so if he had enough time, which he didn't, it should be able to take out the Golem by itself. As it was, it would just serve to weaken it heavily, he hoped. Should it begin to chase Sam and thus move out of range, he would naturally switch to his shoulder cannon and start blasting at it from the wall. Just take it down, that's what mattered right now.
However, even as the worms inside the walls suddenly met a gruesome end, a sudden outcry within the walls brought forth worse news - the Golem had managed to make a hole inside!

And had... paused...?
Not a single hostile was around you as you unleashed your patented Jestream SmileTM, and as you unleashed it...

The Golem, fist recently having managed to enter the wall, pauses.

And then, it turns its front toward you, almost disbelievingly. If it had a face, you're pretty sure it's expression would be a fusion of "Are you kidding me?" and "Oh, it is on, motherfucker."

And then, it removes it's fist from the wall, and completely turns to face you.
Rene Petit
Rene nodded at Mox, then deployed his psi-blades. "I'll cut down any that gets close," he said. "That is, if there's any actually left. But hey, man can hope."
Some of the creatures are hit, some dodge, and all of them continue firing back at you, keeping you from focusing on the Golem.
You begin your dive, and begin peppering it with bullets, but the air cover protecting it almost immediately cut off what they were doing and began shooting at you - a massive wave of flame, that you could barely pull up and skim. And while you are sure it took a bit of damage from what shots hit it, it was nowhere near as much damage as you wanted to do.

At least you'd killed all those enemies with your nuke earlier.

The mist-like stream hissed out,, erupting into a massive cloud of steam as heat warred with chill...

And from this angle, you honestly can't tell how much it's hardening. That cloud of steam probably means it is cooling.... at least a little, anyways. Really, really freaking annoying.
That something, that almost living shadow wrapped in steam, didn't stay still long enough for anyone to get a bead - or even a good look - at it, but the way it proceeded to tear through the worms like a hot knife through butter, splattering lava and sending heads tumbling... well, no-one could argue that it wasn't damn effective.
Not to say Carol didn't reap her fair share of heads; these things were by no means durable, and both your attacks and the attacks of Xan were...

Well, if these were actual living creatures, let's just say there'd be a lot of blood everywhere and leave it at that.

However, even as the worms inside the walls suddenly met a gruesome end, a sudden outcry within the walls brought forth worse news - the Golem had managed to make a hole inside!

And had... paused...?
Not a single hostile was around you as you unleashed your patented Jestream SmileTM​, and as you unleashed it...

The Golem, fist recently having managed to enter the wall, pauses.

And then, it turns its front toward you, almost disbelievingly. If it had a face, you're pretty sure it's expression would be a fusion of "Are you kidding me?" and "Oh, it is on, motherfucker."

And then, it removes it's fist from the wall, and completely turns to face you.
The blur that had erupted from the fireball, tearing apart the worms halted as the Golem stepped in. Glowing orange eyes narrowed as they stared at the vacation guy in the... really weird armor as it decided to let him have his fun - there was still the threat of shit getting inside.

In a crack of speed, the armored thing attempted to slip through the hole the Golem had smashed open in order to hold the line against anything else coming through, ready to pounce and savage as soon as something crossed into it's line of sight.
You begin your dive, and begin peppering it with bullets, but the air cover protecting it almost immediately cut off what they were doing and began shooting at you - a massive wave of flame, that you could barely pull up and skim. And while you are sure it took a bit of damage from what shots hit it, it was nowhere near as much damage as you wanted to do.

At least you'd killed all those enemies with your nuke earlier.

Realizing that the flying enemies would prioritize protecting the boss, Mugman turned his sights from the boss back to the flying enemies. He couldn't do much to help against it with those flying beasts all over, so he'd have to keep focusing on them.

Rearing his plane around he started firing into the crowd of flying enemies.
Lilac couldn't help but marvel at how those enemies were definitely much smarter than they should be. But it was also not uniform enough ; too many followed her in what is one of the oldest and most overused feints in air combat. Charging straight up like that meant that every of the creatures following Lilac ran a very serious risk of stalling and thus losing all speed, sending them plummeting helplessly and out of control toward the ground. Worse yet, this meant that they charged with the sun in their eyes, stripping them of vision (given they make use of that and aren't hiveminded. A possibility that Lilac kept in mind).

Of course, given Pangu used advanced anti-gravity thrusters and that Lilac used Pangu's sensors to 'see', this was not an issue to her. Furthermore, higher as they were, the thinner air would make it harder for creatures using wings to fly and adjust trajectory... a problem that Pangu, using thrusters, did not suffer.

With all of the creatures having followed, the Holodragon turned around and Pangu activated its wave cannon. The dragon's eyes glowed as it roared, sweeping with what looked like a laser breath attack, in truth Pangu's cannon fire. It was a full power blast, akin to the first blast that Lilac had opened the fight with, with the attack launched in a sweeping motion as to destroy as many of the pursuers as possible. As she did this, the Holodragon's whiskers glowed and a series of bright white fireball-shaped projectiles were sent straight toward her foes on top of the laser.


Carol was managing to remain calm, somehow. The swift and brutal destruction of the small fries made the wildcat grin internally. But then as she heard the deafening noise of the wall being breached, she instinctively leaped out of the way, just in case, and saw the Golem move. Her eyes widened in fear for a moment as she found herself standing upright, intimidated... for all of a single second.
Then she heard Sam's taunt and determination flashed in her mind. She reached to her back and unsheated the Mech-Blade. The massive weapon's gears came to life as the weapon activated, a faint glow coming from the edge as she fed energy into it. She grinned.


She moved next to the cybernetic warrior's side, massive blade in hand, faint hints of flames flashing around her. Despite the obvious terror she was experienced, her gaze was collected and spoke of determination. In fact, she seemed... excited?

"Hey! Sam! It seems the big guy understood you! What do you say if we make the big guy's day a little bit more interesting, if you see what I mean?"

She stared at the Golem, eyes narrowed. Yes, it may seem stupid and foolish of her to take on the big guy himself but then, she had no illusion as to how little she'd achieve if she just tried to fight small fries all day. And who knows? If they can bring down this thing, maybe it will cause the enemy to fall into disarray and even if it doesn't, it will give them the opening to escape.

... beside, it's been a while since she fought a worthy opponent.
Not a single hostile was around you as you unleashed your patented Jestream SmileTM, and as you unleashed it...

The Golem, fist recently having managed to enter the wall, pauses.

And then, it turns its front toward you, almost disbelievingly. If it had a face, you're pretty sure it's expression would be a fusion of "Are you kidding me?" and "Oh, it is on, motherfucker."

And then, it removes it's fist from the wall, and completely turns to face you.

Sam's smile grew broader still, the dim, dust-filtered light reflecting off of his teeth in a small, detestable sparkle. "That's right. I'm your opponent, not them." He thought, pleased that the first part of his plan had worked out like a charm. Now came the harder part: actually surviving the fight with a giant out for his blood. But hey, since when had the prospect of lethal danger ever stopped him from fighting? It didn't stop him in the favelas back when he was weaker and it certainly wasn't going to stop him now.


She moved next to the cybernetic warrior's side, massive blade in hand, faint hints of flames flashing around her. Despite the obvious terror she was experienced, her gaze was collected and spoke of determination. In fact, she seemed... excited?

"Hey! Sam! It seems the big guy understood you! What do you say if we make the big guy's day a little bit more interesting, if you see what I mean?"

She stared at the Golem, eyes narrowed. Yes, it may seem stupid and foolish of her to take on the big guy himself but then, she had no illusion as to how little she'd achieve if she just tried to fight small fries all day. And who knows? If they can bring down this thing, maybe it will cause the enemy to fall into disarray and even if it doesn't, it will give them the opening to escape.

... beside, it's been a while since she fought a worthy opponent.

Sam chuckled at the proposal and casually rested Murasama over his shoulders as the other swordsman joined him. "I couldn't agree more. You know, there's only two things that I'm truly good at."

"Number one is pissing people off." He continued, subtly adjusting his stance to be ready to spring into action at any moment "Care to take a guess at what number two is?"

"Oh, I can certainly guess!" the green feline went before spreading her legs slightly and leaning forward, hands gripping the hilt of the Mech-Blade replica. She held the weapon in position, ready to act, or react, accordingly. Her ears also twitched once as she asserted the situation and the amount of noise around her ; she want to make sure none of the small fries jump either of them while they take on the big guy.

"If you lack a heat-resistant shield, make sure not to splash yourself with their blood." she warned Sam. "They're obviously not as hot as real lava but that appearance of theirs isn't for show. Wouldn't want to explain to Vile and the others that you accidentally fried yourself from successfully slicing the thing to bits!"

As for herself, so long as her shield holds, it shouldn't be a concern.

Also, just in case, she took note of the terrain. Hopefully, Lilac and Mugman will continue to make sure that as few of the fliers can give assistance as possible.
"If you lack a heat-resistant shield, make sure not to splash yourself with their blood." she warned Sam. "They're obviously not as hot as real lava but that appearance of theirs isn't for show. Wouldn't want to explain to Vile and the others that you accidentally fried yourself from successfully slicing the thing to bits!"

"I asked about that a while back. Command said that as long as I hit the rocky bits I should be fine." Which he demonstrably was, aside from a few burn marks here and there on his shirt from miniscule splatters, be it from his or their attacks. "Even if you do have armour, hitting them there may be a smart idea for you too."
Some of the creatures are hit, some dodge, and all of them continue firing back at you, keeping you from focusing on the Golem.
You begin your dive, and begin peppering it with bullets, but the air cover protecting it almost immediately cut off what they were doing and began shooting at you - a massive wave of flame, that you could barely pull up and skim. And while you are sure it took a bit of damage from what shots hit it, it was nowhere near as much damage as you wanted to do.

At least you'd killed all those enemies with your nuke earlier.

The mist-like stream hissed out,, erupting into a massive cloud of steam as heat warred with chill...

And from this angle, you honestly can't tell how much it's hardening. That cloud of steam probably means it is cooling.... at least a little, anyways. Really, really freaking annoying.
That something, that almost living shadow wrapped in steam, didn't stay still long enough for anyone to get a bead - or even a good look - at it, but the way it proceeded to tear through the worms like a hot knife through butter, splattering lava and sending heads tumbling... well, no-one could argue that it wasn't damn effective.
Not to say Carol didn't reap her fair share of heads; these things were by no means durable, and both your attacks and the attacks of Xan were...

Well, if these were actual living creatures, let's just say there'd be a lot of blood everywhere and leave it at that.

However, even as the worms inside the walls suddenly met a gruesome end, a sudden outcry within the walls brought forth worse news - the Golem had managed to make a hole inside!

And had... paused...?
Not a single hostile was around you as you unleashed your patented Jestream SmileTM​, and as you unleashed it...

The Golem, fist recently having managed to enter the wall, pauses.

And then, it turns its front toward you, almost disbelievingly. If it had a face, you're pretty sure it's expression would be a fusion of "Are you kidding me?" and "Oh, it is on, motherfucker."

And then, it removes it's fist from the wall, and completely turns to face you.

Rene Petit
Rene nodded at Mox, then deployed his psi-blades. "I'll cut down any that gets close," he said. "That is, if there's any actually left. But hey, man can hope."
Mox frowned, and shouldered his rifle again. The giant hostile had paused its attack on the wall- thanks to some...odd strategies by one of the few other humans in the group- which was good. However, before it had stopped it had made a hole in the wall, which was bad.

"Hope indeed." The soldier muttered, prepared to gun down- or attempt to gun down- anything that tried to force its way through the opening. "Hope indeed."

Realizing that the flying enemies would prioritize protecting the boss, Mugman turned his sights from the boss back to the flying enemies. He couldn't do much to help against it with those flying beasts all over, so he'd have to keep focusing on them.

Rearing his plane around he started firing into the crowd of flying enemies.
Bullets tore through wings and bodies, as you danced and weaved your way through fire and flame. From the corner of your eyes, you notice the lava raining from the slain flyers pooling into the craters below.

You have around three cards right now.
Lilac couldn't help but marvel at how those enemies were definitely much smarter than they should be. But it was also not uniform enough ; too many followed her in what is one of the oldest and most overused feints in air combat. Charging straight up like that meant that every of the creatures following Lilac ran a very serious risk of stalling and thus losing all speed, sending them plummeting helplessly and out of control toward the ground. Worse yet, this meant that they charged with the sun in their eyes, stripping them of vision (given they make use of that and aren't hiveminded. A possibility that Lilac kept in mind).

Of course, given Pangu used advanced anti-gravity thrusters and that Lilac used Pangu's sensors to 'see', this was not an issue to her. Furthermore, higher as they were, the thinner air would make it harder for creatures using wings to fly and adjust trajectory... a problem that Pangu, using thrusters, did not suffer.

With all of the creatures having followed, the Holodragon turned around and Pangu activated its wave cannon. The dragon's eyes glowed as it roared, sweeping with what looked like a laser breath attack, in truth Pangu's cannon fire. It was a full power blast, akin to the first blast that Lilac had opened the fight with, with the attack launched in a sweeping motion as to destroy as many of the pursuers as possible. As she did this, the Holodragon's whiskers glowed and a series of bright white fireball-shaped projectiles were sent straight toward her foes on top of the laser.
The blast tore through the enemies like they didn't exist, touching down well outside the fort and painting it with a line of explosions along the ground. Each fireball did clip at least one enemy, as well, leaving you with less than half the flyers who'd followed you still flapping and shooting at you.

Killing them would be a breeze.

Vile just sort of stared as the creature turned away to face a certain very brave (or perhaps very foolish) swordsman, but didn't let his mild surprise at this turn of events get in the way of his continuing assault. He kept utilizing the Sea Dragon's Rage on the Golem even as it ponderously turned, not letting up in his attacks on the titanic creature. The weapon was more than capable of eliminating robots by itself, so if he had enough time, which he didn't, it should be able to take out the Golem by itself. As it was, it would just serve to weaken it heavily, he hoped. Should it begin to chase Sam and thus move out of range, he would naturally switch to his shoulder cannon and start blasting at it from the wall. Just take it down, that's what mattered right now.
Your attack continue hitting the Golem as it lumbers toward Jetstream and... wait when did the cat get over there? Huh, must have gone through the hole in the wall.

...Which now has a bunch of the lava shark-dogs climbing all over each other to get into it. Great.
Rene Petit
Rene nodded at Mox, then deployed his psi-blades. "I'll cut down any that gets close," he said. "That is, if there's any actually left. But hey, man can hope."

Mox frowned, and shouldered his rifle again. The giant hostile had paused its attack on the wall- thanks to some...odd strategies by one of the few other humans in the group- which was good. However, before it had stopped it had made a hole in the wall, which was bad.

"Hope indeed." The soldier muttered, prepared to gun down- or attempt to gun down- anything that tried to force its way through the opening. "Hope indeed."
You both also notice the lava sharkdogs trying to pile up and get into the hole. And funnily enough, you both are close enough to intervene...

Which your proceed to do, but Mox notices that the solid rocks left behind with every Biter that either is riddled with holes, blown to bits or just trampled by its brethren are starting to form a ramp up to the hole...
The blur that had erupted from the fireball, tearing apart the worms halted as the Golem stepped in. Glowing orange eyes narrowed as they stared at the vacation guy in the... really weird armor as it decided to let him have his fun - there was still the threat of shit getting inside.

In a crack of speed, the armored thing attempted to slip through the hole the Golem had smashed open in order to hold the line against anything else coming through, ready to pounce and savage as soon as something crossed into it's line of sight.
You reach the hole in one quick bound, right as the purple cat slips out right behind you, and immediately realize that the hole is both big enough for you to fight effectively inside the wall, and large enough that if you moved beyond some of the creatures might be able to get inside.

That being said, for some reason, the lava was not actually effecting you like you'd expect - you weren't getting burnt - so that was good.
Carol was managing to remain calm, somehow. The swift and brutal destruction of the small fries made the wildcat grin internally. But then as she heard the deafening noise of the wall being breached, she instinctively leaped out of the way, just in case, and saw the Golem move. Her eyes widened in fear for a moment as she found herself standing upright, intimidated... for all of a single second.
Then she heard Sam's taunt and determination flashed in her mind. She reached to her back and unsheated the Mech-Blade. The massive weapon's gears came to life as the weapon activated, a faint glow coming from the edge as she fed energy into it. She grinned.


She moved next to the cybernetic warrior's side, massive blade in hand, faint hints of flames flashing around her. Despite the obvious terror she was experienced, her gaze was collected and spoke of determination. In fact, she seemed... excited?

"Hey! Sam! It seems the big guy understood you! What do you say if we make the big guy's day a little bit more interesting, if you see what I mean?"

She stared at the Golem, eyes narrowed. Yes, it may seem stupid and foolish of her to take on the big guy himself but then, she had no illusion as to how little she'd achieve if she just tried to fight small fries all day. And who knows? If they can bring down this thing, maybe it will cause the enemy to fall into disarray and even if it doesn't, it will give them the opening to escape.

... beside, it's been a while since she fought a worthy opponent.
To get to him, you had to slip through the wall - no problem, really, and you didn't need to spare any time to cut your way through the chaff thanks to the Spin Attack.
Also, just in case, she took note of the terrain. Hopefully, Lilac and Mugman will continue to make sure that as few of the fliers can give assistance as possible.
Once you reached Sam, well...

The battlefield was bound on one side by the craters, even now filling with the molten rock from fallen enemies both above and below, and on the other by the walls. Thus, you had a long stretch of land right by the fort to fight the thing... or you could bait it out past the craters.

A stray attack from the dragon above lit the area with a string of explosions, a decent ways from your current battlefield.
Sam chuckled at the proposal and casually rested Murasama over his shoulders as the other swordsman joined him. "I couldn't agree more. You know, there's only two things that I'm truly good at."

"Number one is pissing people off." He continued, subtly adjusting his stance to be ready to spring into action at any moment "Care to take a guess at what number two is?"

"I asked about that a while back. Command said that as long as I hit the rocky bits I should be fine." Which he demonstrably was, aside from a few burn marks here and there on his shirt from minuscule splatters, be it from his or their attacks. "Even if you do have armor, hitting them there may be a smart idea for you too."
As you'd been chatting, the Golem moves entirely away from the wall, before slowly raising it's arms...

And letting them drop strait down, smashing into the ground and sending lava-spewing cracks toward the two of you. The ground janked and broke, making footing uneven as hot magma spewed up around the two of you.

The fight was on.
You both also notice the lava sharkdogs trying to pile up and get into the hole. And funnily enough, you both are close enough to intervene...

Which your proceed to do, but Mox notices that the solid rocks left behind with every Biter that either is riddled with holes, blown to bits or just trampled by its brethren are starting to form a ramp up to the hole...
Rene Petit
"Yeah, come get some, you mangy hounds," Rene snarled, psionic force gathering in his hands in a bolt, "come're and choke." Badass one-liner thus dispensed, Rene let the bolt, a purple line of psionic-chain lightning, and charged forward.
Your attack continue hitting the Golem as it lumbers toward Jetstream and... wait when did the cat get over there? Huh, must have gone through the hole in the wall.

...Which now has a bunch of the lava shark-dogs climbing all over each other to get into it. Great.
Hmm. Maybe he should deal with the assault of animals? There was now a definite wall breach below him. Ah, they could take care of it. If they couldn't with all the troops they had, then that was on them. Vile had more important things to do, like continue big game hunting, at least until the breach let them get up on top of the wall completely, then it was definitely his problem.

Now that the Golem was suitably iced, it was time to continue the attack. He locked on, target systems helpfully highlighting potential weakpoints where he had landed hits with his icy spray, and he brought down his shoulder cannon once again to start blasting.

"Hahaha, turning your back on me? ME? I'll make sure you won't live to regret this." He began blasting away, steady pulse of rapidfire energy blasts streaking across the battlefield and towards the Golem, which was currently attacking the samurai and the cat. Hopefully, they knew to stay out of his firing line while they launched their own attacks on the creature. Otherwise, this could get ugly for them and fast.
Bullets tore through wings and bodies, as you danced and weaved your way through fire and flame. From the corner of your eyes, you notice the lava raining from the slain flyers pooling into the craters below.

You have around three cards right now.
The blast tore through the enemies like they didn't exist, touching down well outside the fort and painting it with a line of explosions along the ground. Each fireball did clip at least one enemy, as well, leaving you with less than half the flyers who'd followed you still flapping and shooting at you.

Killing them would be a breeze.

Your attack continue hitting the Golem as it lumbers toward Jetstream and... wait when did the cat get over there? Huh, must have gone through the hole in the wall.

...Which now has a bunch of the lava shark-dogs climbing all over each other to get into it. Great.

You both also notice the lava sharkdogs trying to pile up and get into the hole. And funnily enough, you both are close enough to intervene...

Which your proceed to do, but Mox notices that the solid rocks left behind with every Biter that either is riddled with holes, blown to bits or just trampled by its brethren are starting to form a ramp up to the hole...
You reach the hole in one quick bound, right as the purple cat slips out right behind you, and immediately realize that the hole is both big enough for you to fight effectively inside the wall, and large enough that if you moved beyond some of the creatures might be able to get inside.

That being said, for some reason, the lava was not actually effecting you like you'd expect - you weren't getting burnt - so that was good.

To get to him, you had to slip through the wall - no problem, really, and you didn't need to spare any time to cut your way through the chaff thanks to the Spin Attack.
Once you reached Sam, well...

The battlefield was bound on one side by the craters, even now filling with the molten rock from fallen enemies both above and below, and on the other by the walls. Thus, you had a long stretch of land right by the fort to fight the thing... or you could bait it out past the craters.

A stray attack from the dragon above lit the area with a string of explosions, a decent ways from your current battlefield.

As you'd been chatting, the Golem moves entirely away from the wall, before slowly raising it's arms...

And letting them drop strait down, smashing into the ground and sending lava-spewing cracks toward the two of you. The ground janked and broke, making footing uneven as hot magma spewed up around the two of you.

The fight was on.
Mox cursed, spraying plasma down onto the swarming throng, knowing that he was probably doing more harm then good.

"A ramp!" He bellowed. "The fuckers are forming a ramp!" He scowled. "Rene, we've got to-" But his fellow soldier wasn't there anymore.
Rene Petit
"Yeah, come get some, you mangy hounds," Rene snarled, psionic force gathering in his hands in a bolt, "come're and choke." Badass one-liner thus dispensed, Rene let the bolt, a purple line of psionic-chain lightning, and charged forward.
"Rene what are you doing?!"
Lilac was happy to see that things were going well on her side. For a fraction of a second, the dragoness diverted her attention, while she had the opportunity. She registered Mugman and how he was doing nicely ; together, they were managing to thin significantly the monsters' air support. Excellent. Given Carol and the others are doing well, this may allow them to get through.

Still, she quickly refocused ; that she's doing well doesn't mean that a dumb mistake can't swing things around. She also noticed, during her quick survey of the area, that the battle is getting a bit closer. She don't want to accidentally hit a friend with Pangu's weapons, after all.

Still, time to finish off the bad guys on her tail. She made Pangu swing around and fly in an erratic pattern, going back down. As it did, the holographic dragon roared, launched yet another flurry of bright projectiles. Lilac intended to cut through the remaining forces, dividing them and if possible, destroying what's left. If anything, this should hopefully disorganize the remaining foes enough to allow her to help out Mugman finish on his end. Once they are both done, they'll see if they can help take down that huge, threatening thing that she failed to harm earlier.


Carol didn't hesitate. Natural reflexes honed by generations of genetic adaptation, augmented by intense training (for one of such a young age anyway), kicked in and allowed her to move with precision and speed not usually associated with normal organics. As she saw the Golem telegraph its move, she was already moving. She calculated the velocity in her head and as the fists slammed down and she saw a glimpse of light, indicating the coming of a lava crack shockwave, she was already in motion.

She leaped diagonally, dodging the heavy fists and the resulting shockwaves. As she came down, she brought the heavy Mech Blade down, driving the uneven, heavy edge upon the rocky edges of the Golem's outer armor. As the Golem had a vaguely anthromorphic body structure, she guessed that there was a chance it may have such a thing as wrists. Cut off the tendons and mess up the wrists of your target and their hands become useless, making attacks involving that arm much harder if not impossible to pull off. So she aimed straight for the wrist of the monster, aiming to perform a deep, crippling cut.

She was also not dumb ; she knew that if the Golem is smart, it will likely swing its arm outward defensively to smack her away upon being struck. So even as she slashed down, she let go of the blade hilt with her right hand and rotated her frame, adjusting her position before re-grabbing the blade mid-attack. The second her shoes hit the ground, she turned the inertia of her jump around and did an explosive leap away pre-emptively, in case the Golem counter-attack.

... beside, she really would rather not get too close to the thing and given the sheer heat it produces, she'd rather not run the risk of seeing her shields drained while standing on top of molten rock. Better strike, then get away as soon as possible.

As she leaped backward, the feline glanced to her side mid-leap. Did Sam dodge successfully? Hopefully, he'll be doing well and she won't need to save him.

You know... it's odd, now that she think about it. Why is she considered the sidekick to Lilac when she's always the one saving her bacon and doing the heavy lifting during battle anyway? Well, she guess maybe not this time, as Lilac is taking care of the air support but still...
As you'd been chatting, the Golem moves entirely away from the wall, before slowly raising it's arms...

And letting them drop strait down, smashing into the ground and sending lava-spewing cracks toward the two of you. The ground janked and broke, making footing uneven as hot magma spewed up around the two of you.

The fight was on.

Carol didn't hesitate. Natural reflexes honed by generations of genetic adaptation, augmented by intense training (for one of such a young age anyway), kicked in and allowed her to move with precision and speed not usually associated with normal organics. As she saw the Golem telegraph its move, she was already moving. She calculated the velocity in her head and as the fists slammed down and she saw a glimpse of light, indicating the coming of a lava crack shockwave, she was already in motion.

She leaped diagonally, dodging the heavy fists and the resulting shockwaves. As she came down, she brought the heavy Mech Blade down, driving the uneven, heavy edge upon the rocky edges of the Golem's outer armor. As the Golem had a vaguely anthromorphic body structure, she guessed that there was a chance it may have such a thing as wrists. Cut off the tendons and mess up the wrists of your target and their hands become useless, making attacks involving that arm much harder if not impossible to pull off. So she aimed straight for the wrist of the monster, aiming to perform a deep, crippling cut.

She was also not dumb ; she knew that if the Golem is smart, it will likely swing its arm outward defensively to smack her away upon being struck. So even as she slashed down, she let go of the blade hilt with her right hand and rotated her frame, adjusting her position before re-grabbing the blade mid-attack. The second her shoes hit the ground, she turned the inertia of her jump around and did an explosive leap away pre-emptively, in case the Golem counter-attack.

... beside, she really would rather not get too close to the thing and given the sheer heat it produces, she'd rather not run the risk of seeing her shields drained while standing on top of molten rock. Better strike, then get away as soon as possible.

As she leaped backward, the feline glanced to her side mid-leap. Did Sam dodge successfully? Hopefully, he'll be doing well and she won't need to save him.

You know... it's odd, now that she think about it. Why is she considered the sidekick to Lilac when she's always the one saving her bacon and doing the heavy lifting during battle anyway? Well, she guess maybe not this time, as Lilac is taking care of the air support but still...

Sam too had been prepared for this, starting to move even earlier than Carol upon spotting the start-up of a swing. However, it was only his reflexes that were truly spectacular on this powerscale, thus he was caught in the peripheries of the eruption anyway. The ground split under his feet and Sam could feel the heat of the incoming doom radiate onto him.

The gout of flames and molten rock burst upwards and completely engulfed where Sam had been standing. The golem would probably be feeling very smug right about then; The puny human's punity had been demonstrated in the best way possible: Swiftly and brutally. Nothing that had been caught in such an attack of his had ever survived after all..-

"You know, before now you were just a holiday-ruining nuisance." Sam's voice suddenly rang out across the battlefield, sounding somewhere inbetween ticked off and amused. It was only when the pillar of flame subsided that the samurai because visible again, having stood just out of sight when he ended up cartwheeling away from danger. The only damage done to him was to his hawaii shirt, which had burned away completely now. This left his incredibly sculptured upper body open for all the world to see. "But I rather liked that shirt, so that's made this personal."

And with that he dashed forward and past the outstretched arms to assault the monstrosity's ankles. He struck with a perviously unseen visciousness, using nothing but the raw power of his body to ceaselessly cleave away at and dance circles around his opponent. With Murasama's properties, it would not be long before the beast's ankles would collapse. And then it would be as good as over.

Bullets tore through wings and bodies, as you danced and weaved your way through fire and flame. From the corner of your eyes, you notice the lava raining from the slain flyers pooling into the craters below.

You have around three cards right now.

Mugman occasionally gave wary glances at the Golem down below, from the spots of movement he could tell some of his friends were fighting it already, he thought about shooting a chomper missile down there to gnaw on the bad boss's arm but with the constant cover the fire birds have been giving it he couldn't exactly drop everything for it. Glancing back at the action he gasps and pulls his head into the cockpit, barely avoiding an errant fireball. He'd try keeping an eye on it, if he can find an opportune moment where he won't get shredded, he'll try launching a chomper missile at it. It shouldn't hurt his friends if it goes wide, but he doubted he'd miss such a large target-

His thoughts were interrupted by a series of awkwardly timed fireballs forcing him to shrink down to the size of a toy plane for a few seconds to focus on dodging.

Right now, all he can do is focus on his job and try to wipe out these birds. In all honesty, he should probably wait to have a hand full of aces before dropping his bomb on the big baddie.
You reach the hole in one quick bound, right as the purple cat slips out right behind you, and immediately realize that the hole is both big enough for you to fight effectively inside the wall, and large enough that if you moved beyond some of the creatures might be able to get inside.

That being said, for some reason, the lava was not actually effecting you like you'd expect - you weren't getting burnt - so that was good.
Delta rolled her claws before she crouched down, using her incredibly enhanced senses to feel for the next wave of Worms to approach. She wouldn't budge from that hole - in fact... it seemed these things greatest weapons actually were keeping her at maximum capacity. Didn't Haruka once say something about heat absorption...?

She didn't have time to waste pondering this as she felt the most minute tremor in her hands. Immediately, she grabbed the right handle on the strange orange-eyed belt and ripped it out, a spear erupting with a splash of ooze. Seconds later, she began spearing into the ground wildly, attempting to skewer the would-be interloper. Nothing would be coming through this hole!
Lilac was happy to see that things were going well on her side. For a fraction of a second, the dragoness diverted her attention, while she had the opportunity. She registered Mugman and how he was doing nicely ; together, they were managing to thin significantly the monsters' air support. Excellent. Given Carol and the others are doing well, this may allow them to get through.

Still, she quickly refocused ; that she's doing well doesn't mean that a dumb mistake can't swing things around. She also noticed, during her quick survey of the area, that the battle is getting a bit closer. She don't want to accidentally hit a friend with Pangu's weapons, after all.

Still, time to finish off the bad guys on her tail. She made Pangu swing around and fly in an erratic pattern, going back down. As it did, the holographic dragon roared, launched yet another flurry of bright projectiles. Lilac intended to cut through the remaining forces, dividing them and if possible, destroying what's left. If anything, this should hopefully disorganize the remaining foes enough to allow her to help out Mugman finish on his end. Once they are both done, they'll see if they can help take down that huge, threatening thing that she failed to harm earlier.
Some of your projectiles detonated early as they met fireballs, but a few of them hit their targets. Not as many as you wanted, and the thirty or so you were still targeting were still trying to gain height, but...

Huh. There seems to be somehting odd happening near the base of those mountains in the distance...

Mugman occasionally gave wary glances at the Golem down below, from the spots of movement he could tell some of his friends were fighting it already, he thought about shooting a chomper missile down there to gnaw on the bad boss's arm but with the constant cover the fire birds have been giving it he couldn't exactly drop everything for it. Glancing back at the action he gasps and pulls his head into the cockpit, barely avoiding an errant fireball. He'd try keeping an eye on it, if he can find an opportune moment where he won't get shredded, he'll try launching a chomper missile at it. It shouldn't hurt his friends if it goes wide, but he doubted he'd miss such a large target-

His thoughts were interrupted by a series of awkwardly timed fireballs forcing him to shrink down to the size of a toy plane for a few seconds to focus on dodging.

Right now, all he can do is focus on his job and try to wipe out these birds. In all honesty, he should probably wait to have a hand full of aces before dropping his bomb on the big baddie.
Bombs and bullets continued there dance, and you continue cutting your way through the enemies.

Which, to be fair, were getting chewed up into bits... there weren't really many remaining. By your estimate, there were... mm, less then thirty now, and the number was dropping fast.

Rene Petit
"Yeah, come get some, you mangy hounds," Rene snarled, psionic force gathering in his hands in a bolt, "come're and choke." Badass one-liner thus dispensed, Rene let the bolt, a purple line of psionic-chain lightning, and charged forward.
The bolt tore through its targets like wet paper, putting down at least fifteen of the creatures... as far as you could tell.
Mox cursed, spraying plasma down onto the swarming throng, knowing that he was probably doing more harm then good.

"A ramp!" He bellowed. "The fuckers are forming a ramp!" He scowled. "Rene, we've got to-" But his fellow soldier wasn't there anymore.

"Rene what are you doing?!"
You manage to kill a few, you think.
Rene Petit
"You know what!" Rene shouted back, "I am a crazy wizard who thinks charging a Sectopod is a good idea! Now witness me!"
And thus, you begin your dance.

Jaws snap as you carve your way into the horde of Biters, lava spraying everywhere as you kill, and kill, and kill, and find yourself hemmed in on all angles by beasts as others continue bypassing you for the massive hole in the wall.In front of which, a rather large crowd was growing, as they attempted to pour into it upon the ramp made of the bodies of their dead comrades. Admittedly, whatever was inside the hole was keeping them from getting through, but by the way the number was swelling there might be a break soon, if only from the weight of bodies.
Delta rolled her claws before she crouched down, using her incredibly enhanced senses to feel for the next wave of Worms to approach. She wouldn't budge from that hole - in fact... it seemed these things greatest weapons actually were keeping her at maximum capacity. Didn't Haruka once say something about heat absorption...?

She didn't have time to waste pondering this as she felt the most minute tremor in her hands. Immediately, she grabbed the right handle on the strange orange-eyed belt and ripped it out, a spear erupting with a splash of ooze. Seconds later, she began spearing into the ground wildly, attempting to skewer the would-be interloper. Nothing would be coming through this hole!
Honestly, the real trouble wasn't the Worms - though they were annoying whenever they popped up near you. No, the real danger was all the Biters trying to pour through the gap along the ramp they were forming with their bodies. Admittedly, they weren't really able to land any hits, but considering the numbers at play you'd get pushed back through sheer weight in about... five minutes, if nothing else.

Then again, five minutes is forever in a fight. There's plenty of time for something to change.
Hmm. Maybe he should deal with the assault of animals? There was now a definite wall breach below him. Ah, they could take care of it. If they couldn't with all the troops they had, then that was on them. Vile had more important things to do, like continue big game hunting, at least until the breach let them get up on top of the wall completely, then it was definitely his problem.

Now that the Golem was suitably iced, it was time to continue the attack. He locked on, target systems helpfully highlighting potential weakpoints where he had landed hits with his icy spray, and he brought down his shoulder cannon once again to start blasting.

"Hahaha, turning your back on me? ME? I'll make sure you won't live to regret this." He began blasting away, steady pulse of rapidfire energy blasts streaking across the battlefield and towards the Golem, which was currently attacking the samurai and the cat. Hopefully, they knew to stay out of his firing line while they launched their own attacks on the creature. Otherwise, this could get ugly for them and fast.



The icy patches vanished under your attacks. They... weren't doing as much as you could hope. In fact... judging by how the magma making up most of the body was moving, it seems it was soaking up your blasts and somehow replacing the lost matter.

It could... regenerate. Well damn.
Carol didn't hesitate. Natural reflexes honed by generations of genetic adaptation, augmented by intense training (for one of such a young age anyway), kicked in and allowed her to move with precision and speed not usually associated with normal organics. As she saw the Golem telegraph its move, she was already moving. She calculated the velocity in her head and as the fists slammed down and she saw a glimpse of light, indicating the coming of a lava crack shockwave, she was already in motion.

She leaped diagonally, dodging the heavy fists and the resulting shockwaves. As she came down, she brought the heavy Mech Blade down, driving the uneven, heavy edge upon the rocky edges of the Golem's outer armor. As the Golem had a vaguely anthromorphic body structure, she guessed that there was a chance it may have such a thing as wrists. Cut off the tendons and mess up the wrists of your target and their hands become useless, making attacks involving that arm much harder if not impossible to pull off. So she aimed straight for the wrist of the monster, aiming to perform a deep, crippling cut.

She was also not dumb ; she knew that if the Golem is smart, it will likely swing its arm outward defensively to smack her away upon being struck. So even as she slashed down, she let go of the blade hilt with her right hand and rotated her frame, adjusting her position before re-grabbing the blade mid-attack. The second her shoes hit the ground, she turned the inertia of her jump around and did an explosive leap away pre-emptively, in case the Golem counter-attack.

... beside, she really would rather not get too close to the thing and given the sheer heat it produces, she'd rather not run the risk of seeing her shields drained while standing on top of molten rock. Better strike, then get away as soon as possible.

As she leaped backward, the feline glanced to her side mid-leap. Did Sam dodge successfully? Hopefully, he'll be doing well and she won't need to save him.

You know... it's odd, now that she think about it. Why is she considered the sidekick to Lilac when she's always the one saving her bacon and doing the heavy lifting during battle anyway? Well, she guess maybe not this time, as Lilac is taking care of the air support but still...
The blade struck deep, as you had hoped, and you disengaged successfully, but when you managed to look back at the Golem you immediately noted it wasn't as deep as you'd wanted. And was... shrinking...?

At that point, you couldn't focus on it any longer, as the magma in the air suddenly took the opportunity to form into tendrils and lash out at you, forcing you dodge.
Sam too had been prepared for this, starting to move even earlier than Carol upon spotting the start-up of a swing. However, it was only his reflexes that were truly spectacular on this powerscale, thus he was caught in the peripheries of the eruption anyway. The ground split under his feet and Sam could feel the heat of the incoming doom radiate onto him.

The gout of flames and molten rock burst upwards and completely engulfed where Sam had been standing. The golem would probably be feeling very smug right about then; The puny human's punity had been demonstrated in the best way possible: Swiftly and brutally. Nothing that had been caught in such an attack of his had ever survived after all..-

"You know, before now you were just a holiday-ruining nuisance." Sam's voice suddenly rang out across the battlefield, sounding somewhere in between ticked off and amused. It was only when the pillar of flame subsided that the samurai because visible again, having stood just out of sight when he ended up cartwheeling away from danger. The only damage done to him was to his Hawaii shirt, which had burned away completely now. This left his incredibly sculptured upper body open for all the world to see. "But I rather liked that shirt, so that's made this personal."

And with that he dashed forward and past the outstretched arms to assault the monstrosity's ankles. He struck with a previously unseen viciousness, using nothing but the raw power of his body to ceaselessly cleave away at and dance circles around his opponent. With Murasama's properties, it would not be long before the beast's ankles would collapse. And then it would be as good as over.
Even as the scarlet blade bit deep into the magma and stone comprising the thing's legs, you immediately notice something really, really annoying - from the cracks in the ground near it's feet, a constant stream of magma was being outputted, pouring into the body and causing your strikes to be less effective as the injuries were quickly filled with lava.

Admittedly, the way the Golem was swinging at you meant you had to keep moving beyond the admittedly slow strikes, so you couldn't really stop and plan, but you now knew a way to end this fight - remove it's ability to draw lava from damaged ground into itself, and the fight would be as good as over.



The icy patches vanished under your attacks. They... weren't doing as much as you could hope. In fact... judging by how the magma making up most of the body was moving, it seems it was soaking up your blasts and somehow replacing the lost matter.

It could... regenerate. Well damn.
Vile snarled. "That's definitely not playing fair. But if you think that I'm going to give up that easily, you're sorely mistaken. Nobody gets away from me!"

He ran to a part of the wall a fair bit away from the breach and its massive concentration of Biters, and hopped over the wall. Clamping on to its side, he slid down to the bottom fairly rapidly, firing away at any Biters right below him with the Distance Needler, or if none existed taking a few potshots at some of those near the middle of the queue for the wall. Once he was on the ground, he wasted no time in heading straight for the Golem.

At close range, he could unleash more of his arsenal effectively, and maybe see if he could somehow deal with the regeneration more effectively then just overpowering it with brute force. It was far from certain, but it seemed worth a try. Certainly, it wouldn't cost him anything beyond a bit of time where he wasn't blasting it with the Longshot, but time was something he had plenty of. The fortress maybe less so, but that was their problem.
And thus, you begin your dance.

Jaws snap as you carve your way into the horde of Biters, lava spraying everywhere as you kill, and kill, and kill, and find yourself hemmed in on all angles by beasts as others continue bypassing you for the massive hole in the wall.In front of which, a rather large crowd was growing, as they attempted to pour into it upon the ramp made of the bodies of their dead comrades. Admittedly, whatever was inside the hole was keeping them from getting through, but by the way the number was
swelling there might be a break soon, if only from the weight of bodies.
Rene Petit
He was going to die here and it was going to be tucking glorious, Rene thought as he hacked madly. Lava splattered, he thew a Void Conduit at a lava thing. A delay of the inevitable. No matter. He never planned to die a peaceful death.

When his strength was spent, he charged unto the broil, raising a blade to the sky, sparks flying off.

No words. Words wouldn't help him now. Psionic strength formed spears of lightning and rained down on him.
Honestly, the real trouble wasn't the Worms - though they were annoying whenever they popped up near you. No, the real danger was all the Biters trying to pour through the gap along the ramp they were forming with their bodies. Admittedly, they weren't really able to land any hits, but considering the numbers at play you'd get pushed back through sheer weight in about... five minutes, if nothing else.

Then again, five minutes is forever in a fight. There's plenty of time for something to change.
Seeing the ramp forming, Delta decided to do something... kinda stupid, what with the lava pouring out everywhere.

The only way to really stop this would be to bust down the ramp... and that's what the cobra-like humanoid set off to do.

Still using the spear, she attempted to stab into and fling already dead bodies back at their brethren from the lowest point, hoping to destabilize the ramp.

She hissed out from the unbearable heat still coming from those bodies, but it was more discomfort than actual pain for the moment. Even if it did become pain, though, she'd still continue in order to slow the breach.
Lilac was satisfied with how the fight was going on her end. Those flyers were obviously either relying on quantity over quality, used to have anti-air support to function, or were just plain unprepared for an opponent such as her. Checking quickly, she was satisfied to seeing Mugman doing well. While his aeroplane didn't have the sheer speed that Pangu had, she couldn't help but whistle internally at the sheer destruction it unleashed. For something that rely on mere kinetic guns and old-school bombs, that thing sure packs a wallop! Mugman is also obviously quite the skilled pilot despite his youthful appearance.

Still, even as she swung Pangu around in a spiral manner, launching another volley of shots at her foes, something caught her attention in the distance. As a dragon, she had keen senses and reflexes far beyond that of the average person, allowing her to notice small details with ease. Normally, in her everyday life, she blocked out most of what she perceived. Else she would never be able to sleep, focus on things she liked, or pay attention while watching TV. But during battle, she ceased to block things out and allowed the sheer flood of information to pour into her mind.

In the heat of battle, most people would not notice that tiny detail, how something was going on in a distant mountain. But as a dragon, Lilac did notice it. And she briefly glanced, in-between attacks, focusing her eyes for a second to try and see what was going on. Just in case, she sent a command to Pangu and sent a scanner pulse toward the distance. Was that a trick of the light? Or is something going on in the distance?


Carol landed away from the fire and magma, initially thrilled at dealing damage to her opponent. But just as adrenaline flowed from battle, she saw the strike going straight for Sam.

"LOOK OUT!" She intended to just warn him. Instead, due to unplanned panic, her voice turned out rather louder and higher-pitched than expected. Oh and looking utterly panicked and terrified hadn't been her intention either. She noticed the voice bit, which caused her to feel annoyed at herself for a fraction of a second, and never noticed the latter, because she was too busy focusing on Sam and then on trying to not get too focused on Sam.

Which was all good because she had to put some more distance between herself and the cranky giant doom thing. Much to her relief, Sam turned out unharmed. She did not intend to smile that much at this revelation but well, relief is relief. And well, as she saw Vile also join in with ice attacks, she was certain that given the foe seemed unshielded and unprotected, that they were getting somewhere.

... then the dumb thing shrugged off all of it and regenerated.

"Great. Just great. The thing regenerates. Just what we needed." muttered Carol angrily under her breath, swinging her Mech Blade and preparing for a new strike. However, even as she did so, she glanced about for any nearby exits. Just in case. After all, while she don't doubt that this thing's regeneration can be beaten by targetting a weak point or just plain overwhelming it with brute force, she does not think that they may have the opportunity to hang around to test that theory.

Better safe than sorry.
The bolt tore through its targets like wet paper, putting down at least fifteen of the creatures... as far as you could tell.
You manage to kill a few, you think.
And thus, you begin your dance.

Jaws snap as you carve your way into the horde of Biters, lava spraying everywhere as you kill, and kill, and kill, and find yourself hemmed in on all angles by beasts as others continue bypassing you for the massive hole in the wall.In front of which, a rather large crowd was growing, as they attempted to pour into it upon the ramp made of the bodies of their dead comrades. Admittedly, whatever was inside the hole was keeping them from getting through, but by the way the number was swelling there might be a break soon, if only from the weight of bodies.

Rene Petit
He was going to die here and it was going to be tucking glorious, Rene thought as he hacked madly. Lava splattered, he thew a Void Conduit at a lava thing. A delay of the inevitable. No matter. He never planned to die a peaceful death.

When his strength was spent, he charged unto the broil, raising a blade to the sky, sparks flying off.

No words. Words wouldn't help him now. Psionic strength formed spears of lightning and rained down on him.
"Reeeeene!" Bellowed Mox. "You crazy fucker don't you-" But the soldier cut himself off. No there, was no alternative. The line had to hold, and Rene was doing that how he figured was best. Mox could think up no better plan. Other than- of course- do what he could to help.

Roaring, he advanced after his companion, spraying what little ammo he had left, tossing grenades. The air shimmered around him as his enhanced physiology went into overdrive, dumping every last ounce of chemical stimulants and combat pheromones into his bloodstream and the air around him. His veins carried as much organic liquid as they did chemicals, burning through his body like rivers of fire. Pain dampeners, adrenaline, combat enhancers. Enough to kill a normal man. Enough to kill Mox, albeit, slower.

His SMG burned in his hands, components melting as he emptied magazine after magazine. And once that ran out, he tossed the ruined weapon aside and pumped his right fist, the bladed claw there snapping into place with a heavy thunk. He might have been bellowing, he could no longer hear anything beyond the pounding in his ears.

There would be no evacuation, this he had realized long ago. There would be nothing to evacuate. Nowhere to evacuate to. There was just the line in the sand. A line that he would die on the wrong side of. The thought seemed natural.